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1. This assignment contains only ONE question that is set English.

2. Answer in English or Malay.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date: 8 July 2019 until 21 July 2019.

6. This assignment accounts for 65% of the total marks for the course.

Unlike the traditional research method, action research is straightforward and is more applicable
for school educators or teachers. Furthermore, it allows teachers to study their own classrooms,
for example, their instructional methods, students and assessments in order to better
understand their practices and to be able to improve their teaching and learning process. Action
research involves a spiral of self-reflective cycles of planning, acting and observing the process
and its consequences, reflecting on these processes and consequences, re-planning, acting,
observing, and reflecting again (refer Topic 1 of the module). Therefore, the use of action
research supports practitioners in seeking out ways to improve the quality of education in

The purpose of this assignment is to assess your ability in conducting action research on the topic
of your choice.The work is research based and must demonstrate some level of competence in
reflection writing, using and interpreting data. The initial work for this project will begin with
Assignment 1 and complete with Assignment 2. The write-ups in these assignments consist of the
(i) A proposal/plan that outlines details of the research project (Assignment 1)
(ii) Implementation of the action research project and report (Assignment 2)


Any early childhood curriculum documents contain many new ideas and suggestions for teachers
and practitioners regarding early childhood education. These ideas and suggestions are aimed at
providing quality educational experiences to children. However, this will also depend on the
ability of teachers and practitioners to stand back, question and reflect on their classroom
practices, and continue to strive to make the necessary changes.

For Assignment 1 you are required to propose a plan of an Action Research project on a
topic/area of interest/problem of your choice. To complete Task 1, you are required to:
1. Study any early childhood curriculum documents.
2. Refer to Topic 1 and 2 of the Module to understand action research and how to plan an
action research.
3. Refer to Topic 6 and 7 to help you in:
(a) Identifying the topic/area of interest/problem
(b) Gathering of information;
(c) Reviewing related literature;
(d) Developing a research plan;
4. Develop your proposal according to the guidelines given. This is also supported by related
points in 3 [(a) to (d)]. Study the guide provided to help you.
5. Discuss your write up with your E-Tutor and request for his/her comment.

(Total marks: 100)



1. Refer to Topic 5.5 for guidance to come up with an action plan based on the research
proposal dine in task 1.
2. Refer to Topic 9 and 10 for some examples to guide you in:
(a) Developing and implementing of the action plan.
(b) Sharing and communicating the results; and
(c) Reflecting on the process.
3. Develop your FINAL writing.
4. Submit all your report writings of maximum 15 PAGES. Include references and any
supporting documents, e.g. photos, images, graphs, etc.

(Total marks: 100)

Guide to Complete Task 1:

Please use the template provided for this assignment.

(a) Title of the Study
What is the topic/problem/area of interest? Provide background information.
i. Example: Implementing and Managing Project-Based Learning in Preschool Setting.
ii. Creativity through the Visual Art in Young Children.

(b) Statement of the purpose of the study

What is the purpose of this study? Do you intend to provide new solution on issues/problems in
the KSPK? Do you intend to improve the current practice? Explain.

(c) Description of what you intend to study (Research Objective)

What are the research questions that will guide your study? Limit to a maximum of 2 research
This study sets out to explore the use of Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach at the preschool
setting. Specifically the objectives of the study are as follows:
1) To identify the ways how to manage and implement PBL approach.
2) To identify the activities of PBL to make learning fun and meaningful. .
My research questions are:
1. How to manage and implement PBL approach in preschool classroom?
2. What are the activities of PBL to make learning fun and meaningful for young children?

(d) Example:
I plan to study the impact of Visual Art activities in enhancing creativity in young children

My research questions are:

1. What are the steps to implement Visual Art activities appropriate for young children?
2. How Visual Art activities help develop creative thinking in young children?

(e) Description of your plan of action
What is the plan, when will it take place, and how will it be designed?
The research plan will use the spiral model of action research proposed by Kemmis & Mc Taggart
(2000). The process involved in each cycle consists of planning, acting, observing and reflecting.
For this task you are required to carry 2 cycles shown in the figure below.

Cycle 1

Observe Plan



Cycle 2


The Action Research Cycle

(Kemmis & Mc Taggart (2000)

You may consider the following options for the action research:
1. You are carrying out the action research project on the topic yourself. OR
2. You collaborate with a practitioner ( a preschool teacher) to carry the action research

Example: (Collaborative Action Research)
I plan to use the collaborative action research for the study. The following are the steps which I plan
to implement.
Cycle 1

Steps Explanation
Planning Researcher plan the teaching and learning activities with the teacher. Types
of activities, learning materials, tools and equipment to be used are
considered and discussed in the planning.
Acting Researcher and teacher will observe the teaching & learning process.
& Observng Observation of children behavior and teacher are recorded using fieldnotes
and photos.
Reflecting Strength and weaknesses of implementation are discussed by the researcher
and the teacher. Comments, fieldnotes, photos taken on the children’s
behaviors as well the teacher are used during the reflection session.
Suggestions for improvements are recorded as inputs in cycle 2.

