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To factor a polynomial over the set of integers means to express the given poly-
nomial as the product of polynomials whose coefficients are integers. For exam-
ple, since 2(x + y) = 2x + 2y, the polynomial 2x + 2y can be written in factored
form as 2(x + y). The monomial 2 is a factor of each term of the polynomial
2x + 2y. Therefore, 2 is called a cormnon monomial factor of the polynomial
2x + 2y.
To factor a polynomial, we look first for the greatest common monomial
factor, that is the greatest monomial that is a factor of each term of the poly-
For example:
1. Factor 4rs + 8st. There are many common factors of 4rs and 8st such
as 2, 4, 2s, and 4s. The greatest common monomial factor is 4s. We divide
4rs + 8st by 4s to obtain the quotient r + 2t, which is the second factor.
Therefore, the polynomial 4rs + 8st = 4s(r + 20.
Z. Factor 3x + 4y. We notice that 1 is the only common factor of 3x and 4y,
so the second factor is 3x + 4y. We say that 3x + 4y is a prime polynomial
A polynomial with integers as coefficients is a prime polynomial if its only
factors are 1 and the polynomial itself.

To factor a polynomial whose terms have a common monomial factor:

I. Find the greatest monomial that is a factor each term of the polynomial.
2. Divide the polynomial by the factor found in step I .The quotient is the
other factor.
3. Express the polynomial as the product of the two factors.

We can check by multiplying the factors to obtain the original polynomial.

EXAMPLE I itie-T4AISMIN:tirtialrAktia

Write in factored form: 6c3 d — 12c2 cP + 3cd.

Solution (1) 3cd is the greatest common factor of 6c 3 d, —12c 2 d2 , and 3cd.
(2) To find the other factor, divide 6c 3 d — 12c 2 d2 + 3cd by 3cd.
(6c3d — 12c 2 d2 + 3c d) + 3 c d = c:112 +

= 2e2 — 4cd + 1

Answer 3cd(2c 2 — 4cd + 1)

Writing About Mathematics

1. Ramon said that the factored form of 3a + 6a 2 + 15a 3 is 3a(2a + 5a 2) Do you agree with
Ramon? Explain why or why not.

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Developing Skills
In 3-29, write each expression in factored form.

3. 2a + 2b S. bx + by 7. 4x + 8); 9. 12x - 18y 11. Sr + 16

2) .10 Cx-‘-‘13 cx 8 CX+2,-)

13. 6 - 18c 15. 2x2 + 3y 4 3y2 21. 177-2 +

19. 2x 4x3

GO -It, XeLK-k-S 2 y a (Noe 2..)c C - I cr at.

23. 3a 2 - 9 25. 3ab 2 - 6a2b 27. 3x2 - 6x - 30

29. 9ab 2 - 6th - 3a

*2 -3) 3c,\D b - 3CctL 2.n -1

Applying Skills

31. The lengths of the parallel sides of a trapezoid are represented by a and b and its height by
Ii . The area of the trapezoid can be written as ah + lbh. Express this area as the product of
two factors.
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