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44 Philippine species at risk of

By Anna Bueno
Updated 16:35 PM PHT Thu, February 7, 2019

Tawilis was recently classified as an endangered species by the International Union for
Conservation of Nature. Illustration by JL JAVIER

Manila (CNN Philippines Life) — It’s not just tawilis.

The Philippines is home to an enviable bounty of flora and fauna, many of which are
consumed as food. What we consider food may be gone in the next few years,
however, as displayed by recent news on the tawilis, now an endangered species.

In fact, a number of resident species — which are cultivated or hunted as food —

may be heading to extinction, like the critically endangered tamaraw and the Visayan
warty pig. Arabica coffee, the Pacific bluefin tuna, some species of lapu-lapu, and
the pili nut are also vulnerable. Partly due to human consumption, sea turtles (like
the green and loggerhead turtle) remain endangered.

There are many ways to conserve and protect these species. But the first step to
conservation is understanding the extent of these species’ decline, in order to arrive
at solutions with more impact.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), in assessing the species
above, does not use the terms “critically endangered,” “endangered,” or “vulnerable”
loosely: they represent specific and definable risk levels in a spectrum, divided into
nine categories in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species:

Not Evaluated: species yet to be assessed.

Data Deficient: species that are well-studied, but lacking appropriate data on
distribution and/or abundance.

Least Concern: species that may face declining populations or threats, but not the
level required of a threatened (i.e. vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered)
listing. “Least concern” is understood in terms of extinction risk, but does not negate
the need for conservation.

Near Threatened: Species that do not qualify, but are nevertheless in danger of
becoming threatened, i.e. vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered, if
conservation efforts cease.
Vulnerable: Any of the following: a projected population decline of greater than 30
percent over the next 10 years or three generations; a global range of less than
20,000 square kilometers; a stable global population size of less than 1,000

Endangered: Any of the following: a projected population decline of greater than 50

percent over the next 10 years or three generations; a global range of less than
5,000 square kilometers; a stable global population size of less than 250 individuals.

Critically Endangered: Any of the following: a projected population decline of

greater than 80 percent over the next 10 years or three generations; a global range
of less than 100 square kilometers; a stable global population size of less than 50

Extinct in the Wild: Species that have been extirpated (rooted out) from their
natural habitat and now live only in captivity.

Extinct: Species of which the last individual has died, without reasonable doubt.

A more thorough discussion of the IUCN guidelines for classifying a species may be
found here.

CNN Philippines Life compiled a list of several species (including tawilis) that are at
risk and are either endemic to or a resident of the Philippines. There are many other
threatened species in the Philippines; but this list focuses on species eaten as food
and whose populations are decreasing or unknown.

The list and the data that follows are generally based on the IUCN Red List and cited
studies therein.
Scientists have been reporting for years that wild arabica subpopulations are on the decline, due to
deforestation, climate change, genetic erosion, pests, and diseases.
Arabica coffee

IUCN Red List Classification: Endangered

There are 124 known coffee species; 60 percent of which is in danger of extinction,
including arabica, which is grown locally. Arabica constitutes majority of the global
coffee trade. While our main output is robusta, if you drink coffee from the Cordilleras
(or anything grown in higher altitudes), it’s probably arabica.

Scientists have been reporting for years that wild arabica subpopulations are on the
decline, due to deforestation, climate change, genetic erosion, pests, and diseases.
The problem is that the causes for decline have not ceased, with climate change
posing the biggest threat both for cultivated and wild arabica species.

Preserving wild subpopulations are especially important: they hold the key to coffee
sustainability, as cross-breeding these species with others may produce plants that
are more resilient to climate change, pests, and diseases. These wild species must
be preserved in their natural habitat; better facilities and mechanisms are required
for coffee species cultivated outside of their areas of origin.


IUCN Red List Classification: Vulnerable

The catmon tree bears fruit and is found only in the Philippines. The fruit is used as
vinegar and fish flavoring, as well as for achara and jams. As a medicinal plant, the
fruit’s juice is mixed with sugar to treat cough. The wood from the tree is used for
timber; it is also a popular ornamental plant.

Logging and wood harvesting and ecosystem degradation threaten the catmon, thus
necessitating conservation efforts. More research is needed, however, to concretely
identify risks and conservation actions for this species.

The pili nut, a typical pasalubong fare, has been classified as vulnerable for population decline. Photo from
Pili nut

IUCN Red List Classification: Vulnerable

The pili only grows in the Philippines, and is known for its rich buttery flavor when
roasted. The typical pasalubong fare, however, has been classified as vulnerable for
population decline. Its last date of assessment in the IUCN Red List is 1998; as with
the catmon, more research is needed to identify specific threats and conservation
actions for the pili.


IUCN Red List Classification: Vulnerable

Pajo looks like a small mango, but is distinct from it. It may be found in northern and
central Philippines, but the species is not abundant anywhere, and timber is only
available in small quantities. In the Philippines, fruits are available between March to
May, and are often pickled to be served later on with fish or meat, eaten in salads, or
on its own with salt. While it is not grown commercially, it is used as rootstock for the

While more research is needed on this species, its population is threatened because
of logging and wood harvesting, and its use as a non-timber crop and in livestock

Declining populations for sea turtles are attributed largely to human activity. Photo by CHANG CASAL
Sea turtle

IUCN Red List Classification: Endangered (green turtle); Vulnerable (loggerhead

turtle, leatherback turtle, Olive Ridley turtle)

Five of seven marine turtle species are found in the Philippines; all of them are
threatened. Four of them (as listed above) are hunted for their eggs and meat,
considered as delicacies. The reasons for their decline vary, since sea turtles are
found globally. What’s certain, however, is declining populations for sea turtles are
attributed largely to human activity, and mitigation measures — including
international cooperation — must be directed towards addressing these causes.

For the green turtle, it’s the overexploitation of eggs and adult females in nesting
beaches, and for juveniles and males, in foraging areas. Pollution of marine habitats
also contributes to the decline.

The leatherback turtle is most affected by bycatch (incidental capture in fisheries),

followed by human consumption and coastal development. The loggerhead is
affected by the same causes, as well as coastal development, pollution, and climate
The Olive Ridley, the most abundant sea turtle, battles the impacts of egg harvest,
direct take of adults, bycatch, habitat degradation (including that caused by climate
change), and diseases such as fibropapilloma.

Bombon sardine (Tawilis)

IUCN Red List Classification: Endangered

Population decline and decreasing area of occupancy classified the tawilis as

endangered. While it is a dominant fish species in Taal Lake —– the only freshwater
sardine species in the world —– overfishing, illegal fishing, the proliferation of fish
cages, and deteriorating water quality have been observed along with its decline.
The introduction of non-native piscivores (fish-eating animals, e.g. tilapia) also
contributes to the decreasing tawilis stock.

Despite various conservation measures in place, the tawilis was still assessed at
risk, leading the IUCN to recommend that “local government agencies should be
more active in the implementation of various laws on lake management and

Shark finning renders sharks unable to swim or breathe, leading to their death.

IUCN Red List Classification: Endangered (Scalloped hammerhead shark, great

hammerhead shark, winghead shark, zebra shark); Vulnerable (oceanic whitetip
shark, Philippine spurdog shark, silvertip shark, bottlenose wedgefish, silky
shark, snaggletooth shark); Near Threatened (Blue shark, tiger shark, blacktip shark, grey
carpetshark, bull shark,graceful shark)
The toxic delicacy of shark fin causes ecosystem chaos, as nearly 60 percent of its
species are threatened with extinction. Populations of species, like the endangered
hammerheads and the vulnerable oceanic whitetip, have declined by as much as 90
percent in recent years due to the aggressive trading in shark fins. In Chinese
culture, shark fin consumption is tied to prestige and wealth.

