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Your First Horoscope Analysis

Dear Prodip,
Your first horoscope analysis would help you understand:

The key
How you
& to
up your destiny
& personal matters
Name: Prodip
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 12 Sep, 1961
Time of Birth: 04:45
Place of Birth: Bilasipara, India
Moon sign: Virgo
Vedic Sun Sign: Leo
Western Sun sign: Virgo
Nakshatra (Constellation): Hasta
Lagna (Ascendant): Leo
Stellar Planetary Combinations of your Horoscope

When planets sit together to give enhanced results

Jupiter-Saturn Combine:

This special planetary combination found in your horoscope gives you a great insight into human beings
and the ability to make relationships count. A unique intuition exists which helps you judge and get along
with anybody that you desire. This combination has a deep potential to get you political success or public
recognition. The periods of operation of this planetary partnership holds out a special promise of progress
on the basis of intuition, people skills and the ability to deal with life pragmatically. read more

Moon-Mars Combine:

Your Horoscope shows promise of Moon-Mars combination. Moon signifies happiness, mental strength &
wealth and Mars is about raw power, the enthusiasm behind working hard to get to you goal. This
combination gives an uncommon ability to amass wealth. The periods of operation of this planetary
partnership holds out a special promise of progress based on your creative ability, financial and business
prudence to make money. more

Special Yogas in your horoscope

Your chart has special planetary combinations called 'Yoga'. Some of them have been analysed for you here

Raj Yoga :

You are blessed with Raj Yoga - a power yielding combination in your horoscope. Raj Yoga is the
indicator of your good fortune, finances, special skills and great career. The power that’s wielded by Raj
Yoga in your life is determined by carefully analyzing which houses/ sectors of your chart are involved
with your ‘Karma Bhava’- the 10th house of profession and deeds you perform to make a living.

Dhan Yoga:

Your horoscope has the promise of Dhan Yoga. Vedic Astrology recognizes Dhan Yoga as the grand
wealth combination that facilitates wealth creation through self effort, real estate, intelligence & creativity,
partnerships, marriage, inheritance, luck & divine intervention, a flourishing career, intelligent investments
or saving etc.

Chandra Mangal Yoga:

You are blessed with Chandra Mangal Yoga in your horoscope. Chandra (Moon) is the planet for
happiness, mental strength & wealth. Mangal (Mars) signifies raw power, the enthusiasm to work hard to
get to your goal. Their coming together in sector of your horoscope is making this powerful wealth
generating combination of Chandra Mangal Yoga. It is enhancing your creative ability, increasing financial
and business prudence to make money. This yoga grants exclusive power of making riches by the sheer
talent, persona and capabilities.

Sukh Sampati:

You are blessed with a special Yoga in your horoscope that is caused due to the involvement of planets in
the 4th house with 9th house. 4th house signifies real estate, happiness at home, material possessions and
the 9th house governs your luck, divine blessings & comforts. This yoga is bestowing you with wealth,
high living & great happiness. This yoga is capable of making you opulent & successful. You seem to
have the ability to handle wealth & real estate well and would have also been gifted with excellent people-
skills. This yoga gives you a flair for politics as well as to create products & services with mass appeal.

Veshi / Vashi Yoga:

Your horoscope has the promise of special yoga caused by presence of benign planets from Sun in second
or the twelfth house from it. Sun signifies your authority, ego and status in society. The presence of this
yoga confers financial well being, great dignity and status among people around you. The support that Sun
gets from the presence of Jupiter, Mercury or Venus bestows special favours & priviledges in life.

Shubh Kartari Yoga:

Your lagna has the blessings of Shubh Kartari Yoga. It is an auspicious yoga that gives strength to lagna.
Lagna is symbolical of the physical body. There are benefic planets located on the either side of your
lagna/first house, giving rise to the Shubh Kartari Yoga. It is the giver of wealth, health and happiness in

Your temperament & attitude and how others perceive you

Your Traits:

Prodip, you are generally of a calm nature. The key thing about your personality is your smile. Your smile
has a magnetic effect on others. This inherent quality produces such a vibration that it becomes somewhat
difficult to detach from you once the acquaintance sets in. You generally get honour and respect from
public. You are someone who is ready to help the needy, without expecting anything in return. You
wouldn’t want to deceive any one even if that costs your life. But all these traits are not well understood
generally and at times you would be subject to criticism and opposition. You are believer in leading a
simple life.

