Traffic Engineering and Management PDF

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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203



Regulation – 2013

Academic Year 2017 – 18

Prepared by
Mr.T.R.Banu Chander, Assistant Professor/CIVIL

Mr.E.S.Dinesh Babu, Assistant Professor/CIVIL

Mr.N.Arunprakash, Assistant Professor/ CIVIL
SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.




Road Characteristics – Road user characteristics – PIEV theory – Vehicle – Performance characteristics –
Fundamentals of Traffic Flow – Urban Traffic problems in India – Integrated planning of town ,country , regional
and all urban infrastructure – Towards Sustainable approach. – land use & transport and modal integration.

Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Define Traffic Engineering BT 1 Remembering
2. State the basic components in Traffic engineering. BT 2  Understanding 
3. What is the growth rate of vehicles in Indian condition BT 2  Understanding 
4. What are considered to overcome the resistance of motion of vehicles? BT 3  Applying 
5. What are the various vehicular characteristics affecting the road design? BT 5  Evaluating
6. In braking test, vehicle travelling at a speed of 80Kmph was stopped by BT 4  Analyzing
7. Write the five critical components interact in a traffic system BT 1 Remembering
8. State the static and dynamic characteristics of vehicle. BT 1  Remembering
9. What are the factors which affect the characteristics of road users? BT 1  Remembering
10. How does age of the driver influence driving behavior? BT 5  Evaluating
11. What is meant by cone of vision? BT 1 Remembering
12. What are the psychological human factors governing road user behavior? BT 2  Understanding
13. What are the various resistances to the motion of a vehicle? BT 2  Understanding 
14. What is the significance of braking test? BT 3 Applying
15. What are the factors affecting PRT? BT 3 Applying
16. What is off tracking? BT 4 Analyzing
17. List out any eight major traffic problems of roads traffic BT 1 Remembering
18. What are the various traffic studies? BT 4 Analyzing
19. What are the interactions between land use and traffic characteristics? BT 6  Creating
20. What is the importance of land use transport interaction? BT 6  Creating
1. Write in detail the various vehicular characteristics with Indian Road BT 1 Remembering
Congress standards
2. A passenger car weighing 2 tons is required to accelerate at a rate of 3
m/sec2 in the first gear from a speed of 11 km/hr. The gradient is +1% and
the road has a black topped surface. The frontal projection area of the car BT 3  Applying 
is 2.15 m2 . The car tyres have radius of 0.33 m. The rear axle gear ratio is
3.82:1 and the first gear ratio is 2.78:1. Calculate the engine horsepower
needed and the speed of the engine. Make suitable assumptions.
3. Write in short the significance and scope of traffic engineering. BT 1  Remembering
4. Explain rolling and air resistance. BT 2 Understanding 
5. Explain the factors affecting road user characteristics BT 2 Understanding
6. i.) A ambassador car travelling at a speed of 60 K.M.H on a WBM road in
good condition is suddenly allowed to coast by switching off the engine BT 3 Applying
and putting the gear in neutral. What is the deceleration caused. (6)
ii.) Explain PIEV theory with neat sketch. (10)
7. Write in detail various road traffic problems with sustainable preventive BT 1 Remembering 
8. Explain briefly how peripheral vision varies with speed and how it is
considered in designing highway elements (8) BT 2 Understanding 
Draw a diagram to depict speed-flow relationship and explain speed
variation at various flow levels. (8)
9. Draw a diagram to depict speed-density relationship and explain speed
BT 6 Creating 
variation at various density levels.

10. Explain Grade resistance, inertia force and transmission losses BT 4 Analyzing
11. Explain briefly about the importance of traffic modal integration. BT 4 Analyzing
12. Write in detail about urban traffic problems in India. BT 1 Remembering
13. Explain in detail about the various factors affecting transportation. BT 4 Analyzing
14. i. Write short notes on Land Use Transport Integration (8)
BT 5 Evaluating
ii. How do we promote sustainable transport in our cities? (8)


