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Key Players, Core Functions and Value Adding Activities

1. Value Chain of Ripe Banana

The value chain is a chain activity that is composed of players. The study followed

the flow from input providers to farmers, wholesalers, retailers, processors of the product, and the

consumers. The input providers are the tools and herbicides that the farmers used in the farm.

There were three providers such as panday, hardware and agricultural supply. The wholesalers

were involved in the buying and selling of raw banana to the retailer and the retailer were the

sellers of ripe banana to the processors. The processors are those who process/ cook the product

and adds value to it until it reaches the customers.

2. Value Chain of Banana Chips

The value chain is a chain activity that is composed of the players. The flow started

from input providers, to farmers, processors and to the consumers. The input providers are the

tools and herbicides that the farmers used in the farm. There were three providers such as panday,

hardware and agricultural supply. The farmers were the ones who provide raw banana to the

processors. The processors are those who perform acts that add value to the products until it

reaches the consumers.

Value Added of Banana Cue

Table 33 shows that the farmers sold the raw unripe banana to the wholesalers at the price

of Php. 10.00 per kilogram. The wholesalers sold the raw unripe bananas to the retailers for the

price of Php. 15.00 per kilogram. The retailers sold ripe banana to the processors at the price of

Php. 30.00 per kilogram. The processors processed the products into banana cue which produced

60 sticks at Php. 12.00 per stick with value added at Php. 156.00.

Value Added of Banana Chips

Table 34 shows that farmers sold raw unripe banana to the processors at the price of Php.

12.00 per kilogram. The processors processed the bananas into banana chips with 100 grams at

price of Php. 5.00 per pack and 250 grams at a price of 35.00 per pack with value added at


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