SPT and Compressibility

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Standard Pénétration Test and Compressibility of Soils

L ’essai de pénétration standard et la compressibilité des sols

by Edgar S c h u l t z e , Professor Dr.-Ing.

E. M e n z e n b a c h , Dr.-Ing, Technische Hochschule Aachen., Germany D.I.C.

Summary Sommaire
Considerable information has already been published relating En se basant sur des recherches de laboratoire quelques publi­
the number of blows of a standard penetrometer with several cations ont déjà indiqué les relations existant entre le nombre de
soil properties, particularly relative density, based on laboratory coups du pénétromètre standard ou d’instruments similaires et
tests. So far there has been no systematic investigation on the quelques constantes du sol, parmi lesquelles surtout la compacité
link between the number of blows and the compressibility of soils relative. Mais jusqu'à présent on n’a pas entrepris de recherches
tested. The results of a many confined compression tests with systématiques sur le rapport existant entre le nombre de coups
undisturbed samples were used to establish by statistical methods de la sonde et la compressibilité du sol. C’est pourquoi les résul­
a correlation between the modulus of compressibility and the tats d’un assez grand nombre d’essais de compression sur des
results of standard penetration tests, carried out in the field above échantillons non remaniés, effectués séparément pour chaque sol,
and below the site where the sample had been extracted. Alto­ ont été comparés au point de vue statistique, avec le nombre
gether, twelve groups of soils with 225 pairs of values have been de coups de mouton standard sur le chantier, et effectués aux
investigated. Although the results scatter more than with laborat­ abords immédiats des lieux où l’on a prélevé les échantillons.
ory tests, good correlations in the form of straight line relation­ 12 groupes de sols avec au total 225 couples de valeurs : nombre
ships were found for sand, gravel and dry silty soils. For cohesive de coups-coefficient de compressibilité, ont été ainsi examinés.
soils the relationship becomes less reliable the finer the soil. Malgré une dispersion des résultats plus grande que dans les
This is due to the influence of pore water pressure. For clays, no recherches de laboratoire, on a observé que l’on suivait d’assez
relationship could be established. près une relation linéaire entre le nombre de coups et le coefficient
For cohesionless soils, the number of blows decreases under the de compressibilité dans des sols sableux, graveleux, et dans des
water table for the same modulus of compressibility. Particularly sols limoneux non saturés d’eau.
clear differences are observed in fine sands and sands which are Plus le sol est à grains fins, plus le rapport est faible pour les
oosely compacted. sols cohérents. Ce phénomène est dû à l’influence de la pression
Further more a new statistical formula was derived between de l’eau intersticielle. Pour l’argile il n’a pas été possible de trou­
the relative density and the number of blows for sandy soils ver de relation.
including the influence of the overburden pressure. Pour les sols submergés le nombre de coups diminue dans les
sols non cohérents, le coefficient de compressibilité restant le
même. On observe des différences particulièrement sensibles dans
le sable fin et dans le sable meuble.
En outre on a pu déduire une relation statistique entre le
nombre de coups et la densité des sols sableux, en fonction de
la profondeur du sondage.

