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Optimizing an Advertising Campaign Reflection Kenzie Curtis

Math 1010

For this lab, we worked in groups and had to use linear programming and the system of

inequalities to solve the problems we were given. The objective for this assignment was to figure

out how many TV ads and how many radio ads a local company should purchase to maximize

the number of people who will see and hear their advertisements.

I do think that this assignment showed how this type of math can be applied in the real

world in certain situations. For this assignment specifically, the results are important so they can

figure out which type of ads are going to get them the most business/customers in return. If they

just put out a ton of certain advertisements without actually figuring out how people usually

come across ads, then they may just be throwing money away because people might not be

listening, watching, etc. where they post their advertisements. And if people are seeing their ads,

then what would be the point in spending the money to put them out there?

I would think as a business owner if these results were given to you, you would want to

know how they came to their conclusion because you would want to know that they’re

information is true and reliable. But also, you would need to know where you’re putting your

money, and how much you’re getting in return from that, and if putting these advertisements out

would be worth it for your company.

Before this assignment, I’ll be honest, I really couldn’t think of any other person rather

than a business owner that might find linear programming and the system of inequalities

beneficial. As I’ve thought about it and researched it, I’ve realized that there are quite a few

people that can benefit from this type of analysis. I personally think a good example of someone

who would benefit from this type of analysis regularly, that is more relatable than a business

owner, is a gardener. There are a lot of factors that go into successfully growing plants; moisture,
Optimizing an Advertising Campaign Reflection Kenzie Curtis
Math 1010

water, temperature, sunlight, etc. So you would need to figure out all the variables needed and

how much, in order to grow the ideal plants.

I’ve always known that math can be applied in the real world, but I only considered basic

math (add, subtract, multiply). I never really thought that linear programing and system of

inequalities would be useful, but after this assignment I’ve realized that you can definitely use

this type of stuff in your day to day life and not even realize it. It really just depends on what it is

that you’re trying to figure out.

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