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Computational Materials Science 112 (2016) 333–341

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Editor’s Choice

Nonequilibrium free-energy calculation of solids using LAMMPS

Rodrigo Freitas a,⇑, Mark Asta a, Maurice de Koning b
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
Instituto de Física ‘‘Gleb Wataghin”, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, São Paulo 13083-859, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This article describes nonequilibrium techniques for the calculation of free energies of solids using molec-
Received 6 September 2015 ular dynamics (MD) simulations. These methods provide an alternative to standard equilibrium thermo-
Received in revised form 27 October 2015 dynamic integration methods and often present superior efficiency. Here we describe the
Accepted 30 October 2015
implementation in the LAMMPS (Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator) code of
two specific nonequilibrium processes that allow the calculation of the free-energy difference between
two different system Hamiltonians as well as the free-energy temperature dependence of a given
Hamiltonian, respectively. The theory behind the methods is summarized, and we describe (including
Nonequilibrium free-energy calculation
Molecular dynamics
fragments of LAMMPS scripts) how the process parameters should be selected to obtain the best-
LAMMPS possible efficiency in the calculations of free energies using nonequilibrium MD simulations. As an exam-
Reversible Scaling ple of the application of the methods we present results related to polymorphic transitions for a classical
potential model of iron.
Ó 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ferences between systems described by different Hamiltonians as

well as the temperature dependence of the free energy of a given
The calculation of free energies and derivative thermodynamic system Hamiltonian from a single nonequilibrium simulation.
quantities for condensed-phase systems is a common and We demonstrate their application to the calculation of free ener-
widespread application of atomistic simulation techniques. The gies of different crystalline structures for a classical interatomic
continuous improvement of methods and the steady increase in potential model of iron [4] and discuss extensions of the
computational power have enabled the efficient and reliable com- approaches to the calculations of interfacial free energies, which
putation of free energies for complex systems of interest in mate- can be readily undertaken using the methods implemented in
rials science, including extended defects and interfaces. Free- LAMMPS [5].
energy calculation methods have benefited substantially with the The paper has been organized as follows. In Section 2 we give a
introduction of nonequilibrium approaches such as the adiabatic short and self-contained presentation of the theoretical framework
switching [1] (AS) method, which allow the calculations to be per- underlying the nonequilibrium processes used to compute free-
formed along explicitly time-dependent processes that can lead to energy differences between equilibrium states. In Section 3 we
significant efficiency gains compared to standard equilibrium describe the implementation of these methods into LAMMPS, and
methods. Moreover, with the derivation of Jarzynski’s equality discuss how to optimize the parameters for efficiency, using bcc
the connection between equilibrium free-energy differences and iron as an example system. In Section 4 we describe the application
nonequilibrium processes has been placed on a firm theoretical of the methods to the study of polymorphism in iron and we end
basis [2]. with a summary and a discussion of the extension of the method-
In this paper we describe the implementation of state-of-the- ology to more complex crystalline systems as well as surfaces and
art nonequilibrium techniques for calculating free energies of interfaces in Section 5.
solids in the highly optimized LAMMPS [3] (Large-scale Atomic/
Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator) molecular dynamics code.
2. Nonequilibrium free-energy estimation
Specifically, we focus on two particular kinds of nonequilibrium
routes which, respectively, allow the calculation of free-energy dif-
Standard equilibrium free-energy calculations are often based
on thermodynamic integration (TI), [6,7] which is a general class
⇑ Corresponding author. of methods based on the construction of a sequence of equilibrium
E-mail address: (R. Freitas). states on a path between two thermodynamic states of interest.
0927-0256/Ó 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
334 R. Freitas et al. / Computational Materials Science 112 (2016) 333–341

