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Participants’ Number : 19070915710022

Name : Ulises Esterlina Sinaga

School : SMK Swasta Clemen Tapiannauli

Task 2 KB 3
Answer the questions below to check your comprehension about the social function, text
structures, and the lexico-grammatical features of analytical exposition texts.

Questions: Answers:
1. Where can you probably find the 1. Newspaper article, magazine, academic lecturer.
first text to read? 2. Academic lecturer, magazine
2. Where can you probably find the
second text to read? 3. Politician, State official, academic people
3. Who might be interested in
reading the first text? 4. As our society is striving to make adjustments to
4. In text 2, which sentence is the decline in literacy skills, new ways of
stating the writer’s position to learning and teaching are being explored,
introduce his ideas? educators are becoming interested in exploring
the educational potential of television.
5. he writer presents arguments or opinions that
support the main idea of the text.
5. How does the writer of text 2
arrange his ideas in the text? 6. Yes, it does

6. Does the writer of text 1

7. use ‘the present tenses’ to write 7. . Text 1 : First, Similarly, Finally, otherwise,
his ideas in the text? Thus,
Can you identify the internal Text 2. : First, Second, because, moreover,
conjunction and causal because of, Final.
conjuntion in both texts?
Write them in your answers.

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