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EcomToken Ecosystem and cryptocurrency market 1
About the EcomToken ecosystem 2
About EcomToken Token ( ECK ) 3
FundRequest Open source software and cash receipt technology 4
E-Banking and interest-paid systems, commissions 5
Roadmap – What’s going on 6
Token Distribution 7
Token Allocation 8
The Table of Contents 9
1 EcomToken Ecosystem and
cryptocurrency market

1.1 The influence of Blockchain technology

Technological motivation and market access needs: From 2020 will be the boom
year of Blockchain

E-commerce reports performed by Juniper Research Analysts, forecasts that

people would spend about 14.7 trillion USD in 2022 – an increase of 9.2 trillion
equivalent to 60% compared to the year 2017.

The study also showed that payment by scanning QR codes when buying goods
will become the most popular form of payment in the global. Currently, 1/3 payment
numbers in Chinese stores are made through QR code. Research has also shown
that online shopping can be saturated in 2022, although payment via QR code will
increase in India and Africa.

Also according to research, the speed of conversion from offline payment to online
payments will increase dizziness. This has been because retailers are gradually
trying to improve, providing more new payment mechanisms. Or it may also be
because technology companies like Square or iZettle have attempted to expand
payment services into local businesses. The report also shows the need to use the
application to order the growing dish, typical as Weatherspoons now allow
customers to call their items right from the desk through its application.

In particular, Juniper's research also emphasizes strong growth in the money

transfer sector, thanks to the expansion and acceptance of payments through
social media. Examples of companies like PayPal (through Venmo and Xoom's
subsidiaries) and Facebook have made it easy for users to move progressively to
the peer-to-digital forms of P2P payments.

Not only so, the report also indicates that blockchain technology is used more
and more for online financial agreements and it will bring more benefits to the
person who made it. Currently, Blockchain has been accepted by leading
retailers. Users can pay with Bitcoin or altcoins at Overstock, Expedia or even with

Juniper's research also emphasizes the advantages of Blockchain in e-

commerce, including: reducing the risk of errors in the implementation of online
payments, or reducing the problem of twice the cost when users make two
payments to the same product; Especially the ability to save e-commerce sites
on such things as: saving time for error checking, as well as, any processes are
faster, safer and less expensive. This will bring high competitiveness in the field of
online trading, but it saves the cost of users while increasing the volume of use,
thereby increasing the standard for future payment processes.

Therefore, this is the basis for us to create the

EcomTokenecosystem along with our technology platform
will pioneer in the field of trading, exchanging electronic
currencies (Cryptocurrency) such as cash on the market

1.2 4 BlockChain Trends in the year 2019

Blockchain, in the eyes of many people, is known only as a technology behind
Bitcoin. In recent times, however, Blockchain has regained its position, beginning
to recognize its position in the digital world. With a strong pace of change and
development, Blockchain is also being researched by many companies,
leveraging to learn new trends for a technology that is gradually becoming ripe.

Remove intermediate objects in a transaction

Blockchain is born to cater to people who have technological understanding,

so there is nothing to be surprised when technology itself needs to change the
pace to suit users. Intermediate objects, an integral part of the business, however
many services are being oriented into a decentralized form to eliminate these
unnecessary stitching.

There will be a kind called secret Blockchain

Contrary to the public Blockchain, where the ledger is dispersed between the
participants or the business to share and determine the entire transaction data,
the secret Blockchain is a network that is not intended for everyone. Centralized
agencies and enterprises are key to ensuring the integrity of the data exchange
of secret Blockchain, which will have a "conductor" of the blockchain identifier,
which can allow the transaction between the parties to steer the direction
throughout the Out of operation.

Combining Blockchain and Artificial intelligence

Have found some ways to help blockchain technology and artificial intelligence
can affect each other and complement each other. One of the key parts of the
main neural network is the amount of storage data associated with blockchain
technology, and they are increasingly flourished. If the blockchain is in conjunction
with the data provided earlier, they can serve the organization agencies as a real

Increase the influence of Blockchain

Blockchain is being applied to a lot of different fields in data management and

increasingly on the blockchain that confirms its position in the field such as:
Displaying transaction data, artificial intelligence and financial. The key problem
in current models is the semantic network, governance and analysis of the
standards required to be able to standardize this technology. And what
blockchain is showing is a sign that their potential and enormous impacts on
human life in the future

1.3 Future trends: The cryptocurrency will
be widely accepted over the next 10 years.
The latest report from the Royal College of London shows that cryptocurrency is
ready to use as a mainstream financial payment method. After a series of failures,
heavy discounts from the crypto market, currently those who love
cryptocurrencies have found the reason to believe and have more optimistic
attitude. In the past, there have been many researchers analyzing the long-term
potential of digital money, but this time in another direction.