While bycatch affects populations, it is intense hunting pressure that drives the
decline of most shark species. Shark finning renders sharks unable to swim or
breathe, leading to their death. The biggest shark fin trading hub, as consistently
cited in studies, is Hong Kong.

The shark is valued not only for its fins, but also its flesh (the liver is a source of oil).
International treaties have put in place several conservation measures, but in some
cases of species less at risk, hunting is unregulated. More research is also needed
for some species to identify the extent of population declines.

Grouper (Lapu-lapu)

IUCN Red List Classification: Vulnerable (squaretail coral grouper, camouflage

grouper, brown-marbled grouper); Least Concern (leopard coral grouper, highfin
grouper, white-dotted grouper, orange-spotted grouper, Malabar grouper)

Overfishing threatens the decreasing population of lapu-lapu, valued as a local

delicacy. It is heavily targeted for the live reef food fish trade in Hong Kong and other
parts of China, with the Philippines as a major source. Other threats include
degradation of seagrass beds and reefs due to climate change and coastal

To prevent further population decline, the IUCN recommends focusing actions on

conserving and monitoring spawning aggregations (or a grouping of fish species in
high densities, for purposes of reproduction), reducing overfishing, and strict
enforcement of existing management plans.


IUCN Red List Classification: Vulnerable (Pacific bluefin tuna); Near Threatened
(Yellowfin tuna, albacore tuna)

The Pacific bluefin tuna has the highest value of any tuna species for use as
sashimi, and it is one of the most important commercial species. Japan catches the
majority of this tuna, followed by Mexico, US, Korea, and Chinese Taipei. Its
population is on the decline, with purse seine fleets on the West Pacific Ocean (near
Asia and Australia) making the most impact on stock, for capturing mostly juvenile
fishes. Thus, conservation efforts directed at decreasing catch for species at juvenile

The yellowfin is also an important commercial species; the second most important
for canning. The albacore tuna is also marketed mainly as canned white meat tuna.
While both species are only near threatened, their population is declining due to
overfishing to meet human demands.

The Calamian deer's continuing decline is attributed to hunting, human settlement, and agricultural
expansion in its habitats. Photo from SCOTT HANKO/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS
Calamian and Philippine spotted deer

IUCN Red List Classification: Endangered (Calamian deer, Philippine spotted deer)

The Calamian deer may only be found in Busuanga, Calauit, Culion, Marily, and
Dimaquiat islands in Palawan, altogether making the extent of its occurrence less
than 5,000 square kilometers. Continuing decline is attributed to hunting, human
settlement, and agricultural expansion in its habitats. The resettlement of Yolanda
victims and squatting of outsiders in Busuanga also puts pressure on its habitat.

The Philippine spotted deer may only be found in the Western Visayas islands, now
restricted to Panay’s Mount Badja — Mount Baloy area, and some remaining forests
in Negros. Aside from having a limited range, the species is declining because of
habitat conversion (due to agriculture and logging) and hunting. The species is
hunted more for game/trophies, though some surplus meat is sold to specialty
restaurants. Some are kept as a pets (among politicians, IUCN notes). It is estimated
that only around 700 mature spotted deer remain.

Both species are poorly conserved, requiring a whole gamut of conservation efforts:
effective management plans, the establishment of new protected areas, further
research on their habitats, conservation education programs, better control of illegal
hunting, and stricter law enforcement.
Balabac mouse deer (Pilandok)

IUCN Red List Classification: Endangered

The nocturnal pilandok (mouse deer) is a subject of stories and myths; with inaction,
it might become just another character in our literature. The rare species may only
be found (for certain) in Palawan, specifically the Balabac, Bugsuk, Ramos, Apulit,
and Calauit islands. However, it is poached for food, displaced from its habitat (due
to conversion to agriculture), and is sometimes subject to trade in living animals.

While there is extensive awareness of the pilandok, the species is protected under
weakly enforced laws. Additionally, the pilandok is not subject to in-situ (inside the
habitat) protection; the conservation measures in place are ex-situ (outside the
habitat), with some populations held inside privately-owned areas. To effectively
conserve the pilandok, in-situ measures are critical. Among others, further research
on the species’ habitat requirements, the establishment of an effectively protected
area, and further enforcement of hunting laws are required.

Aside from falling prey to poachers and getting caught in traps meant for other animals, tamaraws face
land-use pressure from indigenous communities, who themselves are displaced by new settlers. Photo

IUCN Red List Classification: Critically Endangered

The tamaraw, a species endemic to the Philippines, has a small population size that
is already on decline. Historically, it has been hunted for subsistence and for sport.
Laws ban this practice but illegal capture and killings continue.

While they are used for local consumption, the main threat to the species is they
have little space to disperse and increase their range, due to human pressure and
the shortage of natural corridors. Poaching continues. Tamaraws also get caught in
traps not meant for them. The species also faces land-use pressure from indigenous
communities, who themselves are displaced by new settlers, thus calling for a multi-
sector approach to conservation beyond protected areas.

Wild pig (Baboy damo)

IUCN Red List Classification: Critically Endangered (Visayan warty pig); Vulnerable
(Philippine warty pig, Oliver’s warty pig/Mindoro warty pig); Near Threatened (Palawan
bearded pig)

Known locally as baboy damo, the four wild pig species above are endemic to the
Philippines, and are all locally hunted for food. Populations of all species are

The Visayan warty pig, the species most at risk, has a fragmented population
surviving only in Negros, Panay, and possibly Masbate. The Philippine warty pig also
suffers from a fragmented population and possible extinction in some islands, due to
extensive logging operations, agricultural expansion, and hunting pressure.

The Oliver’s warty pig, only found in Mindoro, also has a fragmented population,
caused by widespread destruction and decreasing quality of forest habitats
(threatened by mining). The Palawan bearded pig, meanwhile, is still common in
some areas, although it faces decline due to habitat loss and heavy hunting

The species above are fully protected by law, but enforcement remains a problem,
especially in already-established protected areas.
Top 50 Critically Endangered
Animals in the Philippines
Updated on November 20, 2018

Cool Rare Animals


In my childhood, I adopted a puppy that changed my life and attitude towards

animals—I have since become a lifelong animal lover.
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A wide variety of the planet's animal species call the Philippines home. Conservation
International, a nonprofit environmentalist group founded in 1987, recognizes the Philippines as
one of only 17 mega-diverse countries in the world. Mega-diverse countries are nations that
shelter the bulk of Earth's animal and plant life. In other words, these countries have extreme
biodiversity in terms of genetic, genus, and bio-network mixtures.

With so much biological diversity, the country is also home to a large number of threatened
animal species. As of the day this article was published, the International Union for the
Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), has declared 418 animal species in the
Philippines to be threatened: meaning they are either vulnerable, endangered, or critically
endangered, according to the IUCN red list criteria.

