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Kerbol Rising rules ‘n stuff


 Tape Gaming – Niebos

 The Beardy Penguin - Dreidos
Mod List:

 BD Armoury
 North Kerbin Dynamics
 SM Armoury
 Burn Together
 Kerbal Konstructs
 Kerbal Foundries
 Hyperedit
 Vessel Mover
 Hangar Extender
 Tweakscale
 Coyote Cargo Freighter
 B9 Aerospace
 OPT Space Plane
 Interstellar Extended
 Kerbal Atomics
 Large Boat Parts
 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement
 Scatterer
 Environmental Visual Enhancements
 Flag Decals
 Trace Invisibility Mechanics
 Gameslinx’s Planet Overhaul
Main rules:

 Each part has an assigned number of hitpoints depending on various

factors such as mass and impact tolerance. Be aware that this is not
calculated properly until the craft is LAUNCHED from the VAB/Hangar.
It works perfectly well with Tweakscale.
 Armour can be scaled from 10mm to 500mm. The thicker the armour,
the less hitpoints the part loses each time it gets hit and the greater the
chance of stopping the projectile.
 When placing armour on craft, only armour main hull pieces such as fuel
tanks and cockpits – not weapons, radiators, engines, etc. Only place
armour on the outermost hull pieces, do not have multiple layers of
armour. Dedicated armour panels have a lot of hit points but are heavy
and cumbersome, use at your own discretion.
 Frigate hulls and larger can use Kerbstein drives to travel
 Each turn, an interplanetary spacecraft can travel to the nearest planet
in a higher orbit or the nearest planet in a lower orbit. There’s a bit of
leeway here so just chat it over. This can be done 3 times if within
colonised territory or once if moving outside colonised territory.
Travelling to an uncolonised world ends a spacecraft’s interplanetary
movement for the turn.
 When travelling interplanetary, put the arriving spacecraft in the
highest possible orbit of the planet. Use conventional engines from then
 Spacecraft in higher orbits must be engaged before spacecraft in lower
 All orbiting spacecraft must be eliminated before a planetary invasion
can begin.
 Planetary garrisons can only be resupplied at the beginning of a turn if
the space around the planet is under the defender’s control.
 Homeworlds start with 5 mining installations and 5 defence installations.
 Points from mining installations are received at the beginning of the turn
and again at the end of the turn. Craft launched at the end of a turn can
move but cannot enter combat until the next turn.
 Nuclear weapons destroy installations when used and are also hella
immoral, you monster.
 Planet killers make a planet completely uninhabitable and oh my god
why would you ever use one are you satan!?

 Skiff hull – 1 point, can mount lasers and projectile weapons of

20mm calibre or less.
 Corvette hull – 2 points, can mount projectile weapons of 30mm
calibre or less and 0.625m torpedoes.
 Frigate hull – 4 points, can mount projectile weapons of 75mm
calibre or less and 1.25m torpedoes.
 Colony ship hull – 4 points, cannot mount any weapons. Constructs
planetary bases and orbital installations.
 Destroyer/Cruiser hull – 8 points, can mount 2.5m torpedoes and
any projectile weapon except the mag cannon.
 Carrier hull – 8 points, can only mount lasers and projectile
weapons of 30mm calibre or less. Carries a planetary invasion
force of 10 points. Can also be used to transport either 4 skiffs or 2
corvettes interplanetary.
 Battleship/Dreadnought – 16 points, can mount the mag cannon,
nuclear torpedoes and planet killers. Also supports a planetary
invasion force of 5 points and can transport either 2 skiffs or 1
corvette interplanetary.
 Supercarrier – 24 points, can mount projectile weapons of 75mm
calibre or less and 1.25m torpedoes. Carries a planetary invasion
force of 30 points. Can also be used to transport either 12 skiffs or 6
corvettes interplanetary.
 Light armour - +50% hull cost, 150mm of armour.
 Medium armour - +100% hull cost, 300mm of armour.
 Heavy armour - +200% hull cost, 500mm of armour.
 Cloaking device - +300% hull cost, relay designation so as to be
invisible in map view. Ship is revealed for the entire turn if it fires
its weapons or uses its main drive. Ship then recloaks at the
beginning of the next turn.
 .50 cal turret – ½ point
 20mm turret – 1 point
 30mm turret – 2 points
 75mm turret – 3 points
 105mm turret – 4 points
 0.625m torpedo – ½ point
 1.25m torpedo – 1 point
 2.5m torpedo – 2 points
 Nuclear torpedo – 20 points
 Point defence laser – 1 point
 Anti-ship laser – 2 points
 55mm railgun – 5 points
 155mm railgun – 10 points
 Mag cannon – 20 points
 Planet killer (single use) – 30 points


 Colony ships can construct mining installations, defence

installations, orbital shipyards and orbital defence platforms.
 Every celestial body except moonlets (moons of moons) can
support at least one installation.
 Celestial bodies with an atmosphere or more than 0.5g of surface
gravity can support two installations.
 Celestial bodies with an oxygen atmosphere can support three
 Orbital facilities can only be constructed once the celestial body is
fully developed.
 Mining installations produce 1 spacecraft construction point per
turn. These can be stockpiled across multiple turns.
 Each defence installation can support a garrison with 30 planetary
craft construction points.
 Orbital shipyards are necessary to launch spacecraft. They can
also resupply spacecraft in the same sphere of influence.
 Orbital defence platforms can mount 20 points worth of any kind of
weaponry. If adding armour to them, use the 4 point cost of the
colony ship used to construct it as a hull cost.
Planetary craft:

 Stationary emplacement – 0 points, no armour. Can mount any

projectile weapon or SAM.
 Light tank – 1 point, has 100mm of armour and can mount projectile
weapons of 75mm calibre or less.
 Medium tank – 2 points, has 150mm of armour and can mount
projectile weapons of 150mm calibre or less and SAMs.
 Heavy tank – 4 points, has 200mm of armour and can mount any
projectile weapon and cruise/artillery missiles.
 Fighter – 2 points, can mount fixed projectile weapons of 20mm
calibre or less and air-to-air missiles. Requires an atmosphere.
 Tactical bomber – 4 points, can mount fixed projectile weapons of
30mm calibre or less, air-to-ground missiles and small unguided
bombs. Requires an atmosphere.
 Strategic bomber – 8 points, can mount kiloton nuclear weapons
and large guided bombs. Requires an atmosphere.
 Naval vessel – 8 points, has 300mm of armour and can mount any
projectile weapon or surface based missile. Requires an ocean
 .50 cal machine gun – ½ point
 20mm cannon – 1 point
 30mm cannon – 2 points
 75mm cannon – 3 points
 150mm cannon – 4 points
 Siege mortar – 8 points
 Small, short range missile/bomb – ½ point
 Intercept missile – 1 point
 Artillery missile – 2 points
 Nuclear weapon – 20 points

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