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Bulletin No.

May 2018

27th July - 6th August

Gdańsk, Polska
European Jamboree 2020 | ACT. Bulletin No. 2 – MAY 2018 3

Dear Scout and Guide Friends,

Work on the European Jambo- and skills, we will prepare great

ree 2020 is still developing, the Scouting and Guiding adven-
Team is growing, the campsite ture for Scouts and Guides
solutions will be tested soon from our organisations.
during ZHP National Jamboree
in Gdańsk. In this Bulletin No. In the coming months ZHP –
2 we provide you with a new the host organisation of the
package of important infor- European Jamboree 2020 will
mation. be celebrating 100 years of its
existence. We are happy to host
We believe that over the next you during that time in Gdańsk,

year the European Jamboree on Sobieszewo Island. It will be
2020 Planning Team will grow, the biggest ZHP National Jam-
supported by international vol- boree since the one in Spała in
unteers. Together, sharing each 1935!
other experience, linking them
27th July – into one mutual base of ideas Be prepared and Act!

6th August 2020 Yours in Scouting and Guiding,

European Karol Gzyl
Director, European Jamboree 2020
Be prepared
and act!
European Jamboree 2020 | ACT. Bulletin No. 2 – MAY 2018 5


Head of Contingent Appointment

Due to received requests regarding prolonging

time for appointing Heads of Contingents, we
invite all NSOs and MOs which are interested in
participating in the European Jamboree 2020, to
nominate Heads of Contingents as soon as pos-
sible and not later than 30th September.

Contingent Registration

Due to received requests regarding prolong-

ing time for submitting Contingent Registration
Forms, we request all NSOs and MOs which are
interested in participating in the European Jam-
boree 2020, to fill in the forms by 30th September.

First payment installment: January 2019

Second payment installment: September 2019

Third payment installment: March 2020

European Jamboree 2020 | ACT. Bulletin No. 2 – MAY 2018 7

MAY 2018

May 2018 Bulletin No. 2

July 2018 Open call for the Jamboree Planning Team
(International) opens
August 2018 HoC Study Visit during the ZHP National
September 2018 Due date for Head of Contingent appointment
Due date for the Contingent Registration
Form (prolonged)
October 2018 Contingent Registration System opens
November 2018 Head of Contingent Meeting #1
December 2018 Bulletin No. 3
January 2019 First payment installment
May 2019 Head of Contingent Meeting #2
International Service Team registration opens
Registration System opens for participants
from outside European Scout Region WOSM
and Europe Region WAGGGS
September 2019 Participants Registration deadline
Second payment installment
December 2019 IST Registration closes
January 2020 Head of Contingent Meeting #3
March 2020 Third (final) payment installment
27.07 - 6.08 2020 European Jamboree
European Jamboree 2020 | ACT. Bulletin No. 2 – MAY 2018 9

In order to encourage more Scouts and Guides from as many countries
as possible to participate in the European Jamboree 2020, and to demon-
strate solidarity, fees are discounted by category of country. This approach
is based on the Gross National Income per capita of each country.
The categorisation of the countries can be found below.

Category Price in PLN (Polish Zloty)

A 1100
B 1400
C 1650
D 1850
E 2200
IST 1200
Please note that participation fee will be collected in PLN (Polish Zloty).

Payment schedule
The payment schedule is as follows:

Payments Date Percent of the fee for

each category of country
First installment payment 31st January 2019 10%
Second installment payment 30th September 2019 40%
Third installment payment 31st March 2020 50%

A deposit will be applied to the contingent concerned, not individuals.
You may, there­fore, change names or the category of your registration
(e.g. change names of 3 people or delate 1 CMT and add 1 IST). Please
note that deposit will not be refunded under any circum­stances.

