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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(20), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i20/81485, May 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

An Improved Compressed Sensing based Sparse

Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM Systems
with an Efficient Pilot Insertion Scheme
V. Nagendra Babu1*, V. Adinarayana1, K. Muralikrishna2 and P. Rajesh Kumar3
Department of ECE, Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology, Visakhapatnam - 530049, Andhra Pradesh, India;,
Department of ECE, ANITS Engineering College, Visakhapatnam - 531162, Andhra Pradesh, India;
Department of ECE, A.U College of Engineering, Andhra University,Visakhapatnam - 530003,
Andhra Pradesh, India;

In this paper, we proposed an improved recovery algorithm, with efficient pilot placement, for Compressed Sensing
­(CS)-based sparse channel estimation based on Sparsity Adaptive Matching Pursuit (SAMP) in Orthogonal Frequency
Division Multiplexing (OFDM) communication systems. The proposed algorithm does not require a priori knowledge of
the sparsity, and to approach the true sparsity, adjusts the step size adaptively. Furthermore, estimation accuracy can be
­affected by different measurement matrices in CS, due to different pilot arrangements. It is known that, the Cyclic Difference
Set (CDS) is the optimal setoff pilot locations when the signal is sparse on the unitary Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
­matrix by minimizing the mutual coherence of the measurement matrix. Based on this, an efficient pilot insertion scheme
is introduced in cases where Cyclic Different Set does not exist. Simulation results in the paper show that the channel
estimation algorithm, with the new pilot placement scheme, which offers a better trade-off between the ­performances
in terms of Bit Error Rate (BER), Mean Squared Error (MSE) and the complexity, when compared to previous estimation

Keywords: Compressed Sensing, Cyclic Difference Set, Sparse Channel Estimation, Sparsity Adaptive Matching Pursuit

1.  Introduction channel in OFDM systems. Conventional methods for

CSI estimation, such as Least Square (LS) and Minimum
Due to its high data rate, efficient spectral utilization and Mean-Square (MMSE), lead to the excessive-utilization
ability to cope with multipath fading, OFDM has been of the spectral and energy resources and cannot exploit
widely using in various wireless communication stan- the sparsity of the wireless channels. As opposed to the
dards, such as Long Term Evolution (LTE). Its application traditional methods, channel estimation exploiting the
in Underwater Acoustic (UWA) communications has sparsity of the channels effectively improves the spectral
been exploited in recent years. In coherent digital wire- and energy efficiency by reducing the required number
less systems, it is critical to obtaining accurate estimates of pilots.
of the Channel State Information (CSI) at the receiver. Advances in the field of CS have gained a fast-growing
The pilot tones will be inserted into certain subcarriers of interest in signal processing and can be applied to sparse
each OFDM symbol, or all subcarriers of OFDM symbols channel estimation. Unlike previous channel estimation
are used as pilots within a specific period to estimate the methods, the accurate reconstruction of the signal which

*Author for correspondence

An Improved Compressed Sensing based Sparse Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM Systems with an Efficient Pilot Insertion

is sparse on a certain basis is possible by CS from a small where x є RN is a real-valued, one-dimensional,