The free-energy difference between two equilibrium states is then One of the challenges of standard equilibrium TI approaches is
determined by computing ensemble averages of the relevant ther- how to discretize the quasistatic path between the two states of
modynamic driving force for these states by means of a set of inde- interest. In addition to deciding on the number of states, it also
pendent equilibrium simulations, followed by numerical requires choosing how to distribute them over the path. Further-
integration. This approach embodies the thermodynamic equality more, every state requires a separate simulation, each of which
between the free-energy difference between two equilibrium should allow sufficient equilibration as well as ensemble averaging
states and the reversible work W rev that is done along a quasistatic time.
path that connects them. In the nonequilibrium approach discussed above, on the other
Nonequilibrium approaches, on the other hand, envision this hand, the entire process is sampled during a single simulation
path in terms of an explicitly time-dependent process. The rate and the closeness to equilibrium can be systematically assessed
at which this process is executed then determines the amount by by monitoring the convergence of Eq. (3) as a function of process
which it deviates from a quasistatic path. Jarzynski’s equality [2] rate. The characteristic that a desired free-energy value can be esti-
relates the work done along arbitrarily out-of-equilibrium pro- mated from a few relatively short simulations and that its conver-
cesses, starting from an equilibrated initial state, to the free- gence can be systematically verified render it an attractive
energy difference DF between this state and the equilibrium state alternative to the standard equilibrium TI methodology and often
at the end of the process. In contrast to a quasistatic path, however, gives substantially improved efficiency.
the work done in a nonequilibrium process is a stochastic variable
that differs for each realization and simulations provide a means 2.1. Nonequilibrium free-energy differences for a parameter-
for sampling its distribution function. Jarzynski’s equality then dependent Hamiltonian
connects this distribution to the free-energy difference DF between
the equilibrium states defined by the parameters at the two ends of Consider a system of N particles confined to a volume V and in
the path through thermal equilibrium with a heat reservoir at temperature T. The
Hamiltonian of the system is given by HðC; kÞ, where C ¼ ðr; pÞ is
expðbDFÞ ¼ expðbW irr Þ; ð1Þ
a point in the phase space of the particles in the system (atoms
where W irr is the irreversible work done along such a nonequilib- in the present context) and k is a parameter, a specific example
rium process and the overline denotes averaging over an ensemble of which will be given below. The Helmholtz free energy of this
of different realizations. While the equality is exact, its practical system, for a particular value of k, is FðN; V; T; kÞ ¼
application in free-energy calculations is often limited due the kB T ln ZðN; V; T; kÞ where kB is the Boltzmann constant and Z is
exponential average in Eq. (1), which may lead to very substantial the system’s canonical partition function given as an integral over
statistical uncertainties in its evaluation [8]. the entire phase-space volume:
Another way to relate DF to the irreversible work distribution is Z
by directly connecting its mean value to the true reversible work. ZðN; V; T; kÞ ¼ 3N
exp ½bHðC; kÞ; ð5Þ
One has h
where b ¼ 1=kB T, and h is Planck’s constant.
DF ¼ W rev ¼ W irr  Ediss ; ð2Þ
Let us consider the problem of calculating the free-energy dif-
where Ediss is the average dissipated heat generated for an ensemble ference between two thermodynamic states characterized by dif-
of replicas of the nonequilibrium process. Because of the second law ferent values of the parameter k (namely ki and kf ), i.e., our goal
of thermodynamics we have Ediss P 0, with the equality being valid is to calculate DFðN; V; TÞ  FðN; V; T; kf Þ  FðN; V; T; ki Þ. From now
on we will omit the dependence on N; V, and T when their values
only in the limit of an infinitely slow, quasistatic process. Instead of
the exponential average in Eq. (1), this relation involves a simple are clear from the context.
The desired free-energy difference can be computed by finding
mean of W irr values. This significantly reduces the statistical uncer-
tainties but the price to pay is the presence of the a priori unknown the derivative of the F with respect to k,
systematic error in the form of the dissipated heat Ediss . @F 1 dC @H @H
¼ exp ½bHðC; kÞ ¼ ; ð6Þ
However, provided that the nonequilibrium process is suffi- @k Z h @k
3N @k k
ciently ‘‘close” to the ideally quasistatic process for linear response
where h. . . ik is the canonical ensemble average for a specific value
theory to be valid, it can be shown that this systematic error
of the parameter k, and integrate it to obtain
becomes the same for two processes that are carried out in oppo-
site directions [9]. In other words, for a linear-response nonequilib- Z  
rium process connecting states 1 and 2, we have Ediss diss
1!2 ¼ E2!1 , from
DF ¼ Fðkf Þ  Fðki Þ ¼ dk
ki @k k ð7Þ
which it follows
 W rev
i!f :
DF  F 2  F 1
1  The integral on the right-hand side can be interpreted as the rever-
 W rev rev
1!2  W 2!1
2 sible work along a quasistatic process between the equilibrium
1 nh irr i h io ð3Þ states with the two k-values of interest. In the equilibrium TI
¼ W 1!2  Ediss irr diss
1!2  W 2!1  E1!2
2 approach, this integral is discretized on a grid of k-values and for
1h i
each value a separate equilibration simulation is executed.
¼ W irr irr
1!2  W 2!1 ;
2 In the nonequilibrium approach the integral in Eq. (7) is
eliminating the systematic error by combining the results of the for- estimated in terms of the irreversible work done along a single
ward and backward processes. Similarly, the magnitude of the dis- simulation in which k ¼ kðtÞ is explicitly time dependent and
sipation in this regime can be estimated by varied from ki to kf in a switching time ts ,
1h i dk @H

Ediss ¼ Ediss ¼ W irr irr W irr

i!f ¼ dt ; ð8Þ
1!2 2!1 1!2 þ W 2!1 : ð4Þ dt @k CðtÞ
2 0
R. Freitas et al. / Computational Materials Science 112 (2016) 333–341 335

where CðtÞ represents the phase-space trajectory of the system where x is the oscillator frequency and r0i is the equilibrium posi-
along the process. In practice, the integral in Eq. (8) is evaluated tion of particle i in system H0 . Its Helmholtz free energy is known
in terms of the sum analytically, namely,
N 1
@H x
W irr
i!f ¼ Dk k ; ð9Þ F E ðN; V; TÞ ¼ 3NkB T ln : ð15Þ
@k CðkDtÞ kB T