1. Introduction
Reports on experience with penetrom eters were presented These authors give the relationships between the num ber
in the “ Proceedings of the F ou rth International Conference of blows of the standard penetration test and the relative
on Soil M echanics and F oundation Engineering” , London density o f strata in the case of fine and coarse sand respectively.
1957, Volume I, page 249. Invesfigations on the evaluation (e) K o lb u szew sk i (1957), page 126.
o f penetration tests — in particular of the standard penetra­ The distribution of grain size in sands influences the rela­
tion test — have since been continued. tionships between the num ber of blows and the relative dens­
The following evaluations of standard penetration test ity of strata, ap art from degree of saturation, surcharge and
results have so far been published : the size of sand grains.
(f) Investigations by S ch u b ert (1955/56), page 49. These
I. (a) by H v o r s le v (1949), page 120. are com parable with the above-m entioned investigations which
(b) by Peck-H an son -Th orn bu rn (1953), page 109. apply to the standard penetration test.
(c) by M e y e r h o f (1956), page 17. II. (a) T e rz a g h i and Peck (1948), page 423.
A n approxim ate estim ate has been given of the relationship (b) Peck-H an son -Th orn bu rn (1953), page 223.
between the num ber of blows and the relative density of These authors give the relationships between the num ber
strata in non-cohesive soils, where the relative density of o f blows and the permissible soil pressure for a settlem ent of
strata was n o t expressed in numbers. one inch. Since these are based on a permissible settlem ent
(d) System atic Investigations o f the “ Bureau o f R e c la ­ the soil pressures depend n ot only on the num ber o f blows
m ation (1953)” s.a. G ibbs and H o l z (1957), page 35. b u t also on the width of the foundation.
(c) S o w e r s (1 9 5 4 ), page 11. o f blows and other soil p ro p ertie s; this was also observed
Sowers quoted the permissible soil pressure for different during these investigations. F or this reason, the following
types of soil, apart from the w idth of the foundation, but soil groups were introduced, because they can be recognized
with the reservation that they are only valid for buildings of by merely feeling them in the hand, so that laboratory exam ­
light weight. ination is n ot necessary. A subdivision according to whether
the soil was above or below water level was only possible in
III. ( a ) P e c k - H a n s o n - T h o r n b u r n (1 9 5 3 ), p a g e 2 2 2 . the case of fine sand, so far as non-cohesive soils were concer­
(b ) M e y e r h o f (1 9 5 6 ), p a g e 17. ned. F o r the rest of sandy and gravelly soils usually no suitable
undisturbed samples were available. F o r this reason, the
Here the relationships between the num ber of blows and the
investigations of the non-cohesive soils are valid essentially
angle of friction bas been developed, and the factors affecting
for soils above the ground water table. F o r cohesive soils
load bearing capacity have been considered.
samples have been taken under and above the w ater table.
N one of these investigations deal with the direct relationship Samples having a degree of saturation less than 85 per cent
between the num ber of blows of the standard penetration have all been extracted from above the w ater table.
test and the m odulus of com pressibility E s = l/w r , as calcu­
lated during com pression tests with undisturbed soil samples.
4. Correlation between the number of blows and the modulus
The latter is however of special im portance for the exam ination
of compressibility
of foundations. A n attem pt was therefore m ade to clarify
these relationships in the course of a research program m e The plotting of the values N and S s produced a straight
carried out at the Technische H ochschule in A achen ( M e n - line which with the aid of statistical m ethods could be calcu­
zenbach , 1 9 5 9 ). lated as follow (Figs. 1-4) :

2. Relationship between the number of blows and compress­ Es = Cj + C2 • N ± se ( 1)


M ost of the above investigations are concerned with rela­

tionship between the num ber o f blows and the relative density
o f soil strata. Since the relative density of various types of
soil is related to com pressibility ( M o u s s a , 1 9 6 0 ) there is a
direct relationship between com pressibility and the num ber
of blows, because, the soil displaced by the cone of the penetro­
meter as it penetrates the ground m ust be taken up by adjacent
areas which are compressed.
In contrast to form er experim ents carried out in experim en­
tal containers using carefully placed soil at Aachen the results
of penetration tests were evaluated from a large num ber of
tests carried out on building sites. These were com pared, using
statistical m ethods, with the results o f laboratory experim ents
on undisturbed soil samples which had been taken from the
imm ediate neighbourhood of the penetration test. They are thus
based on natural and undisturbed layers of various soils from Fig. 1 Relationship between the modulus of compressibility
different depths. Samples from great depths are particularly
im portant because m ost devices for penetration tests in the E . = — and the number of blows N in fine sand
laboratory apply only to limited depths. On the other hand, below water.
relative density in the field is not nearly as regular as it is in Soil group : SW
test cylinders, so that results will show considerable deviation. 1
In order to obtain com parable pairs of value, the num ber E , = — = C, + C * N = 71 + 4,9 JV
of blows N was interpolated from two penetration tests-which
had always be;n m ade at distances of one metre — for a C ,+ C 2-N 71+4,9 N d E
depth where undisturbed samples to determine com pressibi­ c‘=¿r¿ =tga
lity had been taken. As m odulus of com pressibility Es, which Standard deviation of observation s e = 36,9.
corresponds to the reciprocal value of the coefficient of com ­ Coefficient of correlation r = 0,900.
pressibility m v, the slope of the tangents at the load/settlem ent Number of tests : 17.
curve for the effective pressure p' was taken which correspon­ Units : E „ Clt sE and p ' in kg/cm2.
ded to the natural surcharge at the time when the samples C2 in kg/cm2 ■1 blow per ft.
were extracted. The com pression tests were carried out only
Rapport entre le nombre de coups N et le module de
with carefully extracted undisturbed samples, but they compression pour le sable fin noyé.
produced the usual unfavourable values as far as sand and Groupe du sol : SW.
gravel were concerned.
From a large num ber of tests there remained ultim ately E s = — = Cj + C2 • N = 71 + 4,9 N.
2 2 5 pairs of values, between the num ber of blow N and Es
which were suitable for further investigation. They represented Cj + C2 N 71 + 4,9 N dEs
twelve soil groups. C*= J Ñ = tB 1
Ecart moyen s e = 36,9.
Coefficient de la corrélation r = 0,900.
3. Soil groups Nombre d’essais : 17.
Unités : E ,, Clt se et p ' en kg/cm2.
Previous investigations have revealed that the type of soil
has a great influence on the relationship between the num ber C, en kg/cm2 • 1 coup par pied.
E s = modulus of compressibility of the soil = [kg/cm2
N number of blows of the standard penetration test for
one foot penetration,
sB = Standard deviation of the modulus of compressibility
Ci, C2 = parameter for different soil groups (Table 2).

