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Functions of Communication 7.

Correctness – correctness in grammar eliminates negative

impact on the audience and increases the credibility and
1. Control – communication functions to control behavior
effectiveness of the message
2. Social Interaction – communication allows individuals to
interact with others Barriers to Communication
3. Motivation – communication motivates or encourages
1. Emotional barriers – recognize these kind of emotions, and
people to live better
politely ask the other person to give you a moment so you
4. Emotional expression – communication facilitates
can relax or calm yourself
5. Information dissemination – communication functions to
2. Use of jargon – refers to the set of specialized vocabulary in
convey information
a certain field. To avoid communication breakdown due to
Features of an Effective Communication lack of clarity, adjust your languages; use layman’s term or
simple words
1. Completeness – complete communication is essential to the
3. Lack of confidence – develop self-confidence by joining
quality of the communication process in general.
organizations where you can share and develop interests
Communication should include everything that the receiver
4. Noisy environment – make some adjustments by asking
needs to hear for him/her to respond, react, or evaluate
someone to minimize the volume or by looking for a quiet
area where you can resume the conversation
2. Conciseness – conciseness does not mean keeping the
message short, but making it direct or straight to the point Intercultural Communication
3. Consideration – to be effective, the speaker should always
- Intercultural communication happens when individuals
consider relevant information about his/her receiver such as
interact, negotiate, and create meanings while bringing in
mood, background, race, preference, education, status, and
their varied cultural backgrounds.
- Intercultural communication is the sending and receiving of
4. Concreteness – effective communication happens when the
messages across languages and cultures.
message is concrete and supported by facts, figures, and
- When you speak, your speech is continuously accompanied
real-life examples and situations
by gestures, facial expressions and other body movements
5. Courtesy – the speaker shows courtesy in communication
that add to what you are saying in different ways. For
by respecting the culture, values, and beliefs of his/her
example, nodding means “yes” in Indian subcontinent, Iran,
most of Europe, Latin America, and North America.
6. Clearness – implies the use of simple and specific words to
However, in Greece, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Turkey,
express ideas
Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Albania, nodding indicates
disagreement. It is therefore important for you to
acknowledge and understand the many communication
patterns present in other cultures.

Characteristics of Competent Intercultural Communicators

1. Flexibility and the ability to tolerate high levels of

2. Reflectiveness or mindfulness
3. Open-mindedness
4. Sensitivity
5. Adaptability
6. Ability to engage in creative thinking
7. Politeness

Note that in addition to culture, other elements such as gender,

age, social status, and religion must also be taken into consideration
when communicating with others. Refrain showing bias when
talking to someone.

1. Avoid stereotypes, i.e. generalizations about a certain

2. Challenge gender norms; avoid using “he” and “man” to
refer to a general group of people.
3. Do not talk down on younger people and the elderly.
4. Be sensitive to the religious practice of others.
5. Be polite at all times; do not belittle people you perceive to
be on lower social class than you.

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