where Dt is the MD time step, k is the time step number, N is the By estimating the reversible work between these two states,
total number of time steps in which k varies from ki to kf and combining the results of forward and backward switching pro-
Dkk  kkþ1  kk is the discretization step of the switching parameter cesses (with kðt ¼ 0Þ ¼ 0 and kðt ¼ ts Þ ¼ 1 and the opposite for
k at time step k. the forward and backward processes, respectively), as described
As mentioned previously, due to the nonequilibrium character previously, the free energy of interest can be estimated as
of the process the average value of several realizations is subject 1 irr
to a systematic error due to the dissipated heat. But if the process F 0 ðN; V; TÞ ¼ F E ðN; V; TÞ þ W i!f  W irr
f!i : ð16Þ
is sufficiently slow for linear response theory to be accurate, it can
be eliminated by combining the results of forward and backward
2.3. Temperature dependence of the free energy: the Reversible Scaling
switching processes as described by Eqs. (3) and (4).
Finally, it is important to emphasize that, before the nonequilib-
rium process is initiated, the system should be equilibrated at
The Reversible Scaling (RS) path [11,12] is a particular paramet-
either ki or kf , depending on the sense of the switching process [2].
ric form of the Hamiltonian HðkÞ for which each value of k corre-
Next we discuss the application of two specific thermodynamic
sponds to a particular temperature of a given system
paths that allow the calculation of the free-energy difference
Hamiltonian H0 . In this way, applying the nonequilibrium free-
between two systems described by different Hamiltonians as well
energy approach allows the calculation of the temperature depen-
as the computation of the temperature variation of the free energy
dence of F 0 ðN; V; TÞ from a single constant temperature simulation.
for a given system Hamiltonian.
In the remainder of this section we present the key equations of
this method which was originally described in Ref. [11].
2.2. Free-energy difference between two systems: Frenkel–Ladd path
Consider again the Hamiltonian of the system of interest H0 ,
given by Eq. (13). Its free energy is given by
We choose the parametrical Hamiltonian HðkÞ to be of the par-
ticular form F 0 ðT 0 Þ ¼ kB T ln Q ðT 0 Þ þ 3NkB T 0 ln KðT 0 Þ
HðkÞ ¼ kHf þ ð1  kÞHi ; ð10Þ 2 1=2
where KðT 0 Þ ¼ ðh =2pmkB T 0 Þ is the thermal de Broglie wave-
where Hi and Hf represent two different system Hamiltonians. Set- length and
ting ki ¼ 0 and kf ¼ 1, respectively Eq. (7) represents the free- Z
energy difference between these systems, i.e., QðT 0 Þ ¼ d r exp ½UðrÞ=kB T 0  ð17Þ
Z 1
DF ¼ F f  F i ¼ dkhHf  Hi ik is the configurational part of the partition function.
0 ð11Þ We define the parametrical Hamiltonian HðkÞ by introducing a
 W rev
i!f ; scaling factor k in the potential energy function of H0 such that
and the corresponding forward irreversible work estimator is deter- XN
mined as HðkÞ ¼ þ kUðrÞ: ð18Þ
Z ts
W irr
i!f ¼ dt ½Hf ðCðtÞÞ  Hi ðCðtÞÞ: ð12Þ The configurational part of the partition function of the system
0 dt
described by HðkÞ is
The Frenkel–Ladd (FL) path [10] uses this concept for comput- Z
ing the absolute free energy of atomic solids. The initial Hamilto- d r exp ½kUðrÞ=kB T 0   Q ðT 0 =kÞ: ð19Þ
nian Hi in Eq. (10) is chosen to be that of the system of interest
for which we wish to compute the free energy, usually of the form Because of the similarity between the configurational partition
function of these two systems, Eqs. (17) and (19), one can show
p2i [11] that their free energies are related as
Hi  H0 ¼ þ UðrÞ ð13Þ
2m 1 3 ln k
F 0 ðTÞ ¼ FðT 0 ; kÞ þ NkB T 0 ð20Þ
k 2 k
where UðrÞ is some interaction potential and m is the particle mass. where T  T 0 =k, and FðT 0 ; kÞ is the free energy of the system HðkÞ for
We assume that at a certain temperature and volume we know that a specific value of the parameter k. Eq. (20) shows that each value of
the stable phase of this system is a certain solid structure (e.g., face- k in the scaled Hamiltonian HðkÞ at temperature T 0 corresponds to
centered cubic). As the second Hamiltonian in the path of Eq. (10) the system described by H0 at a temperature T ¼ T 0 =k.
we consider that of a system of noninteracting particles of mass With the scaled Hamiltonian of Eq. (18) we can apply the
m, each of which is attached to a lattice point by a 3-dimensional nonequilibrium approach (Eq. (8)) to estimate the irreversible
harmonic spring. The crystallographic lattice to which these parti- work done when kðtÞ is varied from kð0Þ ¼ 1 to kðts Þ ¼ kf during
cles are connected corresponds precisely to that of the equilibrium a single simulation performed at temperature T 0 :
phase of interest of system H0 . The Hamiltonian of this harmonic Z ts
reference system, known as an Einstein crystal, can be written as dk
W irr
1!kf ¼ dt U ðCðtÞÞ: ð21Þ
X p2i
1  2

Hf  HE ¼ þ mx2 ri  r0i ð14Þ Then, temperature dependence of the free energy of the system
2m 2
described by H0 is [11]
336 R. Freitas et al. / Computational Materials Science 112 (2016) 333–341

F 0 ðT 0 Þ 3 ln k 1 h irr i
interest. One effective and popular strategy [7] is to measure the
F 0 ðTÞ ¼ þ NkB T 0 þ W 1!k  W irr
k!1 ; ð22Þ
k 2 k 2k mean-squared displacement hðDrÞ2 i of atoms in the system (iron
in this case), and use the equipartition theorem to obtain
from which it becomes clear that F 0 ðTÞ can be calculated for all
temperatures between T 0 and T 0 =kf using the irreversible work esti- 1 3 3kB T
khðDrÞ2 i ¼ kB T ) k ¼ : ð23Þ
mated along a single nonequilibrium path. 2 2 hðDrÞ2 i
Notice that in the application of Eq. (22), we start from knowl-
edge of FðT 0 Þ: the free energy at the reference temperature T 0 In LAMMPS the mean-squared displacement can be easily cal-
obtained previously using, for example, the Frenkel–Ladd path pre- culated using the compute msd command and saving the fourth
sented in the last section. value in the output array (also named msd here):