You seem to have an analytical bent of mind and believe in hard work. You have a sense of right and
wrong and are able to distinguish between the two. You also have a good sense of humor. You keep those
around you entertained with your jokes and jovial nature.

Spiritual Growth :
You are a deeply religious person. So much that sometimes you seem to be in the belief of religion or
spiritual practices for the personal reasons like ask for favours from god. You would go highly detailed into
any form of spiritual practices you get into. You would get deeply impressed by the high energy sources.
Still I would maintain that your spiritual thoughts are quite balanced and not going on the extreme ends.
You get attracted by the sheer scale of the practices and the richness of the spiritual symbols. Your spiritual
growth seems to be quite positive.

Your Relationships:

Prodip, you are not someone who would like to trouble others. But if you are hurt, you may want to extract
revenge. However, you would take consolation by thinking that let the almighty punish the wrong doer.
This is how you would want to retreat yourself from the scene of conflict without getting one- on- one with
the other person. You should be able to enjoy an ideal family life, though there could be occasional friction,
which are normal. Your wife will be a homely person with all good qualities. Though there’s a possibility
that her sexual preferences could have been different during her youth. You would be good at keeping a
family well and taking care of them, inculcating good family values in them.

Your Fortune, Career & Profession

Your Fortune:

Prodip, you are likely to have a life with some ups and downs. You would observe upswings as well as
downfall the very next stage. That is to say that good fortune and misfortune keep coming to you without
any prior intimation. So you can’t exactly be termed as a wealthy or poverty stricken. When you enter a
field and start gaining monetarily, the reversal in fortune could be already in store for you. You are often
striving to come out of this unlucky phase and in those moments, the help you would receive would be
from the most unexpected quarters. And that would get you out of the tricky situation with a decent amount
of success too in all your undertakings. You would often wonder if you are under the spell of some bad
omen since your hard work and sincerity would have given you much better results otherwise.

The period up to 30 years of your life could see some unexpected circumstances on the family front and
also there could be some changes on the professional and academic field till that age. The period from 30 to
42 years will be your golden period when you would settle down in life. You could go on to accumulate
much wealth and achieve all around success in your field of business beyond 64 years of age.

Your Professional Life / Career:

Prodip, at your work place you follow strict discipline. You are not someone happy to be subordinating.
You would be either working for yourself or may like to work high up in hierarchy if working for others.
But you may have to undertake a lots of responsibilities before you can climb up the ladder of success.
Even if you are not someone who has loads of educational degrees to his name, you would still be a person
of well rounded knowledge. You could do well as an advisor as you have the knack of getting into a
disputed matter to resolve it. In terms of professional lines which would favour you would include those
which demand the skills of hand or some kind of handicraft. You could be practicing in professional
spheres which demand much physical activity.
Your Health

Your Health:

You could be prone to severe cough and cold, frequent emanation of water from your nose and clotting of
such fluids, and breathing issues. Skin problems and some kidney related issues could be present.

Additional observations about you

Please note: This section is based on basic analysis of your birth chart and is subject to other influences
that can be delineated only after an indepth analysis of your horoscope.

Some special Vedic Insights on you:

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As Parent: Prodip, it seems you are a perfectionist. You would never forget to file

fingernails of your child, iron their uniform, take them for regular dental checkups and so on. You pay
special attention to their studies. Your children never come to school without their homework finished.
Sometimes, you can be too critical of your kids. You would criticize their homework, the art project,
appearance, haircut, language, or eating manners. You tend to forget that criticism stays in the memory
long after the praise has vanished. You expect your children to be very studious and become star

As Child: You would be a perfectionist child too. You just don’t like doing things in the

wrong way. That is primarily the reason why you appear a little shy and detached. You should not have any
self-doubt. It is okay to make mistakes at times and no matter what, your parents love you. You are a very
responsible child and love to help your mom in household chores, it seems. You have a serving nature, so
when your mom assigns you a task, it makes you feel important and valued. It boosts your self-confidence
and self-worth.

