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Grammar Name: ___________________________________

Level 4 Score: _________/20

Quiz: Adverb Clauses of Place and Reason


Fill in the blank for the following sentences by indicating the purpose of each adverb
clause. (1 point each)

1. Adverb clauses of Place indicate ________________ something happens.

2. Adverb clauses of Reason indicate ________________ something happens.

Multiple choice: Circle the best adverb clause that corresponds with the main clause.
(1 point each)

3. Main Clause: I’m learning English ________________________________________.

a. because I want to be bilingual.

b. since I’m bilingual
c. now that I’m in Spanish class.

4. Main clause: My family likes to travel ____________________________________.

a. everywhere there is a beach.

b. anywhere there is a beach.
c. somewhere there is a summer.

5. Main clause: Barry has played sports ______________________________________.

a. as he watches the football game.

b. since he entered high school
c. because his dad is a great businessman.

6. Cierra collects souvenirs from _____________________________________________.

a. anywhere she go.

b. anywhere she went.
c. everywhere she travels to.

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Write two sentences using any of the adverbs that indicate place. Circle your adverb clause
when finished. Do not use same adverb twice . (2.5 points each)

Adverbs you can use: anywhere everywhere where wherever







Complete each sentence using any of the adverbs that indicate reason. Circle your adverb
clause when finished. Do not use same adverb twice. (2.5 pouts each)

Adverbs you can use: because since as now that







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Quiz: Adverb Clauses of Place and Reason

Fill in the blank for the following sentences by indicating the purpose of each adverb
clause. (1 point each)

7. Adverb clauses of Place indicates ___where_____________ something happens.

8. Adverb clauses of Reason indicates ____why____________ something happens.

Multiple choice: Circle the best adverb clause that corresponds with the main clause.
(2 point each)

9. Main Clause: I’m learning English because I want to be bilingual.

d. because I want to be bilingual.

e. since I’m bilingual
f. now that I’m in Spanish class.

10. Main clause: My family likes to travel anywhere there is a beach.

a. everywhere there is a beach.

b. anywhere there is a beach.
c. somewhere there is a summer.

11. Main clause: Barry has played sports since he entered high school..

(1 as he watches the football game.

(2 since he entered high school
(3 because his dad is a great businessman.

12. Cierra collects souvenirs from everywhere she travels to.

d. anywhere she go.

e. anywhere she went.
f. everywhere she travels to.

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Write two sentences using any of the adverbs that indicate place. Circle your adverb clause
when finished. Do not use same adverb twice . (2.5 points each)

Adverbs you can use: anywhere everywhere where wherever

7. __Answers will vary. Students earn 2 points for composing sentences which include a

main clause and the appropriate adverb clause. Students earn .5 points for identifying and

circling the adverb clause used. __________________.




Complete each sentence using any of the adverbs that indicate reason. Circle your adverb
clause when finished. Do not use same adverb twice. (2.5 pouts each)

Adverbs you can use: because since as now that

9. __Answers will vary. Students earn 2 points for composing sentences which include a

main clause and the appropriate adverb clause. Students earn .5 points for identifying and

circling the adverb clause used. __________________.




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