compute 1 all msd com yes

3. Calculation of bulk free energy variable msd equal c 1½4

Notice that it is important to compute the spring constant using a

In this section we describe the implementation of the methods simulation with exactly the same size and temperature as those
described above in the widely used Molecular Dynamics code intended to be used for the Frenkel–Ladd simulation. The reason
LAMMPS [3]. We demonstrate the application of the methods to is that the chosen spring constant is strongly related to the phonon
the calculation of the temperature-dependent free energy of a spectrum of the system, which is affected both by temperature and
body-centered-cubic solid described by an embedded-atom- system size.
method (EAM) [13] many-body interatomic potential model of iron For the results presented here we have chosen a cubic simula-
developed by Meyer and Entel [4]. Free energies are calculated at tion box with 18  18  18 bcc unit cells, or 11; 664 atoms. The
zero pressure for a range of temperatures between 100 and equilibrium lattice parameter obtained at T 0 ¼ 100 K was aðT 0 Þ ¼
1600 K; the Frenkel–Ladd path is used to compute the reference 2
2:8841ð1Þ Å and the spring constant was kðT 0 Þ ¼ 5:787ð1Þ eV= Å .
free energy at T 0 ¼ 100 K, and RS to extend the calculations up to
A cautionary remark about the simulations at constant temper-
T ¼ 1600 K. All simulations are performed using the nonequilib-
ature is to avoid the so-called ‘‘flying ice cube” problem [16]. This
rium approach described in the previous section.
problem arises when the thermostat used in the Molecular Dynam-
ics simulation is allowed to act on the center-of-mass degrees of
3.1. Preparation for Frenkel–Ladd path freedom and this bias is not removed when measuring the system
temperature. If the thermostat is allowed to act on the center-of-
Before we run the simulations for the FL path some initial sim- mass degrees of freedom the entire system can eventually obtain
ulations must be performed. First, benchmark simulations were a total drift velocity which contributes to the kinetic energy –
performed in a microcanonical (NVE) ensemble using different val- and therefore to the measured temperature – but does not effec-
ues for the timesteps (Dt) to check the energy conservation of the tively raise the real temperature of the system, which should be
Velocity Verlet integrator for this EAM potential, leading to the measured considering only the internal degrees of freedom. There-
choice of a value of Dt ¼ 1 fs for the subsequent simulations. All fore, for all simulations we keep the center of mass fixed and do
the further simulations require a thermostat to keep the tempera- not allow the thermostat to add energy to it. Although there is
ture constant. We have chosen the Langevin thermostat [14] for more than one way to achieve this in LAMMPS, an effective and
this purpose. precise manner for doing this for the simulations we consider is
Although we will be computing the Gibbs free energy at P ¼ 0, to: (1) compute the temperature using only internal degrees of
the FL simulations need to be run in an ensemble with fixed vol- freedom, (2) make sure no fix changes the center-of-mass position,
ume instead of fixed pressure. This is necessary because the Ein- (3) start with zero total drift velocity. For example, we can enforce
stein crystal is a system of independent particles and does not the fix nph to expand and contract the simulation box around the
allow the computation of pressure (via the virial pressure equation initial center-of-mass coordinates so that it does not change it:
for example [7]). Consequently, the equilibrium volume (or lattice
variable xcm equal xcmðall; xÞ
parameter) of the system must first be calculated when the system
is in equilibrium at the desired temperature and pressure. To cal- variable ycm equal xcmðall; yÞ
culate the lattice parameter we ran a simulation at T 0 ¼ 100 K variable zcm equal xcmðall; zÞ
using a barostat [15] to keep the system at zero hydrostatic pres- fix f1 all nph aniso 0:0 0:0 1:0 &
sure. In LAMMPS this is done by using the fix commands: fixedpoint $fxcmg $fycmg $fzcmg
fix 1 all nph aniso 0:0 0:0 1:0 We also force the barostat and thermostat to compute the temper-
fix 2 all langevin 100 100 0:1 999 ature after excluding the center-of-mass contribution with:

Recalling that the FL path involves a reference system com- fix f2 all langevin 100:0 100:0 0:1 999 zero yes
posed of harmonic oscillators, the value of the corresponding compute c1 all temp=com
spring constant (k ¼ mx2 ) in Eq. (14) must be specified. Even fix modify f1 temp c1
though, in principle, the FL path works for any value of k, in prac- fix modify f2 temp c1
tice different values change its efficiency considerably. This hap-
pens because the energy dissipation during the switching process Notice how we have explicitly used the zero yes option for the
(Eq. (2)) is sensitive to how different the Hamiltonians H0 and HE Langevin thermostat so that it does not add a drift when ther-
are during the switching. If we want to keep them as close as pos- mostatting the system.
sible to each other when HðkÞ is changed according to Eq. (10), then
it is desirable to choose the reference Einstein crystal to be as sim- 3.2. Frenkel–Ladd path in LAMMPS
ilar as possible to the system described by H0 . Thus, we choose a
spring constant k which results in vibrational frequencies as close Now that we have the equilibrium lattice constant and the opti-
as possible to the characteristic vibrational spectrum of the solid of mal spring constant at T 0 ¼ 100 K we can use the Frenkel–Ladd
R. Freitas et al. / Computational Materials Science 112 (2016) 333–341 337