Traffic Surveys – Speed, journey time and delay surveys – Vehicles Volume Survey including non-motorized
transports – Methods and interpretation – Origin Destination Survey – Methods and presentation – Parking Survey
– Accident analyses -Methods, interpretation and presentation – Statistical applications in traffic studies and
traffic forecasting – Level of service – Concept, applications and significance.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. What are the methods of volume counting? BT 2 Understanding
2. Define - Traffic Volume and Density BT 1 Remembering
3. Differentiate basic and possible highway capacity BT 2 Understanding
4. What is meant by PCU? BT 3 Applying
5. Define - Spot Speed and running speed BT 1 Remembering
6. What is meant by TMS and SMS? BT 2 Understanding
7. What is 98th percentile speed? State its significance. BT 3 Applying
8. What are the methods of conducting origin destination survey? BT 4 Analyzing
9. Define Parking index. BT 1 Remembering 
10. What is meant by the term desire line diagram? BT 4 Analyzing
11. What are the off - street parking facilities commonly considered? BT 5 Evaluating
12. Draw a 'typical parking inventory' diagram with all its vital parts. BT 3 Applying 
13. List out classification of urban roads. BT 1 Remembering
14. What are the common levels of measurement of vehicle flow? BT 2 Understanding
15. Write the characteristics of level of service ‘C’ in traffic flow. BT 1 Remembering 
16. What are the factors affecting capacity and LOS? BT 6 Creating
17. Define road accident and fatal accident. BT 1 Remembering
18. What are the factors considered for occurrence of accidents? BT 6 Creating
19. What are aggregate models and disaggregate models? BT 4 Analyzing
20. What is the period of forecasting? BT 5 Evaluating
1. Enumerate the different methods of carrying out traffic volume studies. BT 5 Evaluating
2. i. What are the different methods of measuring spot speed? BT 1 Remembering 
ii. Explain moving observer method.
3. i. Explain briefly how Road side interview survey is conducted to
establish the origin destination of vehicles entering and leaving
BT 2 Understanding 
an area. (10)

ii. With a neat sketch explain the LOS concept. (6)

4. What are the methods available for conducting origin destination BT 3 Applying 
5. Explain various methods for obtaining travel time and delay study. BT 2 Understanding 
6. What are the common methods of on-street and off-street parking? BT 3 Applying 
Explain with neat sketch.
7. Explain in brief the various level of service as per IRC standards BT 2 Understanding 
for arterial roads and downtown service.
8. Brief the different statistical approaches with its significance BT 3 Applying 
9. Explain in brief the speed survey methods which are commonly BT 4 Analyzing
used in traffic planning of metro cities.
10. What are the various measures of engineering that may be useful to BT 6 Creating 
prevent accidents?
11. Write the various methods of traffic accident mitigation. BT 1 Remembering 
12. Explain different forecasting approaches for traffic modeling. BT 4 Analyzing
13. Explain the factors affecting capacity and level of service. BT 4 Analyzing
14. i. What is meant by level of service in traffic analysis? (4)
ii. Explain the capacity of freeways and expressways in rural BT 1 Remembering
areas in terms of LOS. (12)


Intersection Design - channelization, Rotary intersection design – Signal design – Coordination of signals ––
Grade separation - Traffic signs including VMS and road markings – Significant roles of traffic control personnel
- Networking pedestrian facilities & cycle tracks.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Define an intersection. BT 1 Remembering 
2. Sketch the basic form of at-grade intersections. BT 1 Remembering
3. Draw a neat sketch presenting different elements in a rotary. BT 5 Evaluating
4. Write the formula to calculate capacity of a rotary. BT 1 Remembering
5. What are the drawbacks of conventional round about? BT 5 Evaluating
6. Write down any two advantages of vehicle actuated signals BT 3 Applying
7. Give any four sketches of warning signs. BT 5 Evaluating
8. What is cycle time? Write the formula to calculate optimum cycle BT 2 Understanding
9. Define offset in traffic signal. BT 1 Remembering
10. List out any four regulatory signs. BT 1 Remembering
11. What is meant by 'variable sign message' in traffic visual aids? BT 2 Understanding 
12. List the advantages of fixed time signals and vehicle actuated BT 1 Remembering 
13. A T- junction has a yearly flow of 300 vehicles per hour on the
south arm and 2400 vehicles per hour on the east and west arms. BT 4 Analyzing
What should be the ratio of approach width, length and green time
of the arms?
14. What are the objectives of area traffic control system? BT 3 Applying 
15. Write the webers formula to calculate the delay in a signalized BT 3 Applying 
16. Write down the importance of traffic signs. BT 2 Understanding
17. What is meant by Parking Accumulation? BT 6 Creating
18. What are the different types of road markings available? BT 2 Understanding
19. What are the main traffic control aids? BT 6 Creating
20. What is meant by guard rails? BT 2 Understanding
1. Explain the various types of traffic signals and their functions. How are BT 2 Understanding 
the signal timings decided?
2. Explain in detail, the various types of road markings commonly used BT 2 Understanding 
with neat sketches.
3. A fixed type 2 – phase signal is to be provided at an intersection having a
North – South and an East – West road, where only straight ahead traffic
is permitted. The design hour flows from the various arms and the
saturation flows for these arms are given in the following table. Design
the traffic signal with timing diagram and phase diagram. Assume
relevant data
BT 3 Applying

4. A rotary is proposed in a rural area at a location where two four -lane

divided roads meet each other. The peak hour traffic flow is as follows:
Design a rotary for the intersection.