One of the latest researches on Bitcoin and crypto currency, made by researchers
of the Royal College of London, has run out of praise for digital currencies. At the
same time, see them as the next step of currency with a multitude of potential
when widely accepted, as well as become the mainstream trend of the financial
market in the next decade.

Report entitled Cryptocurrency: Overcome Barriers to trust and acceptance for

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is used as a means of daily payment for goods and
services. Professor William Knottenbelt and Dr. Zeynep Gurguc from the Royal
College of London said that the cryptocurrency has attributes to implement the 3
fundamental roles of traditional fiat currencies including:

• Value storage: Allows the individual to perform the intemporal choice for the
absolute use of their purchasing power.

• Means of exchange: facilitate the exchange of goods and services by

eliminating the ineffectiveness associated with the exchange economy.

• Unit of account: works as a value measure in the economic system.

The article said that "the final two standards will force Bitcoin and the altcoins
must try to implement the remaining challenges, as well as scale expansion,
design and other adjustments.

However, some experts from the organization thought that the cryptocurrency
could not become a real type of "currency" due to the fundamental nature and
their great fluctuability. Moreover, many experts also expressed the opinion that
cryptocurrency technology is still too far away to batch process payments such
as Visa and MasterCard. Vitalik Buterin co-founder Ethereum has repeatedly
talked about developing the Ethereum platform to a new level, so that it is
possible to process multiple payments at the same time as Visa and MasterCard.

In expert opinion:
"The world of cryptocurrency is growing in dizziness with a huge number of
confusing terms and the accompanying terminology. There are so many skeptics
about cryptocurrency and how they become the payment system that everyone
uses every day. In this study, we found that the cryptocurrency had made
significant advances to fulfill the standards of becoming a widely accepted
payment method."

EToro Brokerage company also supports this latest research, and believes that
the more the day will be, many areas accept them. And cryptocurrency will be
able to replace the traditional fiat currency. Executive Director EToro, Iqbal
Gandham, says:

"The first email sent was in 1971, but it took nearly 3 decades with the
advancement of technology so that they became a user-friendly interface as it is
now. The first bitcoin transaction took place about 8 years ago. Today, we begin
to see them meet our daily life requirements. At a rate of acceptance like this, we
believe that Bitcoin and the altcoins will become universal, which are present in
the streets and shops within 1 decade. Of course, there will be barriers to formal
acceptance, but that can be completely overcome. "

The Imperial Zeynep Gurguc, co-authored the report, said:

"The new payment system (or other types of assets) can not be known only after
one night but the concept of currency has evolved in the new direction – even in
our lives – from cash to digital money or remote payments."

2 About the EcomToken ecosystem

2.1 What is Ecom Wallet?

EcomToken (Ecom Wallet) is a mobile e-wallet, used as an online payment platform

and mobile payment. In the future most of the cash payments from small as buy
vegetables in the market until up like buying agricultural products in agriculture or
products in the industrization industry in large quantities can be done without the
use of cash information Too Ecom Wallet. Users from farmers to middle-class
residents in the city can easily make payments with QR code on Ecom Wallet's
phone application. Ecom Wallet will be a tool to ensure online trading will take
place safely and create trust for consumers.

Ecom Wallet will be used as a payment guarantee in online transactions. The

partners accept the use of Ecom Wallet as payment instrument will be secured by
Ecom Wallet, the purchase process takes place rapidly and transparently.

Merchants, businesses will benefit accounting, user metrics help to better

understand their customers, easy to predict sales, ease of risk management,
increase customer volume, in addition can accept modern forms of payment when
electricity trade That there is no traditional way of comparing it, helping to control
the cash flow well.

