How Can Dating Be Possitive For Teenagers?

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By: Riko Febri Selani

By the way, in this time many students have a probem about learning. Such as they are
pasif in a class, they are not interesting in learning, and maybe they are not spirit for learning in
a class. Yeah...thats are the problems.

Ok guys! One of the effective sollutions is Dating. Woww dating, i like it. Why? Because
dating can make ourselves to be happy right!. It also can stimulate the students to be active and
spirit for learning. Having girlfriend or boyfriend can make mood booster for students.

Based on the result of the research, dating has a good effect for students. For example
most of the students senior high school have a girlfriend or boyfriend right!. Did you still
remember when you were in senior high school, you ever dating with your boyfriend or your
girlfriend?. Did you feel happy at those time? Yeahh. I was sure, you were so happy. And i think
you would be shy if you got a bad score n your class. So you would try to be a perfect person in
front of your boy or girlfrend.

For example is like me. I have a story, when i was senior high school. I had a girlfrend, i
liked a girl. She looked so beautiful and sweet in my eyes. At the moment because of my girl, i
tried to be a better than before. Everytimes my girl always reminded me about everythings
especially my duties. And also she gave me spirit to be better and better. So my daily activity
was so awesome and i felt so happy in everyday.

Alright guys...! for you all, Dating is the most effective ways to increase your mood
booster in your learning. Making your dating become your spirit in learning, and for you as
single man or single woman please...! looking for your partner as soon as possible. Thank you!

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