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Omar made the
whipping boy
Dam water to recede,
he chief ministership of
Jammu & Kashmir is a
thankless job. No chief minis-
ter after Sheikh Abdullah was com-
fortable in that post. Lion of
Kashmir, that is how Sheikh Ab-
dullah was known, he was a tower-
ing personality, the undisputed,
Kullu deities coming!
unchallenged, unrivalled and be-

trayed political leader till he he water level in a reservoir near
breathed his last. In spite of his leadership qualities, Kullu in Himachal Pradesh will
Nehru had put him behind bars for several years. For six be brought down this week for
decades religious fanatics and politicians used the emo- the "safe passage" of over 250 deities in
tionally charged-up atmosphere to fulfill their political a procession as part of the traditional
agenda; it was done at the cost of thousands of lives of Kullu Dussehra festival.
defenceless people of Kashmir. Different political and re- Over 250 gods and goddesses of the
ligious outfits like Azadis, those who demand independ- Kullu Valley brought in palanquins by
ence for Kashmir; pro-Pakistanis, the National devotees will start converging on this
Conference, the ruling party at present; the People’s historical town for the centuries-old
Democratic Party (PDP) led by Mehbooba Mufti, have no weeklong celebrations.
common minimum programme to find a solution to the "This time too on the request of the or-
vexed issue of the future of Kashmir. The dozens of ter- ganisation, Devi Devta Kardar Sangh,
rorist groups operating in the Valley take advantage of the waters of the Larji hydropower
this fluid and confused situation. project will be brought down by the
The present turmoil relates to the resolution moved in project authorities before the arrival of
the J&K Assembly for granting clemency to Afzal Guru, the deities for Dussehra," Kullu Deputy
the finding of a mass grave and the custodial death of a Commissioner B.M. Nanta told IANS.
National Conference worker, Yousuf. He had been de- He said making the waters recede
tained for questioning along with two other leaders of the would restore the traditional track
party. Yousuf had allegedly taken a bribe of Rs 1.18 crore used to help the gods and goddesses
promising one a minister’s post and the other a legisla- from the interiors of Ani, Banjar and
tor’s seat. The government insists Yousuf died in the Nirmand divisions reach Kullu.
local police hospital after a heart attack. The Opposition Organisers have sent a special Dassehra celebrations in Kullu Valley in Himachal Pradesh are as famous as those in
PDP has created a ruckus demanding Chief Minister 'invitation' to the deities to Mysore.
Omar Abdullah’s resignation. The Chief Minister said he participate in the Dussehra
was prepared to face a judicial probe and lamented that celebrations beginning a day before the arrival and ing over Rs.93 lakh so that the palan-
the president of the PDP had levelled allegations against Thursday, the day the fes- departure of the deities. quins of the deities and their followers
him and his father Farooq Abdullah. For Mehbooba tival comes to an end in Nanta said the deities move conveniently.
Mufti any stick will do to beat Omar with. The Chief other northern States. and their followers The Kullu Dussehra dates back to
Minister, who has to fight on different fronts like the sep- Devi Devta Kardar would start reaching 1637 when Raja Jagat Singh was the
aratists, the pro-Pakistanis and the terrorists, requires Sangh chief Narotam Kullu Wednesday. ruler of Kullu Valley. He invited all
moral support and sympathies from the people as well Negi said that after the "It takes more than the local deities to participate in the
as the Opposition to carry on with his unenviable task. commissioning of the two days for some of the festival. Since then, the assembly of
If he goes, who will take over? Larji hydropower project deities, mainly from deities from hundreds of villages
With the Omar government courting one controversy in 2006, the original Banjar and Nirmand, to across Kullu district has become a tra-
after another and questions being raised about his effi- track that over 100 reach Kullu. They come dition.
ciency and competence, the Congress has decided to hold deities had been using only on foot and no vehi- The assembled deities pay obeisance
a review of the coalition arrangement in the State. When were submerged in the cle is used for transporta- to Lord Raghunath (Lord Ram), the
he was given a full six-year term by Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, dam waters. tion," he added. chief deity.
it was agreed that there would be an annual review of "Every year we request the He said, like last year, this Unlike other places, effigies of Ravan,
the coalition arrangement. But this practice was never dam authorities to lower the year again around 220 gods Meghnad and Kumbhakaran are not
followed. The rethinking comes in the wake of Rahul water level in the reservoir so that and goddesses would participate burnt here.
Gandhi’s visit to the State recently, during which he the submerged path can resurface," in the festival that would end Oct The Kullu Valley is also popularly
faced a concerted demand from party workers to review he said. 12. known as the "Devbhoomi - the land of
the current arrangement and go in for rotational chief "A newly built tunnel (at Aut) is now The administration has been inviting gods".
ministership when Omar completes three years next the only way to reach Kullu. This is not the deities ever since the rule of The conduit between the mortals and
January. No Congress government, not even the one led acceptable at all. We will take only the structed an alternate road that goes princely States came to an end. the deities are the "gur" - the tradi-
by Ghulam Nabi Azad, had done well in the State. It will original passage," he added. through the three-km-long tunnel. Local legislator Gobind Thakur, who tional shamans of Himachal, who form
be prudent for the Congress to allow the handsome Omar After the dam construction, a four- T.C. Negi, chief engineer of the state- is a member of the organising commit- the core of the communities' spiritual
and firebrand Mehbooba to get at each other’s throat. kilometre road between Aut and Larji run Larji hydropower project, said the tee, said the government is developing sustenance. The "gur" mediates be-
was submerged. The authorities con reservoir water level would be lowered a new path along the old one by spend- tween the people and the gods.