As Lover: Prodip, as a lover, you can offer stability and security in a relationship, but you

may not know the art of wooing someone with cheesy and sentimental gestures. Deep down inside, you
want love story with all the unrealistic and idealistic flavors, but your staunch practical nature fights this
innate desire. You like to rush when it comes to love. You want to take it slow, really slow. Still, once you
fall for someone, you cannot hide it. Your eyes say it all. For you, love and marriage are synonymous with
duty and responsibility. Family life and kids complete you.

As Husband / Partner: As a husband, you are very dutiful and devoted. Family life and

fatherhood complete you. In fact, you make a very responsible father. It is a desire and necessity for you to
get complete respect from your wife and kids. Even small amounts of criticism from them can infuriate
you. You are boyishly sweet, but not showy, loud and cheerful. You are also dependable, loyal and reliable
partner and dutiful towards the family. You want to simplify and bring order to everything in your life. You
also like to keep your surroundings and home overly clean, tidy and arranged Prodip.

As Boss: You don’t have an aggressive, forceful temperament. You do not like to boss

around and control your employees with domineering attitude and authority. You are a gem of a person
while dealing with a crisis and complicated people. Even amid great tension and difficulties, you remain
patient and perseverant and find best solutions. You have a logical and analytical mind. You can handle
finances and manage facts and figures very well. You are a self-critic however, who is never satisfied with
his achievements and constantly challenges himself. You would be supportive and very generous with
payments if you like someone’s work.

Special Vedic Tips:

Lucky Gemstones: Depending on other factors gemstones - Emerald, Diamond and Yellow Sapphire may
be suitable for you.

The Vedic Analysis can be a stunning one when a competent Vedic astrologer reads your chart for you.
Typically such a reading involves making your detailed birth chart covering a number of readings &
combinations along with some unique Vedic yogas & planetary transits that are in operation. We can
recommend a special personal reading for you as per the two possible readings described below:

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2019 Horoscope Reading: detailed predictions in all key aspects of your life, as they shape up
your year 2019. It will cover the basic strength of your horoscope & level of luck in 2019. Areas like
Money matters & level of affluence; love & married life, health patterns are all covered in this twelve
month reading.
Read more | Order
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Detailed Life Reading: is a highly insightful reading to help remove mysteries & uncertainties
from life. Focusing on a specific period of your life, it prepares you for what's in store for you. You would
be ready for the upcoming opportunities and challenges in health, finance, career, love, marriage and
children. You can plan long-term with your Detailed Life Reading & take control of your life!
Read more | View Sample | Order
Your unique Karmic Cycle (based on Vimsottari dasa), representing the timeline of
dates which would describe your destiny:

Moon (10 Years) Mars (7 Years)

From: 13/01/1957 From: 13/01/1967
To: 13/02/1967 To: 13/01/1974
Moon - Mars 13/01/1967 - 10/06/1967
Mars - Rahu 10/06/1967 - 28/06/1968
Rahu - Jupiter 28/06/1968 - 04/06/1969
Jupiter - Saturn 04/06/1969 - 13/07/1970
Saturn 13/04/1961 - 13/11/1962 Mercury 13/07/1970 - 10/07/1971
Mercury 13/11/1962 - 13/04/1964 Ketu 10/07/1971 - 07/12/1971
Ketu 13/04/1964 - 13/11/1964 Venus 07/12/1971 - 07/02/1973
Venus 13/11/1964 - 13/07/1966 Sun 07/02/1973 - 13/06/1973
Sun 13/07/1966 - 13/01/1967 Moon 13/06/1973 - 13/01/1974