This article lists the top 50 critically endangered animals in the Philippines:
1. Philippine eagle
2. Philippine freshwater crocodile
3. Tamaraw
4. Walden's hornbill
5. Visayan warty pig
6. Philippine cockatoo
7. Negros bleeding-heart
8. Philippine naked-backed fruit bat
9. Philippine forest turtle
10. Dinagat bushy-tailed cloud rat
11. Hawksbill sea turtle
12. The Philippine tarsier
13. Philippine spotted deer
14. Sulu Hornbill
15. Negros Fruit Dove
16. Flame-breasted Fruit Dove
17. Giant Clams
18. Cebu flowerpecker
19. Golden-capped fruit bat
20. Net coral
21. Long polyp green
22. False flower coral
23. Sei whale
24. Blue whale
25. Fin Whale
26. Dinagat hairy-tailed rat
27. Limbless worm skink
28. Loggerhead turtle
29. Dog-faced water snake
30. Humphead wrasse
31. Green turtle
32. Black shama
33. Panay Crateromys
34. Negros shrew
35. Flame-templed babbler
36. White-winged flying fox
37. Mindoro zone-tailed pigeon
38. Japanese night heron
39. Apo swallowtail
40. Spiny turtle
41. Calamian deer
42. Streak-breasted bulbul
43. Catanduanes narrow-mouthed frog
44. Philippine tube-nosed fruit bat
45. Luzon peacock swallowtail
46. Frog-faced soft shell turtle
47. Tawitawi brown dove
48. Mindoro tree frog
49. Hazel's forest frog
50. Mount Data forest frog
Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi) | Source

1. Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi)

Also called the monkey-eating eagle, the Philippine eagle is native to the southern Philippines. It
is characterized by a brown and white feather pattern and bushy crest, and is believed to be one
of the largest and most powerful birds on Earth. A full-grown adult can grow to as big as four feet
(ft) tall and can weigh as much as nine kilograms (kg). The monkey-eating eagle is the
Philippines national bird. Major threats to the Philippine eagle's survival are deforestation,
mining, and pollution.

Conservation Rationale
The IUCN has the Philippine eagle on its red list of critically endangered animals due to several
factors. In 1988, it was added to the list of animals in threat of extinction. In the1990s it was
classified as critically endangered.
There are very few of these eagles left. Their global population has been steady declining for the
past 56 years. Various legislations have been passed protecting the Philippine eagle, but such
laws have been poorly enforced, thus the continued decline in the eagle's numbers.
There are natural reserves and other protected areas at natural parks like Mt. Apo and Mt.
Katinglad. The Philippine Eagle Center, which can be found in Davao on the island of Mindanao,
oversees the captive breeding of these eagles.
Philippine Freshwater Crocodile (Crocodylus mindorensis) | Source

2. Philippine Freshwater Crocodile (Crocodylus

Locally known as Mindoro crocodiles, they are endemic in the Philippines. The Philippine
freshwater crocodile is quite small compared to other crocodiles, growing to about four and a half
to five feet long and weighing approximately 15 kg. The Mindoro crocodile is also listed as
critically endangered by the IUCN. It is reported that as of September 2011, there are only 250 of
them left in the country. Experts attribute illegal hunting and dynamite fishing to the decline of the
Philippine freshwater crocodile.
Conservation Rationale
The Philippine freshwater crocodile is currently on the IUCN red list and is classified as a
critically endangered species. Population trend estimates say that the numbers of this species is
continuing to decline. One of the threats to this species include excessive exploitation for
commercial use, but the biggest threat it faces to date is the massive clearing of rainforests that
serve as the crocodile's natural habitat. The forests are cleared to be converted into farmlands.

Another threat comes from the locals themselves, who illegally hunt the crocodiles. There is a
current need to educate locals when it comes to the difference between the small Philippine
freshwater crocodile and the saltwater crocodiles that also inhabit the same area. Locals tend to
hunt the smaller and endangered local crocodile species without realizing the damage they are
Tamaraw (Bubalus mindorensis) | Source

3. Tamaraw (Bubalus mindorensis)

Also known as the Mindoro dwarf buffalo, the Tamaraw is the only known bovine that is
indigenous to the Philippines. Until the 20th century, the original habitat of this species was
essentially intact and unharmed. They were once found all over Mindoro Island, from the plains
up to the mountains. But now the population has been reduced to about 200, with many being
carefully bred in captivity. Another critically endangered animal according to the IUCN, the main
causes of the Tamaraw being on the list of endangered animals in the Philippines are illegal
hunting, logging, and residential land clearing.

Distinguishing Features
The Tamaraw shares a lot of physical traits with other types of bovine. It has a heavyset body,
legs that end in cloven hooves, a short neck, and a horned head. However, unlike the other
species included in its family, this one tends to be smaller and a lot stockier. Males have thicker
necks compared to females.

It has an average shoulder height of 39 to 41 inches (in) and can grow up to 7.2 feet in length.
The heaviest Tamaraw ever recorded weighed around 660 pounds (lbs).

Adult Tamaraws have a darker grey or brown color. They have distinctly shorter legs compared
to other buffalo species. Their inner lower forelegs as well as their hooves have distinct white
markings. The ears also exhibit the same white markings on the tips.
Walden's Hornbill (Aceros waldeni) | Source

4. Walden's Hornbill (Aceros waldeni)

Locally called a Kalaw, it is also known as the Visayan Wrinkled Hornbill. The Kalaw is endemic
to the Philippine islands of Panay and Negros, although it can also be found in other regions of
the country such as Zamboanga del Norte in Mindanao. Excessive hunting and illegal logging
caused the disappearance of this species in the areas of Negros and Guimaras. Because of that,
it has been included in the IUCN Red List of critically endangered species in the country.

Distinguishing Features
This colorful bird is also the second most critically endangered species of hornbill in the world.
Just like other species in its family, Walden's hornbill also has that distinct bony casque atop its
bill. The Walden hornbill, however, has a reddish-orange colored casque and it appears sort of

Other than the reddish-orange bill, it also has a distinct ridged mandible. The feathers on the
upper chest as well as the necks are reddish-orange colored as well. Another distinct feature is
the bare skin around its red eyes.
The plumage on its body is usually black, but its tail feathers are white with a black tip. Female
Kalaws are smaller than the males. The feathers on their breast, neck, and head are black.
Females are also brown eyed with a blue green coloration on the skin.

Visayan Warty Pig (Sus cebifrons) | Source

5. Visayan Warty Pig (Sus cebifrons)

This land mammal is also in the IUCN's list of critically endangered species in the Philippines.
Once ubiquitous in the central Philippines, especially in the island of Cebu, the pig can now only
be found on two islands: Panay and Negros. Some experts believe that a small herd may still be
located in the island of Masbate although it is not confirmed. The disappearance of this species
on the island of Cebu was not only brought about by illegal hunting and logging but also
agricultural land clearing. The animal's natural habitats were turned into rice fields to
accommodate the growing demand for crops in the region. Now, small population concentrations
of this species are bred in captivity. Some still live in the wild, although they are very rare, which
is why not much is understood about the mammal's natural behavior.
Distinguishing Features
This species is also known by a variety of names among the locals. It is called the Cebu bearded
pig, Baboy Talunon, Bakatin, and Baboy Ilahas, among others. Adult Visayan Warty Pigs can
grow up to 100 centimeters (cm) in length. Females can have a maximum shoulder height of 45
cm while males grow up to 63 cm. Its longest tail length is around 23 cm. Adult females weigh
between 20 to 35 kg while adult males weigh between 35 to 40 kg. Estimates show that the
largest adults of this species can weigh up to 80 kg.

The body of this mammal is covered albeit sparsely with bristly hairs. The hairs are usually dark
grey in color for the males and light brown or silvery for the females. The males, especially those
found in Panay Island, grow tufts of hair from their heads down to their necks, which eventually
become manes. The most distinguishing feature of this species is the white stripe that runs along
the bridge of their noses all the way to their mouths.
Philippine Cockatoo (Cacatua haematuropygia) | Source

6. Philippine Cockatoo (Cacatua haematuropygia)

Locally known as Kalangay, Katala or the red-vented cockatoo, the Philippine cockatoo is
indigenous to the Philippines. This species used to be common in the whole country but today
only 180 of them are known to live in the wild within the forests of Palawan. These birds are
listed by the IUCN as critically endangered because of illegal trapping by poachers hoping to
make a profit selling them to private collectors and pet enthusiasts. Another reason for the
population decline is that the birds are considered agricultural pests and are killed or trapped by
farmers attempting to protect their fields.