Seeking truce with Taliban Performance Coaching:

esterday’s en-
emies are
t o d a y ’ s
friends and vice
political process. Pakistan had sided
with the Taliban forces fighting a united
front in Kabul during the civil war be-
tween 1996 and 2001. The Taliban is re-
which has been trying to root out the ter-
rorist outfit from Afghanistan and press-
ing Pakistan to expand its military
operations against insurgent groups in
Connect with VAK
versa. That is appli- sponsible for Al Qaeda’s growth in the tribal belt along the Afghan border. very manager, time we can develop better rapport with them. Un-
cable mostly in in- Afghanistan where the terrorist group For nearly a year, Pakistani forces had every coach, derstanding a person's preferred mode enables you
diplomacy as it is
used to train and indoctrinate fighters,
import weapons, coordinate with other
bombarded the militant hideouts with
US drone support. But, of late, the US it-
practices every mentor, to tailor the way you talk to them so that it can ad-
every guide, who has here to their ‘preferred style’.
often said that jihadists, and plot terrorist attacks. self has been carrying out the drone helped or worked with There are many established ways in which the pre-
there are no perma- While Al Qaeda maintained its own strikes, angering the opposition parties an individual to en- ferred communication modes become obvious and
nent friends or foes bases in mountain caverns, it also sup- and a section of the public. Religious par- hance his/her perform- some simple ways in which we can enhance the ef-
but national inter- ported training camps belonging to other ties have whipped up a campaign ance or behavior has fectiveness of our coaching by connecting well with
S.Madhusudhana ests. In the case of organizations. against the US for killing dozens of civil- constantly maintained the other individual once we are aware of them and
Rao Pakistan, friends After the 9/11, the US had made Al ians in the strikes. that the two most im- learn to use the same. One way to detect a person's
and foes are all mixed up and they are Qaeda and the Taliban, both based in The Pentagon strategy to fight different portant aspects that cre- preferred processing mode is to watch their eye
crossing each other’s path in the one-up- Afghanistan, its primary targets and en- Taliban groups on either side of the Pak- ate a make-or-break movements, particularly when they are thinking or
manship quest for peace in the violence- listed Pakistan in its global war on ter- Afghan border with the help of respec- situation are ‘trust’ and answering a question. Another simpler way is by lis-
ridden land. rorism. tive governments seems to have ‘connect’ with the indi- tening to the words they use while speaking. The
The Pakistani civilian and military The decade-old war has had its effects backfired. Even in Afghanistan, the Revathi Turaga
vidual. model of VAK proposes the use of Sensory Specific
leadership has been on the edge in the on the Pakistani psyche. Peeved by the Hamid Karzai government talks of ex- No wonder, then, Language (SSL) by an individual.
last two weeks over US accusations that high number of civilian deaths in Amer- tending a hand of friendship to moderate across various coaching models, the commonest set For example, to say “I understand what you mean”,
the Haqqani network, blamed for a ican drone strikes on militant hideouts Taliban leaders. If Pakistan too does it, of techniques one finds is on how to connect with the an individual who prefers the different modes would
string of attacks on American interests and a general perception that the Pak- Washington will have to chase ghosts in other individual, on how to build that rapport that say:
in Afghanistan, is an arm of the ISI, and istani leaders are playing second fiddle the Af-Pak theatre. is the beginning of a trusting, long-lasting relation- “I can see your point” – Visual (V)
that the government should snip off the How the US tackles Pakistan when it ship. To connect with an individual means to be in “I can hear your thought now” – Auditory (A)
umbilical relationship between the Pak- starts befriending America’s sworn harmony with that person, to be in synch with that “I get the hang of your point” – Kinesthetic (K)
istani spy agency and the terrorist enemy will be interesting to watch. How- person. Among the notewor- Or, when the individual is
group. ever, the Pakistani move has immense thy are a few techniques of not able to understand how
Pakistan has refuted all the allegations, security implications for India. Though NLP (Neuro Linguistic Pro- The VAK model suggests that to do something that you in-
unleashed a PR campaign, sent envoys the militant groups based in Pakistan gramming) which include though all of us use all the VAK struct as a coach, they
to its Arab benefactors like Saudi Arabia operate independently, they unite, or one particular “VAK” i.e. Vi- might respond in the fol-
to explain the ‘truth’ that Washington is closely cooperate with each other, while sual Auditory and Kines- senses in communication, each lowing manner:
blaming Islamabad for the former’s fail- executing a common agenda. thetic (also called of us has a natural preference “I don’t see how to work on
ures in its war on terror in Afghanistan. It is widely believed that ISI-linked ter- Kinesthetic in some litera- this, can you please show
All these efforts are aimed at stalling rorist groups operating from the Pak- ture). for using one of the 3 in the way me again?” – Visual (V)
American threat of punitive action if istani soil maintain their contacts with Human beings understand in which we prefer to give, re- “That does not ring any
