Full-Blown Research Writing

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Full-blown Research Writing

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
Contents of a full-blown research



1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 Theoretical framework of the study
1.6 Scope and limitation

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
2.1 Brief overview of current evolution of technology
2.2 Significant impact of the technology
2.3 Relevant studies

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
3.1 Baseline research analysis
3.2 System’s design
3.3 Development and system’s integration
3.4 Implementation
3.5 Evaluation

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
4.1 The baseline research analysis
4.2 The system’s design
4.3 The development and system’s integration
4.4 The evaluation





Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

 Make the title specific enough to describe the contents of the paper, but not
so technical that only specialists will understand. The title should be
appropriate for the intended audience.

 The title usually describes the subject matter of the article: “Design and
Simulation of a Low-Cost Irrigation System”

 A title that summarizes the results may be more effective: “Simulation of

Low-Cost Irrigation System a Key to Effective Implementation”

Title Keywords: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation,

Simulation, Modeling, Experimental, and other measurable adjectives.

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

 An abstract, or summary, is published together with a research

article, giving the reader a "preview" of what's to come. They
allow other scientists to quickly scan the large scientific
literature, and decide which articles they want to read in depth.
The abstract should be a little less technical than the article itself.

 Your abstract should be one paragraph, of 100-250 words, which

summarizes the purpose, methods, results and conclusions of the

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

 It is not easy to include all this information in just a few words.

Start by writing a summary that includes whatever you think is
important, and then gradually prune it down to size by removing
unnecessary words, while still retaining the necessary concepts.

 Don't use abbreviations or citations in the abstract. It should be

able to stand alone without any footnotes.

 Comes with Keywords ( at least 5 technical words utilized )

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat


 The introduction summarizes the relevant literature so that the

reader will understand why you were interested in the question
you asked. One to four paragraphs should be enough. End with a
sentence explaining the specific question you asked in this

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
 The purpose of the introduction is to give a solid background of
the phenomena being studied. It provides information that will
lead into the statement of problem. This information may include
the need to replicate previous studies due to some shortcomings
or to apply previous research to a different population.

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

 In general, the reader should be able to understand the need for the present
study and have concrete understanding of the researcher’s theory. The
introduction generally covers the following:
problems to be identified and defined,
a. Real-world problems (establish the severity of the problem)
b. System’s problems (issues/questions to be addressed)
technical justification,
advantage of what is being proposed and
presents the value of the project (impact).

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

The introduction may be well presented using the following sequence:

1.1 Background of the study
 Brief latest evolution of the technology describes how the technology of
interest surfaced and its motivational factors of its development. The
information must be contemporary and not based on outdated sources.
 Significant impact of the technology – describes the significant impact of the
technology in terms of economic, academic and social impact.

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
 Challenges of the technology – describes the various challenges
posed by the development. It must be noted that some trade-offs
may have been experienced in the utility of the technology which
can be related in the following sequence:

 Global scene
 National scene
 Local scene

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
 Interventions and initiatives that mitigate challenges –
describes some prevailing interventions and initiatives imposed
by other scientists to alleviate challenges based on technology
innovations and/or technology-based treatment which can also be
in the following sequence:
 Global scene
 National scene
 Local scene

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
1.2 Statement of problem – this section should recognize and
acknowledge the aforementioned arguments presented as challenges
and interventions that can be utilized as motivating factor for some
potent interventions/solutions based on technology innovations and
or other forms of technology-based treatment.

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
 Presentation of proposed solution – presents that through the
design/ development/implementation and evaluation of the
proposed project/study, it provides better solution and resolution
to stakeholders. The study therefore should seek to address some
prevailing technical issues and or questions with respect to the
design, development, implementation and evaluation of the
proposed technology-based treatment.

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
1.3 Objectives of the study – (General & Specific Objectives)

May be a statement of an outcome of the study in terms of

variables, and
May contains implications for empirical testing

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
Research Writing Seminar
March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
Research Writing Seminar
March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
1.4 Significance of the study – this is a brief section which should
answer the question: Why is this research needed? This section
should describe the importance of the research for the furtherance of
learning and to the economy. The research should present
compelling arguments and clearly show its significant
contribution/impact to various stakeholders.

(Social, academic, and economic impact)

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
1.5 Framework of the study – A group of related ideas that
provides guidance to a research project/endeavor.

 Input – Process – Output/Outcome (IPO) Paradigm

 Operational definitions of the framework must be well-

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
1.6 Scope and limitation of the study – describes the specific
coverage of the study bearing the enabling technologies involved,
general methodology and the project setting. Other technologies
may be mentioned and classified under the limitation of the study.
Relevant information which is withheld may also be classified under
the limitation.

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
1.7 Definition of terms – technical terminologies that are
significantly used in the study are defined explicitly to provide the
reader the fundamental understanding of the terms utilized.

