Numerical Problems Based On Vernier Callipers

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Numerical problems based on Vernier callipers

Question 1.
Diameter of a steel ball is measured using a vernier
callipers which has divisions of 0.1cm on its main scale
(MS) and 10 divisions of its vernier scale (VS) match 9
divisions on the main scale. Three such measurements for
a ball are given as :

If the zero error is – 0.03 cm, then mean corrected

diameter is:
(1) 0.53 cm
(2) 0.56 cm
(3) 0.59 cm
(4) 0.52 cm
Solution —
MSD = 0.1 cm
VSD = 9/10 MSD = 0.9 × 0.1= 0.09 cm
Least count = MSD – VSD = 0.1 – 0.09 = 0.01 cm
Total reading = Main Scale Reading + Vernier coincidence
× Least Count
1st reading = 0.5 + 8 × 0.01 = 0.58 cm
2nd reading = 0.5 + 4 × 0.01 = 0.54 cm
3rd reading = 0.5 + 6 × 0.01 = 0.56 cm
Average reading = (0.58 + 0.54 + 0.56)/3 = 0.56 cm
Corrected reading = reading – zero error = 0.56 – (-0.03)
= 0.56 + 0.03 = 0.59 cm
Question 2.
The diameter of a cylinder is measured using a Vernier
callipers with no zero error. It is found that the zero of the
Vernier scale lies between 5.10 cm and 5.15 cm of the
main scale. The Vernier scale has 50 divisions equivalent
to 2.45 cm. The 24th division of the Vernier scale exactly
coincides with one of the main scale divisions. The
diameter of the cylinder is:
(1) 5.112 cm
(2) 5.124 cm
(3) 5.136 cm
(4) 5.148 cm
Solution —
Smallest main scale division = 0.05 cm (5.15 – 5.10)
Main scale reading = 5.10 cm (comes just before the zero
of the Vernier scale)
Vernier coincidence = 24
Least count =0.05 – 2.45/50 = 0.001 cm
= Main Scale Reading + Vernier coincidence × Least
= 5.10 + 24 × 0.001 = 5.124 cm
Question 3.
There are two Vernier calipers both of which have 1 cm
divided into 10 equal divisions on the main scale. The
Vernier scale of one of the calipers (C1) has 10 equal
divisions that correspond to 9 main scale
divisions. The Vernier scale of the other caliper (C2) has
10 equal divisions that correspond to 11 main scale
divisions. The readings of the two calipers are shown in
the figure. The measured values (in cm) by calipers C1
and C2, respectively, are:
(1) 2.87 and 2.86
(2) 2.85 and 2.82
(2) 2.87 and 2.87
(3) 2.87 and 2.83
Solution —
MSD = 1/10 cm = 0.1 cm
For first vernier caliper,
10 VSD = 9 MSD
⇒ VSD = 9/10 MSD = 0.9 × 0.1 = 0.09 cm
= main scale reading upto coinciding main scale division
− n × VSD
= 3.5 – 7 × 0.09 = 3.5 – 0.63 = 2.87 cm
For second vernier caliper,
10 VSD = 11 MSD
⇒ VSD = 11/10 MSD = 1.1 × 0.1 = 0.11 cm
Reading = 3.6 – 7 × 0.11 = 3.6 – 0.77 = 2.83 cm
Why we not used the formula here that we were using in
previous problems,
Here is the formula we were using,
Least count = MSD – VSD
Reading = Main Scale Reading + Vernier coincidence
× Least Count
We derived these formula for Vernier callipers having n
divisions of the Vernier scale equal to n-1 divisions of the
main scale.
If we apply these formula on first vernier caliper then we
will get the same result, but if we apply these formula on
the second vernier caliper then we will get negative least
count (0.1 − 0.11 = −0.01cm), which is not possible, that is
why we cannot apply these formula in this case.
Question 4.
The main scale of a vernier callipers is calibrated in mm
and 19 divisions of main scale are equal in length to 20
divisions of vernier scale. In measuring the diameter of a
cylinder by this instrument, the main scale reads 35
divisions and 4th division of vernier scale coinsides with a
main scale division. Find:
(i). Least count
(ii). Radius of cylinder
Solution —
MSD = 0.1 cm
20 VSD = 19 MSD
⇒ VSD = 19/20 MSD = 19/20 × 0.1 cm = 0.095cm
Least Count = MSD – VSD = 0.1 – 0.095 cm = 0.005 cm
Main scale reading = 35 mm = 3.5 cm
= Main scale reading + vernier coincidence × Least count
= 3.5 + 4 × 0.005
= 3.5 + 0.02
= 3.52 cm
Radius = Diameter/2 = 3.52/2 = 1.76 cm
Question 5.
In an experiment the angles are required to be measured
using an instrument. 29 divisions of the main scale exactly
coincide with the 30 divisions of the vernier scale. If the
smallest division of the main scale is half-a-degree (=0.5°)
then the least count of the instrument is:
(A) one minute
(B) half minute
(C) one degree
(D) half degree
Solution —
MSD = 0.5°
30 VSD = 29 MSD
Least Count
= Length of 1 main scale division / No. of divisions of
Vernier scale
= 0.5 ° / 30
= 0.5 × 60 min / 30
= 1 min
Question 6.
A vernier callipers has 1 mm marks on the main scale. It
has 20 equal divisions on the Vernier scale which match
with 16 main scale divisions. For this Vernier callipers, the
least count is:
(A) 0.02 mm
(B) 0.05 mm
(C) 0.1 mm
(D) 0.2 mm
Solution —
MSD = 1 mm
20 VSD = 16 MSD
⇒ VSD = 16/20 MSD = 0.8 MSD = 0.8 mm
Least Count = MSD – VSD = 1 – 0.8 = 0.2 mm
Question 7.
A student measured the length of a rod and wrote it as
3.50 cm. Which instrument did he use to measure it?
(A) A metre scale
(B) A vernier calliper where the 10 divisions in vernier
scale matches with 9 division in main scale and main
scale has 10 divisions in 1 cm
(C) A screw gauge having 100 divisions in the circular
scale and pitch as 1 mm
(D) A screw guage having 50 divisions in the circular scale
and pitch as 1 mm
Solution —
As the measured value is 3.50 cm, the least count must be
0.01 cm = 0.1 mm
For vernier callipper with MSD = 1 mm and 9 MSD = 10
Least count = 1 MSD – 1 VSD = 0.1 mm
Question 8.
In a vernier callipers, one main scale division is x cm and
n divisions of the vernier scale coincide with (n – 1)
divisions of the main scale. The least count (in cm) of the
callipers is:

Solution —
MSD = x cm
n VSD = (n-1) MSD
⇒ VSD = (n-1)/n × MSD = (n-1)/n × x cm
Least Count
= x – (n-1)/n × x
= x/n
Question 9.
A spectrometer gives the following reading when used to
measure the angle of a prism. Main scale reading : 58.5
Vernier scale reading : 09 divisions
Given that 1 division on main scale corresponds to 0.5
degree. Total divisions on the vernier scale is 30 and
match with 29 divisions of the main scale. The angle of the
prism from the above data
(A) 58.59 degree
(B) 58.77 degree
(C) 58.65 degree
(D) 59 degree
Solution —
MSD = 0.5°
LC = MSD/n = 0.5 / 30 = 1/60
Total Reading
= Main scale reading + vernier coincidence × LC
= 58.5 + 9 × 1/60
= 58.5 + 0.15
= 58.65°
Question 10.
The jaws of a vernier callipers touch the inner wall of
calorimeter without any undue pressure. The position of
zero of vernier scale on the main scale reads 3.48. The
6th of vernier scale division is coinciding with any main
scale division. Vernier constant of callipers is 0.01 cm.
Find actual internal diameter of calorimeter, when it is
observed that the vernier scale has a zero error of – 0.03
(A) 3.37 cm
(B) 3.57 cm
(C) 3.42 cm
(D) 3.54 cm
Solution —
Main scale reading = 3.48 cm
LC = 0.01 cm
Vernier coincidence = 6
= Main scale reading + Vernier coincidence × LC
= 3.48 + 6 × 0.01
= 3.48 + 0.06
= 3.54 cm
Corrected reading
= reading – zero error
= 3.54 – (-0.03)
= 3.54 + 0.03
= 3.57 cm
Question 11.
The thin metallic strip of vernier callipers moves downward
from top to bottom in such a way that it just touches the
surface of beaker. Main scale reading of calliper is 6.4 cm
whereas its vernier constant is 0.1 mm. The 4th of vernier
scale division is coinciding with main scale division. The
actual depth of beaker is (when zero of vernier coincides
with zero of main scale)
(A) 6.64 cm
(B) 6.42 cm
(C) 6.44 cm
(D) 6.13 cm
Solution —
Reading = 6.4 + 4 × 0.01 cm = 6.44 cm
Question 12.
In an instrument, there are 25 divisions on the vernier
scale which coincides with 24th division of the main scale.
1 cm on main scale is divided into 20 equal parts. The
least count of the instrument is:
(A) 0.002 cm
(B) 0.05 cm
(C) 0.001 cm
(D) 0.02 cm
Solution —
MSD = 1/20 = 0.05 cm
25 VSD = 24 MSD
⇒ VSD = 24/25 MSD = 24/25 × 0.05 = 0.048 cm
Least Count = MSD – VSD = 0.05 – 0.048 = 0.002 cm
Question 13.
In a vernier calliper, there are 10 divisions on the vernier
scale and 1 cm on main scale is divided in 10 parts. While
measuring a length, the zero of the vernier scale lies just
ahead of 1.8 cm mark and 4th division of vernier scale
coincides with a main scale division. The value of length
(A) 1.804 cm
(B) 1.840 cm
(C) 1.800 cm
(D) None of these
Solution —
Length of 1 main scale division = 1/10 = 0.1 cm
No. of vernier scale divisions = 10
Main scale reading = 1.8 cm
Coinciding vernier scale division = 4th
Least Count
= Length of smallest main scale division / No. of vernier
scale divisions
= 0.1/10
= 0.01 cm
(vernier calliper has a least count 0.01 cm. So,
measurement is accurate only upto
three significant figures.)
= Main scale reading + Coinciding vernier scale division ×
= 1.8 + 4 × 0.01
= 1.8 + 0.04
= 1.84 cm

