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1. The grading range is from 0-5 (check the Speaking Rubric)

2. Questions are randomly picked.
3. At least 10 questions will be asked to you plus the possibility of 5 extras questions based from your
previous knowledge.

How do you help others solve their problem? SPEAKING RUBRIC

0 point
Well I really like to hear other people. when they tell me their * no / totally irrelevant answer
problem if I know how to solve that I would give them a * lack of comprehension
advice but if I couldn’t I would ask to professional and at * cannot / lack of effort to communicate
any rate I would try to solve their question . 1 point
1 * responses one / two words length
**no sub. - verb agreement - structures
Bueno, realmente me gusta escuchar a otras personas. incorrect
cuando me dicen su problema, si sé cómo resolver, les
**vocabulary repeated
daría un consejo, pero si no pudiera, se lo pediría a un
profesional y, en cualquier caso, intentaría resolver su * pronunciation very difficult to understand
pregunta. * unable to express ideas fluently; many
pauses/breaks, hesitant/choppy
Imagine you have won a million dollars. Who will you tell? * communication difficult
What will you do with the money? 2 points
If I would win million dollars I would say to my bests friend * limited answer
alex and jimy **errors in basic grammar
Si iba a ganar millones de dólares que le diría a mi mejor
amigo Alex y Jimmy **inadequate vocabulary
*pronunciation difficult to understand without
We want to become businessmen if we won a million concentrated effort
dollars we would open a business and I would help to my * frequent hesitations in expressing ideas
family. **overly translates questions before
Queremos convertirnos en empresarios. Si ganáramos un **repeats question
millón de dólares abriríamos un negocio y ayudaría a mi
* little communication
3 points
* sentences are attempted with small grammar
Would you like to have your own car? If yes, what kind of car errors and adequate use of vocabulary
do you want to have? If no, why not? * pronunciation mostly understandable with
some errors (confuse listener & require guessing
Yes I would like have my own car the kind of car I like to at meaning)
have is a FORD car because it very big so I can travel with
3 * able to express fluently with little difficulty
my family.
Sí, me gustaría tener mi propio automóvil, el tipo de
(halting / hesitating)
automóvil que me gustaría es un automóvil FORD porque es 4 points
muy grande para que pueda viajar con mi familia * consistent use of full sentences with few errors
** good, appropriate vocabulary
What do your parents do in their free-time? ** good response
4 * pronunciation comprehensible, generally
They like to watch tv and read the news correct
* can self-correct and respond to cues
Do you think is it important to follow instructions? Explain.
5 points
5 Yes I think it it really important because if you don’t follow th
instruction you will have problem. * no grammatical error; vocabulary extensive
* pronunciation understandable - almost error-
6 free
What are the advantages/benefits of owning a car? * able to communicate clearly with no difficulty,
breaks or pauses.
Are you good at saving money? Why/not?

7 The advantages of have you own car is that you don’t have
to travel in a bus so you never go stand up when travel, it is
more enjoyable travel in your own car.
What do you think is the safest form of transportation?

I think it is travel in bus, because sometimes when you

travel through air or sea when happened a accident it is
difficult help people.

What ambitions do you have regarding your career?

I want to be the best so I will continue studying.

What's the most readily available form of public

transportation where you live?

10 It it through earth you can take easily bus or motorbike

What type of political system does your country have?

What's your opinion about it?

What type of political system does your country have?

The Republic of Peru is a unitary state and a semi-
presidential representative democratic republic
with a multi-party system, The current government
11 was established by the 1993 Constitution of Peru.
The government is composed of three branches,
being the executive, judicial,
and legislative branches.

Si think We need to get better but is not so bad

Do you prefer driving or riding public transportation? Why?


I prefer driving because don’t like riding

What’s the biggest accident you’ve ever had?

13 I am police man so in spite of I have never had a accident I

see a lot of. I have seen a bus which behead a person.

What are elections generally like in your home country?


Have you ever seen a very bad accident? Tell me what

I have seen a bus which behead a person
What are the main causes of accidents on the roads?
16 The truck driver fall in sleep.

Have you ever studied first aid? What did you learn?
Not I hevent

What are your parents like?

My mother is a wonderful woman who I appreciate more and
more everyday. She’s witty, sarcastic, funny, and makes me
laugh all the time.
My father is quiet, stoic. Sometimes he’s really great and
funny, other times he’s crabby and easily annoyed and just…
18 angry.
Mi madre es una mujer maravillosa que aprecio más y más
cada día. Es ingeniosa, sarcástica, divertida y me hace reír
todo el tiempo.
Mi padre es callado, estoico. A veces es realmente genial y
divertido, otras veces es malhumorado y se enoja
fácilmente y simplemente ... está enojado.
What do you think is the most dangerous form of
transportation? Why?

19 I think it is air transportation because it IS most probable

you died

Who in your family would you turn to if you had an emotional

problem? Why?
I ask for help to my brother because he is trustful

Would you like to be a politician? Why, why not?