path to compute the free energy. This is a constant temperature the FL path. Ten independent switching realizations were per-
and volume simulation which uses the fix ti/spring command formed so that we could obtain an estimate for the statistical error.
that we have implemented recently in LAMMPS. This fix works Eq. (16) was used to compute the free energy and the correction for
by performing the time-dependent switching between the Hamil- the fixed center of mass (Eq. (24)) was included. Fig. 1 shows how
tonian of the EAM iron potential and the Einstein crystal, as given the computed free energy converges with increasing the switching
in Eq. (10). The fix syntax is time t s . In particular we see that the combination of the forward and
backward paths (Eq. (16)) is extremely efficient in eliminating the
fix f ID g ID ti=spring k t s t eq ½function n
systematic error of the nonequilibrium approach. With a switching
where f_ID is the fix ID name (used by other commands that refer time as short as 300 MD steps the unbiased estimate given by Eq.
to this fix or the quantities it computes), g_ID is the group ID of the (16) differs from a switching using 2  106 MD steps by about
group of atoms this fix acts on, ti/spring is the fix name, k is the 102 meV=atom. Using t s ¼ 2 ns we arrived at a free energy of
spring constant of the Einstein crystal used (in the units defined in GðT 0 ¼ 100 KÞ ¼ 4:2631147ð1Þ eV=atom. Also, the statistical fluc-
the simulation script), t_s is the switching time for the full switch tuations associated with the stochastic nature of the irreversible
between H0 and HE (in number of timesteps), t_eq is the number of work estimators are so small that the corresponding error bars
timesteps the system is allowed to equilibrate before the switching are smaller than the symbols used in the plot.
procedure begins, and [function n] is an optional keyword used
to select the time-dependence functional form of the coupling 3.3. Reversible Scaling in LAMMPS
parameter kðsÞ, where s is the fraction of the total switching time
elapsed. We now use the value of GðT 0 Þ at zero pressure obtained with
The ti/spring fix changes the system Hamiltonian and the k the Frenkel–Ladd path as the reference point for the RS integration
parameter in Eq. (10) as follows: (Eq. (22)). This simulation is run with a thermostat to keep the
temperature constant at T 0 and a barostat to maintain zero hydro-
1. For the first t_eq timesteps after the fix command was declared static pressure. Once again we choose the Langevin thermostat
the k value will be zero to allow the system to equilibrate using [14] and the fix nph as barostat, taking the precautions discussed
the H0 Hamiltonian. in Section 3.1 to enforce a fixed center of mass. During the switch-
2. After that, during the next t_s timesteps the k value will change ing the system Hamiltonian has a scaled potential energy kUðrÞ and
gradually from k ¼ 0 to k ¼ 1 so that at the end of t_s steps the k varies from ki ¼ 1 to kf during the simulation. According to Eq.
system effective Hamiltonian is HE . kðsÞ varies with s according (22) this gives us the Gibbs free-energy temperature dependence
to the chosen function. This is the ‘‘forward” part of the from T 0 to T 0 =kf at P ¼ 0.
simulation. The scaling of the interatomic potential was obtained in
3. The value of k is then fixed at k ¼ 1 for t_eq steps. This is to LAMMPS using the fix adapt. This command allows us to easily
allow the system to reach equilibrium in the HE Hamiltonian. change simulation parameters over time, in our case the parameter
4. Now for t_s steps k will change back from k ¼ 1 to k ¼ 0 will be k. To introduce k as a variable that multiplies the potential
according to the kðsÞ function chosen. This is the ‘‘backward” energy function we use:
part of the simulation.
5. From now on the system Hamiltonian is H0 and the fix has no fix f3 all adapt 1 pair eam scale   v lambda:
The syntax of this command is as follows: f3 is the fix ID, all is the
Two functional forms for kðsÞ are possible. The first one is a sim- group ID of the atoms which the fix acts on, adapt is the name of
ple linear form kðsÞ ¼ s and is specified by the keyword function the fix, 1 is to indicate the fix will be called every timestep, pair
1. The second option [17] is eam scale is the option to define that the parameter which will
 be changing over time will multiply (scale) the interatomic poten-
kðsÞ ¼ s5 70s4  315s3 þ 540s2  420s þ 126 tial of type EAM, ⁄ ⁄ indicates that the interaction between all atoms
types pairs will be affected, and finally v_lambda identifies that the
and is chosen by the keyword function 2. This function was
implemented because it has a vanishing slope at the end of the
switching process, i.e., dk=ds ! 0 as s ! 0 or s ! 1. It has been
shown [17] that functional forms of this type result in a less dissi- −4.258
pative switching process. 2 × 106 steps (2 ns)
Because the MD simulations are performed with the constraint −4.260
of fixed center of mass, we need to modify Eq. (16) to account for Forward
G (100K) (eV/atom)

this constraint. In a first order approximation [18], the correction Backward

due to the fixed center of mass can be made by adding to the
right-hand side of Eq. (16) the term
"  3=2 # −4.264
N 2pkB T
dF CM ¼ kB T ln ð24Þ
V Nmx2 −4.266

where N is the number of atoms and V is the system total volume.

Notice that this contribution vanishes in the thermodynamic limit −4.268
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
as ln N=N per particle. ts (MDsteps)
We have performed the forward and backward Frenkel–Ladd
switching procedures in a cubic 18  18  18 simulation cell Fig. 1. Convergence of the nonequilibrium approach using a Frenkel–Ladd path to
(11; 664 atoms) at T 0 ¼ 100 K using a spring constant of compute the free energy per atom of the bcc phase of pure iron. The systematic
2 error introduced by the dissipation inherent of the nonequilibrium approach is
k ¼ 5:787 eV= Å . We have chosen an equilibration time of easily eliminated by averaging the results of the forward and backward switching
t eq ¼ 0:1 ns before starting the nonequilibrium switching along directions.
338 R. Freitas et al. / Computational Materials Science 112 (2016) 333–341

time-dependent variable which scales the interatomic potential is −4.97

lambda. 2 × 106 (2 ns)
At this point it is worth commenting on why the fix adapt is −4.98 Average
used instead of developing a simpler fix ti/rs with a syntax sim- Forward

