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70 General Sessions: MDRT Speaks

The Box
Guy E. Baker, MSFS, CFP

I want to share with you two ideas that have been founda- I sell? Do you sell problems or do you sell solutions? I have
tional to my 47 years of MDRT membership and 40 years as asked this question to audiences all over the world, and the
a member of Top of the Table. For those of you who want to vast majority will say, “I sell solutions.” Why? Because our
reach Top of the Table, there is only one way to accomplish products solve problems.
this objective and sustain it over the years—build a prospect- Remember, in the final analysis, only three things can
ing system that will consistently generate activity. The best happen to most people: They can live too long, die too soon,
method I know of is the one I have used for 50 years—I call or become sick and have to spend everything they have try-
it “two-a-days.” Find two people every day who will agree to ing to get well. The miracle of our products is that we can
talk to you about their life insurance program. Every one of us solve their financial concerns. Our money comes in as their
can find people to talk to; that is not the problem. The prob- money goes out. But most of our prospects don’t think this
lem is zeroing in on their specific needs. Here is how I do it. way. They only see the costs; they are blind to the benefits.
When you first meet people you would like to ask for an To be successful, we have to help them see that the benefits
appointment, but instead of doing that, do what every great are greater than the costs, and we do this with questions.
financial advisor has learned to do: Ask them a question. Think of costs and solutions like a scale. On one side of
When in doubt, always ask a question. It is a habit worth the scale are the costs and on the other side are the benefits.
cultivating. When we show solutions, we are asking clients to weigh the
Here is a question I learned from Tom Wolfe early in my proposition. Are the costs heavier than the benefits? If so,
career: “Would you have any objection to discussing your life they will not act. The cost is too much of a burden. So what
insurance program with me?” Obviously, you can substitute do we do? We start talking about the benefits of life insur-
financial plan, business succession plan, or long-term care ance, annuities, long-term care, or whatever products we are
plan into this statement. This question is to the point and is trying to sell to the clients. We tell them stories to moti-
hard to reject. Most people will not say yes to a no question. vate them to spend the money. We call this “pennies on the
Ask this question to everyone you call or meet. dollar.” But this puts us in an adversarial position. We are
Once you have prospects and they have agreed to meet arguing with the prospects as we try to show them that the
with you, in that first appointment you must engage them in benefits are worth the costs.
an in-depth discussion about their needs. What do you say? I would like to suggest another way of thinking about
How do you start a meaningful discussion? Again, when in this—a paradigm shift. Let’s not focus on the cost/benefit
doubt, ask a question. dynamic. Instead, let’s look at the problem.
To learn how people think, you need to ask them. To There is another scale, and this scale is the cost/problem
do this, you need to ask yourself this question: What is it relationship. If the problem hurts enough, if the problem

Guy E. Baker, MSFS, CFP

Baker of Irvine, California, is a 47-year MDRT member with 39 Top of the Table honors and a past
President of MDRT. Baker is an Excalibur Knight of the MDRT Foundation and served as its President
in 2000. He served as a board member of AALU and is a past president of the Orange County
Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors. Baker has frequently presented at the MDRT Annual
Meeting and Top of the Table Annual Meeting, has written several books and hundreds of articles for
industry publications, and was recognized by Worth as one of the top 250 advisors in America. Baker is
completing a PhD in retirement planning and investments through the American College.
BMI Consulting
15520 Rockfield Blvd Ste G, Irvine, CA 92618 USA
email: phone: +1 949.900.0099 website:

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Annual Meeting Proceedings | 2017 ©Million Dollar Round Table