number of random linear projections/measurements. A ­discrete-time signal vector, Ф is the sensing matrix, and
proper reconstruction algorithm and a properly designed w є RN is a stochastic error term. Assuming that x can be
measurement matrix are essential for accurate or even expanded in an orthonormal basis ψ as
exact reconstruction of the target signal. Recently, a stage- x = ψα,  (2)
wise algorithm which uses different step sizes for different
stages, however as the change of step sizes depends on a where α is the N X 1coefficients vector, the signal x is
specific relation between the number of measurements K-sparse if and only if K coefficients (K << N) in α are
and the sparsity level. non-zero while the remaining coefficients are zero or
We propose a channel estimation scheme, adaptive step ­negligibly small. Substituting (2) in (1), one obtains
size SAMP (AS-SAMP) based on the SAMP algorithm, y = Фψα + w = Aα + w, (3)
which can achieve fast convergence by adjusting the step
size adaptively. The simulation results demonstrate the where, A is referred to as the measurement matrix.
better performance for channel estimation using the pro- Essentially, CS states that x can be recovered, with high
posed algorithm for sparse channel estimation in terms probability, by solving the under-determined problem in
of MSE and BER in UWA-OFDM. Moreover, the mutual (3). The reliability of recovery depends on two constraints:
coherence of the measurement matrix is minimized by 1) α is sparse; 2) A satisfies the restrict isometric property
providing a partial DFT measurement matrix; it is known (RIP), which means that for an arbitrary level δ є(0, 1)and
that if the pilot indices set are a Cyclic Difference Set any index set I є {0, 1, ..., N − 1}such that |I| ≤ K, where
(CDS). However, it is not guaranteed that a CDS will exist |є| denote the cardinality of the set, and for all α є R|N|, the
for every pilot size so we propose a novel pilot pattern following relation holds:
selection scheme which relies on the concatenated CDS (1 − δ) ||α||2 ≤ ||AIα||2 ≤ (1 + δ) ||α||2, (4)
with an iterative tail search (C-CDS with TS). Because the
where AI is the matrix containing the columns of which
proposed design is deterministic, it is more efficient than
the indices are elements of the set I. An estimator of α
any other search-based methods.
in (3) can be achieved by solving a convex optimization
We conduct a comparative analysis of the
problem, which is formulated as,
­performance of existing reconstruction methods in

terms of estimation accuracy and computational com- a = arg min ||α||1, subject to ||y – Aα|| ≤ε, (5)
plexity. Furthermore, priori knowledge of sparsity is not
for a given ε >0. If A satisfies RIP and α is sufficiently
required in newly ­proposed reconstruction algorithm
sparse, the norm of the reconstruction error is bounded
for CS applications. 
by || a – α|| ≤ Cє, where C depends on the RIP related
parameter δ of A rather than α. Particularly, if a measure-
ment matrix is composed of random rows in an N×N
2. CS Fundamentals and System
DFT matrix, and if M > CбK log N, a K-sparse signal can
Model be reconstructed with probability of at least 1−O(N–б),
The following notation will be used for the rest of the where δ is the constant in the RIP, and Cб is approximately
paper. XT denotes the transpose of X, X† denotes the linear with δ.
Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse matrix of X, which is
defined as (XH X)–1 XH, with XH as the Hermitian of X, || 2.2  System Model
X || and || X ||1denotes the ℓ2 norm and the ℓ1 norm of X, We consider an N-subcarrier OFDM system in which P
respectively. subcarriers are used as pilots. The symbols transmitted on
the kth subcarrier, X(k), 0 ≤ k ≤ N −1, are assumed to be
2.1  CS Fundamentals independent and identically distributed random variables
We consider a contaminated measurement vector drawn from a Phase-Shift Keying (PSK) or Quadrature
obtained through Amplitude Modulation (QAM) signal constellation.
Assume that the time-invariant multipath channel having
Y = Фx + w, (1) the impulse response

2 Vol 9 (20) | May 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
V. Nagendra Babu, V. Adinarayana, K. Muralikrishna and P. Rajesh Kumar

least residual is found. As opposed to SAMP, the proposed

N p−1
h(n) = hp δ(n − hTp )  (6) algorithm incorporates two threshold values into the