Late registration surcharge

Any late registrations of additional members, or changes of names are
subject to a 5% surcharge. The final payment must be received in full
for all registered contingent members before 31st of March 2020. Any
payments arriving later will be subject to an additional 5% late surcharge.
European Jamboree 2020 | ACT. Bulletin No. 2 – MAY 2018 11


AND CATEGORIES We have one simple
call for you – ACT!
A Albania E Liechtenstein
A Armenia B Lithuania
D Austria E Luxembourg Every Scout and Guide possesses po-
A Azerbaijan A Macedonia, FYR tential to become a driver of social
A Belarus C Malta change. So come to the Jamboree to
D Belgium A Moldova WAKE UP and discover your power! You
A Bosnia and Herzegovina E Monaco will interACT with Scouts and Guides
A Bulgaria A Montenegro of various cultures, various languages
B Croatia D Netherlands and various countries.
C Cyprus E Norway
C Czech Republic B Poland Use your time at the Jamboree to
D Denmark C Portugal LOOK AROUND (Global Goals will
C Estonia B Romania guide you), to learn through adventures,
D Finland B Russian Federation eye-opening discussions, and inspiring
C France E San Marino workshops.
A Georgia A Serbia
D Germany C Slovak Republic See where your helping hand is needed.
C Greece C Slovenia ACT using your new skills and make
B Hungary C Spain a change in the society. ACT wisely. 
D Iceland D Sweden ACT decisively.
D Ireland E Switzerland
C Israel B Turkey Adventure awaits you. Press play!
C Italy A Ukraine
B Latvia D United Kingdom
European Jamboree 2020 | ACT. Bulletin No. 2 – MAY 2018 13
European Jamboree 2020 | ACT. Bulletin No. 2 – MAY 2018 15


Day Date
D-4 July 23rd Training Staff arrival
D-3 July 24th IST arrival
D-2 July 25th IST training
D-1 July 26th Participants arrival
D1 July 27th Opening Ceremony (evening)
D2 July 28th Modular programme
D3 July 29th Modular programme
D4 July 30th Modular programme
D5 July 31st Modular programme
D6 August 1st Modular programme
D7 August 2nd International Day
D8 August 3rd Modular programme
D9 August 4th Modular programme
D10 August 5th Closing Ceremony (evening)
D11 August 6th Participants departure
D+1 August 7th IST departure

Modular Programme will include

• on-site activities with workshops, thematic sessions with specialists and

group activities supporting communities of the Sobieszewo Island
• close-to-site walks, games and adventures on the Sobieszewo Island
including sailing, discovering nearby nature reserve, forest exploration
and sunbaths and swimming on the mesmerizing beaches of Baltic Sea
• off-site service to local communities supported by National Forest Depart-
ment, trips around Kashubia, city games and visits in cultural institutions

In the evening there will be plenty possibilities to enjoy international en-

vironment in workshop tents, cafes and discussion clubs. Naturally, we
will not miss the European Jamboree 2020 delicious and colourful Inter-
national Day.
European Jamboree 2020 | ACT. Bulletin No. 2 – MAY 2018 17

1. Decision
Your NSO/MO will need to decide ations of leaders can develop their 10th - 12th August 2018. First Head of
whether they make a contingent skills. With the help of your NSO/ Contingent Meeting is planned for
for the European Jamboree 2020. MO find great people to work with 26th - 28th October 2018 in Gdańsk.
Please note that individuals or indi- and plan your preparation as soon
vidual groups of Scouts or Guides as possible. It will save you time 8. Participants and unit leaders
cannot register directly for the Eu- and trouble later. The Scout unit size is 36 young
ropean Jamboree 2020. people and 4 adult leaders. The
5. Budget unit should be organised into 4
2. HoC – Head of Contingent Before announcing the recruit- patrols of 9 young people. If your
The leader is the key. Your NSO/MO ment for your European Jamboree Contingent does not have enough
should appoint the Head of Con- 2020 Contingent, please carefully patrols to form a complete unit,
tingent who will be responsible for estimate your needs and budget. you will be joined with patrols from
the organisation of the contingent, Maybe you have some sponsorship other countries to form a unit. Each
participants and IST. opportunities? patrol in a combined unit must
provide one adult leader.
3. Let’s register! 6. Promotion and recruitment
Next step is to register for the Eu- Now comes the fun, but on the 9. Meet us, talk or write to us!
ropean Jamboree 2020! In the first other hand also the hard part of As a Jamboree Planning Team we
application form we only ask for an Contingent-making process. Send are willing to help you, answer your
estimated number of participants e-mails and circulars, share posts questions and dispel your doubts.
and IST in your contingent. via your organisation’s social me- If you have any organisational and
dia channels, talk to leaders, send overall questions, please contact us
4. Create your Avengers Team, we out leaflets, etc. We have prepared at
mean: Contingent Management a few graphics that you might find
Team. helpful to promote the event to par-
The CMT is a group of leaders with ticipants. You can find them in the
knowledge and experience in or- Attachment No. 1 to this Bulletin. Follow us on Facebook:
ganisation, financial management,
international travel, care of young 7. Attend a Study Visit and Head
people, and international relations. of Contingent Meetings Use hashtags: #ej2020, #european-
The CMT will also provide an ideal A Study Visit during the ZHP National jamboree #act #ej2020gdansk
environment in which next gener Jamboree in Gdańsk is planned for
European Jamboree 2020 | ACT. Bulletin No. 2 – MAY 2018 19