The vernier scale division of a scale is

divided into 30 division such it
coinsides with 29 main scale
division.If each main scale division is
half degree what will be the least
count of the instrument
Asked by tps.mjmdr9th July 2018, 5:33 PM

Answered by Expert
Least count LC = 1 Main Scale Division - 1 Vernier scale division = 1 MSD - 1 VSD

1 VSD = (29/30) MSD (given in question)

LC = [ 1-(29/30) ] of MSD = (1/30) of MSD = (1/30)×0.5° = (1/30)×30 mins = 1 mins

( 1º = 60 minutes )
millimetre) are taken directly from the thimble opposite the main scale.
Figure 11: The reading is 7.38 mm.
In figure 11 the last graduation visible to the left of the thimble is 7 mm and the thimble
lines up with the main scale at 38 hundredths of a millimetre (0.38 mm); therefore the
reading is 7.38 mm.
Figure 12: The reading is 7.72 mm.
In figure 12 the last graduation visible to the left of the thimble is 7.5 mm; therefore the
reading is 7.5 mm plus the thimble reading of 0.22 mm, giving 7.72 mm.
Figure 13: The reading is 3.46 mm.
In figure 13 the main scale reading is 3 mm while the reading on the drum is 0.46 mm;
therefore, the reading is 3.46 mm.
Figure 14: The reading is 3.56 mm.
In figure 14 the 0.5 mm division is visible below the main scale; therefore the reading is
3.5 mm + 0.06 mm = 3.56 mm.
Try the following for yourself.
Figure 15: Click here for the answer.
Figure 16: Click here for the answer.

