RT Miles: Orical Associati

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FALL 2010



The Fort Miles Historical Association is a nonprofit

group that has it’s mission to preserve, protect,
and defend all aspects of Fort Miles working with
community and state stakeholders and other
interested parties. The FMHA also has it’s goal
to work as an active partner with the State of
Delaware to develop the historical potential of
Fort Miles.
Board of Directors

Dr. Gary Wray

Ted George

Merlin Beil

Board Members
Bev Dalecki
Dan Lyons
Bob Frederick
Joe Kosaveach
Joe Johnson
Ray Quillen with the Verner Johnson Architects and a plotting board and tower
of Boston to help us with the design models showing how the three teams
Bob Fellows
of the museum. VJ is recognized of the fort (the towers, the plotting
Brian Lindsay as the premier museum architects room, and the guns) worked in a
in the country and they have just unified way. Both Verner Johnson
Jack Goins
finished the US Army Museum at and PRD will help us formulate
John Roberts Fort Benning. We had one planning the action plans which we will
meeting with both VJ and the PRD take out to public in a fundraising
Interactive group from Arlington, campaign, helped by Mike Rawl
From the Desk of the President VA to help us with our vision. and his Horizon Philanthropic
By Dr. Gary Wray More meetings are planned for Services group during the next year
this fall to come up with what to raise the necessary monies for
Welcome to the Fall, 2010 edition the museum might look like in its our museum to come alive. Over
of the Fort Miles Historical final form. At this point what we the next year we will be coming to
Association Newsletter. There is are thinking is that the northern both our FMHA membership and
much to report about the work of end of the museum would actually our general community to open
FMHA since our last Newsletter. be the entrance, the first 200’ (the their hearts (and pocketbooks) to
We had a very successful April 24 Battery is over 420’ from end to help us raise the funds to make the
event and our August 7th event, end!) would be dedicated to telling museum the best WWII museum
celebrating the surrender of U-858, the story of Delaware inside a WWII
was also very well attended. As in WWII with such facility in the
always, many thanks to our hard themes such as: the country. We have
working FMHA Board for making war on the home come a long way
both days go well. As you can see front; the German but we still a long
from FMHA Board member John submarine attack on way to go!
Robert’s photos, lots of work has the East Coast; Lewes
been done over the last six months at War; Fort Miles As I previously
by John and his “elves” working 1940-1991; Fort Miles mentioned, our
every Thursday and Friday in the and the Cold War April 24 event
Battery. Without their hard work and other topics on a was very well
we would be years away from rotating basis. attended. The day
where we are in preparing the was dedicated
bunker for our future museum. We The second 200’ of to the memory
owe these guys big kudos for all the bunker would be of Lee Jennings
they have done! actually what the and his immense
Battery looked like in contribution to the
Speaking of our museum, we have 1943 with 12” shells in the shell Fort Miles effort. Linda Jennings,
started the first stages of planning room, powder in the powder room, Lee’s wife, attended with other
1 Fort Miles Historical Association
Seasonal Newsletter Fall 2010
members of his family as we all in defense of our country. We Baker of Teleduction in Wilmington
celebrated his life and his efforts are now in the second phase of and is going to be used both at the
to make the Fort Miles Museum the Paver Campaign and we are Fort as an introduction to Fort Miles
come alive. It was a touching and including a Paver Application with for tours, but its main purpose will
memorable ceremony. FMHA this Newsletter. We would hope be with Delaware school’s as an
hosted a reception in Lee’s honor in that if you support our museum overview of the Fort for Delaware
the Orientation Building at the end and our plans, you would purchase youngsters in elementary, middle
of the day. a paver for a loved one for our Wall and high school. We are excited
of Honor. The next Paver Induction about the video and it will be shown
At our August 7th event we will be at our November 6, 2010 for the first time at our Open House
focused on the surrender of Open House inside Battery 519, 10- on November 6 at 11am and then
U-858 and we were joined by Dr. 4pm with the Paver Induction at all through the day.
William Carter, a Sussex County 2pm. FMHA will have food (Etta
native and a survivor of the ill- Kosaveach’s famous chili) and So, as I previously mentioned, we
fated Convoy PQ17 that was so drink during the day. Of course, are well on our way to completing
decimated by German Luftwaffe your contribution to the museum the vision of our museum inside
and submarines as it Battery 519. We welcome Jim
made its way around Hall, the new Park Historian, as
Norway to Russia he works with us along with Ray
with war supplies. Dr. Bivens, Tim Resch, Mike Rogers,
Carter’s duty station Pat Cooper and Paul Faircloth,
was on a 3”/50cal gun and many others to make Lee’s
on the convoy and we vision come alive over the next
recreated that event several years. We have come a
of firing that same long way but we have a long way
3”/50cal gun under to go yet to finish the job. As
Dr. Carter’s command always, thanks for your valuable
during the day. and continuing support.

