Peer Tutoring and Its' Effect On Grade 7 Students in Mathematics On Understanding Integers and Their Operation

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Republic of the Philippines

Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa Sr. Memorial State College of Agriculture and

Cabitan, Mandaon, Masbate

Peer Tutoring and its’ Effect on Grade 7

Students in Mathematics on
Understanding Integers and Their

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S.S.A. 2019
Peer Tutoring and its’ Effect on Grade 7
Students in Mathematics on
Understanding Integers and Their
Shirley S. Antipolo


The teaching of Mathematics is enjoyable. This is true when the performance of the students is
satisfactory or better. Otherwise it is frustrating.

In spite of the researcher’s long years of teaching experience, exposure to trainings and
seminars, giving pieces of advice and motivations to students, using simple language and different
techniques and strategies, still many students have poor performance. (Vasay, 2010)

Many students enter high school level with severe gaps in their concepts and skills in
mathematics. One of these basic foundational knowledge and skills is the integers, a necessary
prerequisite skill to solve equations. Performing operations on integers involves signs of the numbers
and the signs of required operation. This makes students get confused and struggle when asked to
perform operations on integers (Muñoz, 2010). Techniques were conceived to improve the situation and
peer tutoring was used.

Problem Statement

The main purpose of this study was to look at the Grade 7 students’ performance on
understanding of integers and their operation. Specifically, it sought to answer the following:

1. What is the performance of the students in operation of integer?

a. prior to the peer tutoring
b. after the peer tutoring
2. Is there a significant difference between the students’ performance before and after the

S.S.A. 2019

Peer tutoring provides a low-cost, research-supported method to improve academics( The

Access Center; Cone, 2002,Colvin, 2007, Hooper and Walker, 2002; Stenhoff and Lignugaris, 2007).
Additionally peer tutoring offers encouragement to students to do their best which may help improve
grades but may also increase the self-esteem of students who may not be doing well in academics.

( MacIver and Plank, 1996). Vygotsky (1978) suggested that in order for learning to take place, people
should talk and interact with each other. People naturally learn from each other and work cooperatively
in their everyday lives. Vygotsky viewed cooperative learning approach as important part of a process
which leads to the social construction of knowledge.

The process of implementing a peer tutoring in the study.

1) The teacher conduct a test on operation of integers.

2) The teacher select the student who got the passing score and assign as a tutor.
3) The teacher trains students on the process of peer tutoring and strategies for fulfilling their role
of tutor or tutee.
4) The teacher assigns partners.
5) Students retrieve their tutoring materials prepared by the teacher.
6) The teacher circulates around the room, monitoring and providing feedback
7) The teacher conduct an assessment to the tutee to assess learning.

S.S.A. 2019

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