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Dear Teamster: Organizing Victories for Teamsters Local 320

I’m here to report that the state of our Union is strong — Teamsters Local 320 is proud to welcome two new bargaining
TEAMSTER STRONG! Our Local Union had a successful units to the Local Union: Zumbrota Public Works and Tri-
Lobby Day and a meaningful 2019 Legislative Session. County Probation. The public works and wastewater work-
ers for the City of Zumbrota are currently in the process of
negotiating their first labor contract, and decided to join the
On Wednesday, April 3, Teamsters Local 320 held its Sixth An- Teamsters to preserve their working conditions. As one new
nual Lobby Day at the Minnesota State Capitol. Over 100 Local 320
member put it, “I knew I couldn’t protect my co-workers on
members participated in the event.
my own -- I knew we needed a union
to guarantee we had our rights!”
On Tuesday evening, Local
320 hosted a reception where
Zumbrota Public Works voted
Speaker of the Minnesota House
unanimously to join the Teamsters
of Representatives Melissa
this April.
Hortman and Lt. Governor
Peggy Flanagan joined us and
Tri-County Probation Officers,
addressed the reception attend-
serving Norman, Polk, and Red
ees. We are lucky to have such
Lake counties in northwestern
strong leadership at the capitol.
Minnesota, felt the same way,
voting resoundingly in favor of the
When the Teamsters made it
union, with only one vote against.
to the State Capitol our Public Teamsters Local 320 Lobby Day at the State Capitol
Defenders and Court Reporters had
Despite the employer adding workers
the opportunity to meet with Rep.
to the group to dilute the vote, the Probation Officers knew
John Lesch, chair of the House Judiciary Finance and Policy Com-
the choice was clear. “With the support of the Teamsters, we’re
mittee. Chair Lesch made clear in no uncertain terms that funding
showing that we’re a united front and we’ll continue to support
the public defender system and state courts was his top priority.
each other, even if higher ups feel we’re replaceable. With the
union, we’re finally on equal ground and our voices will no
Faculty at the Minnesota State system and service workers at the
longer go unheard,” said one Probation Officer.
University of Minnesota had the opportunity to meet with Rep.
Connie Bernardy, chair of the House Higher Education Finance
Not one of these bargaining units experienced the benefit of
and Policy Committee. Chair Bernardy’s bill would have fully
union membership prior to organizing with the Teamsters.
funded public higher education and froze student tuition.
“Almost a year after the Janus decision, workers understand
At the end of the day, Teamsters heard from our State Auditor Julie
there is power in a union,” commented Local 320’s Organizer,
Blaha who is a union leader and dear friend of the Teamsters. Her
Claire Thiele. “Workers also know their ability to improve
message was to get involved in the political process because unions
their retirement is better with a union than without.”
need more representation in state government.

Continued on page 2
Brian Aldes Teamsters Local 320’s Partnership with the Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
Secretary Treasurer and
Principal Officer Minnesota Chapter 1
Sami Gabriel
President/Business Agent
Curt Swenson One of the best programs Local 320 introduced Every year in May at Local 320’s General Mem-
Vice President/Business Agent in conjunction with its Member Action Commit- bership and Appreciation Meeting, Local 320
Erik Skoog
tee or MAC, has been our partnership with the members are encouraged to donate clothing or
Recording Secretary/ household goods to DAV Minnesota Chapter 1.
Business Agent Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Minnesota
Marcia (Marty) Lamb Chapter 1. The donations for DAV of MN are either provided
Trustee, St. Paul ISD 625 to disabled veterans directly, or turned into cash
Richard Wheeler
The Disabled American by Savers Thrift Store Company.
Trustee, MSUAASF
Alston Dutchin Veterans (DAV) is an
organization created Savers pays DAV of MN
Trustee, U of M
by the United States 39 cents per pound of
Local 320 Business Agents Congress for disabled clothing and other soft
Hannah Benardson military veterans of the goods, 20 cents per pound
Martin Goff
United States Armed of miscellaneous house-
Craig Johnson hold goods, and 5.4 cents
Josh Loahr Forces that helps
Roger Meunier them and their fami- per item of furniture or
Terry Neuberger
lies through various other large items.
Vance Rolfzen
May 2019 was another
Communications | Lobbyist
The DAV of MN is the successful donation drive
Assistant Business Agent
Gus Froemke “Giving Arm of the for DAV of MN by Lo-
DAV of MN Depart- cal 320. In addition to all
Organizer | Business Agent ment”. After 23 years, the donations members
Claire Thiele Aldes presenting $1,000 check to DAV of MN Chapter 1 provided, Local 320’s
the DAV of MN Foun-
dation is stronger than executive board and
Support Staff membership donated $1,000 to DAV of MN Chap-
Susan Bastian ever with the ability to support veteran related
Katie Glaser programs, services, projects, and community ter 1. Chapter 1 Commander Joel James Schilling
Olivia Renteria
grants aimed at filling the gaps and needs of thanked Local 320 for its generous donation and
Suzanne Slawson greeted its membership.
Kristi Ziegler Minnesota Veterans and their families.