where, ηp is the number of paths, and ηp and Tp are the halting criterion: tolerance є and Γ. Therefore, AS-SAMP
amplitude gain and the delay associated with the pth path, halts when the residual’s norm is smaller than є, in which
respectively. The vector of received signal after Discrete є are set to be the noise energy. Meanwhile, sis decreased
Fourier Transforms (DFT) is expressed as when the energy difference of the reconstructed signal
falls below Γ. Starting with a sufficiently large initial step
Y = XH + W = XDh +W, (7) size (SI ≤ K), the algorithm quickly approaches the target
where, X is an N × N diagonal matrix with the elements signal. However, when the difference in the energy of the
X(k), 0 ≤ k ≤ N − 1, on the main diagonal, Y = [Y(0), reconstructed signals becomes smaller than the pre-set Γ,
Y(1),..., Y(N – 1)]T. H = [H(0), H(1),..., H(N – 1)]T and W the step size is reduced (by a factor of two) to avoid overes-
= [W(0), W(1),..., W(N – 1)]T are the frequency response timation of the K-sparse target signal. This overestimation
vector of the channel and additive white Gaussian noise can significantly degrade the accuracy of the algorithm.
(AWGN), respectively. h = [h(0), h(1),..., h(L – 1)]T. The
1 − j 2pmn/ N , Algorithm-1
(m, n) element of D is given by [D]m,n = e ,
N Algorithm 1 AS-SAMP
where 0 ≤ m ≤ N − 1 and 0 ≤ n ≤ L − 1. After extracting the Input: Received signal at pilot subcarriers Yp, ­measurement
pilot subcarriers, we can write the following ­input-output matrix A, tolerance
 є, threshold Г, initial step size SI;
relationship   1. Initialize h = [0,0,…,0]T, h old = [0,0,…,0]T, rtemp =
Yp = Xp Dp h + Wp = Ah + Wp, (8) [0,0,…,0]T, indices set D0 = Ø, candidate support set
C0 = Ø,, residual r0 = Yp, size of final support set F0 =
where, Yp = SY, Xp = SXST, Dp = SD, Wp = SW, and S is a P × N Ø,, iteration index t = 1
matrix for selected pilot subcarriers. In addition, A = Xp Dp   2.  while (||rt-1|| > є) do
is a P × L matrix, referred to as the measurement matrix. The   3.  Calculate signal SP = |AH r(t-1)|
goal of CS-based channel estimation is to estimate h from   4. Select indices set Dt in A corresponding to the L
the received pilot Yp, given the m ­ easurement matrix A. ­largest elements in SP
   {Preliminary test}
3. Proposed AS-SAMP with   5. Merge chosen indices and final support set from
­previous iteration into candidate support set Ct = Dt
Application to Sparse Channel  Ft–1
Estimation   6. Refine candidate set to final set Ft by selecting indices
corresponding to the L
3.1  Proposed AS-SAMP Algorithm    largest elements of | AC t YP | {Final test}
We propose the AS-SAMP algorithm; to expedite the 
  7. Solve the least-square problem h (Ft) = A F t YP
convergence, the algorithm begins with a larger step size
  8. Calculate the current residual rtemp = Yp –
(the initial step size is denoted as SI) which is adaptively
decreased to provide fine tuning in later stages as the A F t A F t YP
change rate of the reconstructed signal’s energy decreases.   9.  if (||rtemp|| > є) then
Consequently, an additional threshold Γ is used to specify 10.  rt = rt–1
the beginning of the fine tuning. The pseudo code for the 11.  Break
proposed algorithm is presented as Algorithm 1. The 12.  else if (||rtemp|| ≥ ||rt-1||) then
algorithm is also stage-wise with a variable size of FT in  
13.  if (|| h (Ft)|| – || h old|| < Г then
different stages. During a stage, it adopts two correlation  
tests iteratively, i.e., candidate and final tests, to search a 14. s = [s⁄2], L = L + s, h old = h (Ft), rt = rt–1, t =t + 1 {Fine
certain number of coordinate corresponding to the larg- tuning}
est correlation values between the signal residual and the 15.  else
 
columns of the measurement matrix. Then, the algorithm 16. L = L + s, h old = h (Ft), rt = rt–1, t =t + 1 {Fast
moves to the next stage until the recovered signal with the ­approaching}

Vol 9 (20) | May 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
An Improved Compressed Sensing based Sparse Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM Systems with an Efficient Pilot Insertion

