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On April 15, 2019, it was our first day in Constantin Integrated Project Development (CIPD) as an

intern. Our Director, Engr. Hany Constantin had a little talk to us about project management. He
briefly discussed the principle and significance of project management on engineering field.
Moreover, he tasked the one who facilitates us, interns to divide the scope of work into four (4)
basic fields namely: Design, Construction Management, Accounting, and Business Marketing.
On the next day, as per assigned task, I did the structural plans of their pending project;
specifically, I did the footing plan which requires proper detailing. Afterwards, we formally
introduced ourselves to the employees.
The detailing was quite hard even though our project engineer taught me briefly, that’s why I
wasn’t able to speed up the work. Basically, details should be clear and easy to understand
because it is one of the significant entities in a construction plan.
On my fifth (5th) day, o was able to finish my assigned task; unfortunately, it was prolonged than
their usual because, aside of having difficulty, there were some mistakes that were needed to
revives. Anyhow, I was briefly taught by our project engineer about the software that we’re using,
this is to lessen the time that I used to spend while doing detailing. Apparently, those things that
were taught should be treasured because it will be used by the time I shall start working.
After the previous task, I was asked to do the design of trusses. It took me time to analyze the
proper figure of the trusses because most of the trusses were based on the vaulted ceiling- a self-
supporting arched form to cover up spaces of truss with a ceiling- that made the design more
difficult for it depends on its provided slope.
It took me six (6) days to finalize the design of trusses because of some revisions, as what I have
said, it was difficult, and it was new to me. However, I manage to grasp the proper detailing and
conceptualize the modification of trusses. Basically, trusses should be detailed upon finish, so
that it would be easier for the workers to comprehend.
On my eleventh (11th) day of training, as per rotation of department, I was assigned on the field.
I was excited because it was my first time to witness the different processes of building
construction. Anyhow, the workers were working the lower trusses, some were installing
roughing-ins, fabricating forms for the windows, some were mixing concrete for retaining walls,
and some were installing reinforced bars for the three (3) circular columns at entry porch.
The house that they were constructing was a three hundred (300) square meter area and two (2)
story with a staff house behind it. Specifically, the house has a circular columns and arched
balcony in its façade.
In the field, I was able to instruct some workers and learned many new terms such as “abang”
which means preparation; furrings and studs which are used in ceiling and forms, in this case,
they used furrings to form the circular columns. Aside from that, I was able to layout the opening
of the stairs on a steel deck that was quite hot, knowing that the heat of the sun tends to absorb
by the steel deck.
During my first week in the field, I have learned to distinguish the do’s and don’ts in the
construction field. I was told by one of the engineers assigned that I should not construct
retaining walls at once especially on steep slopes because it may loosen the soil which may result
in a hazardous circumstance. An engineer should prioritize the safety of their workers while
providing the quality of their work, and I also learned to manage workers that you need to know
the proper hierarchy as to whom shall you talk to. As a result, you will attain the systematic
progress of your project.
One time, we were given a chance by our project engineer to attend an exposition. I have met
numerous suppliers and contractors that trade ideas, and I was able to interact with some of
them. They even urge us to apply in their firm which I appreciated; this serves as an opportunity
for us graduating students to work after graduation. Anyhow, I have learned some new and
innovative products that were essential for construction such as, plywood that is waterproof, and
many more.
On my sixteenth (16th) day, I was back in the office to do the cost estimation of their pending
project. It was quite difficult yet it was not that more difficult than doing the designs back on
trusses. You need to spend more time working on estimates because at this stage you will be able
to adjust the quantities of the materials. In some cases, you tend to quantify the materials less
that significantly affect the project. This may result in a discrepancy between the projected cost
and actual cost. Concerning that, you should not be exact at quantifying that you need to have
an allowance every item, as per the instruction is given by our project engineer because the
actual materials and projected materials will mostly not match during implementation.
The day after, I revised some of the mistakes in our computation, especially at the part of
columns. Technically, our computations were correct yet those were not reliable enough because
it lacks practicality that when you implement it at the site you will not reach the required quantity
of the materials. As I have stated, there should be an allowance allotted in each material to fill
the lapses in it.
On the next day, I was able to complete the structural part of the estimates and re-checked the
plumbing part for its quantity that will be utilized. Apparently, I was speeding up my work
because the plans were needed upon applying for building permit. Basically, you need to be
precise and flexible when it comes to quantifying because it is one of the keys to avoid short
estimation. The estimation stage is very significant so you need to put an extra effort in it.
On my twenty-second (22nd) day, we were discussed about procurement and accounting by their
corresponding entities which were an accounting officer and procurement officer; and I was able
to learn many things such as, procurement and accounting should work together as if they were
one department in order to monitor the expenses and quality of the materials utilized in the
We were near to completion with our internship program, so for our last rotation of work, we
were the one to decide where should we go in their department. We divided it into pairs so each
of the pairs could go to the site, and since I and my co-intern were scheduled in the site a week
before the last rotation begins, we decided to go to the office in our last rotation.
This week, I, together with my pair were assigned in the field. I was better able to grasp the
sequence of works than before, perhaps this was due to the progress of the site, with that I was
able to witness the different works in construction. In connection, I have learned that proper
instruction in the site and skilled workers that were reliable and cooperative significantly affects
the progress of the site. Anyhow, some of the workers were still fabricating forms for the
remaining arc beams at ground floor, some were still doing the rough-ins at second floor, and
some were installing sag rods at purlins. They were speeding up their work to catch the schedule
of pouring of concrete in second (2nd) floor slab. Basically, after all of requisite works, they will
start to do shoring to resist the load of the concreted slab.
On my last day in the construction field, I was able to do the curing of the concrete where I poured
water to the concrete that has been poured. Our site engineer told us how important curing was
and how it was necessary for all of the concrete components in the building; once a concrete was
fully cured, there is a tendency that a steel deck sags which affects the totality of the structure.
My last week in my internship was great. I and my co-intern were back in the office, and we did
the schedule of doors and windows for their future office. They wanted to make a larger office
because their current office was too crowded and it has limited space. Now going back to my
activities during this week, we had a chance to grasp and visualize the standard penetration test
which was used on their upcoming project; unfortunately, I was not able to see the borehole
procedure because we immediately returned in the office after a few minutes of setting their
materials that will be used in the aforesaid test. Also, I have learned that you don’t need to take
a soil test on a two (2) story residential building unless the owner insists it.

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