The culminating activity Late newsletter addition:

during the August event was the and/or the Wall of Honor Paver
Sadly, we were recently informed
Paver Induction Ceremony in the south Campaign is tax deductible.
that Dr. Carter passed away on
powder room where we recognized the
September 11, 2010. His family
first sixty inductees in our Fort Miles Finally, as Ray Biven’s mentioned
has asked that FMHA furnish the
Wall of Honor. The ceremony was in his article, we are putting the
Honor Guard for his Ceremony of
very touching where members of final touches on a video on Fort
Life on September 18, 2010 at the
the almost 100 person audience Miles, thanks to a grant from the
Carter Partnership Building, Del
gave testimony to each of their Delaware Department of Tourism.
Tech in Georgetown.
loved ones who sacrificed so much The video is produced by Sharon

News From the Publicity Committee

By Bob Fellows
Many hours by all have resulted in 10 and over. Pre -registration for
large increases in attendance to all all tours is required. Call 302-645-
2010 Fort events. 6852 or 302-644-5007.

Fort Miles Battery Tours are Don’t forget to mark your calendar
scheduled for Saturday, September for the Battery 519 open house on
4th and 11th, October 9th, November November 6th. See our website
13th and 27th and December 11th at for more details at http://www.
Many thanks to the FMHA 2 PM. Tour cost is $5.00 for age 8 fortmilesha.org
Publicity Committee: Bob and over.
Fredrick, Bev Dalecki, Brian We always welcome new thoughts
Lindsay, Jack Goins, Merlin Beil, Tours by Lantern Light are schedule on how to get the word out to more
Dan Lyons, Steve Hyle, Dr. Gary for Saturday, September 4th and people – so if you have any good
Wray and Mike Rogers for keeping 18th at 7 PM. October 2nd and 30th ideas, we would love to hear them!
Fort Miles on the “front page.” at 6 PM. Tour cost is $5.00 for ages
Fort Miles Historical Association 2
Seasonal Newsletter Fall 2010
“Bits” From the Bunker Busters
By John Roberts and Joe Included were over 11,000 feet of Thanks to Fred, all of Battery 519’s
Kosaveach wire and 1500 feet of conduit, and concrete access covers are restored.
quite a few sore muscles from These provide access to the original
pulling on ropes threaded through below-floor conduits used for the
We’ve been busy over the spring these long wiring runs. We now original communications system
and summer. Our big project was have power in the gun pit for our and power system. These had to
the electrical upgrades to Battery up and coming sound system. be demolished in order to remove
519. them due to extreme rust, and
We passed our electrical inspection Fred straightened out and restored
on the first pass, and this means the original steel frames and recast
we can cover our new conduits them with new concrete. They look
with concrete in the generator great, and now the original phones
room, completely concealing these in the gun room are connected to
modern upgrades from the public the outside through the original
view. conduits. This restoration also
allowed us to run modern power
In addition, we harvested a pair wiring to the gun pit, the motor/
of original panel boards from one generator room and the south
of the abandoned bunkers. We corridor where the searchlight is
restored them, both in appearance parked, completely concealed.
and electrically, and installed them
When Battery 519 was originally in their original locations. The All in all, a lot of work for very few
built, the electrical utilities ran anchors were still dollars with
under the floor and down the in the walls, and an amazing
corridor in the cable chase, a 10 still useable. One results! The
inch by 28 inch channel in the east of them actually most rewarding
wall of the corridor. Our plan was operates some of comments are
to run our modern power needs in our lights, and the from those who