17.  end if referred to this as to the iterative tail search; the pseudo
18.  else code is shown as Algorithm 2. The size of the search space
19.  Ft-1 = Ft, rt = rtemp, t =t + 1 is greatly reduced after concatenation, and hence, the pro-
20.  end if posed method converges much faster when compared to
21.  end while  the iterative methods.
22.  return h
Output: Estimation of baseband channel impulse Algorithm – 2
response h
Algorithm 2 Pilot placement Based on Concatenated
CDS with an Iterative tail Search
3.2  Computational Complexity Input: An existing (u, υ, α) CDS C for concatenation, the
In this section, the computational complexity of the ­existing number of total subcarriers N, the number of pilot sub-
algorithms in the literature and the proposed algorithm is carriers P, the partial DFT matrix D of which the (m, n)
compared in terms of the number of operations. In addi- 1 − j 2pmn/ N
element is e , where 0 ≤ m ≤ N-1, 0 ≤ n ≤
tion, the complexity of the algorithms also depends on the N
number of iterations. A summary of the computational L–1, and L is the number of taps of the CIR;
complexity of the considered algorithms OMP, CoSaMP, 1.  Initialize Ωc = ∅, Ωtemp =∅
SAMP and AS SAMP is provided in Table 1. N 
2.  for i from 1 to   do
4.  Pilot Placement i i -1
3.  Ωc = {Ωc  [C + (I − 1) × u ]}
Suppose that the measurement matrix A is composed of 4.  end for N 
Prows of the N × L partial DFT matrix D and the indices 5.  Pr = P – u ×  u  , Ω = ΩC
 
set of the selected rows is Ω, and all the pilot symbols are 6.  for j from 1 to Pr do
equal-powered. We denote the number of repetitions of
7.  Ωtemp = Ω
the different elements of Gas λG= {λg/g = 1, 2..., N − 1},
8. From all Pr –j + 1 possible subsets of size j by adding an
then λ1 = λ2 = ... λ1n–1 = λ which also means that the vari-
element to Ωtemp:
ance of λG is zero. Consider an OFDM system with N=
  Ω = {Ωtemp  k є {Pr+ 1, Pr+ 2,…, N} \ Ωtemp}
1024, in which P= 256 identical pilot symbols are ran-
9. From the matrix A by selecting rows of D for each j-
domly scattered, and the number of taps of the sparse CIR
element sets generated from the previous step, and the
is L= 250. In order to quantize the channel ­estimation
indices set of the selected rows is Ω
error, we adopt MSE, which is defined as
10. From all (Pr –j + 1) of A matrices generated from the

MSE = E[ | H (m) − H (m)|2 ]  (9) previous step, calculate the corresponding mutual
m =1
coherence, and choose the set with the minimum
We propose a pilot placement scheme based on the
mutual coherence
­concatenated CDS for pairs of (P, N) where, CDS does
11.  end for
not exist. Specifically; we select the existing CDS with the
12.  return Ω
parameters (u, υ, α) in which u/υ is the closest to P/N.
Output:The pilot indices set Ω
For instance, to select indices for 256 pilots from 1024
To show that as the variance of λGincreases, it is likely
positions, the (133, 33, 8) CDS is used. After concatenat-
that so does the mutual coherence of A and the MSE of
ing the selected CDS, we adopt an iterative procedure to
estimates, Spearman’s rank correlation is adopted to mea-
find the rest of pilot positions which minimize the mutual
sure the strength of a monotonic relationship (i.e., values
­coherence of the resulting measurement matrix. We
of elements in a vector either increase or decrease with
Table 1.  Computational complexity every increase in an associated vector) between paired
vectors. Table 2 shows the Spearman’s rank correlation
|h | −1 |h | −1
between any pair of the following four vectors: the vari-
KPN ≤ KPN ≤ [−Jlog( min )
h log(c K s−SAMP )
+ J ] PN ≤ [−Jlog( min )
h log(c K s − ASSAMP )
+ J ] PN
ance of λG, the mutual coherence μ(A), and the MSE
V. Simulation tables for both the OMP and AS-SAMP algorithms, obtained

4 Vol 9 (20) | May 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
V. Nagendra Babu, V. Adinarayana, K. Muralikrishna and P. Rajesh Kumar

Table 2.  Spearman’s rank correlations

The average
The Average
var(ϒG)§ µ(A) MSE of AS-
var(ϒG) 1 0.7475 0.7467 0.7527
µ(A) 0.7475 1 0.7481 0.7534
The Average
0.7467 0.7481 1 ---
The average
MSE of AS- 0.7527 07534 --- 1