Cycle 2

Steps Explanation

Replanning Input from the reflection are considered in the replanning of the teaching and
learning activities. During replanning, solutions to problems and issues
arising in teaching and learning process are discussed. Reseacher and teacher
will revise plan to improve implementation of activities. .
Acting Researcher and teacher will observe the teaching & learning process.
& Observng Observation of children behavior and teacher are recorded using fieldnotes
and photos.
Reflecting Strength and weakness of implementation are discussed by the researcher
and teacher. Comments, fieldnotes, photos taken on children behaviors as
well teacher are used during the reflection session.

Note: you may use similar steps if you are doing the research project.

(f) Data collection planning
What kind of data will you collect? When and how will you collect it?
The research data will be qualitative and collected mainly through observation and interview with
the teacher implementer and a few children. In addition I will make field notes and keep a diary of
classroom activities and children behaviors during the activities. The following instruments will be

Checklists – researcher will be in the classroom together with teacher implementer during the
duration of the project. Observation on teacher behaviors and children behaviors will be recorded
using a checklist. I will design items of the checklist appropriate for the activities observed.

Interview Protocol – the researcher will interview the teacher implementer to explore her views
on the teaching and learning process and activities planned for the children. A semi structured
interview questions will be used to gather responses from the teacher. The interview will be
recorded and transcribed as evidence for presenting data.

Photos – photos will be taken during the teaching and learning process and all activities in the
class. These photos will be used as documents and evidences for the study.

Field Notes and Diary – researcher will take notes and keep a diary for the duration of the research
project. The field notes will help in analysis.

Guide to Complete Task 2:

Please use the template provided.
1. Literature Review
Present a comprehensive review of the literature relating to your topic of study. References are
made to recent and relevant literature, theory and research pertaining to your topic. The ideas
you have gathered from your reading should be analyzed not summarize. Try to connect different
perspectives of different authors by drawing on similarities and contrasts in their thinking. Your
module or other class handouts may be used as additional resources.

2. Implementation of Action Research Plan

This section consists of your implementation of your research project. It should be typed with the
following subsection headings:
 Setting : Describe the school (overall population, demographics) where the research took
place. Describe the course (content area, grade level).
 Participants: Describe the participants targeted for the study (sample size, demographics
and how they were chosen); this includes information regarding any comparison group if
that is part of the study. Remember; do not identify the site or any individuals by name.
 Instruments: Describe the method used to collect your data. Specify if each instrument
was designed by you (the researcher) or by another person/company. If it was
researcher-designed, describe the process by which it was developed. Copies of the
actual instrument(s) must be included in the appendix.
 The Action Research Cycles: Describe the steps taken in the action research cycles in
detail. Discuss the activities and treatment used in the implementation in each cycle of
 Chronology: This is where you present a delineation of the precise time frame for
implementing the project as well as collecting/analyzing all data.
 Analysis: This is where you describe the quantitative or qualitative procedures you
followed to analyze your data. This section must be organized according to research
question. (Restate research question #1 and then describe how you analyzed the data for
that question. Then, do the same for each research question in your paper.) The findings
from your analyses are not listed here. They are presented in section six of the paper.
 You are not allowed to use the first person pronoun "I" to refer to yourself.
3. Findings
 This is where you lay out the data. This section must be organized according to your
research questions. (Restate research question #1 and then discuss/present the data for
that question. Then do the same for each subsequent research question in your study.)
 When presenting your data for each research question, begin with a narrative which
describes the data table that is to follow. This narrative should be an objective description
of the data — what it is, how it was obtained, how it is organized for display, etc. You do
not state any subjective conclusion about the data in this section. The conclusion should
be presented in section seven of the paper.

 Each data table must be numbered and titled. Tables should not be carried over to
another page; begin the table on the top of the next page if it will not fit in its entirety at
the bottom of an existing page.
 You are not allowed to use the first person pronoun "I" to refer to yourself.

4. Conclusion
 This is where you discuss what the findings seem to indicate about the relationships
among the variables. In other word, what do you make of this data? As with the previous
section, this section must be organized according to the research questions.
 (Restate research question #1, make a concluding statement and then describe why you
came to this conclusion. Then, restate question #2, and so on.)
 Since this is action research, we can bend a bit about drawing fine lines between
conclusions and implications. You are not really attempting to make conclusions about
the world at large; you can only talk about what you have learned about the unique
variables in your setting.
 Also, since this is action research, there were likely numerous variables that may have
impacted your data — we will call these confounding factors. For each research question,
you will be expected to discuss possible confounding factors and how they may have
influenced the data.
 Just a note, the data is what it is. Sometimes it is not what we wanted it to be. You need
not have found that your treatment led to noticeable student improvement for the study
to be successful. We are looking only at your ability to analyze the findings honestly,
thoroughly, and appropriately.
 You are not allowed to use the first person pronoun "I" to refer to yourself.

