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Table No.

Gross Monthly Income of the Head of the Family
Gross Income No.
No income – Php 8,000 9 24.32
Php 8,001 – 18,000 11 29.73
Php 18,000 – 28,000 6 16.22
Php 28,001 – 38,000 4 10.81
Php 38,001 – 48,000 4 10.81
Php 48,000 – 85,000 3 8.11

TOTAL 37 100


The table no. 13 shows that there are 9 (24.32%) head of the family that their gross

income is ranging from no income to Php 8,000 for month. Also the gross income of Php

8,001-18,000 there are 11(29.73%) head of the families which their income is the highest

percentage. And next there are 6(16.22%) head of the families that their gross income. And

next according to the table, there are gross income that have same percentage, same amount

of family, 4(10.81%) are ranging from Php 28,001-48,000. And the rest there are 3 which is

the lowest gross income among the others.

Analysis and Interpretation

According to Ganzach (2011) Family income is significantly related to student

achievement and other educational outcomes. The increase in the impact of income is

accounted for by wealthier parents more heavily investing in their children’s cognitive

development. Similarly, income differences in college competition increased. For general

increase in income inequalities in educational outcomes a variety of explanations are offered

such as increasing economic segregation of schools, increases time spent by wealthy families

on the cognitive development of their children.

According to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) was reported that the number

of the poverty line of Filipinos living was reduced in the first semester of 2018. The

nationwide poverty incidence fell to 21 percent in the first half of 2018 compared to 27.6

percent in the first half of 2015. Considering the 16.1 percent poverty incidence among

Filipino families in the first semester of 2018, this means around four million families were

living below the poverty line. But this was still lower compared with the 22.2 percent poverty

incidence among Filipino families in the first semester of 2015, equivalent to five million


An individual's gross income is used by lenders or landlords to determine whether an

individual is a worthy borrower or renter. When filing federal and state income taxes, gross

income is the starting point before subtracting deductions to determine the amount of tax

owed. For individuals, the gross income metric used on the income tax return includes not

just wages or salary, but also other forms of income such as tips, capital gains, rental income,

dividends, alimony, pension, and interest income. After subtracting above-the-line tax

deductions, the result is adjusted gross income (AGI). Continuing down the tax form, below-

the-line deductions are taken from AGI and result in a taxable income figure. After applying

any applicable deductions or exemptions, the resulting taxable income can be significantly

less than an individual's gross income.
Table no. 14
Availability of Transportation Facilities (per family)
Transportation Facility No. %
Public Jeepney 1 2.71
Tricycle 13 35.13
Private Tricycle 10 27.03
Motorcycle 2 5.40
Jeepney 2 5.40
Van 1 2.71
Car 8 21.62

Total 37 100


As shown in the table no. 14, there are 13(35.13%) who uses Tricycle as their public

transportation than jeepney that shows in the table 1(2.71%). For the private transportation,

the majority of the families has their own tricycle that shows 10(27.03%) and 8(21.62%) for

the families has their own car. And there are 2 same percentages from the families 2(5.40%)

presented in the table for families who has private motorcycle and jeepney.

Analysis and Presentation

According to the survey, the most common transportation is tricycle. They are built

around a motorbike and they are the most compact public transportation vehicles in the

Philippines. It is attached with a sidecar and they have various styles.

There are costs and benefits to car use. especially for people that use van as their

private own vehicle. The costs also include the acquiring for the vehicles, interest payment

when the car is still in financed, fuel, driving time, fees, taxes, repairs and maintenance and

also insurance. And the cost for the society include maintaining roads, land use, air pollution,

public health care. And nowadays, road traffic accidents are the largest injury that lead to

death worldwide.
Therefore, benefits of the transportation facilities include mobility, convenience, and

independence. And for the societal are include economic benefits, such as job and wealth that

created form automotive industry, social well-being for travel opportunities.'s_Public_


Table no. 15
Communication Facilities (per Family)
Communication Facilities No. %
Cell Phone 35 94.59
None 2 5.41

Total 37 100


The table no. 15 showed that most of the families are using cell phones as their thing

that use for communicating, with the percentage of 35(94.59%). And there is only 2(5.41%)

that are not use any communication facilities.

Analysis and Interpretation

According to Statista Research Department (2019), Mobile phones are one of the

most conspicuous examples achieving a large penetration rate in markets. It is growing and

evolving development to connect people in different ways has and this phenomenon is very

much observable in the Philippines. (Kimiloglu & Nasir, 2010).

This technology not only talking and texting and blogging and shopping, also banking

and reporting. Most individuals are dependent upon their phones. That devices has become

critical in many aspect in everyday life, it is not only defined by age or nationality, but by an
insatiable lust with all digital things. This will present evidence of a global dependence on

cellular phones, what is benefit for all consumers and marketers.

It was indicated that the user of the cell phones are not depend by age. Therefore,

most all of the family members are using cell phones. Thus, it is easier in communication

with each other. Express their thoughts by sending a message or by making a call. However,

while being the one of the best communication facilities in the community, cell phones also

has its own disadvantages. By mobile phones creating a real-time communication

avenue, the compelling feeling to make calls, text or even video calls whi le driving

or working is very distracting. This does not only come as a detrimental effect on

work or class productivity. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say

every day close to nine people die in road accidents caused by a mobile phone -

distracted driver.

Therefore, although cell phones are more reliable and easy to communicate with each

other, they still constitute to the health among the people that utilize that said technology.

Consequently, the usage of cell phones in the community can both be harm and benefit.

Table no. 16
Lot Ownership (per Family)
Lot Ownership No. %
Owned 27 72.97
Rented 6 16.22
Rent Free 4 10.81

Total 37 100

Table no. 16 showed that 28(75.68%) of the families surveyed owned their lot. And it

stated that 6(16.22%) are renting their place. And the lowest is rent free which present

3(8.10%) families are not paying of the amount of their lot.

Analysis and Presentation

Majority of the families in the community have their own lot. It appears therefore,

that the families who owned their own lot have all the responsibility and authority to develop

their land. And the benefit in having their own lot, they don’t have to worry of being evicted

in case if they want to plant any fruits and vegetables or even trees that could provide their

needs and their houses. However, families who are renting are more restricted in developing

their land. They will not able to renovate the property according to their requirement and

might have to struggle to get the repairs done in a timely manner. And There is no guarantee

that the rental agreement will be renewed. Also renewing a rental agreement can lead to an

unplanned rental increase.

The biggest benefit for the families who rent their lot for free, they have their own

financial that would provide the property of their lot. It is profitable for the low-wage

workers, and benefit for economical accommodation for people with disabilities. Therefore,

there are plenty of examples that show how renting can save consumers a considerable

amount of money.


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