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The bar chart below gives information about the percentage of the population living in urban
area in the different parts of the world. The percentage of population living in cities has
increased over the past 57 years and it is seemed to increase for the next 40 years.

According to the chart, in 2017, North America had the highest population living in urban areas,
and it was followed by Latin America with percentage 79% and 76% respectively. In 2050, the
population living in those cities is predicted to be the highest among the other regions.

From 1950 to 2050, the most remarkably population growth are cities in Asia, Africa, and Latin
America. In the baseline year, people who lived in cities in Asia and Africa were low, with
approximately 17% and 15%, meanwhile in the same year; the population living in cities in Latin
America was almost 50%. In 2007, the percentage of population living in urban areas increased
34% in Latin America. This alteration was greater than it happened in Africa and Asia. But,
based on the prediction, in 2050, the population living in cities in Africa and Asia will grow up
to 25%, whereas the population in Latin America’s cities will just increase as little as 13%.

From this chart, it can be seen that in the decade, population living in the cities around the world
will be more crowded.


Nowadays, a lot of sport programs are broadcast on the television worldwide. Some people are
concerned that watching sport program makes young generation less likely to take part in the real

It is a fact that watching sport program makes people lazy to go out, especially to take exercise.
There are several reasons that make people prefer watch sport program to take the real sport. The
first reason is watching sport is more entertaining than doing the sport itself. The sport programs
has the unique features that make people rarely bored to watched it, for example in the football
match, the channel shows the playback movement, zooms the important movement, and
sometimes shoots the entire spectators. Those cannot be seen neither by watching it live in
stadium nor playing football. Second reason is watching sport program are more comfortable.
People can be relaxed in the couch and eating snacks, while watching sport program, for
example football matches. People do not need to spend money to buy match’s ticket. Moreover,
people do not need to take part of any sport to feel the euphoria.
In my opinion, I see that fewer young people do sport in public sport center than it used to. It is
because they are busy with their jobs or they are reluctant to do sport because they prefer watch
the sport program. For me, watching sport program is great, because it entertains me after a long
day of work and gives me more knowledge about the sports. Nevertheless, doing sport is more
important for our health. Considering that watching sport program never makes our body healthy
because it cannot burn our fat and cannot make us stronger. The fact is the more we watch sport
programs in TV, the more we get fat, because we tend to eat snack and drink soft drink while
watching TV programs.

The young generation’s discouragement is our nation’s problem. The government should make a
policy to encourage young generation to take sport, such as holding national tournaments,
making exercise’s policy on certain day in the work place, and providing the sport center for
public. Our duty is as a role model for younger generation. We should limit our watching time
and start to exercise.

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