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The English Grammar Tenses
Who is he? Where is he? What does he do?

Hank is a cowboy. He lives on a farm. He has a horse named Ginger. Hank loves
Ginger. He rides Ginger every day. Sometimes they walk slowly, and sometimes
they run fast. They always have a good time.

Ginger is Hank's horse. She is light brown. Her tail and mane are dark brown. She
is three years old. She lives in the stable by the house.

Ginger waits for Hank every morning. She enjoys their time together. Often, Hank
gives her apples. After long rides, Hank always washes and brushes Ginger. He
usually brushes her tail. Then he gives her food and fresh water. Ginger loves

Who are they? Where are they? What do they do?

Stacy is a singer. She loves to sing. She is in a band. She sings in the
band. She is the lead singer. Sometimes she plays the piano.

Chad is Stacy's boyfriend. He is also in the band. He stands next to Stacy. He plays
the electric guitar. Sometimes Chad sings with Stacy.

Dean is Chad and Stacy's friend. He is also in the band. He stands next to Chad. He
plays bass guitar. Dean does not sing. He does not like to sing.

The band practices three times a week. They mostly perform at nightclubs.
Sometimes they sing at weddings. They are a very good band.
Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing?

Now Janet is in her house. She is sitting on a wooden chair. She is holding a coat.
She is fixing it.

James is Janet's husband. He is sitting in front of her. He is fixing clothes too.

Elizabeth is sitting next to James. She is Janet's sister. Right now she is helping
Janet and James. They are working together. They are fixing clothes.

At this moment a man is coming in. He is wearing dark clothes. He is carrying a pile
of clothes. They are all working very hard.

Who was she? Where was she? What was happening?

Yesterday, it was raining and thundering all day. Ann was playing inside the house.
She wanted to be outside. She wasn't playing outside because it was raining.
She was feeling tired of being trapped inside the house.

Ann was trying to keep busy inside the house. She was reading her book until
the electricity went out. Then, she decided to practice her sewing. She was
practicing sewing until lunchtime. After lunch, she sat by the window and
watched the rain.

While Ann was watching the rain, the phone rang. Her mother was calling to
say she was coming home. She was bringing a new game. Ann and her
mother ate ice cream and played the game.

While they were playing, the rain stopped! But Ann didn't even notice. She
was having such a good time with her mom!
Who were they? What did they do? What happened?

Last night, George was at a restaurant with Clara, Charlie, and Katherine. After
dinner, George announced his engagement to Clara. George stood next to Clara. He
raised his glass. He announced the engagement to his friends. He looked very

Clara was also at the restaurant. She sat at the table next to George. She smiled
when he announced the engagement. She showed her friends her ring. It was very
beautiful. Clara also looked very happy!

Charlie and Katherine also sat at the table. They were excited for their friends.
Charlie congratulated George and Clara. He shook George's hand. Katherine looked
at Clara’s ring. She hugged Clara. She was happy for George and Clara!

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