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Chapter 3

Kinematics in Two Dimensions:

Projectile motion
Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration

ro = initial position

r = final position

  
Δr = r − ro = displacement

In 2D, Δr is,!in general,
! not
aligned with r and r0 , and not
in the direction of the path of
the motion of the body (e.g. the car).
Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration

Average velocity is the

displacement divided by
the elapsed time.

  
 r − ro Δr
v= =
t − to Δt
Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration
The instantaneous velocity indicates how fast
the car moves and the direction of motion at each
instant of time. !
! Δr
v = lim
Δt→0 Δt

path of the car

v is in the direction
of the path of the car
Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration

   !
 v − v o Δv ! Δv
a= = a = lim
t − to Δt Δt→0 Δt

 Δv
! !
Δv and a can point in very
 different directions from
vo ! !
v 0 and v
Deriving the constant acceleration equations for 2-dimensions
   
 r − ro  v − vo
v= a=
t − to t − to

Assume t0 = 0 and r0 = 0
  
 r    v − v0   
∴ v = ⇒ r = vt and a = ⇒ v = v 0 + at
t t
    
Assume constant acceleration: a = a and v = 12 ( v 0 + v )
     
∴ r = 12 ( v 0 + v ) t and v = v 0 + at
Writing the vectors in component notation and substituting in the above:
   
r = xx̂ + yŷ v 0 = v0 x x̂ + v0 y ŷ v = vx x̂ + vy ŷ a = ax x̂ + ay ŷ
∴ xx̂ + yŷ = 12 ( v0 x x̂ + v0 y ŷ + vx x̂ + vy ŷ ) t and vx x̂ + vy ŷ = v0 x x̂ + v0 y ŷ + ( ax x̂ + ay ŷ ) t
Rearranging in terms of common factors in x̂ and ŷ:
$% x − 12 ( v0 x + vx ) t &' x̂ + $% y − 12 ( v0 y + vy ) t &' ŷ = 0 and [ vx − v0 x − ax t ] x̂ + $%vy − v0 y − ay t &' ŷ = 0

Since x̂ is perpendicular to ŷ, the equations can only be satisfied if each [] = 0
∴ x = 12 ( v0 x + vx ) t y = 12 ( v0 y + vy ) t vx = v0 x + ax t vy = v0 y + ay t
and the other constant acceleration equations can be derived from these as done before
Equations of Kinematics in Two Dimensions

v x = vox + a x t x= 1
(vox + vx )t
2 2
x = vox t + a x t
1 2 v = v + 2a x x
x ox
Equations of Kinematics in Two Dimensions

v y = voy + a y t

y = voy t + a y t

y = 12 ( voy + vy ) t

2 2
v = v + 2a y y
y oy
Equations of Kinematics in Two Dimensions

The x part of the motion occurs exactly as it would if the

y part did not occur at all, and vice versa.
Equations of Kinematics in Two Dimensions

Example: A Moving Spacecraft

In the x direction, the spacecraft has an initial velocity component

of +22 m/s and an acceleration of +24 m/s2. In the y direction, the
analogous quantities are +14 m/s and an acceleration of +12 m/s2.
Find (a) x and vx, (b) y and vy, and (c) the magnitude and direction
of the final velocity of the spacecraft at time 7.0 s.
Equations of Kinematics in Two Dimensions

Reasoning Strategy
1. Make a drawing.

2. Decide which directions are to be called positive (+) and

negative (-).

3. Write down the values that are given for any of the five
kinematic variables associated with each direction.

4. Verify that the information contains values for at least three

of the kinematic variables. Do this for x and y. Select the
appropriate equation.

5. When the motion is divided into segments, remember that

the final velocity of one segment is the initial velocity for the next.

6. Keep in mind that there may be two possible answers to a

kinematics problem.
Equations of Kinematics in Two Dimensions

Example: A Moving Spacecraft

In the x direction, the spacecraft has an initial velocity component

of +22 m/s and an acceleration of +24 m/s2. In the y direction, the
analogous quantities are +14 m/s and an acceleration of +12 m/s2.
Find (a) x and vx, (b) y and vy, and (c) the magnitude and direction
of the final velocity of the spacecraft at time 7.0 s.

x ax vx vox t
? +24 m/s2 ? +22 m/s 7.0 s

y ay vy voy t
? +12 m/s2 ? +14 m/s 7.0 s
Equations of Kinematics in Two Dimensions

x ax vx vox t
? +24 m/s2 ? +22 m/s 7.0 s

x = vox t + ax t
= ( 22 m s) ( 7.0 s) + 1
2 (24 m s ) ( 7.0 s)
= +740 m

vx = vox + ax t
= ( 22 m s) + ( 24 m s 2
) ( 7.0 s) = +190 m s
Equations of Kinematics in Two Dimensions

y ay vy voy t
? +12 m/s2 ? +14 m/s 7.0 s

y = voy t + ay t
= (14 m s) ( 7.0 s) + (12 m s
) ( 7.0 s) = +390 m

vy = voy + ay t
= (14 m s) + (12 m s 2
) ( 7.0 s) = +98m s
Final position and velocity vectors in component form:
r = (740 m)x̂ + (390 m)ŷ
v = (190 m s)x̂ + (98m s)ŷ
Equations of Kinematics in Two Dimensions
Equations of Kinematics in Two Dimensions

v y = 98 m s
v x = 190 m s

2 2
v= (190 m s) + ( 98m s) = 210 m s

−1 
θ = tan (98 190) = 27
Projectile Motion

Under the influence of gravity alone, an object near the

surface of the Earth will accelerate downwards at 9.80m/s2.

a y = −9.80 m s 2
ax = 0

v x = vox = constant
Projectile Motion

Conceptual Example: I Shot a Bullet into the Air...

Suppose you are driving a convertible with the top down.

The car is moving to the right at constant velocity. You point
a rifle straight up into the air and fire it. In the absence of air
resistance, where would the bullet land – behind you, ahead
of you, or in the barrel of the rifle?
Projectile Motion

Example: A Falling Care Package

The airplane is moving horizontally with a constant velocity of

+115 m/s at an altitude of 1050 m. Determine the time required
for the care package to hit the ground.
Projectile Motion

y ay vy voy t
-1050 m -9.80 m/s2 0 m/s ?
Projectile Motion

y ay vy voy t
-1050 m -9.80 m/s2 0 m/s ?

2 2
y = voy t + a y t1
2 y = a yt

2y 2(− 1050 m )
t= = 2
= 14 . 6 s
ay − 9.80 m s
Projectile Motion

Example: The Velocity of the Care Package

What are the magnitude and direction of the final velocity of

the care package?
Projectile Motion

y ay vy voy t
-1050 m -9.80 m/s2 ? 0 m/s 14.6 s
Projectile Motion

y ay vy voy t
-1050 m -9.80 m/s2 ? 0 m/s 14.6 s

vy = voy + ay t = 0 + (−9.80 m s 2
) (14.6 s)
= −143m s
Find the final velocity of the package.

v = vx x̂ + vy ŷ
= (115 m/s)x̂ + (−143 m/s)ŷ

= - 143 m/s v2 = vx2 + vy2

= (115 m/s)2 + (143 m/s)2
= 33700 (m/s)2

à  v = 184 m/s

θ = tan-1 (143/115) = 51.2o

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