Rahu (18 Years) Jupiter (16 Years)

From: 13/01/1974 From: 13/01/1992
To: 13/01/1992 To: 13/01/2008
Rahu 13/01/1974 - 25/09/1976 Jupiter 13/01/1992 - 01/03/1994
Jupiter 25/09/1976 - 19/02/1979 Saturn 01/03/1994 - 13/09/1996
Saturn 19/02/1979 - 25/12/1981 Mercury 13/09/1996 - 19/12/1998
Mercury 25/12/1981 - 13/07/1984 Ketu 19/12/1998 - 25/11/1999
Ketu 13/07/1984 - 01/08/1985 Venus 25/11/1999 - 25/07/2002
Venus 01/08/1985 - 01/08/1988 Sun 25/07/2002 - 13/05/2003
Sun 01/08/1988 - 25/06/1989 Moon 13/05/2003 - 13/09/2004
Moon 25/06/1989 - 25/12/1990 Mars 13/09/2004 - 19/08/2005
Mars 25/12/1990 - 13/01/1992 Rahu 19/08/2005 - 13/01/2008

Saturn (19 Years) Mercury (17 Years)

From: 13/01/2008 From: 13/01/2027
To: 13/01/2027 To: 13/01/2044
Saturn 13/01/2008 - 16/01/2011 Mercury 13/01/2027 - 10/06/2029
Mercury 16/01/2011 - 25/09/2013 Ketu 10/06/2029 - 07/06/2030
Ketu 25/09/2013 - 04/11/2014 Venus 07/06/2030 - 07/04/2033
Venus 04/11/2014 - 04/01/2018 Sun 07/04/2033 - 13/02/2034
Sun 04/01/2018 - 16/12/2018 Moon 13/02/2034 - 13/07/2035
Moon 16/12/2018 - 16/07/2020 Mars 13/07/2035 - 10/07/2036
Mars 16/07/2020 - 25/08/2021 Rahu 10/07/2036 - 28/01/2039
Rahu 25/08/2021 - 01/07/2024 Jupiter 28/01/2039 - 04/05/2041
Jupiter 01/07/2024 - 13/01/2027 Saturn 04/05/2041 - 13/01/2044
Ketu (7 Years) Venus (20 Years)
From: 13/01/2044 From: 13/01/2051
To: 13/01/2051 To: 13/01/2071
Ketu 13/01/2044 - 10/06/2044 Venus 13/01/2051 - 13/05/2054
Venus 10/06/2044 - 10/08/2045 Sun 13/05/2054 - 13/05/2055
Sun 10/08/2045 - 16/12/2045 Moon 13/05/2055 - 13/01/2057
Moon 16/12/2045 - 16/07/2046 Mars 13/01/2057 - 13/03/2058
Mars 16/07/2046 - 13/12/2046 Rahu 13/03/2058 - 13/03/2061
Rahu 13/12/2046 - 01/01/2048 Jupiter 13/03/2061 - 13/11/2063
Jupiter 01/01/2048 - 07/12/2048 Saturn 13/11/2063 - 13/01/2067
Saturn 07/12/2048 - 16/01/2050 Mercury 13/01/2067 - 13/11/2069
Mercury 16/01/2050 - 13/01/2051 Ketu 13/11/2069 - 13/01/2071

Sun (6 Years)
From: 13/01/2071
To: 13/01/2077
Sun 13/01/2071 - 01/05/2071
Moon 01/05/2071 - 01/11/2071
Mars 01/11/2071 - 07/03/2072
Rahu 07/03/2072 - 01/02/2073
Jupiter 01/02/2073 - 19/11/2073
Saturn 19/11/2073 - 01/11/2074
Mercury 01/11/2074 - 07/09/2075
Ketu 07/09/2075 - 13/01/2076
Venus 13/01/2076 - 13/01/2077
Indianet Consultants,
D-19 & 31, South Extension - 1,
New Delhi - 110049, India.
Tel: +91 11 2465 4365

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