Distinguishing Features
The Philippine cockatoo is covered in white plumage, which makes it really attractive. However,
the bird's undertail coverts are red with white tips. The feathers under its wings are pale yellowish
in color. It also has the ability to mimic the human voice, which makes it a highly valued pet. This
is why it is vulnerable to illegal wildlife trade.
Negros Bleeding-Heart (Gallicolumba keayi) | Source

7. Negros Bleeding-Heart (Gallicolumba keayi)

This type of pigeon is endemic to the islands of Negros and Panay in the Philippines and is one
of the many critically endangered pigeon species in the country listed by the IUCN. These birds
always come in pairs or in a flock and are ground feeders, meaning they hunt on the ground and
are easy pickings for poachers. Its population continues to decrease to this day because of
ongoing deforestation and excessive hunting for its meat and the exotic pet blackmarket.
Distinguishing Features
The Negros bleeding-heart is a very colorful bird. It is a medium sized and grows up to 30 cm tall.
It is a ground-dwelling pigeon that has a characteristically short tail. Its name, "bleeding heart,"
comes from the bright narrow line of red feathers enveloped by white feathers located at its chest
and throat.

To add to its vivid array of colors is a mantle of iridescent green that covers its crown, lesser wing
coverts, nape, breast sides, and upper mantle. This forms an incomplete breast band. Its inner
wing coverts have a greyish-white band of feathers. The feathers on its belly feathers have a
creamy white color.

Philippine Naked-Backed Fruit Bat (Dobsomia chapmani) | Source

8. Philippine Naked-Backed Fruit Bat (Dobsomia
Also called the Philippine bare-backed fruit bat, these are large bats found in the caves of Negros
Island in the Philippines. They are listed as critically endangered by the IUCN, and a small
population is reported to have been sighted on the island of Cebu as well. Deforestation and
agricultural land clearing are the main causes of the reduction of their population and habitat. In
the 1980s, locals cut down lowland forests in favor of sugar cane plantations and the bats
gradually disappeared afterwards. In 1996, the IUCN proclaimed that the species was extinct, but
revoked the classification in 2000 when a small group was sighted.
Distinguishing Features
The Philippine naked-backed fruit bat is one of the species of mega-bat that are endemic to the
country. Most of its population live on the island of Negros. Just like all species of fruit bats that
have a bare back, its wings meet along the midline of its body. It is surprisingly agile when it flies
across the sky.
An adult Dobsomia chapmani will measure anywhere from 218 mm to 221 mm in length, from the
tip of its notes to its tail. They usually weigh from 125 to 143 grams. The connection of the wings
to their back's midline gives it a furless appearance.

Philippine Forest Turtle (Siebenrockiella leytensis) | Source

9. Philippine Forest Turtle (Siebenrockiella

Also known as Palawan turtle or Leyte pond turtle, this freshwater turtle is native to the Palawan
islands of the Philippines. They are classified as critically endangered by the IUCN and several
conservation programs have been conducted to increase its population. With its highly hostile
territorial behavior, the Philippine forest turtle does not thrive naturally when in captivity. Because
of habitat loss and too much catching by collectors, they have dramatically decreased in
Distinguishing Features
The Philippine forest turtle is known by several other names such as the Leyte pond turtle, the
Palawan turtle, and Philippine pond turtle. Even though some people call it the Leyte pond turtle,
it is nonexistent on Leyte Island. This turtle species is in fact a native of the island of Palawan.
Its vertebral scutes have a rather gingko shape. It also has a gradation of pale-white to yellowish
coloration line to be found near its ears. This is also the reason why some folks call it the bowtie

Dinagat Bushy-Tailed Cloud Rat (Crateromys australis) | Source

10. Dinagat Bushy-Tailed Cloud Rat (Crateromys

This type of cloud rat is indigenous to Dinagat Island in the Philippines. They are nocturnal by
nature and are herbivores. They are one of several cloud rat species listed by IUCN as critically
endangered in the country. They have almost been driven to extinction because of the loss of
their natural homes due to deforestation, chromite mining, and excessive hunting. Cloud rat meat
is considered a delicacy among the locals.
Distinguishing Features
The Dinagat cloud rat has a tail that is longer than the length of its body. The length of its tail is
around 11 in or 28 cm. Its body is about 10.4 in (measuring from its nose to its rear, excluding
the tail). It has a rather orange or tawny colored fur. It does not bear color patterns on its body.
Its head does not have the familiar crest of fur that is present in other members of its family. It
also has a characteristic striped tail. Its ears are heavily pigmented and round. Each ear also has
short, brown hairs. Its lower parts have an orange-like shade beginning from the neck all the way
down to its belly.

Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricate) | Source

11. Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricate)

This sea turtle is commonly known among the locals in the Philippines as the Pawikan. This
species of turtle can be found in other parts of the world as well. The Hawksbill sea turtle shares
a lot of features with other types of marine turtle species.

Distinguishing Features
Just like other turtles it has a protective carapace that serves as its distinguishing feature. Unlike
the typical land turtle, this marine turtle has a flattened body shape and limbs shaped like flippers
for hydrodynamic efficiency when swimming.

Its most distinguishing feature is its Hawk's bill (hence its name): a narrow, pointed beak.
Considered a medium-sized reptile, they can grow up to three feet in length and weigh up to 180
lbs. The heaviest recorded Hawksbill caught in the wild weighed around 280 lbs.
The turtle's shell is known for its amber coloration. It also has streaks of light and dark colors.
You will find other shell colors, which include brown. The shell often appears to be speckled.

Hawksbills are vegetarian and adults are usually found feeding in coral reef areas. They also
nest and forage in mangroves. This is a migratory species of sea turtles. As such, they can thrive
in a variety of habitats such as mangrove swamps, lagoons, and even in the open ocean.
The Philippine Tarsier (Carlito syrichta) | Source

12. The Philippine Tarsier (Carlito syrichta)

This small primate is another endangered species endemic in the Philippine islands. This species
was once widespread throughout Southeast Asia. Fossils of these animals were also found in
North America and Europe. Tarsiers today can also be found in other Asian countries such as
Indonesia and Malaysia.

In the Philippines, you can find tarsier in the southeastern region of the archipelago. Current data
shows that there are species that have been found inhabiting the islands of Mindanao, Samar,
Bohol, and Leyte. Some of can also be found in Maripipi Island, Dinagat Island, and Siargao
Distinguishing Features
The Philippine tarsier is considered one of the smallest species of primates in the world. They
measure around 118 to 149 millimeters (mm) and they weigh somewhere from 113 to 142
grams. In contrast to their little bodies, tarsiers have distinctly large eyes. Their anatomy shows
that a tarsier eyeball is as big as the animal's brain. A tarsier's eyeball can have a diameter of 16

Philippine Spotted Deer (Cervus alfredi) | Source

13. Philippine Spotted Deer (Cervus alfredi)

The Philippine spotted deer is a nocturnal animal and one of the three endemic species of deer
in the country. They primarily thrive in the rainforests found in the islands of Negros and Panay.
However, they used to be found in other neighboring islands in the country such as Samar,
Masbate, Leyte, Guimaras, and Cebu.
Distinguishing Features
This species of deer is comparatively small with its short legs. Nevertheless, they are the biggest
deer specimens you can find in the country's Visayan Islands. An adult spotted deer can grow up
to 51 inches in length and about 31 inches in height, measuring from the base of the foot to the
shoulder. An adult deer can weigh as much as 85 kg.
Conservations efforts are ongoing as conservationists work to create reservation areas on
various islands. However, in spite of such efforts, only an estimated 300 spotted deers are still in
the wild. Local wildlife groups and conservationists are poorly funded and face very little support
from government.
Sulu Hornbill (Anthracoceros montani) | Source

14. Sulu Hornbill (Anthracoceros montani)

To date, studies have shown that the Sulu hornbill now faces the imminent danger of extinction.
It is believed to live only on one island in the Philippines, and its numbers are declining. The
massive decline in the population of this species is caused by hunting, illegal wildlife trade, and
the destruction of the forest tracts where this hornbill thrives.