The Box 71

causes enough concern or fear, then the cost will not mat- might increase to 2/1,000, and at 60, it will be 10/1,000.
ter. Instead of being adversarial, become their friend, their This will continue until all 10 million are dead.
confidant. Get on the same side of the table with them, and Suppose each person wanted to buy $1 million of cover-
find out where the problem hurts the most. Ask questions: age. The actuaries will tell you that you have to pay $960 of
“When you are lost in thought, what are your biggest con- premium so that there is $1 million at the end of the year to
cerns?” “What keeps you awake at night?” pay the death claim. As that cost goes up, the fewer insureds
As the pain of the problem increases, the cost of the solu- there are in the pool.
tion decreases. If the pain is great enough, there is no cost So, “How much did your insurance cost?” No one
that will stop them from solving the problem. Help them knows the answer because they don’t know when they are
understand all of the ways they have to eliminate the pain going to die. I usually say, “Tell me when you are going to
without you. It will soon become obvious that they have no die, and I will tell you the cost.” So the only logical point
pain remedy. So what do we do? We start talking about our for comparison is life expectancy. This is where 50 percent
solution. Don’t do this. This is a trap. It could cost you the of the group is alive and 50 percent are dead. You have as
sale. My rule is to never talk about my solutions until I have much of a chance of living beyond life expectancy as you
totally eliminated theirs. do dying.
If you do this correctly, they will eventually ask you, “Do If we measure all of the mortality costs from today to life
you have a solution for my problem?” This is when you start expectancy, it is 74 percent of the face amount. But remem-
talking about how your solution will eliminate the pain. But ber, only 50 percent are dead. Let’s look at the total cost
don’t do this until they ask or until they admit their solu- when two-thirds of the group is dead. This is called the first
tions will not work. We must become pain merchants. Be standard deviation. Now the cost rises to 119 percent. If we
known by the problems you solve, not the solutions you sell. look at where 95 percent of the group is dead, the cost is 240
People will come to you with their pain, and you will be able percent. No one could afford to keep their life insurance if
to help them eliminate it. they had to pay the mortality costs every year.
If you have done this correctly, they might even say, Think about it—you reach your life expectancy birthday,
“Wouldn’t life insurance work here?” What a beautiful thing and you get your new premium notice. It is for $150,000 for
when this happens. They have proposed the solution. Now your $1 million policy. Are you going to pay it? Of course
what do you do? Most of us would say, “Yes it would.” And not—that is what everyone says. But suppose you just came
then we will reach into our briefcase where we just happen to back from your oncologist who said you had six months
have an illustration especially prepared for them that might to live. Now would you pay it? Everyone says they would.
help eliminate the pain of this problem. Now we are into the Suppose you owned this insurance company, and all of the
closing interview. healthy people were canceling their policies and all of the
Again, don’t do this. It is a trap. People only buy what sick people were staying. What would happen to the com-
they understand. The mystery of life insurance has prevented pany? That’s right—it would have to shut its doors and go
many people from purchasing the greatest financial product out of business. This is called adverse selection, and it is what
in the whole world. companies fear the most. In fact, this problem caused all of
So what should you do? Ask a question. Whenever you the insurance companies in the United States to close their
are in doubt, ask a question. So before I bring out the illus- doors and reorganize in the mid-1800s.
tration, I always ask them, “Do you understand how life So they called in the actuaries and told them to come up
insurance works?” No one knows how life insurance works, with a solution. They went back to their dark closets and got
including most agents. If you can explain to clients in simple out their eyeshades and abacuses. Finally, they came out and
terms how insurance works, it will give them confidence to said, “We’ve got it. Here is the solution. You need a Box.”
buy your product. If you put this money into the Box, the compound inter-
The first thing I tell them is that life insurance is based on est earned on the cash in the Box will pay the curve. It is that
the predictable pattern of death. No one knows who is going simple. You either fill the Box or pay the curve.
to die, but they do know how many and the probability of You can fill the Box in one year, you can fill it over your
when. Assume you have 10 million healthy 45-year-olds. We entire lifetime, or you can short pay. It is up to you. But you
know in the first year that 1/1,000 will die. At age 50, it have to fill the Box so that it will pay the curve.

©Million Dollar Round Table Annual Meeting Proceedings | 2017

72 General Sessions: MDRT Speaks

If this were the end of the story, it would have been a You can either fill the Box, or you can pay the curve. It is
great solution. But there is more to it. We know the earn- your choice.
ings in the Box are not constant. Interest rates go up, and The reaction to this story, when I tell it to clients, is the same
interest rates go down. Once you start your Box, if the every time. They always say, “This is the first time I have ever
rates get higher, then you can put less in the Box. But if understood life insurance.” Educated clients make better cli-
rates go lower, then you will have to put more in the Box. ents. Our job is to tell the story. People do what they want to
Our job is to help you know how much you need to put in do when they want to do it. All we can do is show them their
the Box each year. options and then let them make the best decision for themselves.
In the final analysis, if you want life insurance for the rest I hope some of these ideas will help you get to the Top
of your life, you have to fill the Box. So you have a choice: and stay there.

Annual Meeting Proceedings | 2017 ©Million Dollar Round Table

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