Fig. 4 Relatiosnhip between the modulus of compressibility

E s = — and the number of lows N in clayey silts. —
Soil group : C L — Plasticity index P/ = 20 pour cent.
— Degree of saturation j = 100 pour cent. — Standard
déviation of observation sE = 44,4. — Coefficient
of correlation r = 0,016. — Number of tests : 19.
Rapport entre le nombre de coups et le module de
compression dans des limons argileux.
Fig. 2 Relationship between the modulus of compressibility Groupe du sol : C I. — Indice de plasticité Pi > 20 pour
E s = \(mv and the number of blows N in nearly cent. Ecart moyen sE = 44,4. — Coefficient de la corré­
saturated slightly plastic silts and silty fine sands. lation r = 0,016. — Nombre d'essai : 19. — Degré de
Soil group : C L. — Platicity index P i < 15 per cent. — saturation î = 100 pour cent.
Degree of saturation : j > 85 per cent. — Standard
deviation of observation s e = 35,4. — Coefficient
of correlation r = 0,642. Number of tests : 18. 5. Interpretation of the results
Rapport entre le nombre de coups et le module de
compression dans des limons presque saturés et fai­ The parameter C x varies in groups one to eight (Table 2)
blement plastiques et dans des sables fins et limoneux. between 4 and 71 kg/cm2. This means that soils are not infini­
Groupe du sol : C L. — Indice de plasticité P/ < 15 pour tely compressible, even if the penetrometer sinks into them
cent. — Degré de saturation s > 85 pour cent. Ecart under its own w eight; in other words, the number o f blows
moyen sE = 35,4. — Coefficient de la corrélation is zero and this gives the minimum value for the modulus of
r = 0.642. — Nombre d’essais : 18. compressibility of very loose soil. The parameter C2 is cons­
iderably influenced by the type of soil, and the latter also
determines with what degree of accuracy it is possible to cal­
culate the modulus of compressibility from the number
o f blows. Coefficients of correlation above 0,8 were found
for fine sand under water, sand, gravelly sand and silt, all
with a saturation degree of below 85 per cent (Groups Num­
ber 2-4, 7 and 8). A representative result is shown in Fig. 1.
The coefficients o f correlations above 0,8 indicate a very
strong relationship. The coefficients of correlation with values
between 0,7 and 0,8 for fine sand above water, sand and
gravel, and silty sand (Groups 1,5,6 and 9) were less satisfac­
tory on account o f the limited quantity of material available
for observation. All other types of soil (Group 10-12) have
coefficients of correlation below 0,4 and in consequence do
not provide reliable results (Figs. 2-4). The relationship in
the case o f saturated silty clay (Group 11) was particularly
poor, being below 0,1.
Fig. 3 Relationship between the modulus of compressibility This proves that the standard penetration test may be
applied only to assess compressibility when pore water pres­
E . = — and the number of blows N in nearly saturated
mv sure does not occur in the soil under the cone. These conditions
silts and clayey silts. exist constantly in the case o f coarser non-cohesive soils, and
Soil group : C L. — Plasticity index P i > 15 per cent. — in the case of lightly cohesive soils, when the degree of satu­
Degree of saturation i > 85 per cent. — Standard ration is below 85 per cent.
deviation of observation sE = 42,4. — Coefficient of According to Table 2 the standard deviation of the modulus
correlation r = 0,335. — Number of tests : 29.
o f compressibility, computed by equation (1) varies for sands
Rapport entre le nombre de coups et le module de and silts which are not influenced by pore water pressure
compression dans des limons presque saturés et des (Group 1-4, 6-8) between 7 and 15 per cent.
limons argileux.
Groupe du sol : C L. — Indice de plasticité P i > 15 pour In the deviation is included not only the scattering o f the
cent. — Degré de saturation s > 85 pour cent. — measurement of the penetrometer and the soils of a group,
Ecart moyen sB = 42,4. — Coefficient de la corréla­ but also all sample disturbances. If the results do not seem to
tion r = 0,335. — Nombre d’essai : 29. be extremely accurate, they do enable the compressibility
of soils to be calculated particularity in soil types from which
the extraction of undisturbed samples is often difficult and
sometimes quite im practicable. However, since they are
minimum values, they are on the safe side.

