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Our college has conducted workshop on Design Thinking & Innovations from 27th June 2019 – 29th June
2019 for which two professors came to our college from Shiv Nadar University Partha Sarathi Roy Sir and
Arvind Shatdal Sir. On the Day -1 workshop begins at 9.30am Partha Sir taught us about Design Thinking
and DTI Curve and then about AEIOU that is Activities , Environment , Interactions, Objects & Users and
also about Criteria and types of Innovations and after that he asked to do one activity in the pair of two with
the rope . On the Day -2 Arvind Sir taught us about SIT that is Subtraction , Multiplication , Task Unification ,
Division , Attribute Dep and after that he gave many intresting and fun activities related to the topic to do in
class like poster notes and on the Day-3 Arvind Sir & Partha Sir ask to give presentation on any of the social
issue topic, overall it was intresting workshop where we learn how to do innovation in your business and what
design we can put into our business according to DTI Curve with full of activities.

Name : Nikita Ranjan

Roll no: 18009

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