Not because I think all are corrupt person

Describe your wife / husband. What kind of a person is

22 he/she?
She is fun and repecful

What, in general, do you think should be the qualities of a

good political leader?
23 Don’ be corrupt, and You will have to set a good example
for others to follow, passion, empathy, honesty and integrity
come into play.

Tell something about your child / children.

I don’t have

25 What is your best family memory?

The born of my younger siter

Where do you think that most accidents happen: in the

26 home or at work? Why do you say so?

In the work because people don like follow the instruction.

What is your worst family memory?

What's the worst problem you have ever had?

28 I Don’t have money to study

What is your first reaction to problems? Do you panic/

analyze it/ run to someone to talk and get help?
Depen on situation I alwaly analise it but if I couldn’t do that
, I would look for help

For you what's an ambition?

Ambition is have a will and work for getting that

Do you think it is important to have ambitions? Explain

Yes I do. Because it part of getting think .
What are the disadvantages/negative side of owning a car?
32 Because that it is so expensive, sometimes you don’t find
place to put you automovil

Do you consider yourself to be an ambitious person?

33 Why/not?
Yes because I really want more what I have

What do you usually do when riding a train or bus?

I really like read while I travel

What’s the difference between an ambition and a dream?

I don’t know I think it is the same .

What's your favorite form of transportation? Why?

36 It is really like to use motor bike because it is so cheep nad
comfortable to my
What kind of success do you want in the future in your life?
37 I want to be happy I want to have a lot of money in order to
help m family

What can you do now to be successful in the future?

I think I should Study very hard.

Which do you enjoy more: earning money or spending
money? Why you say so?
What’s the best way of making a lot of money?
I think it is work very hard
What's your opinion about saving money?
That it is important because you will become old and if you
dint save money, you would have problem
What does your husband/wife do in his/her free-time?
She go to swimming

How do you usually spend your money? What do you usually

43 buy?
Every months because I live alone with my girlfriend. And
she don’t work

Do you sometimes buy things that you don't need? How do

44 you feel? Give example
I feel sad because I waste the little money I have

What was the most important thing your parents taught

I think respect other people and to love my work

Is it better to pay cash or by credit card? Explain

Depend on the situation. If you woluld pay a big bill and was
necessary I USE CREDIT CAR but it is small the interest
would be so expensive.

47 If you found 100,000 soles in a bag on the street, what

would you do? Keep it?
I tell to the police . I look for the owner.

In a marriage, do you think one person should handle the

48 finances, or both?
I thin in the married both should work.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

49 I will become principal accountant of a big company.

In general, what is your opinion of the politicians in your


Who is the current leader of your country? How would you

describe him/her?
Vizcarra is the current president of my country. he is a good-
looking man and has a youthful appearance, he is tall with
an average body build and has a fair complexion,

If you were the leader of your place, what changes would

52 you make?
If I weren’t leader, I wouldn’t be corrupt person

How do you spend your day with your family?

I drink beer with my brother and sister.

What can be done to prevent accidents?

In order to prevent accident I should know the instruction.
Do you follow instruction?

Do you follow instruction?

Yes I do , I always follows instruction because it is part of my professional formation I am police man.

How do you help others solve their problem?

Well I really like to hear other people. when they tell me their problem if I know how to solve that I would give
them a advice but if I couldn’t I would ask to professional and at any rate I would try to solve their question .

Bueno, realmente me gusta escuchar a otras personas. cuando me dicen su problema, si sé cómo resolver, les daría
un consejo, pero si no pudiera, se lo pediría a un profesional y, en cualquier caso, intentaría resolver su pregunta.

Imagine you have won a million dollars. Who will you tell? What will you do with the money?

If I would win million dollars I would say to my bests friend alex and jimy

Si iba a ganar millones de dólares que le diría a mi mejor amigo Alex y Jimmy

We want to become businessmen if we won a million dollars we would open a business and I would help to my

Queremos convertirnos en empresarios. Si ganáramos un millón de dólares abriríamos un negocio y ayudaría a mi


Would you like to have your own car? If yes, what kind of car do you want to have? If no, why not?
Yes I would like have my own car the kind of car I like to have is a FORD car because it very big so I can travel with
my family.

Sí, me gustaría tener mi propio automóvil, el tipo de automóvil que me gustaría es un automóvil FORD porque es
muy grande para que pueda viajar con mi familia

What do your parents do in their free-time?

They like to watch tv and read the news

Do you think is it important to follow instructions? Explain.

Yes I think it it really important because if you don’t follow th instruction you will have problem.

What are the advantages/benefits of owning a car?

Are you good at saving money? Why/not?

The advantages of have you own car is that you don’t have to travel in a bus so you never go stand up when travel,
it is more enjoyable travel in your own car.

What do you think is the safest form of transportation? Why?