Name of the Traffic Flow in PCUs/hour

Arm feeding Left Straight Right
traffic to the BT 3 Applying 
N 350 450 250
E 450 490 300
S 275 400 390
W 390 500 275
Design the rotary of an intersection

5. (a) List out the advantages of traffic signals.

(b) What is meant by saturation flow? BT 1 Remembering
(c) State the need for signal co-ordination
6. The average normal flow of traffic on cross roads A and B during design
period are 400 PCU per hour and 250 PCU per hour respectively, the
saturation flow values on these roads are estimated as 1250 PCU per hour
BT 3 Applying
and 1000 PCU per hour respectively. The all – red time required for
pedestrian crossing is 12 sec. Design two phase traffic signal with sketch
by Webster’s method.

7. A two-phase traffic signal is to be installed at a right angled crossing of

two city streets. The site is average and the approaches are 16m wide
between kerbs. The design hour traffic volumes in PCU's are given in

Flow in PCU's per

From To
E 485
N S 853
W 209
S 257 BT 3 Applying 
E W 935
N 565
W 362
S N 964
E 560
N 572
W E 690
S 408
Design the two phase signal with its timing and phasing diagrams by
making suitable assumption.
8. i. Write the various advantages and disadvantages of different types of
signals. (10) BT 1 Remembering 
ii. With a neat diagram of a four arm rotary intersection explain the
design aspects of its elements. (6)
9. Explain in detail, the channelization of intersection and its purposes with BT 6 Creating
neat sketches.
i. Write the recommend width of cycle tracks as per IRC. BT 1 Remembering
ii. Explain the advantages and the disadvantages of rotary intersection
11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of grade separated BT 5 Evaluating
12. Explain in detail, the various design elements of rotary type of BT 4 Analyzing
intersection based on IRC standards with neat sketches.
13. What is an intersection? Explain in detail, the two broad classifications of
BT 1 Remembering

14. Explain the concept of traffic Signal Co-ordination on major routes in an

BT 4 Analyzing
urban area.


Road accidents – Causes, effect, prevention, and cost – Street lighting – Traffic and environment hazards – Air and
Noise Pollution, causes, abatement measures – Promotion and integration of public transportation – Promotion of
non-motorized transport.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. List any four uses of accident data. BT 1 Remembering 
2. Define noise pollution. BT 1 Remembering
3. What are the objectives of accident studies? BT 4 Analyzing
4. What are the various types of conflicts at intersections? BT 2 Understanding
5. Give the conflict point sketch of one-way regulation on both roads. BT 2 Understanding
6. Write down the techniques used for prevention of road accidents. BT 1 Remembering
7. Write the advantages of integrating public transportation. BT 1 Remembering 
8. What is meant by Integrated public transportation? BT 2 Understanding
9. Write the principle adopted for tidal flow operation. BT 1 Remembering 
10. List out the various environmental hazards due to road traffic BT 1 Remembering 
11. Draw a diagram of a staggered T Junction and indicate how it is safer than BT 3 Applying
12. Draw the different types of luminaries distribution. BT 5 Evaluating 
13. Write the various lamps used for highway lighting. BT 4 Analyzing
14. Write the factors influencing night visibility. BT 4 Analyzing
15. What are the causes for traffic related air pollution BT 2 Understanding
16. Give the conflict point of two way streets and mention the points. BT 5 Evaluating
17. What are the factors influence night visibilities? BT 3 Applying
18. Draw the lighting layouts for median lighting. BT 5 Evaluating
19. What are causes for traffic related noise generation BT 6 Creating 
20. What are the merits of encouraging walk and non-motorized mode? BT 6 Creating
1. Write briefly the different factors causing accidents. BT 1 Remembering
2. i. When does the skidding happen? BT 5  Evaluating 
ii. Explain in detail about various factors affecting skid resistance.
Write in detail about the skid resistance value and methods of measurement BT 1 Remembering
skid resistance
4. Explain the collision and condition diagram for four arm intersection BT 2  Understanding 

5. Explain in brief the various causes of road accidents with preventive BT 2  Understanding 
6. Write in detail about air Pollution, causes, and abatement measures. BT 3 Applying
7. What are the various measures of engineering that may be useful to prevent BT 2 Understanding 
8. i. Explain briefly the probable causes for accidents on rural roads
and suggest the preventive measures required to reduce accident
occurrence. (8) BT 2  Understanding 
ii. Explain the impact of vehicular emission on human beings and
vegetation. (8)
9. i. What are the factors to be considered for highway lighting? (4)
ii. Explain in detail about various methods of highway lightning as
BT 4  Analyzing
per IRC (12)
10. Write in detail about Noise Pollution, causes, abatement measures. BT 1  Remembering 

11. Write in detail about Promotion and integration of public transportation BT 1  Remembering 

12. i. Design a lighting system for the following condition (6)

