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Why I chose the Turkey?

The reason I chose Turkey as a country of destination for continuing higher

education namely Turkey the only transcontinental cities in Eurasia that stretches
across the Bosphorus Strait between the sea of Marmara and the Black Sea. Due to its
location it, Turkey is known as the country of Transkontinental (Transbenua).
Acculturation of the two continents make Turkey incarnate as berperadaban high,
both in terms of culture, education, transportation, or architecture. In terms of culture,
Turkey never crowned as European capital of culture by the EU which make this city
as a tourist destination in the world's fifth most popular culture. Country Turkey was
once the center of the three world's largest empire nearly 16 centuries in which each
of his administration left the history and work of making the world will fascinate its
beauty that is the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire. In
addition, the educational system are among the best in the world. Uniquely, the
education in Turkey have a uniqueness in alfabetnya without any of the letters X, W
and Q. . In the field of transportasipun, Turkey is a country that has a lot of other
modes of transport including Tramvay (electric train), Metro (underground electric
railway), Otobus (bus), Vapur (ship), the Dolmus (minibus) Taxis, as well as a more
great trans Jakarta is there in Turkey the name Metrobus. Apart from transportation,
the most popular thing in the history of the founding of the State of Turkey is the
architecture. The large number of imperial rule in Turkey, making the country rich
with different architecture Parameswara converted from every Empire that reigned in
his day. One example is the Blue Mosque or Blue Mosque. The reason was named
the Blue Mosque because of the color of paint interoirnya dominated the blue color,
but the color was not the original decoration of the mosque. The Blue Mosque was
built by a famous architect named Sedefkar Mehmed Agha in the time of Sultan
Ahmed from the Kingdom of Ustmaniyah. The thing that makes me sure and steady
chose Turkey because most of its territory lies in the continent of Europe. As for the
current highest science revolution occurred in continental Europe. . In a science that
soaring, Europe has economic facilities and support side of the development. The
European side is the commercial center of the city with banks and companies as well
as 2/3 inhabitants are located in the European side of Istanbul. While the Asian side a
little more relaxed, the environment of housing and fewer hotels as well as a large
number of tourist attractions. In addition, Turkey is a country that has a history with a
very high artistic value. One of the most historic and influential in Turkey was Said
An-nursiThe title "Badiuzzaman" (Miracle of the age) attached to her given by a
prominent cleric named Sheikh Fetullah Efendi because intelligence science in they
are holding. Badiuzzaman Said nursi's-this is against the kesekularisme Mustafa
Kemal termed "Attaturk" (father of Turkey). If Mr. Mustafa Kemal assumed that
kesekularismenya to modernize Turkey then Said An-nursi wanted to prove that the
quran never outdated. From these figures prove that Turkey is very loved science and
development. More interestingly again, Istanbul including the conquered city,
mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad in hadistnya which was narrated by Imam
Ahmad, who will be in the tackle by the best troops, Sultan Mehmed II or more
known Muhammad Al-fatih.

Why did I choose the University of Erciyes?

University name itself inspired from a Mount Erciyes (3,917 m) located 15

kilometers southwest of the University. But the more uniquely again, though the
campus is located in the Centre of the city of Kayseri, the University runs a Centre for
its activities in Central Anatolia. The University of mempumyai the motto "A world
university" provides 18 faculty, 7 graduate schools, 5 colleges, 37 research centres
and Gevher Nesibe Hospital, hospital research h forward with having facilities 1,350
beds. Erciyes University is one of the largest institution of higher education and most
importantly in Turkey. According to CWUR 2018-2019, Erciyes University-874 in
the world and ranked 10th for the nationalIt is a remarkable achievement as well as
pride for a new stand. With many of the facilities on sediakannya, it certainly makes
it easy to study or research. It also proves that the University of Erciyes wants its
student has potential both in the academic field plume or non-academic. Penyedian
the very wide range of facilities supporting University students to conduct various
research about the world of science. It will facilitate their future in the exercise of the
profession of suitable courses they take. That's the reason why I dropped my choices
to the University because in addition to having the means and a complete pra-sarana
as well as modern, it also greatly loved the world of scholarship. The thing that
makes me want to be one student at a College of the University of Erciyes.

Why I chose the Department of city planning design?

The design layout is the most important part of a city. Then forward or
whether a city within a country also determined from the grammar of his city. The
goal of designing the layout of the city itself to facilitate its community activities.
City planning is one way that the city has the perfect shape and can make local
residents get their due as citizens at the same time the formation of environmental
design. Getting the advance of the times, then the residence became the most
important thing to think of. The rise of the times, city planning from a country not in
a priority again. Of course it will bring its own impact for people's life further, good
thing it's related to the economy, the progress and the development of its activities.
For it need to Setup city so that all of the things that hinder the progress of a region
can be resolved. That's the reason why I chose the Department of city planning design
because I want Indonesia to have a nice layout so that Indonesia is able to create a
civilization that took him to many advances in any field in the international world.
Then the things I want to do when I go back to Indonesia after finishing education in
Turkey that is making the city in various areas in Indonesia's Riau area in particular
have a design layout is beautiful, nice and neat so as to create progress did not
experience any obstacles. To this end I hope the existing universities in Turkey gives
me a variety of supplies as well as the science that can accompany me to make
indonesia with a design layout which make it forward in the future. Besides that, with
the good design of city planning in Indonesia, I would like to point out that Indonesia
is able to be inspiring the world in the field of city planning.

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