Distinguishing Features
The majority of the hornbill's body is covered by dark black feathers. In contrast, the tail feathers
are white. A top coat of feathers on its upper parts are dark green and glossy, covering part of
the wings and the back. The bird's bill is black as well as the skin around its eye.
Male Sulu hornbills have cream colored irises while females have dark brown. Juvenile hornbills
of this species either have white tipped primaries or casque-less bills. These birds make
shrieking and cackling calls in a patterned intervals.

Negros Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus arcanus) | Source

15. Negros Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus arcanus)

Because of the fact that no recorded sighting of the Negros fruit dove has been made since the
first specimen of the Negros fruit dove was collected in 1953, the IUCN put this bird on their red
list. There was an unconfirmed report of a sighting in 2002, as well as other protracted surveys,
but none of them can be confirmed.

This species of fruit dove is extremely shy, fleeing and hiding from surveyors. That being said,
there are more surveys that must be made in Panay Island, where the bird is believed to thrive.
The main factors that have contributed to the decline of this bird species include hunting and the
destruction of its natural habitat.
Distinguishing Features
The existence of the Negros fruit dove is confirmed by only a single specimen – a female that
was collected in the 50s. It is about 16.5 cm in length, which makes it very small. Its feathers are
dark green, providing perfect cover in foliage. Another distinguishing feature is the presence of a
ring of feathers around its eye, which are bright yellow in color.
It is also distinctly marked by a greyish-white coloration along its throat. It also has yellow
feathers in the undertail coverts. Yellow fringes and dark streaks make a conspicuous feature on
its folded wings.

16. Flame-Breasted Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus marchei)

The IUCN classifies the Luzon Island endemic Flame-breasted fruit dove as vulnerable. The
rapid decline of the island's forest has greatly contributed to the rapid decline of this bird's
population. The other factors that contributed to the rapid population decline include hunting and
illegal wildlife trade.

Distinguishing Features
This fruit dove is particularly large compared to other local species at 40 cm in length. The
feathers on its head are peculiarly rusty red in color. A black patch of feathers marks its ear
coverts. Another orange patch of feathers can be found extending from its throat going down to
its under parts.
The feathers on its sides are markedly light grey. The feathers on its wings and back are chiefly
black in color. The rump and tail have dark green feathers. It also has a red bill and its legs are
also reddish.

Giant Clams (Hippopus hippopus) | Source

17. Giant Clams (Hippopus hippopus)

Hippopus hippopus is known by many different names. Some call it the Strawberry clam, Bear
Paw, and also the Horse's Hoof. This species belongs to a family of large saltwater clams,
specifically the giant clam family, which is why the locals just call it the giant clam. Its
conservation status according to the IUCN is "conservation dependent," which is why it is
included in the red list of threatened species.
Distinguishing Features
The shell of this type of clam is pretty hard and quite thick. The ribs are rather prominent. What
makes it quite distinct from other species of clam in its immediate environment are the reddish
blotches that you will find on its shell. Note that its mantle will hardly get past the edge of its shell.
The mantle has a distinct brownish-green color with faint gold stripes. Another distinction is the
absence of tentacles in the incurrent aperture, which are usually present in the members of the
Tridacnidae family.

Cebu Flowerpecker (Dicaeum quadricolor) | Source

18. Cebu Flowerpecker (Dicaeum quadricolor)

Experts thought the Cebu flowerpecker had gone instinct in the early part of the 20th century.
This belief was in large part due to the destruction of almost all of the island's forests. The good
news is that it was rediscovered back in 1992. Today, the Cebu flowerpecker can be found within
the Central Cebu Protected Landscape as well as in three other sites.
Note that in spite of conservation efforts, the population of this bird species is still extremely
small. They have a severely fragmented range. The IUCN classifies this species as critically

Distinguishing Features
This flowerpecker species is rather short and stocky at 11 to 12 cm in length. The male birds of
this species have a black head with a lot of bright red feathers on their mantle and back. It also
has dark blue wings and the same color combination for its tail. Males also have yellowish-green
colored feathers at their tails and rump.

Female species have rather dull colored feathers though they exhibit the same patterns seen on
males. They also have dark grey feathers on their backs. Females do not have a scarlet mantle
of feathers on their backs, like their male counterparts.
Golden-Capped Fruit Bat (Acerodon jubatus) | Source

19. Golden-Capped Fruit Bat (Acerodon jubatus)

This species of mega-bat is also known as the Giant golden-crowned flying fox, which is one of
the biggest bat species in the world. The IUCN has placed it on the red list as an endangered
species that is facing the possibility of extinction. Forest destruction as well as illegal poaching
has contributed to the rapid decline of this bat.
Distinguishing Features
This bat is a lot larger than other local bat species: it has an average wingspan of 5.6 ft and an
average weight of 2.6 lbs or 1.2 kg.
These bats are nonaggressive towards humans. However, handling them is not advisable and is
a bit dangerous. They are known disease carriers, meaning even if you have to handle them, you
still need to get properly vaccinated.

These bats are called "golden-capped" because of the golden patch of fur around their head.
That cap of gold stands out in contrast to the black of its body fur.

Net Coral (Alveopora excelsa) | Source

20. Net Coral (Alveopora excelsa)

Alveopora excelsa populations are in decline. Due to this population trend, it has been included
in the IUCN red list as an endangered species.

The current aquarium trade has made this specific type of coral a target, with its appearance
making it an attractive addition to an aquarium. Other than extraction and use in aquariums, net
corals are also susceptible to coral bleaching. Studies show that Alveopora excelsa have a high
response to the bleaching phenomenon, making them a likely species to face immediate
Distinguishing Features
This type of coral usually forms colonies that extend up to 2 meters (m). Their polyp skeleton
usually has a pink color. When their tentacles have extended, the colonies eventually turn into a
field that is beautifully golden brown in color. It is because of their beautiful color that they're a
popular pick for people collecting corals for aquariums.

21. Long Polyp Green (Alveopora minuta)

Even though this species is relatively widespread, it still remains rare. In fact, sightings today are
few and far between. It has been extensively harvested for aquarium trade. On top of that, it is
also highly susceptible to coral bleaching. Another contributing factor to its rapid decline is the
destruction of its reef habitat. Due to these factors, IUCN has placed them in the red list as an
endangered species.

Distinguishing Features
Distinct features include knoblike branches that appear to be irregularly dividing, which is a
distinct feature of its colonies. Coralites can have a single spine but they can also have no septa.
Note that some specimens may have about one or two septas.
The coralites are usually small, only about 1 millimeter in diameter. Above the wall, you will also
notice that the vertical spines tend to form into a palisade.

22. False Flower Coral (Anacropora spinosa)

The False flower coral is actually a type of briar coral. It is endemic to the Philippines and in the
waters of other countries such as Japan. It can be found in much of the Pacific Ocean and in the
waters of the Solomon Islands.
Even though this species of coral is widespread across different territorial waters, the chances of
finding it is slim. It is particularly susceptible to disease and coral bleaching. Combine that with
the continued destruction of its natural habitat and you have the perfect cocktail for killing coral
populations. That is why Anacropora spinosais included in the IUCN red list, which classifies this
coral as an endangered species.
Distinguishing Features
False flower corals thrive in shallow reef areas. They appear pale brown in color when you
observe them underwater. Its branches are usually around 10 mm in thickness, which tapers to a
point and the end. You will also find that its spines usually project underneath. These corallites
tend to elongate and have an irregular shape.