Buyers will benefit without the need for cash, extremely fast, simple, convenient, no
worries of money, receive the deals from the seller. Users can also transfer funds
from their Ecom Wallet account to a bank card in minutes. Owning an Ecom Wallet
online payment account will help bring the user a lot of utilities in the payment of
petroleum purchases, agricultural products, money transfer and online remittances,
loading payment of phone money , payment card game, payment of electric water
bill, payment of goods for the shop, payment of movie tickets, buying tickets
number, booking air tickets,... Can be used with Ecom Wallet with just a few simple
In particular, consumers not only feel the fast, convenient use of smartphones paid
with Ecom Wallet but also the security and safety.

The government will benefit: due to the limited use of cash, all transactions are
recorded and will contribute to the reduction of corruption, increased transparency,
the withdrawal of money. Minimize illegal transactions.

The bank reduces the funding cost, the state also controls and better controls the
amount of money taken into circulation. Contributed 1 part to the process of
building e-government.

Our state is also determined towards the non-cash economy, Ecom Wallet may be
backed by the government.

2.2 Vision
The payment instruments do not use cash, in the future worldwide

2.3 Objective
To become Alipay for the globe within 03 years

2.4 Market target

E-commerce market, payment in life.

2.5 Potential
Like Alipay Dominus in the Chinese market, together with Wechat Pay reaches up to
a huge annual transaction of up to over 15000 billion dollars, now Alipay has
become China's largest financial institution , holding bigger amounts of money than
any other bank. At the global, in the near future, people will message, shop and
send money back and again, all without using cash. What brings it named Ecom

2.6 Product characteristics

Triggered by a wide array of wireless and mobile technologies, a new form of e-
commerce, "MMobile e-commerce", is being the growing interest of both business
and academic communities. Proliferation of mobile trading, especially in the areas
of business with customers, requirements are accepted globally, viable methods are
available, easy to use, safe and paid. Mobile payment (mPayment) requires making
payments using mobile devices including wireless cell phones, personal digital
assistants, and other radio frequency (RF) and near the field of communication
(NFC) based devices. While the mPayment is still in infancy, its acceptance is
expected to increase by the number of human levels in the coming years. Today,
increasingly accepting mPayment methods are witnessed in Europe and Asia, the
Americas, but the potential of mPayment is still largely unexplored. Many properties
apply sluggish of the mPayment methodology in the United States to lack uniform

standards, security issues and privacy, and ecommerce slow diffusion. This article
aims to give readers a clear understanding of the mPayment status and to explore
the factors that will determine the application of the mPayment of American
consumers. It also provides users with detailed plans of a cross-industry and
mPayment cross-platform solutions that provide consumers with fast and
convenient payment processes for both online trading and direct trading.

2.7 Ecom Wallet functions

Integrate cryptocurrency into an international money transfer channel

• In its ecosystem, EcomToken is affiliated with banks to release the Master card,
Visa for Debit card products, Credit card and its trademark card. In this utility, Ecom
Wallet can associate digital assets as investor coins with bank cards to create
seamless connections between digital and real-world assets, enabling investors to
use their technical assets of any transaction and consumption in the EcomToken
• Tokenization of commodity products (transactions via Public Blockchain or Private
Blockchain). This feature helps enterprise customers of the EcomToken ecosystem
have the tools to promote, favour, expand and engage their consumer customers
and also be the end users of EcomToken. So it's a beneficial pair. This is the
marketing and user strategy of EcomToken, through the enterprise customers to pull
the end user to EcomToken. (Corporate customers are petroleum retailers,
companies offering cattle feed, breeding crops...v…v)

2.8 EcomToken Market

• Listing of collection and sale of popular currencies in the cryptocurrency system

• Buy and sell Voucher Card (Voucher Token-easily send, receive, buy, sell through
Public Blockchain system, or Private Blockchain)

• Listing and gathering large quantities of food and retail orders worldwide, orders in
consumer goods, or petrol throughout the year to gather into large orders
distributed to petroleum retailers , retail consumer goods, for major commodity
exchanges in the world such as London, Tokyo etc... The principle of this is that the
end consumers if they plan to consume and spend the whole year will always be
entitled to the proximity, incentives, integrated promotions for loyal customers,
encouraging fossil fuel economy , emission reduction. Users are beneficial, large
providers are beneficial, brokers are beneficial-the global environment is beneficial
when the consumption of each global resident is calculated, optimized, be planned
closely before the whole year , even 2 years, 3 years, 5 years.