Figure 7: 30.88mm
Figure 8: 8.10mm
Figure 9: 121.68mm

Figure 15: 5.80mm

Figure 16: 3.09mm

Figure 17: 0.29mm

Question 1.
A screw gauge with a pitch of 0.5 mm and a circular scale
with 50 divisions is used to measure the thickness of a thin
sheet of Aluminium. Before starting the measurement , it is
found that when the two jaws of the screw gauge are brought
in contact, the 45th division coincides with the main scale
line and that the zero of the main scale is barely visible. What is
the thickness of the sheet if the main scale reading is 0.5 mm
and the 25th division coincides with the main scale line ?
(1) 0.50 mm
(2) 0.75 mm
(3) 0.80 mm
(4) 0.70 mm
Least count
= pitch / no. of division on circular scale
= 0.5 mm / 50
= 0.01 mm
Negative zero error = – 5 × LC = -5 × 0.01 = -0.05 mm
Measured value
= main scale reading + screw gauge reading – zero error
= 0.5mm + 25 × 0.01mm – (-0.05mm)
= 0.75mm + 0.05mm
= 0.80mm
Question 2.
Consider a Vernier callipers in which each 1 cm on the main
scale is divided into 8 equal divisions and a screw gauge with
100 divisions on its circular scale. In the Vernier callipers, 5
divisions of the Vernier scale coincide with 4 divisions on the
main scale and in the screw gauge, one complete rotation of
the circular scale moves it by two divisions on the linear
scale. Then:
(A) If the pitch of the screw gauge is twice the least count of the
Vernier callipers, the least count of the screw gauge is 0.01 mm.
(B) If the pitch of the screw gauge is twice the least count of the
Vernier callipers, the least count of the screw gauge is 0.005
(C) If the least count of the linear scale of the screw gauge is
twice the least count of the Vernier callipers, the least count of
the screw gauge is 0.01 mm.
(D) If the least count of the linear scale of the screw gauge is
twice the least count of the Vernier callipers, the least count of
the screw gauge is 0.005 mm.
Vernier calliper:
M.S.D =1/8 cm = 0.125 cm = 1.25 mm
5 V.S.D. = 4 M.S.D
⇒ V.S.D. = 4/5 M.S.D. = 4/5 × 1.25mm = 1 mm
Least count = M.S.D. – V.S.D = 1.25 – 1 = 0.25 mm
Screw gauge:

No. of circular scale divisions = 100

1 rotation (pitch) = 2 linear scale divisions

» If the pitch of the screw gauge is twice the least count of the
Vernier callipers, the least count of the screw gauge is –
Pitch = 2 × Least Count of vernier callipers = 2 × 0.25mm = 0.5

Least count of the screw gauge

= Pitch/no. of circular scale divisions = 0.5/100 =0.005mm

Option (B) is correct.

» If the least count of the linear scale of the screw gauge is twice
the least count of the Vernier callipers, the least count of the
screw gauge is –

Linear scale division of screw gauge

= 2 × Least count of vernier callipers

= 2 × 0.25 mm

= 0.5 mm


Pitch = 2 linear scale divisions = 2 × 0.5 = 1mm

Least count of the screw gauge

= Pitch/ No. of circular divisions

= 1/100 mm

= 0.01 mm
Option (C) is correct.



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May 1, 2017


engineering, IIT, JEE, Physics

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Vernier Callipers JEE Problems with Solutions

Problems Based On Mole Concept (With Solutions)



1) The distance through which the screw advances when it is rotated through


Zero error

Zero correction

Least count

2) The head scale of a screw gauge contains 100 divisions and its pitch is 1 m

0.01 mm

0.001 mm

0.1 mm

0.05 mm

3) Which of the following is more accurate in measuring the dimensions of an

Metre scale

Screw gauge

Vernier calliper

Measuring tape
4) What is the screw gauge also called?



Metre scale


5) Which of the following can be measured by a screw gauge?

To measure weight of lead shot.

To measure diameter of a glass plate.

To measure diameter of lead shot.

To measure length of a wire.

6) A carpenter, while driving a screw through a wooden block, of thickness 1

purpose. The pitch of the screw is :

1/100 cm

1/10 cm

1 cm

10 cm

7) A pupil used a micrometer screw gauge of 0.5 mm pitch and 50 head scale
panel. The diagram below shows part of the micrometer. What is the thickne
8) The diagram shows part of a micrometer screw gauge having 50 dvs in the

9) Write the correct reading of the micrometer screw gauge shown below?

10) The part of the screw gauge which prevents it from undue tightening.




1) The distance through which the screw advances when it is rotated through


Zero error

Zero correction

Least count

2) The head scale of a screw gauge contains 100 divisions and its pitch is 1 m

0.01 mm

0.001 mm

0.1 mm

0.05 mm

3) Which of the following is more accurate in measuring the dimensions of an

Metre scale

Screw gauge
Vernier calliper

Measuring tape

4) What is the screw gauge also called?



Metre scale


5) Which of the following can be measured by a screw gauge?

To measure weight of lead shot.

To measure diameter of a glass plate.

To measure diameter of lead shot.

To measure length of a wire.

6) A carpenter, while driving a screw through a wooden block, of thickness 1

purpose. The pitch of the screw is :

1/100 cm

1/10 cm

1 cm

10 cm
7) A pupil used a micrometer screw gauge of 0.5 mm pitch and 50 head scale
panel. The diagram below shows part of the micrometer. What is the thickne

8) The diagram shows part of a micrometer screw gauge having 50 dvs in the

9) Write the correct reading of the micrometer screw gauge shown below?
10) The part of the screw gauge which prevents it from undue tightening.





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