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Chapter 206: Generations of the Plug-and-Patch Repair: Its Development and Lessons from History 2117

Two other papers deal with complex or recur- indicate that the Lichtenstein repair has a ten- cated pattern of the huge hernias and their ap-
rent inguinal hernias. Beltrán and Cruces (World dency to get better results in the primary repairs proaches to what in the VA system we were prone
J Surg 2006;30:2281–7) used the qualitative and but, if surgeons do not have any experience with to call “wheelbarrow hernias.” Nonetheless, since
quantitative measurement instrument (QQMI) laparoscopic repairs, the Lichtenstein repair is they were willing to deal well with the complica-
to evaluate 75 patients who underwent recur- appropriate. tions of huge hydroceles; they were able to show
rent inguinal hernia repair and 287 patients who Beitler et al. (Hernia 2009;13:61–6), writing good results.
underwent primary repair in Chile. The results from Rio De Janiero, have addressed a compli- J.E.F.

206 Generations of the Plug-and-Patch Repair: Its

Development and Lessons from History
Jerrold Young and Arthur I. Gilbert

INTRODUCTION shape of the plug. Gilbert then changed to a an anterior open approach in the groin, he
hand-rolled plug which he placed through the divided the posterior wall of the inguinal
The principle of hernia repair using an open internal ring into the properitoneal space, canal, ligated the peritoneal sac, and con-
approach for placing mesh in the properito- allowing it to unravel there—it be-came structed a sutured, three-layered tissue re-pair
neal retromuscular space of Bogros is based seated against the anterior abdomi-nal wall. It in 262 patients, with a failure rate of ,3%. A
on protecting the myopectineal orifice literally blocked the peritoneal sac and its simplification of his technique avoided
(MPO) from behind. This has been the the- contents from protruding through the internal opening the posterior wall, but ap-proximated
ory behind the development of many tech- ring. Although no su-tures were used, that the transversus arch, or so-called conjoined
niques of hernia repair including those of technique proved sat-isfactory, providing a tendon, to the shelving edge of the inguinal
Nyhus, Stoppa, Kugel, and more recently, lasting repair for small- and medium-sized ligament with inter-rupted sutures. This
laparoscopic techniques. Furthermore, the indirect hernias. became known as the modified (North
concept of protecting an opening from in-side Gilbert soon recognized certain prob-lems American) Bassini repair. Lotheissen of
the defect has resulted in modification of the uniquely related to the rolled plug. These Austria and later Anson and McVay of South
technique of repair of other hernias, included its inability to consistently unravel Dakota, popularized an anatomic repair that
including ventral, umbilical, and particu- enough to be anything but a wad of mesh, approximated the transversus arch to the
larly, incisional hernias. thus limiting its area of protection, and some pectineal ligament (Cooper’s ligament),
In 1985, Gilbert borrowed Lichtenstein’s patients still reported feeling it. Rarely, when which also required opening the floor. The
idea of creating a rolled plug and used it to a plug became infected, surgi-cal drainage “McVay” repair be-came the preferred
repair indirect inguinal hernias. The intact and antibiotics were insuffi-cient to sterilize procedure for treatment of femoral hernias
indirect sac was dissected and invaginated. A its multiple layers, compel-ling its removal. and many direct inguinal hernias. In 1946,
hand-rolled mesh plug was placed into the To avoid these problems, and to protect a Shouldice of Toronto
internal ring and two permanent su-tures wider area, the mesh shape was changed
were used to fix it to the crura of the ring from a rolled plug to an opened patch. The
(Fig. 1). To complement this, a flat mesh flat mesh was cut, folded to the shape of a
patch was used to reinforce the floor of the closed umbrella, and passed through the
inguinal canal over Hesselbach’s tri-angle. internal ring into the properitoneal space.
This worked well, but the plug was There it was allowed to open and regain its
annoyingly palpable in some thin patients, a flat contour, avoiding a palpable plug, and
problem that was solved by altering the providing wider pro-tection (Fig. 2). Gilbert
originated the pro-cedure of using mesh
within the internal ring to repair indirect
Nongastrointestinal Transabdominal Surgery

inguinal hernias, and subsequently used the

internal ring as the passageway to place mesh
behind the ante-rior abdominal wall for the
repair of all types of indirect hernias.


Gilbert’s approach developed from the work
of earlier surgeons interested in herniology.
Fig. 1. Original rolled plug sutured in Bassini of Padua is credited with beginning
internal ring and onlay patch. the modern era of hernia surgery. Through Fig. 2. Creation and insertion of umbrella plug.

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