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

 Any research, requires reading about what other people have done in
the area of your interest, how they have done it, and what are the gaps
in the research in that area. (BASELINE RESEARCH &

 Any new production of knowledge is necessarily based on previous and

existing knowledge. You need information to support or refute your
arguments and write about your findings.

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

 You need to provide evidence that you are aware of the current trends
and issues in your area of interest and are cognizant of the
current state of knowledge on the subject.

 Current and relevant studies provide substance to your field of interest.

 Hint: Abstracts of relevant studies are potent source of baseline


Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

 May be sequenced according to:

2.1 Brief current evolution of the technology of interest

2.2 Significant impact of the current technology
2.3 Prevailing challenges & problems
2.4 Relevant studies that presents interventions, alternatives, and
initiatives to mitigate challenges

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

Generally, the methods should have the following:

describes the overall plan and strategies for attaining the stated
objectives of the research.
represents the way the researchers conduct his observation or collects

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
. . . . . . METHODOLOGY

includes specifics as the location of the study, sampling design,

specification of variables, data collection, analysis of data.

the methodology should be 1:1 correspondence with the specific


May be anchored on the analysis, design, development,

implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) paradigm.

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
There are various adaptations of the ADDIE
model but it generally consists of five cyclical
phases—Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation, and Evaluation. These
processes represent a dynamic, and flexible
guideline for research methodology.

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat
(Should describe how the following are undertaken:)
3.1 The Design - describes how the following contributes to the technical design:
power supply, microcontroller board, interfacing circuit, microcontroller pin
assignments, machine elements, motor mounting , control design (system truth
table/action table)

(Google sketches, schematic diagrams, 3D models, etc., must be well presented and marked as Figure
x.x or Table x.x)

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

3.2 The Development - describes how the sub-components and cluster

designs are to be interlinked or interconnected in accordance to the pre-
established systems design (system’s integration). Inter-system
relationships are expected to be explained.

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

3.3 The Implementation/Simulation - describes the preliminary testing

and troubleshooting techniques will be used and the observations inherent
to system commissioning. Simulation techniques and processes must also
be described in accordance to the stipulated design parameters.

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

3.4 The Evaluation - Describes how the project outcome may be tested
and or evaluated in terms of performance, mobility, cost and pedagogic

 Performance can be measured through functionality, efficiency,

controllability, operability, real time sensing, speed, linear or angular
displacements accuracy and etc.

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

 Descriptive Statistics may be used to measure frequencies or

percentages and the mean responses through the five point rating scale
(Likert scale).

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

 The five Point Rating Scale (Likert Scale)

Adjectival Rating Scale Range

1 – Very Poor 1.49 - below
2 – Poor 1.50 – 2.49
3 – Fair 2.50 – 3.49
4 – High 3.50 – 4.49
5 – Very High 4.50 – above

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

 The results and discussions should be in conjunction with the stipulated

methodology bearing the design, development,
implementation/simulation and evaluation. Designed drawings and
accomplished designs must be well presented, compared and discussed.
Photos/pictures of accomplished prototypes must be well
presented/marked and explained. Screen shots of actual simulations
must also be presented and elaborated.

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

 The over-all summary must bear the highlights of the research chapters.
The conclusions must be based on the significant results of the
test/assessment/evaluation conducted. The recommendations should
address the least significant results of the test/assessment/evaluation.
The recommendations may be presented in question form.

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

Writing the fundamental introduction of the research

Objectives: After completing this activity, the enthusiast should be able to:

 Describe the content of the background and rationale of the research

 Write an introductory premise the research interest using available
benchmarked technical information and baseline research about the
technology of interest/subject.
 Substantiate the arguments of the study with information from various
sources relative to the arguments presented with proper (author) citation.
 Supplement available information through written discussion with own
intuitive ideas to corroborate, jibe or contradict the information at hand.

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

Writing the fundamental introduction of the research


1. Develop a short introduction describing the fundamental definition

and/or current evolution of a particular technology of interest by
following the research writing guidelines.
2. Use relevant references to jumpstart the essay with proper (author)
3. Express in writing your intuitive ideas, understanding, and opinion on the
information at hand and supplement the ideas that have been organized
and established so far.

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

Enhancing the introduction through information reinforcement

Objectives: After completing this activity, the enthusiast should be able to:

 Enhance and expand the initial essay at hand by incorporating other

relevant and collaborating information
 Expand the essay by discussing the significant impact of the technology of
interest with proper (author) citation
 Describe the challenges and milestone of the technology of interest

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat


1. Enhance and expand the initial essay at hand by incorporating additional

corroborating information from other references and sources with proper
(author/s) citation.
2. Describe the significant impact of the technology of interest in terms of
social, economic and academic influence with proper (author/s) citation.
3. Write the significant challenges and milestone of the technology of

Research Writing Seminar

March 7 & 8, 2015
Dr. Ruvel Cuasito, Sr., PECE Dr. Bimrew Tamrat

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