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Mapandi, Alyssa Alyanna G.


What is your stand on the prevalent social issues that our country is facing today?

1. Mandatory ROTC for grades 11 and 12

2. Duterte’s stand on maritime incident in Recto Bank
3. 2019 election


Mandatory ROTC for grades 11 and 12

ROTC, for me, is not too bad of a concept. In my own opinion, this should not be seen as something
solely for the benefit of the government. In fact, I could see it as an opportunity for this generation to
grow their own sense of responsibility, discipline, and patriotism; those that I believe people of my age
are lacking nowadays where social and political apathy are prevalent.

Duterte’s stand on maritime incident in Recto Bank

All I felt upon hearing this issue and Duterte’s statement was mere disappointment. I am
disappointed with the fact that it almost felt like we were silenced, and that we do not have the right to
fight for what was supposed to be ours and for our fellow countrymen who were put into danger inside
their own territory. This is not a talk about employing drastic and aggressive measures. This is about
standing for our own sovereignty, and assertion of the rights of our own fishermen, which do not equate
to waging war. I believe that a president should be the voice of his country and someone who should
stand by his people when wronged; not someone who sides with people who repeatedly showed coercion
just because he believes that they are friends.

2019 Election

The 2019 election seemed like a comedic act for me because I could not grasp the idea of having
people with openly tainted reputations, those with cases of corruption, seated in our government.
Majority of the candidates who were given the power to serve our country do not even have a strong
campaign platform, and one was even shameless enough to just dance it off. These are the same people
who took advantage of us, yet they were still given the opportunity to continue the cycle. Considering
that there were a lot of potential candidates that could induce change but seen at the bottom of the list,
it is saddening that this could be a manifestation of how majority of us is still oblivious on how to choose
the right leaders for our country. It is honestly tiring to wake up to this kind of government everyday but
this should serve as a motivation for us to strive for the change that we always wanted, and continue to
open the eyes and minds of those who chose to close theirs.

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