Guidelines in Reflection Paper

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Guidelines in Reflection Paper

1. Font & Font Size: Arial (11)

2. Paper size & Margin: 8” x 13” ; 1” on all corners

3. Single space, maximum of two (2) pages

4. Format: Introduction (Why you are writing the paper (the rationale behind).)
Body (Respondent’s info., concise content of the interview and supporting
details/ideas to your conclusion)
Conclusion (Address the question: “Are you pro/against such programs?”)

5. Suggested* questions to be asked during the INTERVIEW:

a) Respondent’s personal information
b) How the respondent became aware of the SSES, STE/SSC program.
c) Was it the respondent or other’s choice why s/he is in the program.
d) Notable experience(s) (both good & not so good).
e) Is it worth it to be part of the program? What are the benefits you get from it?
f) In case the pupil/student did not finish the program (graduated (elementary) or moved up
(JHS)), ask the reason/s behind.

*You may add other questions if deemed necessary.

6. Attach a wallet-size picture of you & the respondent (before, during or after the interview).
This, together with the consent form is EXCLUDED on the count of page(s) mentioned in
number 3.

7. NO DUPLICATION of respondent. Please coordinate with your classmates & those on the
other class to avoid this scenario.

8. CONSENT FORM is a must!

9. Grading scheme (Refer to the uploaded Rubrics)

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