6. Influence of the water table

^ T h e influence o f the w ater table can only be determined
decisively for fine sand, which has been investigated separa­
tely for samples taken above and below the w ater table. Fine
sand below the w ater table showed a higher coefficient of
correlation than that above the water table. F rom this it
can be concluded that the apparent cohesion existing above
the w ater table and the looser state o f com paction produce a
heavier scattering o f results. F o r other sands and gravels,
the influence of the w ater table on the num ber o f blows can
only be confirm ed by com parison o f the average num ber of
blows 1 m above and 1 m below the w ater table for a large Fig. 6 Relationship between the number of blows N and the
num ber o f test results (Fig. 5). According to this, when the relative density R d in sand.
water table is reached, the num ber of blows for a given pene­ ---------lo g ^ c = 0,478 log, N - 0,262 logep + 2,84.
tration shows in an average a reduction of 15 per cent. A closer Total coefficient of correlation R = 0,869 ± 0,022.
Standard deviation of R d : s = 4,10 per cent.
Number of tests : 57 (saturated and non saturated).
Soil group. No. 1-4.
Test results of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 1953.
---------- for fine sand, air dry,
.............for coarse sand, air dry.

Rapport entre le nombre de coups et la compacité rela­

tive dans le sable.
---------logc R d = 0,478 loge N — 0,262 logep + 2,84.
Coefficient total de la corrélation R = 0,869 ± 0,022.
Divergence moyenne de Rn : s = 4,10 pour cent.
Nombre d’essais : 57 (saturés et non saturés).
Groupe de sol : 1-4.
Essais du Bureau of Reclamation (1953).
-----------sable fin, sec à l’air,
.............sable gros, sec à l’air.

also been plotted for com parison. M oreover, according to

M oussa (1960) a non-cohesive soil can be described m ore
closely in the correlation form ula by the introduction o f the
voids ratio in the loosest s0 and densest state s d.

8. Conclusion
Fig._5 Influence of the ground-water level on the number of
blows. By correlation calculation it has been possible to show
Influence du niveau phréatique au nombre de coups. for 12 different cohesive an d non-cohesive soil groups com pri­
sing 225 pairs o f values a satisfactory relationship between
the num ber of blows of a penetrom eter and the m odulus of
investigation of the ratio o f the num ber o f blows shows that com pressibility. It was found th a t a satisfactory correlation
the decrease under the w ater table is particularly pronounced exists if no pore w ater pressure influences the result o f the
for loose soils, whereas it is only slight for soil of high density. penetration test. Test num bers for the different soil group vary
between 13 and 27. As this is fairly lim ited, it is possible that
for a larger body o f d ata the derived relationship m ay change
7. Relationship between the number of blows and the relative
slightly. However, the form ulae given enable the m odulus
of com pressibility to be calculated from the num ber of blows
If the relative density R d (per cent) o f the soil groups 1-4 o f the standard penetration test, with a standard deviation of
(Table 2) is plotted against the num ber of blows N (Fig. 6) approxim ately i 25 per cent in relation to the m ean values
and allowance m ade for the effective surcharge under which of the m oduli of com pressibility. T he relationship between
the penetration test was perform ed, the following relationship the relative density, the num ber of blows and the surcharge
can be derived by means of the m ultiple correlation. hitherto m ore frequently investigated, can be expressed for
sandy soils by an equation which has a high coefficient of
loge R d = 0,478-loge N - 0,262-log, p + 2,84 correlation.
total coefficient of correlation : R = 0,869+0,022
num ber of tests : 57
standard deviation : 4,10 per cent. 9. Acknowledgements
The result shows a high coefficient of correlation and is The authors are indebted to M r. H. M elsa, cand. ing. for
similar to that of the U.S. Bureau of Reclam ation which has his collaboration in carrying out the statistical analyses.