Sei Whale (Balaenoptera borealis) | Source

23. Sei Whale (Balaenoptera borealis)

Sei whales are the third largest whale species in the world. The only creatures larger than this
animal are the Fin whale and the Blue whale. They usually live in deep offshore waters, oceans,
and other adjoining bodies of water.
The mature population of Sei whales has seen a huge decline, up to 80 percent, since the days
of commercial whaling, which why it is included on the IUCN's red list as an endangered species.

Distinguishing Features
Sei whales can reach up to 64 feet in length and can weigh as much as 28 tons. Female Sei
whales are a bit smaller, reaching up to 48 feet in length and weighing about 20.5 tons. Its diet
usually consists of zooplankton, krill, and copepods. To keep up with its nutritional requirements,
an adult Sei whale needs to consume up to 900 kg (around 2,000 lbs) of food each day.
The Sei whale is also one of the fastest sea creatures in the world. They can swim up to 31 miles
per hour or around 27 knots, but they can only maintain that speed for short distances.

Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus) | Source

24. Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus)

Blue whales are the biggest animals on planet Earth. But size does not determine which species
will dominate the animal kingdom. There are different types of blue whales and, most of the time,
people refer to the North Atlantic Blue whale when refering to these creatures.

Other variants include the Southern Indian Ocean, Northern Indian Ocean, North Pacific, and
North Atlantic Blue whales. Experts also note that due to the diversity and other uncertainties,
there is no way to actually categorize Blue whales. That means trying to put them into categories
is neither realistic nor appropriate.
The IUCN includes blue whales in the red list of endangered species due to an alarmingly
reduced population. Experts estimate that the global population of blue whales has been
depleted at a rate of 70 to 90 percent. This estimate includes all types of Blue whales.

The biggest threat to blue whales in the past was commercial whaling and exploitation, which is
the major reason for their near extinction back in the 1960s. They were been provided protection
at the latter end of the 60s, but whaling operations continued. Whaling operations ceased in the
There are still threats to the survival of this species–make no mistake. They are still prone to
entanglements in fishing gear and ship strikes. The reduction of sea ice in the Antarctic will also
affect migration, feeding, and breeding patterns.
Distinguishing Features
Blue whales are characterized by their slender and long bodies. They can weigh as much as 191
tons and stretch up to 98 feet long. Their colors usually consist of different shades of blue. Some
are even bluish-grey in color. Their undersides tend to have a lighter color.

Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus) | Source

25. Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus)

Even though the cause of the major reduction in the global population of Fin whales is said to be
reversible, it cannot be denied that they are also victims of the same sad history of commercial
whaling. This is why IUCN still has this particular species in the red list as an endangered
Experts estimate that there is still a global decline in their population's numbers among those in
the southern hemisphere. The good news is that estimations indicate Fin whales in the northern
hemisphere are increasing in population. The status of the subpopulation found in pacific waters
is currently uncertain.

Distinguishing Features
Fin whales–like Sei whales–have long, slender bodies. They have a brownish-grey coloration on
their upper sides and a paler shade on the under sides. They are larger than Sei whales, but
smaller than blue whales. The largest fin whale ever spotted was about 89.6 ft. The heaviest one
ever recorded weighed 74 tons.
Russet Batomys or Dinagat Hairy-Tailed Rat (Batomys russatus) | Source

26. Russet Batomys or Dinagat Hairy-Tailed Rat

(Batomys russatus)
This rat species is classified as an endangered species on the IUCN endangered species list. It
is estimated to have a small global population, struggling to survive on one island: Dinagat Island
in the Philippines.

Experts point to the destruction of its natural habitat as the main reason for the population
decline. Logging activities, mining, and agriculture are the main reasons for the reduction of
nearby forest lands where the Dinagat hairy-tailed was known to thrive.

Distinguishing Features
This species is actually one of five under the Batomys genus. It was categorized as a separate
species in 1998 and is known only because of two specimens that were collected back in 1975.
It is more or less an attractive mouse species. It has slick looking fur that is rather thick. The fur
on the upper part of its body is reddish-brown in color while its under parts are orange-grey. The
tail on this animal is short. It has long whiskers.
Limbless Worm Skink (Brachymeles vermis) | Source

27. Limbless Worm Skink (Brachymeles vermis)

This unique reptile is endemic to the different islands of the Sulu Archipelago. They can be found
in Tawi-tawi, Papahag, Bubuan, Butinian, and Jolo islands. This particular species is classified by
the IUCN as endangered in spite of its wide range distribution, the rationale being the heavy
deforestation in the aforementioned islands, two of which are completely deforested. The other
islands have very small patches of forest remaining.
Lowland forest litter, detritus of the forest floor, loose soil, decaying logs, or any dry rotting
material found on forest lands serve as the habitat of this species.

Distinguishing Features
Very little is known of the Limbless worm skink. They are only known to exist because of two
specimens collected under leaves along a river bank. This is one of five known limbless reptile
species in the world.
This particular species has six enlarged chin shields. It also has 22 to 24 rows of mid-body
scales. It is also quite small, only reaching up to 74.7 mm. Its upper parts are dark-brownish in
color while is undersides are reddish and pale.
Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta) | Source

28. Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta)

The Loggerhead turtle is included in the IUCN red list as a species that is vulnerable to
extinction. The rationale behind its inclusion is based on the fact that 10 subpopulations under
this particular species are also vulnerable to extinction. The current population size of this
species is currently unknown. To determine the population of these turtles, researches use the
number of nests per annum. According to current trends, there are around 200,000 clutches laid
each year. That is a combined total from all 10 subpopulations. There is an estimated range of
about 3 to 5.5 clutches for every female found of this species, equaling an estimated 36,000 to
67,000 nesting females every year.
The total nest counts of this turtle species are still showing a significant decrease, amounting to
about 47 percent of the combined total numbers compared to previous estimates. This turtle
species was categorized as an endangered species back in 1996.
The Loggerhead turtle has a global distribution. They mainly live in temperate as well as
subtropical regions, but can be spotted in different oceans and other bodies of water such as the
Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, and Mediterranean.

Distinguishing Features
This species is a type of marine turtle. On average an adult turtle of this species will measure up
to 35 inches in length. Adults can weigh up to 298 lbs. The largest specimen ever recorded
weighed 1,000 lbs. The skin color of this turtle ranges from different hues of yellow to brown. The
shell on the other hand is usually reddish-brown in color. There are no gender specific
differences in size and features, except that males have shorter plastrons and thicker tails.
Dog-Faced Water Snake (Cerberus microlepis) | Source

29. Dog-Faced Water Snake (Cerberus microlepis)

This species of water snake is endemic to the Bicol Peninsula. Specimens have been found in
Lake Manapao and Lake Buhi. This snake is also known locally as the Lake Buhi Bockadam.