3 About EcomToken Token ( ECK )

3.1 Engineering, Technology: release 101

million ECK

101 million Ecomtokens were released on the Ethereum Blockchain infrastructure, the
second largest global Blockchain system (after Bitcoin's Blockchain system). This
infrastructure proved to be stable, it was difficult to get attacked by taking control
of 51% (due to the scale of large nodes and its radical decentralized concentration).
Major financial mechanisms have released stock products on this system as the
Austrian Government has issued US $1.3 billion in government bonds on the
Ethereum Blockchain, the largest USDT-Stablecoin (certified by US $2.5 billion)
Crypto Market also released on the system and stable operation after almost 2
years of release.

3.2 The characteristics of ECK

• EcomToken Platform: Built on Ethereum Block chain

• Stable Currency: ECK converts cash into crypto currency, to anchor or tie value to
the price of the national currency such as Euro, USD
• Blockchain Technology: The EcomToken platform is built on the basis of open
Blockchain technologies, leveraging the confidentiality and transparency they
provide. EcomToken will be ERC20 tokens.
• Widespread Integration: EcomToken is a digital currency that will be the most
widely integrated, bought, sold, used on stock exchanges and cryptocurrency
exchanges, the world's leading cryptoassets.
• Secure: EcomToken's blockchain support technology delivers world-class security
while meeting international compliance standards and regulations.

3.3 Why to release EcomToken (ECK)?
To answer this question we will look at the use cases of EcomToken and the benefits
it brings. Whatever you can do with Fiat money (Fiat-USD, EUR, YEN), you can now
do with stable cryptocurrency ET.

For Blockchain Companies:

• Provide your services and pay with ET

• Listing the prices of goods and services in the currency that your customers are
familiar with-EcomToken
• Reduce costs and operational time by ignoring intermediate financial institutions

For Exchanges

• Use EcomToken to replace the traditional currency deposit and withdrawal

• Secure and manage customer assets completely through encryption using
processes, including account security with multiple signatures (Multi-Sig)
• Solving Fiat-Ballance between the exchanges is much easier and in real time.

For individuals/traders

• Seamlessly move currencies between exchanges and wallets

• Enhanced Currency exchange
• Provide a method to monitor your own funds and eliminate the risk of depositing
for exchanges.

For Business to Business transactions

• Use EcomToken to replace deposit methods, margin, traditional payment through

the banking system. The EcomToken will now be used to directly trade construction
contracts, petroleum engineering services, contract for sale of goods, crude oil,
liquefied petroleum, securities, purchase and sale of the CER emission reduction
emissions in CDM projects , real estate investment, warehousing,... Etc.

3.4 Effects of ECK on cryptocurrencies in
Ecom ecosystem
• EcomToken will be a stable currency that runs parallel to popular coins on the
market such as BTC, ETH, XRP, EOS, XLM... and is the primary payment in the three-
module ecosystem of EcomToken.

• Profits arising in the release, circulation, payment, leasing and investment from
EcomToken will be reused in order to increase the evidence size of the ECK to
increase the scale of the release of ECK.

• The growing scale and frequency of use of the ECK is increasing, its indirect impact
on street coding currencies is increasing, thereby forming a dual motivation for the
value growth of the Reresonance Co. with other growth motivation In the
EcomToken ecosystem