1. Street width = 15m
2. Mounting height = 7.5 m
3. Lamp sixe =6000 lumen
BT 3 Applying
4. Luminaries type =II
5. Calculate the spacing between lighting units to
produce average lux = 6.0
ii. Draw the various lighting layouts. (10)

13. The Motor vehicle consumption in a city is 5.082 million liters, there were
3114 motor vehicle fatalities, 355,799 motor vehicle injuries, 6,721,049
motor vehicle registrations and an estimated population of 18,190,238. BT 6 Creating
Kilometer of travel per liter of fuel is 12.42 km/liter. Calculate registration
death rate, population death rate and accident rate per vehicle km.
14. Enumerate the various points to be considered to promote public
transportation and non-motorized transportation. BT 4 Analyzing


Area Traffic Management System - Traffic System Management (TSM) with IRC standards –- Traffic Regulatory
Measures-Travel Demand Management (TDM) – Direct and indirect methods – Congestion and parking pricing –
All segregation methods- Coordination among different agencies – Intelligent Transport System for traffic
management, enforcement and education.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. What is known as congestion pricing? BT 4 Analyzing
2. What is Transportation System Management (TSM)? BT 2 Understanding
3. List out the various types of Travel Demand Management (TDM) BT 1 Remembering
4. What are the problems posed by turning traffic? BT 6 Creating
5. What are the conditions for prohibiting right turn movement? BT 5 Evaluating
6. What is Aggregate and Disaggregate Models in Traffic Forecasting? BT 5 Evaluating 
7. What is the purpose of one - way streets? BT 4 Analyzing
8. What are the disadvantages of one - way streets? BT 4 Analyzing
9. What is the need for proper signing? BT 3 Applying 
10. What is meant by tidal flow operation in Traffic Management? BT 3 Applying
11. List the principle methods of tidal flow operation BT 1 Remembering
12. Write any two advantages of closing side streets BT 1 Remembering
13. What is the advantage of exclusive bus lanes. BT 2 Understanding 
14. What is the PCU value for buses in BRT approach? BT 2 Understanding
15. What is meant by traffic regulations? BT 2 Understanding
16. Define - Traffic Calming BT 1 Remembering
17. Define Chicane BT 1 Remembering
18. Define – ITS BT 1 Remembering
19. List out the uses of ITS in traffic engineering BT 5 Evaluating
20. What are the systems falling under Para-transit? BT 6 Creating
Write short notes on few of the traffic management measures:
BT 1
a) Tidal flow operation
b) Exclusive bus lane
c) Restriction on turning movement
d) Traffic calming

2. Write briefly on the following:

a) Locations where parking is prohibited
b) Peripheral parking schemes BT 1 Remembering
c) Speed breakers
d) Rumble strips
3. What is the significance of traffic management? Write the various travel
demand management techniques commonly used in managing traffic on BT 2 Understanding 
4. Elaborate the advantages of one-way streets. BT 6 Creating 
5. Explain in detail about the various techniques of traffic BT 3 Applying
6. Sketch with conflicts points for pedestrians and vehicles and explain BT 5 Evaluating 
7. Discuss in detail the various methods of traffic regulatory measures in BT 2 Understanding 
traffic management.
8. Explain the following:
i. Intelligent Transport system for traffic management (8) BT 2 Understanding 
ii. Traffic segregation methods (8)
9. Explain briefly when road and how road pricing could be adopted for
urban areas. (8) BT 5 Evaluating
Explain briefly the need and advantages of staggering of working hours
in urban areas. (8)
10. i. Write a brief notes on:
1. Vehicle licensing
2. Tidal Flow BT 1 Remembering
ii. Explain briefly the strategies adopted to avoid right turning at

11. Explain the applications of ITS with reference to Indian conditions BT 4 Analyzing 
12. Explain any two methods of forecasting traffic conditions for peri-urban BT 4 Analyzing 
13. Write in detail about

i. Traffic congestion studies (8) BT 1 Remembering

ii. Effect of traffic congestion (8)

14. Explain in detail about

i. Traffic System Management (TSM) BT 2 Understanding 
ii. Traffic enforcement and education


Total Subject BT1 BT2 BT3 BT4 BT5 BT6 Question

Part-A 6 4 3 3 2 2 20

1 Unit-1 Part-B 4 3 2 3 1 1 14

Part-A 6 4 3 3 2 2 20

2 Unit-2 Part-B 4 3 2 3 1 1 14

Part-A 6 4 3 3 2 2 20

3 Unit-3 Part-B 4 2 3 3 1 1 14

Part-A 6 4 3 3 2 2 20

4 Unit-4 Part-B 4 3 2 3 1 1 14

Part-A 6 4 3 3 2 2 20

5 Unit-5 Part-B 4 3 2 3 1 1 14


PART A 100

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