Pakistan does not act swiftly and deci- some Taliban leaders. It is possible that the world around them bells, can you please ex-
sively against the Haqqanis. future militant attacks carried out on through five senses (for the ceive, and process information. plain again?” – Auditory (A)
The Pakistani leadership has stood its Only death can come out of the barrel of the gun the Indian soil may have the Taliban el- sake of simplicity, let us “I can’t get the hang of
ground, not yielding an inch to Washing- ements whose hands are not noticeable leave the sixth sense with Bruce Willis and Harry this; can we please start from scratch?” – Kines-
ton’s ‘bullying tactics’ and publicly de- to the US, people vent out their anger in so far. Joel Osment for now!) These five are the sense of thetic (K)
claring that the country could not be anti-American protests. Religious par- It is not yet known whether the Taliban sight, the sense of hearing, the sense of touch or feel- As you go through the coaching session using this
cowed down by American saber-rattling. ties’ visceral antipathy towards the US leadership will shake hands with Gilani ing, the sense of smell and the sense of taste. In case VAK technique, remember that the visual individual
The stand-off between the two allies adds fuel to the anti-American senti- and his men in uniform. Whether it does of communication, it is a well-accepted norm that keeps observing your actions and behavior intently,
who have been waging a coordinated war ment. or not, reports indicate that all factions the three senses that predominate are that of sight, the auditory concentrates on what you are saying
on terror in the restive tribal belt of In the backdrop of public anger, Amer- are not in favour of reconciliation efforts. hearing, and feeling. The sense of sight/seeing called and asking whereas the kinesthetic individual may
Waziristan in Pakistan and against the ican officials’ constant complaints that For example, Tehrik-e-Taliban says it visual (V), the sense of hearing being auditory (A), be ‘going through the motions’ and focusing on their
Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, “Pakistan is not doing enough to contain will not blindly back Pakistan in the and the sense of feeling being Kinesthetic (K) thus behavior and impressions as they think or talk about
took an unexpected turn the other day. terror” and the belief that Pakistan is event of an attack by the US, which is leading to the popular acronym VAK! For example, what they want. Matching these preferred modes
Pakistan has expressed its readiness to suffering because of American policies in highly unlikely. But the fact remains when we think about anything in particular, we ei- will develop and increase your connect or rapport
talk to the Taliban, a ragtag outfit of the region, comes the dialogue offer from that American policy-makers must be ther make a picture of it in our minds (V) or listen with an individual in a coaching session. By ‘match-
many factions with bases on either side none other than Prime Minister Yousaf groping in the dark for another approach to our thoughts in our heads (A), or associate a feel- ing’ your coachee’s VAK words and speech patterns,
of the loosely-guarded Af-Pak border. Raza Gilani himself. to deal with their most difficult ally after ing or emotion with it (K). The VAK model suggests you can accelerate the connectivity or rapport- build-
The armed gangs move freely across the His decision follows an all-party meet- assiduously cultivating Pakistan to fight that though all of us use all the VAK senses in com- ing process. Since rapport is a two-way process, once
border, and in some tribal belts their ing held last week. Apparently, there the Taliban and Al Qaeda. munication, each of us has a natural preference for you have this connect, you have developed a bond
writ runs large. At one time the Taliban was consensus at the meet, attended by Time and again it has been proved that using one of the 3 in the way in which we prefer to that even the other individual will unconsciously
was a dreaded organization, particularly former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif making friends with ‘good’ or ‘bad’ ter- give, receive, and process information. This is said want to maintain the same, thus leading to a com-
when the militant group was ruling and army Chief Ashfaq Pervez Kayani. rorist organizations has not paid off. to be largely genetically determined but that it also fortable discussion and working relationship.
swathes of Afghan hinterland trying to The proposed dialogue with “our own Pakistan should have learnt this bitter develops over time as we grow. Even a simple basic Use VAK... Connect! Make friends... be the coach
establish a puritanical caliphate that people” is yet another signal to Washing- lesson after the Swat experience in 2009. understanding of the different modes can help you you are meant to be! You have the power!
doesn’t recognize or tolerate different ton that the US can’t browbeat Pakistan. Militias took advantage of truce to oc- to connect to another more effectively. Acknowledg-
forms of Islam divergent from their own. Nevertheless, Islamabad’s bid to seek cupy the area and the military had to ing that there are these different ways of processing The writer is an International Trainer &
The word democracy is non-existent for rapprochement with the home-side Tal- drive them out by force. Seeking truce information is important because if we know how an Inspirational Speaker. Revathi can be
them or any other secular or pluralistic iban must have come as a jolt to the US with the Taliban is like riding a tiger. individual is representing their world at a particular reached at

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