The IUCN has included this species in their red list as an endangered snake species. This is
because its habitat is considered very limited. For example, Lake Buhi only consists of 19 square
kilometers (km). Its biggest threats today include the destruction of its natural forest habitat.
Pollution, including the increasing poor quality of the lake water, is also a contributing factor to
the snake's population decline. Since this water snake can also thrive beyond its immediate lake
habitat and surrounding areas, it is possible that it may be growing expanding its territory into
other nearby forest areas. More studies and surveys are needed to ascertain its distribution and
Distinguishing Features
This water snake is characterized by the 29 scale rows found along its midbody. It also has one
divided rear upper labial. One will also notice its keeled scales on its crown. On its rows of
scales, the snake sports two lateral stripes. Its bodily scales form a uniformly dark ventral
Humphead Wrasse (Cheilinus undulates) | Source

30. Humphead Wrasse (Cheilinus undulates)

The Humphead wrasse is a species of fish that is included in the IUCN red list for endangered
species. Due to a number of threats, the populations of this fish are in a decline. One of the
culprits is unreported, unregulated, and even outright illegal fishing. Another issue is that there
are local fishermen who do not know about the vulnerable state of the fish or that catching them
is prohibited.
The lack of oversight from the local governments where these fish exist is also an important
factor affecting their numbers. There is a lack of political will to enforce laws that would protect
this species.
On top of that, the degradation and loss of its natural habitat have a huge impact on the
population. To add insult to injury, some local fishermen still practice destructive fishing methods
like using cyanide and dynamite. Needless to say, the illegal fish trade is a major problem in
Southeast Asia.

Distinguishing Features
This species of fish is the biggest member of the Labridae family. Male Humphead wrasse can
grow up to 2 meters long and weigh up to 180 kg. Females are a bit smaller than the males.

Other distinct features include the two black lines found behind their eyes, thick lips, and a hump
that looks like its forehead. Its colors vary from blue-green to purplish-blue.
Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) | Source

31. Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas)

The biggest threat to the Green turtle today is illegal poaching, egg harvesting, and hunting.
Many different human actions, whether intentional or unintentional, have effects on the lives of
these marine turtles.
Unintentional encounters with this species include pollution, habitat destruction, entanglement in
fishermen's nets, and also boat strikes. Habitat loss occurs when former nesting grounds are
turned into reclaimed, residential, or commercial areas.

Disease caused by pollution also kills a sizable portion of this species. The various diseases
affect not only mature Green turtles but also hatchlings as well. These and other factors
contributed to the rationale for putting this species in the list of species threatened by extinction,
according to the IUCN.
Distinguishing Features
Male Green turtles have physical and developmental differences compared to females, making
them distinguishable. Males usually have longer claws on their front flippers and a larger tail.

32. Black Shama (Copsychus cebuensis)

The IUCN includes this bird species on its red list and classifies it as an endangered species. It
has a notably small population and very small range. Both range and population are observed to
be on a decline.
Another threat to this species is the continual degradation of its natural forest habitat. That also
contributes to its fragmentation, which means the remaining forests cannot completely support
the current Black shama population.
It is estimated that there are around 1,000 to 5,000 Black shamas living today. This is according
to the latest survey, taken in the Nug-as Forest. Experts estimate the population may even reach
up to 6,500 Black shamas, but this estimate may be a generous one. However, experts estimate
the population of mature Black shama to be somewhere between 670 to 3,300.
Distinguishing Features
This species has a black coat of feathers and can grow up to 20 cm in length. They also have a
distinct bluish gloss at the tip of their wings. The tips may even have a bit of brown on them. The
males tend to have brighter colored feathers than the females.

Panay Crateromys (Crateromys heaneyi) | Source

33. Panay Crateromys (Crateromys heaneyi)

This species is also known as the Panay cloudrunner. Just like other endangered species on the
island of Panay, Crateromys heaneyi has also fallen victim to the massive deforestation on the
island, which is due to agricultural encroachment and illegal logging. It is believed that the
creature mainly resides in the remaining forest area on the western side of the island, at an
elevation of 400 m. Local residents also claim that the rodent can also be found at higher
More surveys need to be conducted to ascertain the population size, but experts presume the
degradation of the forest has caused the population to decline.

Distinguishing Features
This rodent species is actually the second largest of the cloud rats family in the country.

An adult Panay cloudrunner can grow up to 600 mm in length. It has a long bushy tail and the
rest of its body is covered in greyish brown colored fur. This species is nocturnal and can be
found nesting in the hollows of trees. The usual diet of these animals include an assortment of
leaves, papayas, corn, guavas, bananas, and other fruits.
Negros Shrew (Crocidura negrina) | Source

34. Negros Shrew (Crocidura negrina)

The Negros shrew can only be found on the island of Negros in the Philippines and is locally
named as the Katsuri. Because of the limited region where the Katsuri resides, it has been
included in the IUCN red list and classified as critically endangered. The occurrence of the shrew
is less than every 5,000 square km. It can be spotted in only five locations on the island.
The heavy reduction in its population is due to the massive deforestation and the destruction of
the Negros shrew's natural habitat.
Flame-Templed Babbler (Dasycrotapha speciose) | Source

35. Flame-Templed Babbler (Dasycrotapha

The Flame-templed babbler is another bird species that is endemic to the islands of Negros and
Panay. Its primary habitat is the forests found in the tropical and subtropical lowlands of these
islands. One major threat to the bird is habitat loss, since the remaining forest areas on these
islands is steadily declining. Estimates show there is only 10 percent of forest remaining.
Distinguishing Features
Dasycrotapha speciose is a small to medium-sized bird that grows up to 16 cm in length. The
"flame templed" part of its name comes from the flame-like orange patch of feathers found above
and slightly around its eyes. Other than that, its bill, eye rings, lores, and forehead are all yellow.
Another distinguishing feature is the black nuchal collar. The upper parts of its body are covered
in olive-colored feathers that have streaks of white, which are usually found on the back. The
feathers on its underparts are also yellowish. One can also notice black spots on its throat.

36. White-Winged Flying Fox (Desmalopex

This species of bat is also known as the Mottle-winged flying fox. It is endemic to the tropical and
subtropical forests of the Philippines. As of 2008, experts determined the biggest threat to the
White-winged flying fox to be habitat loss, which is the cause of its massive population decline.

Distinguishing Features
The average length of this bat's forelimb is at 139.5 cm. It typically weighs around 340 grams.
Just like other bats, this one also dwells above ground. Plants and other fruits serve as their
primary food source. This bat is distinguished by its dark brown eyes. Its body is covered in grey
fur. The bat sports a whitish streak beginning from its head and running down its back.
Mindoro Zone-Tailed Pigeon (Ducula mindorensis) | Source

37. Mindoro Zone-Tailed Pigeon (Ducula

This bird species is also known as the Mindoro imperial pigeon and is another endemic species
to the country. It primarily inhabits montane forests in regions that are tropical and subtropical.
The primary threat to this unique is the massive loss of its natural habitat. Its status was changed
from vulnerable to endangered in the year 2008.

Current population estimates range from 1,000 birds all the way up to 2,499.
Distinguishing Features
This species is distinctly marked by the colors of its head feathers, which are a light blue-greyish
color. Pink feathers cover its throat, the lower part of its face, and its forehead. Its eyes have red
orbital skin, which are surrounded by black rings. Its hind neck is red. It also has wing coverts
that are edged in bronze feathers.

Japanese Night-Heron (Gorsachius goisagi) | Source

38. Japanese Night Heron (Gorsachius goisagi)

This species of night heron is endemic to Japan. However, it migrates to the Philippines during
the winter. It spends other seasons in the various countries within Asia.
This bird prefers to reside and breed in damp forests that have dense foliage, so it has been
particularly affected by deforestation in the Philippines.
Distinguishing Features
This heron has a wing span that can reach up to 47 cm. The color of their feathers change as
they grow older. Mature herons have russet-colored feathers on their head and neck, while
juveniles' feathers are black.
These herons have yellow skin on the outer layers of their eyes and a wide beak. Another unique
feature is the black lines on the covert feathers of its wings.