the original pathways. This would goal, when we get visit every couple
allow us to install everything we more resources, of months, and
need for our present and future is to restore the are astounded
power needs and meet modern original part of the how fast things
code, and at the same time, have it electrical system are improving,
completely out of sight. with period correct the quality of the
fixtures and effort, and their
In the design of this upgrade, we cabling wherever it is visible to the desire to come back again just to see
also built all new covers for the public. the results of a dedicated, passionate,
cable chase, patterned after the and talented volunteer effort.
blueprints and the existing covers in We’ve also been painting, and now
Battery Smith. We all of that green So, hats off to Harry, Steve, Tom,
were also able is gone! We still Jack, Fred, Joe K and everyone else
to use some have work to do, who worked on this fairly involved
creativity and hide but we’re getting and labor intensive project. And the
the emergency close to having corridor covers look great, giving
lighting, a major all surfaces the corridor a far more finished
detractor in any specified for appearance.
historic restoration, paint covered.
and conceal LED The south Also, a big shout out to the Park
lighting in the powder and staff for clearing all the rubble
cable chase covers. shell rooms away from the demolition of the
Out of sight, and are painted in a old generator/LORAN beacon shed
far exceed code requirements for gray that closely approximates the outside 519. Outside as well, the
emergency lighting. It also makes for original concrete surface’s average place looks so much better now
great lighting during lantern tours. color. The gun rooms and the with all that debris out of the way.
corridors immediately behind them
This process took place over about will remain unpainted with their
4 months, and hats off to the original surfaces. A thanks goes
FMHA for allowing us to purchase out to the Park for buying us the
materials under their auspices. materials for this project!
3 Fort Miles Historical Association
Seasonal Newsletter Fall 2010
April 2010 event
Lee Jennings’ Memorial

August 2010 event

& Paver Ceremony

Dr. William Carter

For the “Wall of Honor” at the Fort Miles Museum

Now you can support the new Fort Miles museum, receive a tax deduction and have
your name or that of a loved one honored on a handsome brick paver. Each engraved
paver will be prominently displayed in Battery 519, America’s first WWII museum at
an actual military site.

More than 10,000 visitors each year will see your paver, and we will send a tribute
card to whoever you designate, telling them of this special honor.

The tax-deductible cost for each paver is just $200, including delivery and installation
in a well-lighted entrance area. This first phase of the “wall of Honor” will accomodate
just 500 pavers and orders are being accepted on a first-come basis. Be sure to reserve
your paver now by returning the form below.

About Fort Miles

America’s first on-site WWII museum is located on the Atlantic Ocean at the mouth of the Delaware Bay, where massive armament was
secretly installed during WWII to turn back possible invations by German naval forces and protect the key port of Philadelphia.

Prominently displayed at the museum is one of Battery 519’s two 12 inch cannons, large enough to propel a shell 17 miles, as well as
searchlights powerful enough to light the beach of Cape May, NJ. Visitors can also climb a coastal tower and tour an actual “cantonment”
where soldiers lived and worked - an active city of 2,500 men and women. The coastal towers along the Delaware shoreline were the
“eyes” of Fort Miles - strategically placed to triangulate readings if enemy ships were located. Your donation to the “Wall of Honor”
helps support the Fort Miles museum.