4 FundRequest Open source software
and cash receipt technology
In order to improve the skills and system of stable operation, the EcomToken team is
participating in the Open Source Development incentive Program of FundRequest,
built on the integrated blockchain platform on GitHub, allowing developers to
receive rewards directly when solving Problems on the open source project,
according to the announcement this past Thursday, after the confirmation
Microsoft will acquire Github on Monday.
FundRequest allows "funding" the project with cryptocurrency when the developer
solves the error and they will receive a reward with cryptocurrency. This is not only
beneficial for people who need to fix bugs, patch software, but also help
developers present their own talents in projects.
By collaborating with a number of interesting projects in the blockchain sector, such
as the Singular Artificial intelligence innovation marketplace, the most decentralized
payment processing platform Request Network and the ORCA Open Bank platform,
FundRequest says they're helping developers experience more deeply about
blockchain and have the opportunity to contribute directly to the projects they are
interested in.
In essence, the business pays for the software support they need, and the
developers get an incentive to fix various projects, so they can learn, join all the
related platforms in the blockchain, as well as in the The software field,
FundRequest said. For open source projects, this also builds the steadfast passion
of their passions as they participate in the project.
According to FundRequest, too many projects have not been completed due to
lack of encouragement, many companies must queue long-awaited bug fixes.
Thanks to the FundRequest solution, with the positive reward of community
contributions, users will create projects that require, send money to smart contracts
on the Ethereum blockchain, and which developers offer the best solution that will
receive the cryptocurrency from projects that project.
In addition to the FundRequest's FND token which is used to support Blochain
platform developers and rewards for its project, EcomToken has also the option of
using its ECK to pay the developer.
5 E-Banking and interest-paid
systems, commissions

5.1 EcomToken Wallet

According to the traditional market, when there is an idle money or need to secure
money or assets, the first thing we think about is to send it to the bank. This benefit
is that bank deposits can arise interest based on the amount and time of sending.
The second benefit is that our money will be held securely by the bank for a period
of time that you cannot store on the person or in the home immediately. However,
the downside of this approach is that when you send cash to your bank, your
money will likely lose prices because of market inflation, the value of the original
currency, and even the interest rate has lost price compared to the price The value
of the deposit at the time of withdrawal from the bank. At the same time, the lowest
rate of interest is 1-3 months or more, and the benefits of the sender are not

It's the story with cash in life. However, at the time of technology evolved as it is now,
when the blockchain has been growing into every corner of life, we have been able
to optimize and vary greatly with the assets we hold. And we can fully control our
capital and interest.

We call our products the bank and deposit cryptocurrencies, and integrate the
Ecom Wallet technology.

Instead of sending cash, we can convert deposits to basic coins such as ETH, BTC,
EOS, XLM... Ecom Wallet's wallet system after receiving deposits with these basic
coins, will pay regular interest daily immediately. The daily interest received will be
paid in the ECK of the EcomToken ecosystem. With its features and advantages,
liquidity of EcomToken's ECK will ensure all benefits for customers.

The advantage of the form of cash deposits (cryptocurrencies) is to provide
customers with double benefits. Firstly, the customer is guaranteed the benefit of
receiving daily interest from the system of interest payment. The customer is
receiving interest immediately after sending at a certain time frame, and can be
completely withdrawn at any time without fear of loss of interest as when sending
cash in the traditional bank. Secondly, when sending cryptocurrencies into the
EcomWallet wallet, the client is born again, which is the decrease in the currency
that he is holding in the vibrant rise of electronic money today.

The market is on a more vibrant, righteous belief BTC will reestablish its highest level
in history 2017 is gradually becoming more visible than ever. Where the stories are
also saggy and discuss the return of the golden-currency. Investing in
cryptocurrency markets is now one of the good solutions that you can think of when
you want to be able to make words from the cryptocurrency market today.

Understanding the Desire, EcomToken provides a solution for investors who want to
be safe, not risking trade on exchanges when knowledge is insufficient. It is the
preservation of funding in the wallet, and the daily birth. You participate in the
cryptocurrency market, you do not have to lose the trade, but still have a profit
from the fertile market based on the coins that are holding.

The market is on a more vibrant, righteous belief BTC will reestablish its highest level
in history 2017 is gradually becoming more visible than ever. Where the stories are
also saggy and discuss the return of the golden-currency. Investing in
cryptocurrency markets is now one of the good solutions that you can think of when
you want to be able to make words from the cryptocurrency market today.

Understanding the Desire, EcomToken provides a solution for investors who want to
be safe, not risking trade on exchanges when knowledge is insufficient. It is the
preservation of funding in the wallet, and the daily birth. You participate in the
cryptocurrency market, you do not have to lose the trade, but still have a profit
from the fertile market based on the coins that are holding.