10. References
[1] B u re a u o f r e c l a m a t i o n . (1953) Second progress report [8] M ey erh o f (1956). Penetration tests and bearing capacity
of research of the penetration resistance method of of cohesionless soils. Inst. So il Mech. Found. Div. Amer.
surface exploration. Design and construction devision, Soc. Civ. Eng., 82, paper 866.
Denver, Colorado, Earth Laboratory Report, No. EM-356.
[2] — (1955). The practical aspects of penetration resistance [9] M o u ssa (1960). Die Zusammendrückbarkeit von Sand.
testing. Earth Laboratory Report EM-427. Dissertation Technische Hochschule Aachen, 1960.
[3] G i b b s and H o l z (1957). Research on determining the [10] P eck, H an so n , T h o rn b u rn (1953). Foundation engineer­
density of sands by spoon penetration testing. Proc. ing. Wiley & Sons. New York, p. 109.
4. Int. Conf. So il Mech. Found. Eng., London, vol. 1,
p. 35. [11] S c h u b e r t (1955). Untersuchung des sandigen Baugrundes
[4] H v o r s l e v (1949). Subsurface exploration and sampling of durch Sonden. Wissenschaftl. Zeitschr. d.T.H . Dresden,
soils for civil engineering purposes. Waterways Exp. 5, H. 1.
Station, Vicksburg. [12] S c h u l t z e and K n a u s e n b e r g e r (1957). Experience with
[5] K o l b u s z e w s k i (1957). Discussion of Div. 2. Proc. 4. Int. penetrometers. Proc. 4. Int. Conf. So il Mech. Found. Eng.,
Conf. So il Mech. Found: Eng., London, vol. Ill, p. 126. vol. I, p. 249.
[6] M e n z e n b a c h (1959). Die Anwendbarkeit von Senden zur
[13] S o w e r s (1953). Modern procedures for underground inve­
Prüfung der Festigkeitseigenschaften des Baugrundes. stigations. Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., vol. 80, No. 435,
Dissertation Technische Hochschule Aachen. Westdeutscher
p. 11.
Verlag Opladen.
[7] — (1959) The use of penetrometers in site investigations. [14] T e r z a g h i and P e c k (1948). Soil mechanics in engineering
D .I.C. Dissertation Im perial College, London University. practice. J. Wiley & Sons, New York, p. 423.

Table 1
Soil groups
Classification des sols

Approxim. Average Degree Plasticity

Group range o f uniformity index
No. grain size coefficient saturation
S o il group Pi
symbol (mm) d 60 S
“ d 10 per cent per cent
from to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Fine sand SW 0-2 006 2 < 50 —

2 Fine sand SW 0-2 006 2 100 —

3 Sand SW 1-5 0-1 2 < 50 —

4 Gravelly sand SP-G P 12 0-15 4 < 50 —

5 Sand and gravell GP 63 006 60 < 50 —

6 Silty sand SM 20 0-02 8 < 85 —

7 Silt and silty fine sand CL 01 0002 60 < 85 < 15

8 Silt and clayey silt CL 0-1 < 0 001 — < 85 > 15

9 Silt and silty fine sand CL 01 0002 — > 85 < 15

10 Silt and clayey silt CL 0-1 < 0 001 — > 85 > 15

11 Clayey silt Cl 01 < 0 001 — 100 > 20

CH +
12 Clay M H + OH 01 < 0 001 — 100 > 20

T ab le 2
Results of researches establishing the relationship between the modulus of compressibility E, = ~zr and the number ot blownsTV
Rapport entre le module de compression Es = — et le nombre de coups N

85 %
Pj< 15 % ;s< 85 %

Pj< 15 % ;j> 85 %
85 >
Silt of low plasticity
and silty fine sand

Silt of low plasticity

Silt and clayey silt
ground water level
ground water level

and silty fine sand

Silt and clayey silt

Sand and gravell
Fine sand under
Fine sand above

gravelly sand

Silty sand

15 % ;j<

15 % ;i>

Type o f soil 1 s t
-S' A II
° a?


So il group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Group symbol SW SW SW SP-G P GP SM CL CL CL CL Cl CH +

M H + OH

Number of tests 15 17 14 19 27 18 13 13 18 29 19 23

Q (kg/cm2) 52 71 39 43 38 24 12 4
A statistically reliable relationship
C2 (kg/cm2 • 1 cannot be derived
blow) 3,3 4,9 4,5 11,8 10,5 5,3 5,8 11,5

Coefficient of cor
relation r 0-758 0-900 0-954 0-886 0-783 0.764 0-904 0-924 0-642 0-335 0-016 0-355

Probable error
of r 0-074 0-031 0-016 0-033 0-050 0-066 0-034 0-027 0-094 0111 0-155 0-124

Mean value of
E s, E sm (kg/
cm2) 95 268 144 184 186 70 73 95 78 83 83 132

Standard devia­
tion of E s, iE
(kg/cm2) 19,3 36,9 36,4 42,3 93,2 21,1 9,0 24,4 35,4 42.4 44,4 94,6 .

Standard devia­
tion sg in % of
the mean value
E lm 20 14 25 23 50 30 7 25 45 51 54 72

Figure — 1 — — — — — — 2 3 4 —


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