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Blood Pressure in Acute Stroke

Still No Answer for Management
Urs Fischer, MD MSc; Heinrich P. Mattle, MD

See related article, p 1869 What Is the Mechanism of Elevated BP in

W hether intravenous or endovascular stroke therapy
should be withhold in patients with acute isch-
emic stroke with blood pressure (BP) levels above certain
Patients With Acute Stroke?
BP is increased in ≈3 of 4 patients with acute stroke and mostly
decreases spontaneously over the next few days.2 However,
thresholds is one of the major unresolved issues in acute the mechanism of the transient rise in BP is unknown and the
stroke management. The post hoc analysis of data of the BP increase after major stroke is often claimed to be a stroke-
MR CLEAN trial (Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial specific response (ie, post-stroke hypertension). We have
of Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke in the shown in a population-based study that acute post-stroke BP
Netherlands) published in Stroke adds important new infor- in patients with ICH was markedly raised when compared
mation about the risks and benefits of endovascular therapy with premorbid levels and fell rapidly thereafter.6 However,
(EVT) in acute stroke patients with different BP levels at in patients with major ischemic strokes, acute post-event SBP
baseline. Mulder et al1 analyzed BP and the effect of EVT was much closer to premorbid values to which these patients
in the MR CLEAN study and showed that the effective- were presumably accustomed, with no rise in SBP before the
ness of EVT is similar in the entire range of baseline BP event and only a small post-event increment.5 These findings
of the included patients. Furthermore, BP and EVT did not suggest that the acute raise in BP mainly reflects premorbid
interact with the occurrence of symptomatic intracerebral hypertension rather than a stroke-specific response.5 Whether
hemorrhage (ICH) or other safety parameters. However, the additional small post-event increment in SBP is a direct
there was an independent association between increas- consequence of the stroke that serves to enhance perfu-
ing systolic BP (SBP) levels and the risk of symptomatic sion of the penumbra over collaterals is a matter of debate.
ICH in the subgroup of patients with SBP>120 mm Hg, as Additional factors such as headache, urine retention, infec-
shown previously.2,3 In addition, the authors found a simi- tion, or the psychological stress of admission to hospital
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lar J-shaped relationship of admission BP and functional could also play a role.
outcome in patients who underwent EVT and their controls
who received intravenous thrombolysis (IVT). The infor-
mation gained from MR CLEAN provides an important
Should Elevated BP in Acute Stroke Be
message for clinicians treating patients with acute isch- Lowered?
emic strokes with proximal vessel occlusion in the anterior Several trials have assessed the question, whether BP should
circulation: BP, whatever its value is, does not influence be lowered in patients with acute stroke, given the worse out-
the effectiveness of EVT. Therefore, EVT is indicated for come in patients with high BP levels. Although there is good
treatment of large-vessel occlusions causing stroke irre- evidence that early BP lowering is safe and might be beneficial
spective of admission BP. Neither low nor high BP values in patients with ICH, BP-lowering trials in patients with isch-
advise against EVT. However, the number of patients with emic stroke were either neutral or negative.7–12 There are sev-
high (>185/110 mm Hg) and low BP in the study was small; eral explanations why BP lowering in patients with ischemic
therefore, no valid conclusions can be made on the safety of stroke has not been beneficial: the lack of benefit and potential
EVT in these patients. harm may be related to reducing BP to a level to which the
It is known for decades that BP in patients with acute patient is unaccustomed.5 In accustomed hypertension, the
stroke is elevated and that high and low BP levels are associ- cerebral perfusion curve is shifted to the right, such that rapid
ated with poor functional outcome.4,5 Nevertheless, many rel- BP lowering could compromise blood flow at a time when
evant questions still remain unresolved. perfusion is already compromised.5,13 Furthermore, in isch-
emic stroke with persistent vessel occlusion lowering of BP is
The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the likely to decrease collateral flow. Because BP autoregulation
editors or of the American Heart Association. is disturbed, BP lowering would reduce penumbral perfusion,
From the Department of Neurology, University Hospital Bern and which could accelerate loss of penumbral tissue and increase
University of Bern, Switzerland. the core of the infarct rapidly. When the penumbra disappears,
Guest Editor for this article was Georgios Tsivgoulis, MD.
Correspondence to Urs Fischer, MD MSc, Department of Neurology, either because it is salvaged after reperfusion or because it is
University of Bern, Inselspital, Freiburgstrasse 4, 3010 Bern, Switzerland. gradually lost into the growing infarct core while occlusion
E-mail persists, elevated BP is no longer needed. This hypothesis is
(Stroke. 2017;48:1717-1719.
DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.117.017228.) supported by the observation of declining BP after stroke.
© 2017 American Heart Association, Inc. The pace of BP decline is faster in patients after successful
Stroke is available at recanalization of large-vessel occlusions when compared with
DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.117.017228 patients with persistently blocked arteries.14
1718  Stroke  July 2017

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