Figure 1.  MSE performance of the LS, OMP and AS-

Table 3.  Parameters of compared algorithms SAMP
Sparsity Step Threshold
Name MaxIter Tolerance є
K size s Г
Not Not
OMP 20 15 Not Required
Required Required
Not Not
CoSaMP 20 15 Norm(Noise)
Required Required
Not Not Not
SAMP 1,6,8 Norm(Noise)
Required Required Required
AS Not Not Initially
Norm(Noise) 1
SAMP Required Required 1,6,8
V.B Simulation Results

based on 104 pilot patterns; 103 OFDM symbols and 10dB

Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) were considered. Spearman’s
rank correlation can take values from 1 to −1, with 1
(−1) indicating that two vectors can be described using a Figure 2.  MSE performance of the LS, OMP, CoSaMP
monotonic increase (decrease) function, and 0 meaning
that there is no tendency for one vector to either increase
(decrease) when the other increases.

5.  Simulation Results

We consider UWA channel estimation for a coded OFDM
transmission with N = 1024 subcarriers and bandwidth of
9.8 kHz, leading to a subcarrier spacing of 9.5 Hz. The CP
duration equals to 26 ms, which corresponds to the length
of CP N_CP= 256. Unless otherwise mentioned, the num-
ber of pilots P = 256 is assumed. The data symbols are
drawn independently from a 16-QAM constellation and
are coded using a (1024, 512) low-density parity-check
(LDPC) code. We consider the channel model described
in (6) with N_p = 15 multipaths, in which the inter-­arrival Figure 3.  BER performance of the LS, OMP, CoSaMP

Vol 9 (20) | May 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5
An Improved Compressed Sensing based Sparse Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM Systems with an Efficient Pilot Insertion

Figure 6.  BER performance of the OMP, CoSaMP, SAMP

Figure 4.  Running time of the OMP, CoSaMP, SAMP and
SAMP and AS SAMP algorithms.and AS SAMP algorithms
Algorithms with different number of pilots.And AS SAMP
for random and proposed pilot placements for P=256.

the computational complexity with a fixed number of

pilots for all the algorithms, respectively. Figure 5 depict
the MSE performance and computational complexity of
the AS-SAMP and SAMP algorithms with different step
sizes. Figure 6 compares the BER performance of the
OMP, CoSaMP, SAMP and AS-SAMP algorithms with
random and the proposed pilot arrangements. In general,
AS-SAMP with the proposed pilot allocation scheme
provides the best BER performance among all the esti-
mation algorithms with the considered pilot placement

6.  Conclusion
Figure 5.  MSE performance of the SAMP and AS SAMP In this paper, we have proposed an adaptive step size
and AS-SAMP algorithms with various number of pilots. SAMP algorithm, AS-SAMP, with an efficient near-opti-
algorithms with different step sizes. mal pilot placement scheme for sparse channel estimation
in OFDM systems. It possesses the advantage of not
times are exponentially distributed with a mean of 1 ms, requiring a priori knowledge of the sparsity of the chan-
i.e., E[τ_(j+1) – τ_j] = 1 ms, j ∈ {0,1,..., N_p – 1}. The nel. It is shown through performance analysis that the
average power decreasing exponentially with delay as the proposed algorithm can significantly improve the estima-
amplitudes are Rayleigh distributed, where the difference tion accuracy without introducing significant additional
between the beginning and the end of the CP is 20 dB. The complexity. In order to ensure a satisfactory estimation,
parameters for the considered reconstruction ­algorithms we have further proposed a near-optimal pilot placement
are given in Table 3. scheme, which is based on the concatenated CDS with an
We compare the proposed algorithm with two ­classic iterative tail search. Simulations show that, without sig-
algorithms, namely Least Square (LS) and OMP using dif- nificantly increasing the computational complexity, the
ferent numbers of randomly distributed pilots. Figure 1. proposed AS-SAMP with the new pilot placement scheme
Compares the MSE performance of the LS, OMP and provides a better MSE performance for the ­channel
AS-SAMP. Figures 2, 3 and 4 plot the MSE, BER and ­estimate, as well as the system BER.

6 Vol 9 (20) | May 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
V. Nagendra Babu, V. Adinarayana, K. Muralikrishna and P. Rajesh Kumar

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