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AY 2017-2018

NAME:_______________________________________________ DATE:___________________
GRADE & SECTION:_____________________________________SCORE:___________________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICES: Refer to each statements below. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write your
answers on the space provided before each number.

________1. This is a skill that include knowing how to search databases, scanning and skimming several printed
a. Tech. Skills b. Library Skills c. Research Skills d. Literacy
________2. This term suggests the integration or convergence of computing technologies, telecommunication, and
the sources/means of producing information.
a. ICT b. CS c. IT d. Mass Comm
________3. When Rizal’s encyclopedia did not materialize, instead, he went on to write:
a. el Filibusterismo b. Florante at Laura c. Ibong Adarna d. Noli Me Tangere
________4. With Rizal’s hunger for information and considering the available resources back then, he is:
a. Information Skilled b. Library Skilled c. Media Skilled d. Technology Skilled
________5. Information Literacy lies at the core of lifelong learning, this pertains Info. Literacy as a:
a. Human Right b. Necessity c. Required Skill d. Talent
________6. The Google Generation was born after:
a. 1990 b. 1992 c. 1999 d. 1993
________7. They are proficient or highly interested in technical and / or technological devices.
a. Nerds b. Techies c. Millenials d. Tech Worm
________8. According to Tyler Cowen today’s world has turned people into individuals who can take in massive
amounts of information that he also calls:
a. Info Maniac b. Infovores c. Infoworm d. Info. Literate
________9. New information is always fitted in with the big picture, this information-literate person is considered as:
a. Detective b. Visionary c. Collector d. Driven
________10. He/She finds pleasure in collecting information and expandin her knowledge base.
a. Detective b. Visionary c. Collector d. Driven
________11. When you find yourself in a situation where you have a question and you need an answer, as and
information literate person, you need to be a:
a. Detective b. Visionary c. Collector d. Driven
________12. He proposed the nine-question approach in the 1980’s that he believes that information seekers must
ask a series of questions while trying to arrive at answers:
a. Michael Marland b. Rebecca Jones c. Steve Jobs d. Mike Eisenberg
________13. The more recent and widely used approach which divides the information seeker’s task into six steps.
a. Bob Berkowitz b. Mike Eisenberg c. Michael Marland d. a&b
________14. She discussed the last model that condenses the nine step and the big 6 approach into four elements,
a. Michael Marland b. Rebecca Jones c. Steve Jobs d. Mike Eisenberg
________15. Ask the right questions and why you are asking them.
a. Purpose b. Location c. Use d. Self-Evaluation
________16. Evaluate your information-seeking process at every step and as a whole.
a. Purpose b. Location c. Use d. Self-Evaluation
________17. Determine all or as many as possible information sources and access the most relevant ones.
a. Purpose b. Location c. Use d. Self-Evaluation
________18. Analyze and evaluate information according to relevancy and accuracy.
a. Purpose b. Location c. Use d. Self-Evaluation
________19.They are original, reliable and/or first hand information.
a. Popular Sources b. Primary Sources c. Scholarly Sources d. Secondary Sources
________20. This includes news papers, maganizes and the like.
a. Popular Sources b. Primary Sources c. Scholarly Sources d. Secondary Sources
________21. This is when you pass off the ideas and words of others as if they were your, intentional or accidental.
a. Vandalism b. Copyright c. Plagiarism d. Forgery
________22. When borrowing ideas of someone else in their own exact words.
a. Vandalism b. Copyright c. Plagiarism d. Forgery
________23. When Borrowing ideas of someone else, use the ideas but not the exact words.
a. Quote b. Copyright c. Plagiarism d. Paraphrase
________24. It produces premium scripted substance local to the whole range of configurations starting with new and
rising stages.
a. Indigenous Media b. Library c. Internet d. Other Media
________25. A collection of sources of information and similar resources, made accessible to a defined community for
reference or borrowing.
a. Indigenous Media b. Library c. Internet d. Other Media
________26. It is the most well-known wellspring of data
a. Indigenous Media b. Library c. Internet d. Other Media
________27. This is the product of the writers imagination.
a. Non-Fiction b. Documentary c. Fiction d. Narrative
________28. Biographies are examples of this:
a. Non-Fiction b. Documentary c. Fiction d. Narrative
________29. It is a web search tool claimed and worked by microsoft.
a. Bing b. Wikipedia c. Google d. Yahoo!
________30. It was started at Stanford University in 1994.
a. Bing b. Wikipedia c. Google d. Yahoo!
________31. It was started on January 15, 2001 by Kimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.
a. Bing b. Wikipedia c. Google d. Yahoo!
________32. It is a web search tool claimed and worked by Microsoft.
a. Bing b. Wikipedia c. Google d. Yahoo!
________33. It is the way in which the meaning of a media text is conveyed to the audience.
a. Visual Language b. Aural Language c. Media Language d. Written Language

________34. This is the print based media, also in text such as captions for photographs.
a. Visual Language b. Aural Language c. Media Language d. Written Language
________35. This can be seen on Television or Film.
a. Visual Language b. Aural Language c. Media Language d. Written Language
________36. This are Diegetic / non-Diegetic sound.
a. Non-Verbal Language b. Aural Language c. Verbal Language d. Written Language
________37. This is in term of body language: gestures and actions.
a. Non-Verbal Language b. Aural Language c. Verbal Language d. Written Language
________38. These are systems of signs, which create meaning to communicate ideas and impressions.
a. Codes b. Realism c. Symbolism d. Characters
________39. This is the time and place of setting is made known.
a. Codes b. Realism c. Symbolism d. Characters
________40. It can be conveyed through setting.
a. Codes b. Realism c. Symbolism d. Characters
________41. This is with whom the audience strongly identifies with.
a. Stereotypes b. Characters c. Setting d. Props
________42. It reinforces existing ways of thinking about certain groups appeal to the prejudices of the audience
a. Stereotypes b. Characters c. Setting d. Props
________43. This can influence our interpretation of character as contribution to the atmosphere of the film.
a. Stereotypes b. Characters c. Setting d. Props
________44. The extraction of meaningful information from images.
a. Framing b. Image Analysis c. Semiotics d. Content
________45. Defines the position from which the image was created
a. Framing b. Image Analysis c. Semiotics d. Content
________46. Refers to the camera’s angle in relation to the vertical.
a. Height b. Level c. Angle d. Distance
________47. Refers to the distance between nearest and farthest area from the camera which is in focus.
a. Depth of field b. Film Stock c. Lens Type d. Distance
________48.This refers to the speed at which the film responds to light.
a. Depth of field b. Film Stock c. Lens Type d. Distance
________49. It is the study of signs and symbols, discusses the literal and potential meanings.
a. Denotation b. Image Analysis c. Semiotics d. Content
________50. The literal or obvious meaning – description of what is physically seen or heard.
a. Denotation b. Image Analysis c. Semiotics d. Content

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