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Quiz 1

1. An OPEN system will allow ______________________________________.

 A) matter and energy to be exchanged

2. The concept of uniformitarianism tell us that ______________________.

 B) the processes in the past are the same to those of the present.

3. Given scientists' current understanding of the formation of the Moon, how might the
composition of the Moon compare to that of the Earth?
 D) The composition is the the same, both are mainly made of basalt.

4. Why are meteorites of such interest to geoscientists?

 C) They pinpoint to the creation of the Earth.

5. Impact craters cover the surface of large parts of other terrestrial bodies in the solar
system such as Mars and the Moon. Why don't we see many covering Earth's surface?
 D) most craters are eroded away.

6. The ______ is the innermost compositional layer of the solid Earth.

 E) core

7. An isolated sytem allows matter and energy to be exchanged freely.

 False

8. Through the process of condensation and accretion, the formation of Earth and other
planetary bodies was essentially complete 4.6 million years ago.
 False

9. The innermost planets of the solar system are also referred to as the rocky or terrestrial
planets, because of their similarities to Earth.
 True

10. The upper mantle forms the outer most compositional layer of the solid Earth.
 False

11. The rock cycle describes the movement and interactions of large segments of Earth's
 False
12. A __________ system allows the interchange of only energy, but not matter.

13. Scientists distinguish three kinds of systems: isolated, closed, and ______.

14. The four open subsystems of the Earth system are the lithosphere, hydrosphere,
atmosphere, and ______.

15. The ______ cycle circulates water through various reservoirs: the ocean, the
atmosphere, the lithosphere and the biosphere.

16. The _________ cycle is defined as: the set of crustal processes that form new rock,
modify it, transport it, and break it down.

17. The _____________cycle is defined as: movements and interactions in the geosphere
and the internal Earth processes that drive them.

18. The growth process in which bits of solid matter gradually gathered together to form
the planets is called ______.

19. The middle compositional layer of Earth, the______, lies between the core and the
 mantle

20. The concept of ______ holds that the processes governing the Earth system today
have operated in a similar manner throughout geologic time.
 uniformitarianism

21. __________ _____________ is concerned with the processes and the materials that
compose the Earth.
 Physical geology

22. ____________ ____________, is concerned with the sequence of geologic events

that have occurred in the past, through the study of fossils.
 Historical geology

22. What are the subsystems of the Earth system?

 The hydrosphere, the lithosphere, the atmosphere, and the biosphere
23. Rivers, lakes, ponds, glaciers, ground water and the oceans are the reservoirs of the
______________ ____________ .
 hydrological cycle

24. When volcanoes erupt, the lava provides with nutrients to the soil. This type of
interaction is between the _________________________
 lithosphere and biosphere

25. Geysers are produced when rain water percolates the surface and gets heated by
magma that boils this water, then this water resurfaces as a column of steam and hot
water. This type of interaction is between the
 hydrosphere and lithosphere

26. How much percentage of the Earth is solid?

 1%

27. What is the temperature that magma usually has inside a volcano?
 2,000 to 10,000 degrees Celsius

28. How many active volcanoes do we have on Earth at this time?

 1,500

29. What wa the biggest explosion that we had in modern times?

 Tambora in 1,815

30. What are the names of the three volcanoes discussed in lenght in the video?
 1) Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland 2) Vesuvius, Italy 3) Yelowstone, US
31. In the illustration below, which of the three models depicts an “closed system?”
 Model B

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