5. Reflections
In this section, you may refer to yourself in the first person.
This is where you take a step back and reflect on the process of doing action research. You are
expected to consider:
 What you would do differently if you had the chance to redesign or re-implement the
 Ideas for future research on this topic;

 How this action research experience and/or your findings from this particular project may
influence your future teaching practices.

6. Appendix
 You need not provide all raw data collected during the study. The appendix should
include copies of your data collection instruments.
 Each item in the appendix must be preceded by a cover page that assigns a letter to the
item (i.e.: Appendix A, Appendix B) and gives a title to the item (i.e.: Observation checklist,
Interview protocol, Field notes and Logs).

Assignment Rubrics

Title of the Study

What is the topic/problem/area of interest? Provide background information. Example: Implementing and Managing Project-Based Learning in
Preschool Setting.
Creativity Through the Visual Art in Young Children.

Unsatisfactory or
Excellent Good Fair Poor Max
Criteria Weight No response
4 3 2 1 0

Task 1
Title of the Study The title of the study is The title of the study is The title of the study is The title of the study There is no title
1 very suitable, clear and suitable and clear. clear. is not clear. of the study. 4
Statement of The statement of purpose The statement of The statement of The statement of There is no
Purpose is very clear, concise and purpose is clear. purpose is clear. purpose is not clear. It statement of
precise. This is followed by However, there are no does not mention any purpose.
1.5 This is followed by good clarifications of further clarifications of purpose of doing the 6
detailed clarifications of why the research why the research action research.
why the research interest interest has been interest has been
has been chosen. chosen. chosen.
Description of the Student has been able to Student has been able Student has been able Student has been able No description
problem excellently describe what to decently describe to sufficiently describe to describe fairly what of the problem.
he/she plans to study. what he/she plans to what he/she plans to he/she plans to study.
The language is simple study. The language is study. The language is fair.
7.5 and clear. Research simple and clear. The language is simple Research questions 30
questions are clearly Research questions and clear. are expressed.
expressed. are clearly expressed. Research questions are The description is fair.
The description is The description is very expressed.
excellent. good. The description is good.

Description of Student has been able to Student has been able Student has been able Student has been able Student has not
your treatment or excellently describe their to decently describe to sufficiently describe to describe their plan been able to
plan of action plan of action. their plan of action. their plan of action. The of action fairly. describe their
7.5 The language is simple The language is simple language is simple and The language is fair. plan of action
and clear. and clear. clear. The explanation is clearly.
The explanation is The explanation is The explanation is good. acceptable.
deemed above very good.
Data collection Student has been able to Student has been able Student has been able Student has been able Student has not
planning excellently describe their to decently describe to sufficiently describe to describe their plan been able to
data collection planning. their data collection their plan of action. of action fairly. describe their
The language is simple planning. The language is simple The language is fair. data collection
7.5 30
and clear. The description The language is simple and clear. The description is planning clearly.
is deemed above and clear. The description is good. acceptable.
expectation. The description is very

Task 2
Literature Review Literature review is Literature review is Literature review is Literature review is No literature
7.5 excellent. Very clear and good. Clear and acceptable. very minimal. review
related to the study. related to the study. presented.

Description of Student has been able to Student has been able Student has been able Student has been able Student has not
your project excellently describe what to decently describe to sufficiently describe to describe fairly been able to
he/she plans to study. what he/she plans to what he/she plans to about the project. describe the
The language is simple study. study. The language is fair. project.
7.5 30
and clear. The language is simple The language is simple Research questions
Research questions are and clear. and clear. are expressed.
clearly expressed. Research questions Research questions are
are clearly expressed. expressed.
Data Collection Data collection done is Data collection done is Data collection done is Data collection done is There is no data
excellent. good. acceptable. not clear. collection.
Student has been able to Student has been able Student has been able Student has been able Student has not
3.75 excellently describe their to decently describe to sufficiently describe to describe their plan been able to 15
data collection planning. their data collection their plan of action. of action fairly. describe their
The language is simple planning. The language is simple The language is fair. data collection
and clear. and clear. planning clearly.

The description is deemed The language is simple The description is good. The description is
above expectation. and clear. acceptable.
The description is very
Data Analysis Data analysis is excellent. Data analysis is good. Data analysis is Data analysis is not There is no data
3.75 acceptable. clear. analysis. 15

References There are more than 10 There are about 8-10 There are about 6-8 There are about 4-6 Less than 3
2.5 references. references. references. references. references. 10


* The total marks will be converted to 65 %.
* Weight of each part is depending on the importance of the information needed.


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