G (1600K)(eV/atom)
ilar to the one presented in Section 3.2 for ti/spring. During the −4.99 Backward
RS path we keep the pressure constant with the Parrinello-Rahman
[15,19] barostat given by fix nph. This barostat effectively changes −5.00
the equations of motion to be integrated [20] and a new integrator
algorithm [21] is applied when this fix is invoked. If we naively −5.01
scaled the energy and forces by k during a determined step of this
integrator the effect of the barostat degrees of freedom on the par- −5.02
ticles would be scaled as well. Therefore, the correct strategy to
perform the scaling inside the code is to change the interatomic 0 20 40 60 80 100
potential directly, which can only be accomplished by the fix 3
ts (10 MD steps)
adapt. Note that the Frenkel–Ladd path implementation (ti/
spring) does not suffer this same shortfall since the thermostat Fig. 2. Convergence of the nonequilibrium approach using a Reversible Scaling path
(fix langevin) does not require a different integrator. Thus, to compute the free energy per atom of the bcc phase of pure iron. The reference
point for the RS path was at T 0 ¼ 100 K and P ¼ 0, we show the free energy at the
declaring the fix ti/spring before the fix langevin is sufficient
end of the RS path (at 1600 K and P ¼ 0) where the effects of the energy dissipation
to ensure that the code performs the interpolation of the many- are more relevant. The systematic error introduced by the dissipation inherent of
body interatomic potential (Eq. (10)) before the system is the nonequilibrium approach is easily eliminated by averaging the results of the
thermostatted. forward and backward switching directions.
The scaling parameter kðsÞ was varied during the simulation
according to the function
1 Reversible Scaling
kðsÞ ¼  :
1 þ s k1
f 1 G (P = 0 ,T ) (eV/atom) −4.4
This specific function was used because it results in a constant rate
of change of T with s. While it is possible that other functional −4.6
forms for kðtÞ lead to smaller dissipation, in practice this particu-
larly simple form has been found to give quickly converging results −4.8
for RS calculations and we use it for all such calculations reported in
this paper. The functional form given above for the parameter kðsÞ is
−5.0 GFL(1600K)= −4.99864(1) eV/atom
obtained in LAMMPS by defining a variable:
GRS(1600K) = −4.99886(3) eV/atom
variable lambda equal & −5.2
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
1=ð1 þ elapsed=$ft sg  ð1=$flfg  1ÞÞ
T (K)
where t_s is the switching time t s and lf is kf .
Fig. 3. Free energy per atom of the bcc phase of pure iron at zero pressure. The
One may ask, how to choose the reference temperature T 0 for
reference point for the RS path was at T 0 ¼ 100 K and P ¼ 0. The FL calculations at
the RS path? In principle the results obtained are independent of other temperatures were used to verify the agreement against the RS result at high
the value of T 0 chosen. However, low temperatures usually result temperatures.
in better precision and rapid convergence of the Frenkel–Ladd
path. Of course, if the purpose is to compare the results of simula-
tions to experimental measurements then the classical simulation region of interest, reducing dissipation and increasing the precision
results should be considered only for temperatures above the of the final result [22].
Debye temperature.
The RS path chosen was such that ki ¼ 1 and kf ¼ 0:0625. 4. Iron polymorphism
According to Eq. (22) this gives us the free-energy temperature
dependence from T 0 ¼ 100 K to T 0 =kf ¼ 1600 K at P ¼ 0. Once The formalism described in this article provides an efficient
again we equilibrate the system for t eq ¼ 0:1 ns before starting framework for computing the free energies of crystalline solids
the switching and performed ten independent forward and back- described by classical interatomic potential models. Such calcula-
ward simulations to estimate the statistical error and the dissipa- tions are useful in many contexts in computational materials
tion (according to Eq. (4)). In Fig. 2 we show the convergence of science. For example, a central issue in the modeling of crystalline
the free energy at T 0 =kf ¼ 1600 K, at the end of the RS path, where solids is polymorphism, i.e., the thermodynamic stability of crys-
the cumulative dissipation effects are the largest. With a nonequi- talline phases with different crystal structures as a function of tem-
librium switching as short as 4  104 MD steps we are able to perature. Many materials used in engineering applications display
reproduce the free energy curve from 100 K to 1600 K with a pre- polymorphism, such as iron which is bcc at low and high temper-
cision of 1 meV=atom. ature and fcc at intermediate temperatures, or zirconia which
In Fig. 3 we reproduce the temperature dependence curve for a transforms from a low-symmetry monoclinic structure at low T
switching time of t s ¼ 2:0 ns. We have also run additional Frenkel– to a cubic fluorite structure at high T. In many applications of ato-
Ladd simulations at T ¼ 400; 700; 1000; 1300; and 1600 K to check mistic simulations to the study of such materials, it is important
the agreement between both paths, which is shown to be excellent. that the interatomic potential model underlying the studies repro-
We have chosen to compute the free-energy curve over a wide duce the stability of the desired phase or phases over a given tem-
range of temperatures for the purpose of illustrating how the path perature range. In other words, it is useful to characterize the
works. This is not necessary and the RS path can be used more effi- relative stability of competing phases as a function of temperature
ciently by traversing only a narrow temperature range near the as predicted by a given interatomic potential. We demonstrate the
R. Freitas et al. / Computational Materials Science 112 (2016) 333–341 339

application of the nonequilibrium formalism to such calculations (a) −4.9980

in this section, considering again the EAM potential for Fe devel-
oped in Ref. [4]. We note that this potential was not fit to repro-
duce experimentally-observed solid-state phase transitions in