5.2 EcomToken Wallet's AI technology:
EcomToken provides a technology called BotTrader, which provides a solution for
placing a purchase order from small-price exchanges and carrying on sale at high-
price decks at the same time as the same coin. This is based on the principle that
electronic exchanges around the world at the same time will have some price
differences for a coin at the same time. Due to the system of different prices and
time updates, although possible in a few short seconds, and the unit price skewed
a quantity not more

However, EcomToken's BotTrader will perform thousands of buy-and-sell orders in

equal quantities on floors with a price difference. A small number of differences but
are given thousands of orders, which will give rise to a large difference. BotTrader by
his AI technology leverdates the funds in his system to retake over thousands of

them in a day. The amount of the birth will therefore be sent back to the customer
immediately during the day after the conclusion. If during the day there are no
disparities between the exchanges, and so does not respond? Don't worry, the
system still pays you full interest. However, it is only a question of the situation, with
the thousands of exchanges operating one day, and each floor has many coins on
different prices each time, then BotTrader will sweep all the low selling points and
high purchase points to accurately order each of the milliseconds.

In addition to the difference, BotTrader not only trades the difference in the main
coins on the market, it is also able to trade all the product codes are encoded on
the exchanges.

The EcomToken ecosystem is formulated to add the functionality of the

tokenization of all operating products to its system, which is the value of the peer-
valued conversion of all goods in the system and comparable to the ECK in the
system so that Fast and convenient translation. This ensures that EcomToken's
coins, commodity products, and ECK will have strong liquidity, are received and
rotated in the marketplace.

5.3 Bank card EcomToken storage and
cryptocurrency trading

In its ecosystem, EcomToken is affiliated with banks to release hard card Master
Card, Visa for Debit card products, Credit card and make its branded card. In this
utility, Ecom Wallet can associate digital assets as investor cryptocurrency with
bank cards to create seamless connections between digital and real-world assets,
enabling investors to use their technical assets of any transaction and consumption
in the EcomToken ecosystem.

6 Roadmap – What’s going on
- Business Development Build value-adding joint ventures with industry leaders
- Marketing Global promotion and education of the EcomToken ecosystem
- Operations Maintain world class administrative, legal and customer support
- EcomSystem development reserve funds for unexpected contingencies

2018: - Deployed on the web to have products

- Build complete teams and experience in the field of e-
2019: Development of software on the phone, website
2020: - Reaching milestone 1 million users
- Amount of 1 year trading FX can reach the number 1 billion USD
2021: - A milestone of 8 million users
- Amount of 1 year trading can reach 20 billion USD
2022: - Ecom Wallet and Applications in the same EcomToken ecosystem become
the most popular leading software globally
- Amount of annual transactions can be up to 100 billion USD
2023: - EcomWallet will achieve the goal of bringing the international market
- Make the economy without cash use

7 Token Distribution

The ECK token is utility token, which is ERC 20

Total market supply is 101 million ECK Token
- Token Sale - 38%
- Referal Program - 25%
- Reserve - 22%
- Team, Partners, Advisors - 15%

8 Token Allocation

* Tech development – 15%

* Business development – 15%
* Marketing – 10%
* Operation – 40%
* EcomSystem development – 20%
- Technology & Product New products and feature upgrades to the ecosystem
- Business Development Build value-adding joint ventures with industry leaders
- Marketing Global promotion and education of the EcomToken ecosystem
- Operations Maintain world class administrative, legal and customer support
- EcomSystem development reserve funds for unexpected contingencies

9 The Table of Contents

1. EcomToken Ecosystem and cryptocurrency market

1.1The influence of Blockchain technology
1.2 BlockChain Trends in the year 2019
1.3 Future trends: The cryptocurrency will be widely accepted over the next 10 years.
2 About the EcomToken ecosystem
2.1 What is Ecom Wallet?
2.2 Vision
2.3 Objective
2.4 Market target
2.5 Potential
2.6 Product characteristics
2.7 Ecom Wallet functions
2.8 EcomToken Market
3 About EcomToken Token ( ECK )
3.1 Engineering, Technology
3.2 The characteristics of ECK
3.3 Why to release EcomToken (ECK)?
3.4 Effects of ECK on cryptocurrencies in Ecom ecosystem
4. FundRequest Open source software and cash receipt technology
5. E-Banking and interest-paid systems, commissions
5.1 EcomToken Wallet
5.2 EcomToken Wallet's AI technology
5.3 Bank card EcomToken storage and cryptocurrency trading
6. Roadmap – What’s going on
7. Token Distribution
8. Token Allocation
9. The Table of Contents


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