YES, I want to purchase a paver at the Fort Miles Museum. All donations are tax deductible. Enclosed is my check made payable to: the Fort
Miles Historical Association.
$_______ for _____ paver(s)
Engraving Instructions
LIMIT 3 LINES OF 16 CHARACTERS PER LINE- spaces, punctuation & symbols count as characters

name phone

street city

Send orders to: FMHA Wall of Honor

state zip email c/o Horizon Philanthropic Services
P.O. Box 802
Lewes, DE 19958
Questions? Call 302.644.0107
New Beginnings
By Ray Bivens, Chief of the passion and energy of many peering out a fire control tower slit.
Programming, DE State Parks volunteers and park staff. That
passion is present now more than I would like to introduce the
I still vividly remember my ever. You may FMHA members to
first time exploring Battery 519. not know that Jim Hall, Delaware
It was seven years ago; I had Cape Henlopen has State Park’s new Park
recently started as the Chief of more volunteer Historian. Many of you
Interpretation for Delaware State hours of service may know Jim from
Parks. My guide’s hair was a little each year than any his work at the Indian
out of control and it had nothing to other park in the River Life Saving
due with the humidity levels of the state. This year Station and Delaware
bunker. He was giving quite the park volunteers Seashore State Park.
sales pitch on what was possible logged over 29,000 For the past five years
in the future for this abandoned hours, which is the he has served as the
structure that was ridden with equivalent of 15 Park Interpreter,
trash, graffiti, and plenty of signs full-time positions. managing the museum,
of rodents, raccoon, and snakes. Without strong park environmental
I was a bit skeptical but I stayed commitment from education programs,
close, intently listening, mainly our Friends, the and special events
because my guide, Lee Jennings, park would be a hosted at the site.
was carrying the only flashlight. much different place. Thank you After spending several years in
Lee was predicting this historic site for all you do! Minnesota, Jim returned to our
would be bigger than Fort Delaware park system. He had previously
one day; I had my doubts that day Since March there have been many served as a seasonal employee at
about Lee’s vision but never again. occasions when I wish Lee could Port Penn, Fort Delaware, and
I still wonder if those flashlight have been with me at Fort Miles like Cape Henlopen. Jim is a creative
batteries would have died, could we he used to be. The August special problem solver with a strong work
have found our way out? event was incredibly successful! ethic; I look forward to September
The paver campaign is off to a when Jim will start full-time in the
Later that year Lee, Jim O’Neill, tremendous start and the ceremony Park Historian position. I especially
and I met with two young guys who was very moving. We have a bid in look forward to seeing him put his
on their own were mapping out hand from Verner Johnson to start fingerprints on Delaware State
Fort Miles and all of the associated formal museum and site planning. Park History programs.
structures. We didn’t tell them at But my favorite moment occurred
our first meeting, but many of the almost by accident. At our August In closing, on behalf of all division
maps they had created were better special event we had a film crew staff, I would like to thank the
than anything we had at the time. helping to create a promotional FMHA board and membership
We soon convinced Nate Davidson video for school kids and teachers. for their support of Delaware
to become an AmeriCorps member The film is being funded by a grant State Parks. Without your group
and the other young man, Mike pursued by Dr. Wray and Lee and I believe that there would be no
Rogers, signed written by Kim annual special events at Fort
on as a volunteer Johnson. A Miles, no restored 12 inch gun,
researcher and pair of young and we would probably still be
tour guide. Some re-enactors led viewing the bunker by light of the
of the first tours by John Kelly flashlight. We still have much to
offered of the and I grabbed accomplish but I look forward to
battery had an Azimuth many more milestones resulting
over 100 paying instrument and from our successful partnership!
customers. It climbed Tower
was my job to sit 7 to recreate a About Ray: Ray Bivens is the Chief
Mike and Nate member of the of Programming for Delaware
down over dinner coast artillery State Parks. He is responsible
and let them searching for for management of Delaware’s
know that they couldn’t take that German ships. I believe we got State Parks Archeology, Cultural
many people on a tour and still some great shots and can’t wait Resources, Exhibits, Interpretation,
give a quality experience. to see the final product. On the and Recreation programs. Since
way home it dawned on me that March, Ray has served as the
Over the years the Fort Miles we it may have been 65 years since temporary FMHA liaison for
have today took shape thanks to an Azimuth instrument was last Delaware State Parks.