Apo Swallowtail (Graphium sandawanum) | Source

39. Apo Swallowtail (Graphium sandawanum)

The Apo swallowtail is a butterfly species that is endemic to the country. It has been on the IUCN
red list since 1985 as a species that is vulnerable to extinction.
Distinguishing Features
This butterfly's forewings are primarily black. At the center of their wings is a light green area. It
also has light green spots in the same area. The basic color of this butterfly is brown. Its topside
and underside are essentially the same.

The Apo's hind wings are also black but have short tails. The edges of these wings are wavy with
a light green coloration. The thorax and head are also black with a gray underside.
Spiny Turtle (Heosemys spinose) | Source

40. Spiny Turtle (Heosemys spinose)

This turtle species is also known as the Sunburst turtle and the Spiny terrapin. The name of this
turtle is derived from the spiky edges on its carapace.

Conservation Rationale
This turtle species is currently on the IUCN's red list as an endangered species. Detailed
monitoring is necessary to ensure the protection of this type of turtle.

Calamian Deer or Calamian Hog Deer (Hyelaphus calamianensis) | Source

41. Calamian Deer or Calamian Hog Deer (Hyelaphus
This species of deer is on the endangered species list since it occurs in less than 5,000 square
km of its natural habitat. Sightings also occur in less than five areas or locations. They are known
to be on a steady decline caused by illegal hunting.

Distinguishing Features
This deer can only be found in the Calamian Islands in the Palawan Province. Males can grow up
to 26 inches in height and have three tined antlers.

42. Streak-Breasted Bulbul (Ixos siquijorensis)

The Ixos siquijorensis is threatened by the destruction of its forest habitat. Its population is now
very small and its range is severely declining. Because of this the IUCN has included it on its red
list as an endangered species.
The Streak-breasted bulbul is a species of song bird that is endemic to the Philippines. It lives
mainly in tropical and subtropical forests in the lowlands, where it is usually moist. Its greatest
threat today is habitat loss.

Distinguishing Features
Compared to other species in its family, the Streak-breasted bulbul has a longer tail. Its total
length is 22 cm. It has brownish-grey feathers on its upper breast and under parts. It also has a
distinct dark cap. Its plumage is more uniform than other species in its family.

43. Catanduanes Narrow-Mouthed Frog (Kaloula

The IUCN includes this frog species on its red list under the "near threatened" category. This
species of frog is chiefly found on the island of Catanduanes, though some may also be found in
the other areas of the Bicol Peninsula.
The main threat to this species is the destruction of the lowland forest areas caused by
residential and agricultural developments.

44. Philippine Tube-Nosed Fruit Bat (Nyctimene

This bat species is endemic to the islands of Cebu as well as in Sibuyan and Negros and is
known locally as the Bayakan. Some believe that there are tube nosed fruit bats located in Panay
Island as well. Due to the low population of this species, it has been included on the IUCN red
list. Its current population trend is decreasing.

Distinguishing Features
Its most distinct feature–its tubular nose–is also the reason for its name. It was first described
back in 1984. Some say that it is one of the strangest bat species in the world. It has a pair of
separate, tubular nostrils They are about six mm in length and usually project outwards above
the mouth. Another distinct feature are the stripes on its body: the Philippine tube-nosed fruit bat
is one of only a few species of bats to have them. This bat also has a singular dark stripe going
along the middle section of the its back. Other distinct marks include yellow spots on the wings
and ears. It also has golden brown fur.
Luzon Peacock Swallowtail (Papilio chikae) | Source

45. Luzon Peacock Swallowtail (Papilio chikae)

The Luzon peacock swallowtail is a species of butterfly that is endemic to the Philippines. It is
currently listed on the IUCN red list is categorized as an endangered species. This species of
butterfly is illegal to trade.

Distinguishing Features
The wingspan of this butterfly ranges from 11 to 12 cm. The wings have a notably bluish-green
color and a chain of spots as well. Its forewings are primarily black and are spotted with green
scales. Its undersides are dark brown with white bands on the outer edges.

Its hind wings have tails with a wavy edge. The underside of these wings have whitish scales
with spotted red edges. The body of this butterfly is black and also has a characteristic green
scale pattern. Males have fewer red spots than females.
Frog-faced Soft Shell Turtle (Pelochelys cantorii) | Source

46. Frog-faced Soft Shell Turtle (Pelochelys cantorii)

This turtle is also known as Cantor's giant softshell. It is a species of freshwater turtle that can be
found in the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries. Due to the massive decline in its
population, IUCN has classified this turtle species as endangered.

Distinguishing Features
This particular turtle species has a lot of distinct features. It has a pair of small eyes that are
located near the tip of its mouth and a broad head. Its carapace has an olive color and a smooth
texture. Juveniles of this species are known to have yellow heads and dark spots on their

Reports claim this species can grow up to six feet in length. The largest recorded carapace is
about 51 inches in length. The heaviest recorded Frog-face soft shell turtle is 220 lbs.
This species is carnivorous and an ambush predator. Its diet consists of fish, mollusks, and
crustaceans. It spends the great majority of its life motionless and buried. Its mouth as well as its
eyes are the only parts of its body that remain slightly visible above the sand when it burrows. It
only surfaces twice a day to replenish its air supply.
Tawitawi Brown Dove (Phapitreron cinereiceps) | Source

47. Tawitawi Brown Dove (Phapitreron cinereiceps)

This species of dove is endemic to the islands of the Sulu Archipelago in the southern part of the
Philippines. The Tawitawi brown dove is currently threatened by habitat loss although surveys
have shown the damage has been reduced significantly in past years. Because of this, the dove
has been reclassified as "endangered" from its previous classification of "critically endangered."
Distinguishing Features
The Tawitawi brown dove is a medium- to large-sized bird. They are usually 27 cm long. Its color
is brownish though some doves of this species may also have a matte grey hue. The hind necks
as well as the nape may also have a glossed brown color.

The rest of the feathers, especially on its upper parts, have a darker olive-brown coloration. The
feathers on its under parts have a rusty look, especially when you inspect its belly. It also has
grey undertail coverts. These doves are often found flying solo but at times can be found in pairs.
Mindoro Tree Frog (Philautus schmackeri) | Source

48. Mindoro Tree Frog (Philautus schmackeri)

This is a frog species that is endemic to the island of Mindoro. It inhabits the lowland forests on
the islands tropic and subtropic areas. This species can also be spotted in tropical as well as
subtropical shrub lands.
The species is facing habitat loss as huge sections of the old forests are converted for human
use. The demand for farm lands as well as residential lots is increasing in the Philippines, to the
detriment of many native animals. Because of this, the Mindoro tree frog has been included on
the IUCN red list and is classified as an endangered species. This species is severely
fragmented and population trends are showing a decline.
Hazel's Forest Frog (Platymantis hazelae) | Source

49. Hazel's Forest Frog (Platymantis hazelae)

Hazel's forest frog is endemic to Negros Island as well as to the island of Masbate. Platymantis
hazelae is included on the IUCN red list as an endangered species. Its distribution is severely
fragmented and its population is declining.

Distinguishing Features
This forest frog have been observed laying eggs and living in screw pines. They lay their eggs on
the leaves of forest trees. The entire body of this frog is covered in a camouflage pattern of
different shades of brown. An adult frog is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.

Hazel's Forest Frog (Platymantis hazelae) | Source

50. Mount Data Forest Frog (Platymantis

Mount Data forest frog is endemic to the mountain regions on the island of Luzon in the
Philippines. It inhabits the moist mountains within the tropical and subtropical areas of the
Cordilleras. Other than Mount Data, this species of frog has also been spotted in areas such as
Mount Pulog and Mount Polis.

The range of this species is severely fragmented and is currently threatened by habitat
destruction. Because of this and other factors, this frog species has been included on the IUCN
red list as an endangered frog species.

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