Nicolas Stefan Ruiz Vega B1.1 Cycle 5 2019 Activitie For The Reading Project

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Nicolas Stefan Ruiz Vega

B1.1 Cycle 5 2019

Activitie for the Reading project

1. Choose one book from de Bank

I have chosen “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” by William Shakespeare.

2. Choose one activitie.

I have chosen the following activitie for my Reading project:

 Create an illustrated timeline showing important events from the story.

o Choose at least 10 important events from the story. Write a description

of each event, and draw/colour/print an illustration for each event.
o The events must be in the order in which they occurred.
o Prepare a 1-minute presentation explaining it.

3. Submit a draft stating the activity you are doing and a draft of the oral
presentation (monologue).

1. Hamlet is the prince of Denmark, his father was the king, but he died before
the play begins. Hamlet’s uncle Claudius has taken over as King and married
Hamlet’s mother Gertrude.
2. At the beginning at the play a ghost appears to some soldiers; he looks just
like Hamlet’s father, the dead King. The soldier agree to tall Hamlet all about

3. Hamlet sees the ghost, who says he is Hamlet’s father he also says that
Claudius murdered him by pouring poison in his ear. Hamlet swears to take

4. Hamlet decides he’ll have an actors perform a play that mimics the murder
of his father. When Claudius sees a scene where a king is murdered by
having poison poured in his ear he becomes so upset that he gets up and
leaves. Hamlet sees this reaction as proof that Claudius did indeed murder
his father.
5. Hamlet goes to see his mother, not knowing that she’s given Polonius
permission to hide behind a tapestry and listen to their conversation. Hamlet
listened to Polonius, thinking it’s Claudius behind the tapestry stands
Polonius through the clock and kill him.

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