Fort Miles Historical Association 6

Seasonal Newsletter Fall 2010
Another Summer Down and the speed at which it is being While the work moves on, so
By Mike Rogers achieved by our dedicated crew of does the publicity. The Fort and
Fort Miles, DE State Parks volunteers. To John Roberts, Fred the efforts of its volunteers have
Noll, Harry Winn, Tom Anderson, received some awesome coverage
and the rest of the crew working in local papers. A production
Another summer down… another diligently to bring Battery 519 back company is currently working
excellent season for Fort Miles. to life, I say “thank you and great on a short documentary to help
Unfortunately I was not around job!” Take some time to read over educate people about the history
for most of it, as I was at Basic John’s article in this newsletter to of Fort Miles. A draft of that
Combat Training with the US learn more about what the crew documentary is available on the
Army for most of the summer has been up to. association’s website. The Fort
season. However, being away for has also attracted the attention of
the summer gave me a view that I Uncle Sam also had me busy the Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW.
have not experienced in the 6 years during the August special event. In late August Gary Wray and I
that I have been with the project. However, I have had nothing but had the pleasure of escorting the
positive feedback from our re- National President of the Ladies
When my family came to pick me enactors and Tim Resch, who did Auxiliary of the VFW, Cortina
up at Fort Jackson, South Carolina such an awesome job filling in for Barnes through Tower 7 and Battery
neither my wife nor my mother me while I was away. Again, I say 519. Ms. Barnes also visited Tower
recognized me. I had lost 40 pounds “thank you” to the re-enactors and 3 at Delaware Seashore State Park.
and 6 inches from my waist. I the association for making that The tour went very well, and she
watched my transformation occur event a success. and her crew seemed thoroughly
in the mirror every day, so I didn’t impressed with the history of Fort
really notice just how drastic the As I get back into the swing of things Miles and the plans to restore it.
change was. However, for my the Fort Miles project continues to
family, it was quite a shock. make amazing progress. It’s kind As the summer season of 2010
of like jumping on a train that isn’t comes to a close and vacationers
Fort Miles had quite a similar stopping at your station. Crews are venture back to their home bases,
impact on me when I returned working on and around Battery 519 the restoration of Fort Miles will
10 weeks later. For so long I to clean up the years of overgrowth. continue to surge ahead, ensuring
have been on the site every day The electrical system inside of the another pleasing shock of progress
and watching the transformation. building is nearly complete and for our visitors next year.
Being away from it for some time the panels on the cable chase are
underscored the amazing progress finished and installed.

Some photos before and during restoration (2003 and 2010)

Front entrance Looking towards the north gunroom Looking towards the south gunroom
Help us preserve, restore and protect this remarkable site--become a member of the
Fort Miles Historical Association simply by filling out the form below and mailing it with
your check to the address listed below.

Name: _______________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________


City: _________________, State__________ Zip: ________________

Phone: (___) _______________

Email: _____________________

Please check one:

□ General 261st Coast Artillery (life member) $1,000.

□ Colonel , 261st Coast Artillery $500.

□ Major, 261st Coast Artillery $250.

□ Captain, 261st Coast Artillery $100.

□ Small Business $75.

□ Dual/Family $20.

□ Individual $15.

□ Student $10.

Enclosed is my check in the amount of: $__________

Make Checks payable to:

Fort Miles Historical Association
Dr. Gary Wray, President
120 E. Wild Rabbit Run
Lewes, DE 19958

Cut along this line if only mailing one application

!! We are also seeking volunteers to learn how to give battery tours, and/or run our Sperry

NEW searchlight. Our goal is to have a substantial group of members that can assist the Fort
Miles staff with tours and other related programs. Volunteers will receive all the training
and informative materials needed. So, if you’ve taken a battery tour and feel it might be
something you would like to help with, fill out this bottom form, and mail it to Dr. Gary Wray at
the address just above. If you would like further information, please call Dr. Wray at

Yes, I would like to become a volunteer!





Fort Miles Historic Association

120 East Wild Rabbit Run
Lewes, DE 19958

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