I think it is travel in bus, because sometimes when you travel through air or sea when happened a accident it is
difficult help people.

What ambitions do you have regarding your career?

I want to be the best so I will continue studying.

What's the most readily available form of public transportation where you live?

It it through earth you can take easily bus or motorbike


What type of political system does your country have? What's your opinion about it?

What type of political system does your country have?

The Republic of Peru is a unitary state and a semi-presidential representative democratic republic with a multi-
party system, The current government was established by the 1993 Constitution of Peru. The government is
composed of three branches, being the executive, judicial, and legislative branches.

Si think We need to get better but is not so bad

Do you prefer driving or riding public transportation? Why?

I prefer driving because don’t like riding

What’s the biggest accident you’ve ever had?

I am police man so in spite of I have never had a accident I see a lot of. I have seen a bus which behead a person.

What are elections generally like in your home country?

Have you ever seen a very bad accident? Tell me what happened

I have seen a bus which behead a person

What are the main causes of accidents on the roads?

The truck driver fall in sleep.

Have you ever studied first aid? What did you learn?

Not I hevent

What are your parents like?

My mother is a wonderful woman who I appreciate more and more everyday. She’s witty, sarcastic, funny, and
makes me laugh all the time.

My father is quiet, stoic. Sometimes he’s really great and funny, other times he’s crabby and easily annoyed and
just… angry.

Mi madre es una mujer maravillosa que aprecio más y más cada día. Es ingeniosa, sarcástica, divertida y me hace
reír todo el tiempo.

Mi padre es callado, estoico. A veces es realmente genial y divertido, otras veces es malhumorado y se enoja
fácilmente y simplemente ... está enojado.

What do you think is the most dangerous form of transportation? Why?

I think it is air transportation because it most probable you died

Who in your family would you turn to if you had an emotional problem? Why?

I ask for help to my brother because he is trustful

Would you like to be a politician? Why, why not?

Not beoause I think all are corrupt person

Describe your wife / husband. What kind of a person is he/she?

She is fun and repecful

What, in general, do you think should be the qualities of a good political leader?
Don’ be corrupt, and You will have to set a good example for others to follow, passion, empathy, honesty and
integrity come into play.

Tell something about your child / children.

I don’t have

What is your best family memory?

The born of my younger siter

Where do you think that most accidents happen: in the home or at work? Why do you say so?

In the work because people don like follow the instruction.

What is your worst family memory?

What's the worst problem you have ever had?

I Don’t have money to study

What is your first reaction to problems? Do you panic/ analyze it/ run to someone to talk and get help?

Depen on situation I alwaly analise it but if I couldn’t do that , I would look for help

For you what's an ambition?

Ambition is have a will and work for getting that

Do you think it is important to have ambitions? Explain

Yes I do. Because it part of getting think .

What are the disadvantages/negative side of owning a car?

Because that it is so expensive, sometimes you don’t find place to put you automovil

Do you consider yourself to be an ambitious person? Why/not?

Yes because I really want more what I have

What do you usually do when riding a train or bus?

I really like read while I travel

What’s the difference between an ambition and a dream?

I don’t know I think it is the same .

What's your favorite form of transportation? Why?

It is really like to use motor bike because it is so cheep nad comfortable to my

What kind of success do you want in the future in your life?

I want to be happy I want to have a lot of money in order to help m family

What can you do now to be successful in the future?

I think I should Study very hard.

Which do you enjoy more: earning money or spending money? Why you say so?

What’s the best way of making a lot of money?

I think it is work very hard

What's your opinion about saving money?

That it is important because you will become old and if you dint save money, you would have problem

What does your husband/wife do in his/her free-time?

She go to swimming

How do you usually spend your money? What do you usually buy?

Every months because I live alone with my girlfriend. And she don’t work

Do you sometimes buy things that you don't need? How do you feel? Give example

I feel sad because I waste the little money I have

What was the most important thing your parents taught you?

I think respect other people and to love my work

Is it better to pay cash or by credit card? Explain

Depend on the situation. If you woluld pay a big bill and was necessary but it is small the interest would be so

If you found 100,000 soles in a bag on the street, what would you do? Keep it?

I tell to the police . I look for the owner.

In a marriage, do you think one person should handle the finances, or both?

I thin in the married both should work.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

I will become principal accountant of a big company.

In general, what is your opinion of the politicians in your country?

Who is the current leader of your country? How would you describe him/her?

Vizcarra is the current president of my country. he is a good-looking man and has a youthful appearance, he is tall
with an average body build and has a fair complexion, and also his pointed nose compliments his black hair, in fact
we have a striking resemblance

If you were the leader of your place, what changes would you make?

If I weren’t leader, I wouldn’t be corrupt person

How do you spend your day with your family?

I drink beer with my brother and sister.

What can be done to prevent accidents?

In order to prevent accident I should know the instruction.

Do you follow instruction?

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