ISTs will have a schedule of allo- and chill-out zones will provide an We would like to encourage Adult We believe, being a part of the team
cated work tasks, inspiring pro- opportunity to interact with other Volunteers from all WOSM National that is planning and organising this
gramme offer and adventure ac- adult volunteers, as well as a com- Scout Organisations and WAGGGS big event is a unique opportunity
tivities to attend during their free fort space for individual evening Member Organisations to follow news for adult Scouts and Guides who
time. IST Experience will be built onreflections); on our webpage. Already starting like challenges and international
three pillars: • social (zone of concerts, parties from July 2018, we will be publishing adventure. We look forward to wel-
and other cultural activities); open calls to recruit international vol- coming your applications!
Service • spiritual (activities focused on ex- unteers to Jamboree Planning Team.  
ISTs are the ones who help to make ploring faiths, beliefs and attitudes
the Jamboree happen! A member of that are meaningful to young peo-
the International Service Team must ple individually).
be ready to take on any task that is
needed to create the Jamboree. Adventure
IST Adventure will be an extra
Personal Development (additional) part of programme
IST Experience will give adult vol- that will give ISTs an opportunity
unteers space for their personal to explore some parts of Poland
development through inspiring and make friends in international
programme activities planned and groups of adult scouts and guides
organised only for them. The pro- from all over Europe. We will create
gramme will be divided into five a catalogue of one-day to two-day
areas of personal development: trips and other activities in differ-
• physical (morning yoga, evening ent locations of Poland, available
zumba, fitness activities and other before or after the Jamboree.
sport games, as well as eat healthy,
be active workshops); The process for IST registration, in-
• intellectual (workshops during cluding the ways by which members
which ISTs will have a chance to can choose jobs and how to sign up
learn new skills, develop their tal- for IST Adventure, will be explained
ents and creativity); in subsequent bulletins and during
• emotional (food houses, cafes the Head of Contingent meeting.
European Jamboree 2020 | ACT. Bulletin No. 2 – MAY 2018 21


Study Visit at the ZHP National learn more about the programme,
Jamboree 2018 will take place this logistics and organization of the
Summer from 10th to 12th August ZHP Jamboree, explore Gdańsk
2018. Detailed invitation was sent to and Kashubia Region, as well in-
National Scout Organizations and teract with 13.000 Polish Scouts and
Member Organizations on 6th May Guides.
together with the Circular No. 1/2018.
We encourage you to take part in
As the ZHP National Jamboree is the Study Visit and we kindly re-
organised at the same venue where mind you to fill in Study Visit Reg-
the European Jamboree will be or- istration Form by 1st of July 2018 by
ganized, the Study Visit is a great clicking on this link: https://zhp.
opportunity to see the campsite,
European Jamboree 2020 | ACT. Bulletin No. 2 – MAY 2018 23


Telephone: +48 22 339 06 45
Fax: +48 22 339 06 06

Postal Address:
European Jamboree 2020
The Polish Scouting and Guiding Association
M. Konopnickiej 6,
00-491 Warsaw, Poland

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