G (N ) (eV/atom)
iron and indeed it is expected to be necessary to include explicitly
magnetic degrees of freedom in the potential for this purpose −4.9990
[23,24]. Thus, it is not expected for the potential to reproduce
experimentally measured phase diagrams, and we use it here only −4.9995
to highlight the application of the nonequilibrium approach for-
malism to the study of polymorphism for a given interatomic -4.99843 eV/atom
potential. ±0.2 meV/atom
4.1. Free-energy size dependence −5.0005
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
number of atoms ( ×10 3)
In this example we will consider the free energies of bcc, fcc and
hcp crystal structures for the EAM potential of Fe given in Ref. [4]. 10−1
Before presenting the free-energy results, we discuss system-size ∝ 1/N
effects. All methods presented in this paper are designed to com- Gbcc

G (∞) − G(N ) (eV/atom)

pute the vibrational free energy. Therefore, in addition to the cen- 10−2
ter of mass term (Eq. (24)), the size effects are due to the cutoff in
the phonon spectrum introduced by the finite lattice size.
Following the procedure described in Section 3.2 we computed 10−3
the free energy of the bcc phase at 1600 K for cubic simulation
boxes with M  M  M unit cells where M ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; 30. The lar-
gest system considered had N ¼ 54; 000 atoms. The analysis of 10−4
finite size effects in crystalline solids [18] has shown that, after
considering the correction due to the fixed center of mass (Eq.
(24)), the free energy per atom converges with leading term 1=N. 10−5
101 102 103 104 105
The result for the convergence of the free energy of the bcc struc-
ture with the number of atoms is shown in Fig. 4(a), where the number of atoms (N)
dashed line indicates an estimate of the thermodynamic limit, Fig. 4. (a) Free-energy convergence with system size for the bcc structure at 1600 K
obtained from an asymptotic analysis of the free energy as a func- and zero pressure. The chosen accuracy was within ±0:2 meV=atom of the free
tion of 1=N (Fig. 4(b)). Based on similar simulations for the fcc and energy in the thermodynamic limit. (b) We obtained an estimate for the free energy
hcp structures we determined that, to converge the solid free ener- per atom in the thermodynamic limit, Gð1Þ, by making an asymptotic analysis
which has shown that the free energy, GðNÞ, converges with leading term 1=N, in
gies to an accuracy of 0:2 meV=atom, the minimum system size agreement with analytical calculations [18].
was 18  18  18 (11; 664 atoms) for the bcc lattice, 14  14  14
(10; 976 atoms) for the fcc lattice, and 19  11  12 (10; 032 atoms)
for the hcp lattice. Notice that because of the lack of cubic symme- 30
try for the hcp structure the RS simulations have to be run with a ΔGFL(1600 K) = 15.99(1) meV/atom
ΔG = Gbcc − Gfcc (meV/atom)

barostat that controls the stress along each direction indepen- 20 ΔGRS(1600 K) = 15.86(3) meV/atom
dently. This can be easily achieved in LAMMPS by selecting the
aniso option in the fix npt command: 10

fix f1 all nph aniso 0:0 0:0 1:0

T = 487K
4.2. Results and discussion −10 Reversible Scaling
Equilibrium TI (Ref.[25])
The method for computing the free-energy curves of each phase −20 Frenkel-Ladd
is exactly the same as the method used in Section 3 to compute the ΔG(T0)
free energy of the bcc phase, shown in Fig. 3. −30
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
We repeated the procedure above for the bcc, fcc, and hcp struc-
T (K)
tures. The system size was 18  18  18 (11; 664 atoms) for the bcc
phase, 14  14  14 (10; 976 atoms) for the fcc phase, and Fig. 5. Free-energy difference between the bcc and fcc phases of iron. The bcc phase
19  11  12 (10; 032 atoms) for the hcp phase. The reference tem- is stable below 487 K while fcc is stable above it. The nonequilibrium approach
perature was taken at T 0 ¼ 100 K and the switching times for all discussed in this work agrees with the free-energies calculated using standard
equilibrium thermodynamic integration techniques from Ref. [25], shown as orange
thermodynamic integration methods was t s ¼ 2 ns. To verify the
squares here. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
result of the RS simulations at temperatures T > T 0 we have per- reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
formed extra Frenkel–Ladd simulations at T ¼ 400; 700; 1000;
1300; and 1600 K. Fig. 5 shows the free-energy difference between
the bcc and fcc phases. From this figure we see that this potential use the fixed center-of-mass correction or account for errors due
predicts that the bcc ! fcc transition occurs at a temperature of finite-size effects, we can estimate the corrections due these two
T bcc!fcc ¼ 487 K, almost 2:5 times lower than the experimental effects using Eq. (24) and Fig. 4. Our estimate is that this error in
result of 1183 K. We also show in Fig. 5 that our results calculated DG (Fig. 5) could be from ±0:5 meV=atom to ±3:4 meV=atom, which
using the nonequilibrium approach agree within the error bars with is smaller or of the same order of magnitude as their error bars.
the free-energy difference calculated independently using equilib- In Fig. 6 we show free-energy difference between the fcc and
rium TI techniques [25]. Although the authors in Ref. [25] did not the hcp phases, from which we see that hcp is more stable than
340 R. Freitas et al. / Computational Materials Science 112 (2016) 333–341