Minneapolis, MN The DAV of MN leads the nation in transporta- Commander Schilling told the membership that
Local Union Office tion of veterans to and from VA medical appoint- just as DAV of MN supports disabled veterans,
8:00am - 4:00pm ments. With a fleet of 18 vehicles state-wide, Local 320 supports workers.
P: 612-378-8700 the DAV of MN is able to provide safe, reliable
F: 612- 331-8948 In solidarity,
transportation to veterans. DAV of MN Chapter
1 Minneapolis is the largest and longest serving Brian Aldes
Online DAV chapter in Minnesota. Secretary Treasurer

Teamsters Credit Union offers a range of financial accounts
including Share Savings, Checking, Money Market, Cer-
tificates of Deposit, Holiday Club, and Vacation Club. As a
credit union, we are a member-owned, volunteer directed,
not-for-profit cooperative dedicated to improving our mem-
bers’ lives. As a result, deposit accounts generally receive
higher dividends, and loan interest rates are lower. Many
financial services are provided free of charge. Once a
member - always a member! Credit union membership is a
Published by lifetime relationship. WWW.MNTEAMSTERSCU.COM
Teamsters Local 320
3001 University Ave SE #500
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Page 2
PAGE 1 & 2
Park Rapids , MN-
PAGE 3 On Tuesday, June 18,
Hubbard County So-
METROPOLITAN cial Services staff and
supporters packed the
WINS AWARD county boardroom to
PAGE 4 address unresolved
& issues with a hostile
PAGE 5 work environment.

Social Services staff provide support to the most vulnerable members of the commu-
nity: abused and neglected children and adults. The current management has caused a
toxic work environment, leading to over fifty percent staff turnover in just two years. The
county board agreed that in lieu of an internal review, they would hire a personnel con-
sultant to investigate the dysfunction within the department.

Since then, the county board has refused

to abide by the consultant’s recommen-
dations. Between hiring, and then ignor-
ing an expensive consultant; paying for
interviewing, hiring, and training of
new staff, the county board is wasting
FACEBOOK tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars, all while continuing to put the community
sterslocal320 members who rely on county services at
serious risk.
TWITTER Many Hubbard County Social Services staff and supporters addressed the county board
including Teamsters Local 320 Business Agent Roger Meunier who was also interviewed
by Lakeland PBS/LPTV News.

Agent Meunier is concerned about retaliation against county staff who speak out.

“These workers now have a huge target on their backs, it’s unfortunate, but this is how the
[Hubbard County Social Services] director works,” says Meunier

Tori Varland, one of six child protection workers for Hubbard County, spoke out against
the hostile work environment and pleaded with the county board.

“The consultant made several productive recommendations about improving the work
environment; however, these recommendations are continuously being ignored. This is
alarming as over $10,000 of taxpayer money is being wasted,” Varland said. “You have the
control to make these changes that are so desperately needed. You have the power to cre-
ate a more suitable work environment, and everyone here is anxiously awaiting that.”

A petition in support of the Hubbard County Social Services staff has been circulated
and sent to the county board with 750 signatures. This is outstanding as Hubbard County
is rural, and its seat in Park Rapids has a population of just over 4,000.

Page 3

In the month of February, Teamsters at the Metropolitan Leek describes one call out last winter where a snow storm
Airports Commission accumulated over 3,500 hours of lasted nearly four days and Teamsters worked around-the-
overtime to keep the Minneapolis–Saint Paul International clock to keep MSP’s runways open.
Airport (MSP), also known as Wold–Chamberlain Field,
operational during harsh inclement weather last winter.

According to its website, The Metropolitan Airports Com-

mission is tasked with “plowing snow from its airports’
runways, and designing and building sustainable facilities”
for the Minneapolis–Saint Paul International Airport (MSP)
and its six other facilities in the Twin Cities metro.

Mark Rudolph, Planning Manager of the Field Maintenance

Department for the Metropolitan Airports Commission,
said that from November 22, 2018 to April 13, 2019 there
were sixty-seven ‘call outs’ lasting from one day to three and
one half days.

Call outs are when the over 80 Teamsters employed by the Tim Leek
field maintenance department and several temporary union
workers report to duty as inclement weather conditions
affect operations at MSP and the other six facilities. “The airport is always open,” says Leek. “Even when we have
snowfall with three inches an hour and no visibility, we keep
“You never really know what to expect when you’re on a call at least one runway open.”
out,” says Tim Leek, Teamster and long-time field mainte-
nance worker. “It really depends on the weather system and As soon as spring rolls around, flood season peaks and
dry snow is much more manageable than wet, greasy snow heavy rain mixed with sleet after a long winter can also
and it also depends on how well equipment holds up under affect operations for the airports and create an additional
cold and wet conditions with continuous use.” need for overtime.

Page 4 Continued on page 5

Substantial overflow from the Mississippi River in the The field maintenance department won the Blachen/
spring floods the St. Paul Airfield and the Teamster-con- Post Award for excellence in the performance of airport
structed flood wall prevents snow and ice control during
the runway from being the winter of 2018-2019.
completely submerged.
The Blachen/Post Award
This year, the flood wall was presented to the per-
took four consecutive days sonnel of the airport at
to assemble and was critical the Metropolitan Airports
because Minnesota hosted Commission for their de-
the NCAA Men’s Final Four termination for excellence
in April as tens of thou- in their efforts to keep their
sands of college basketball airports open and safe.
fans converged on the Twin
Cities for the game and The award is provided by
festivities. the Northeast Chapter,
American Association of
“This is the third year I have Airport Executives (NEC/
been assigned to construct AAAE) at the International
the flood wall. We break Aviation Snow Symposium.
into teams and seamlessly
put it all together -- some- All Minnesotans must
how!” Leek says while congratulate the Teamsters,
laughing. all other union personnel,
and managers who provided
The Metropolitan Airports a safe and accommodating
Commission boasts it airport system for travelers
operates one of the largest this last winter and spring.
airports in the nation.
Page 5

Brian Aldes Sami Gabriel Curt Swenson Erik Skoog

Secretary Treasurer President Vice President Recording-Secretary
and Principal Officer

Marty Lamb Rich Wheeler Alston Dutchin

Trustee Trustee Trustee

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Page 6

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