fcc for the entire analyzed temperature range. Although hcp is a cles with very different vibrational frequencies, the use of two dif-
known stable phase of Fe at high pressures, it is not observed to ferent spring constants may significantly enhance the accuracy of
be thermodynamically stable at zero pressure. Thus, the EAM the FL path without adding any extra computational cost. Specifi-
potential from Ref. [4] does not predict the correct phase stability cally, appropriate spring constants for different atomic species can
of Fe above the bcc ! hcp transition temperature of 440 K, which be determined by monitoring the average mean-squared displace-
could have important consequences for applications of this poten- ments for each of them using Eq. (23). It should be noted that in
tial in atomistic simulations above this temperature. The formal- applications of the formalism presented in this paper to systems
ism described in this paper and its implementation in LAMMPS with more than one chemical species, the calculated free energy
provides a straightforward framework for testing phase stability includes only vibrational contributions for a given atomic configu-
for other interatomic potential models for solids that may display ration. The contributions from configurational entropy must be
polymorphic phase transitions below the melting point. included separately through mean-field statistical-mechanical
models or Monte-Carlo simulations. The same nonequilibrium
methods can also be applied to compute the free energy of fluid-
5. Summary and discussion
phase systems. Instead of using an Einstein solid as a reference sys-
tem, an appropriate Frenkel–Ladd path for this case may involve a
In this paper a detailed account has been presented of the use of
purely repulsive potential such as the inverse-power soft-sphere
state-of-the-art nonequilibrium simulation methods to compute
fluid, for which accurate virial equations of state are available
free energies of solids in LAMMPS using the Frenkel–Ladd [10]
[12]. The applicability of the RS path, on the other hand, remains
and Reversible Scaling [11] paths. The approach was demonstrated
precisely the same compared to the case of a solid-phase system.
in free energy calculations for different polymorphs (fcc, bcc, and
The methods outlined in this paper can also be extended to sys-
hcp) in a classical potential model of iron [4]. It was demonstrated
tems with point and extended defects, including surfaces and
that a precision of tenths of meV/atom or better can be achieved in
interfaces, to compute the excess free energies associated with
nonequilibrium simulations for systems containing on the order of
these crystal imperfections. As a specific example, in Section 3
10; 000 atoms (or more) using switching times on the order of 106 the calculation of the free energy of a simple solid composed of
MD steps. Switching times as short as 4  104 steps for the RS path N particles was described; the resulting free energy can be referred
or 300 steps for the FL path are shown to be sufficient to achieve an to as F bulk . Consider now another system with N particles organized
accuracy of 1 meV=atom. in the same crystalline lattice, but now the system also has a sur-
The implementation of the nonequilibrium simulation methods face of total area A. With the procedure presented in Section 3 the
in LAMMPS presented in this manuscript provides considerable free energy of this system, F surf , can be computed. The presence of
flexibility in extending the technique to study more complex prop- the surface increases the free energy of the system with respect the
erties. For example, although the applications presented above are free energy of F bulk by cA, where c is the surface free energy per
for simple solids only, the implementation of the formalism in unit area. Hence, the total free energy of the system is
LAMMPS can be used to compute the vibrational contributions to F surf ¼ F bulk þ cA, and the surface free energy of the specific surface
the free energy of A–B compounds or alloy solid solutions with dif- orientation considered can be computed as c ¼ ðF surf  F bulk Þ=A.
ferent atom types. In such applications, if the vibrational frequen- Applications of this approach to the study of surface free energies
cies of the different atom types differ strongly, it may be will be presented in a forthcoming article, where it is demon-
advantageous to assign different spring constants, kA and kB , for strated that sufficient precision can be achieved with the nonequi-
the species A and B. This can be accomplished by using two sepa- librium approach to enable accurate calculations of defect free
rate commands when calling the Frenkel–Ladd routines: energies from this procedure, even though it involves subtraction
of relatively large numbers. Note that in this example the surface
fix f3 group A ti=spring $fk Ag $ft sg $ft eqg could be substituted by another general interface such as a grain
fix f4 group B ti=spring $fk Bg $ft sg $ft eqg boundary. In such calculations, it is important that the defect
remain structurally ordered at the temperatures where FL path is
where group_A (group_B) is a group containing only A (B) atoms. applied, as the presence of structural disorder that evolves during
The variables t_s and t_eq contain the switching and equilibration the switching (e.g., due to premelting or the dynamic formation of
time respectively. In cases where the system is composed of parti- interfacial point defects) leads to increased irreversibility in the
nonequilibrium approach. For such applications an appropriate
strategy would be to apply the FL path at relatively low tempera-
tures where the interface remains structurally ordered, and per-
ΔGFL(1600K) =1 .38(1) meV/atom
form the RS approach to compute temperature dependences of
ΔG = Gfcc − Ghcp (meV/atom)

2.5 ΔGRS(1600K) =1 .40(3) meV/atom the interfacial free energies up to higher temperatures where
structural disorder may be present.
2.0 The formalism presented in this work also provides an efficient
framework for performing automated calculations of the free ener-
1.5 gies of simple solids that we expect will be useful in the develop-
ment and benchmarking of classical interatomic potential models.
1.0 For example, scripts can be readily developed employing the com-
Reversible Scaling mands outlined above to enable automated calculations of the free
0.5 Frenkel-Ladd energies of typical crystal structures for a given potential model.
ΔG(T0) This can be useful, to understand the bulk thermodynamic proper-
0.0 ties and phase stability predicted by the potential model prior to its
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
application in the simulation of more complex phenomena that
T (K) may be affected by these properties. One could also envision appli-
cations of the above formalism for tabulating such data for all
Fig. 6. Free-energy difference between the fcc and hcp phases of iron. The hcp
phase is more stable than the fcc at all temperature below the melting point. potentials available on community repositories [26], to guide
Therefore, this potential does not reproduce the correct phase stability of iron. selection of a particular potential for a given application.
R. Freitas et al. / Computational Materials Science 112 (2016) 333–341 341

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