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5 th
September C.
Double Filers 1. And Snickers are my favorite chocolate
1. The busy, ______ fabric of the clown’s tie 2. The only problem is they make you fat.
matched his oversized jacket, which was 3. Sometimes it is difficult enough.
equally __________. 4. I like Snickers very much.
a. Mottled, atrocious 5. That's why when I go past the sweet shop
b. Bleak, attractive I always try to stop myself from going in.
c. Credible, beautiful
d. Malleable, impressive
e. Communicable, commendable Cloze Test – Easy

2. Kamlesh’s talent ______ under the tutelage In some parts of the world, the ground shakes
of Anjum chopra, who as a young woman
from time to time. This is called a(an) __1__and if
had been the most accomplished pianist
in her native Punjab. it’s a bad one, the number of __2__ (dead and
a. Bantered, sought after injured people) is sometimes large. Buildings
b. Touted, searched often __3__ and __4__teams have to search for
c. flourished , accomplished people who are __5__under the __6__. Sometimes
d. embellished, decorated water supplies are affected and there is a(an)
e. colluded, accomplice __7__ of disease, called a(an) __8__. __9__teams
are sent by the government to help the sick. The
3. The children were ______ by the seemingly
nonsensical _______ until Karan pointed death __10__can reach hundreds or even
out that the messages were in code. thousands.
a. Censured, talk
b. Striated, wit 1. A) casualty B) outbreak
c. Feigned, cues C) earthquake D) collapse
d. Prevaricated, ways 2. A) casualties B) outbreaks
e. flummoxed, clues
C) epidemics D) wounded
Parajumble SE351 3. A) tremble B) outbreak C) quake D) collapse
4. A) epidemic B) quake C) rescue D) saving
A. 5. A) pressed B) squeezed C) rescued D) trapped
6. A) rubble B) toll C) bubble D) hole
1. The girl had no time to look for it. 7. A) casualty B) outbreak
2. She hurried down the stairs and lost one
C) abundance D) collapse
of her prettiest shoes.
3. At midnight Cinderella ran away from the 8. A) epidemic B) disaster C) illness D) outbreak
palace. 9. A) epidemic B) medical C) rescue D) quake
4. She hid herself behind a tree. 10. A) rubble B) toll C) result D) outbreak
5. She was so unhappy.

1. "Look here!" said the farmer "when shall I
see the city?"
2. A farmer went to Chicago to see the
sights of the city.
3. The clerk answered, "We have breakfast
from 7 to 11, dinner from 12 to 13,
supper from 6 to 8".
4. He asked the clerk about the hours for
5. He engaged a room at a hotel.

9982019963 Gopal pura, Jaipur

Is India really cheaper viewpoint of pricing in LDCs. However, pricing in

LDCs can be different and more complex than in

than the US? DCs; the money price is not the only price. There
are other considerations which make the
effective prices higher than the observed prices
The Penn Effect is that prices of goods and in LDCs.
services in developed countries (DCs) are, after There can be various adjustments to observed
using market exchange rates, substantially prices, which are required to arrive at effective
higher than those in less-developed countries prices in LDCs. A brief explanation is as follows.
(LDCs). The World Bank in 2015 estimated that First, it takes more time and trouble to buy
prices are more than three times higher in the goods and services in India. For example, an
US than in India. This price differential is huge. Uber ride is much cheaper monetarily in India
This raises some interesting questions. but it typically takes much longer to cover the
Why aren’t very many tourists from the US same distance—thanks to the traffic and road
attracted to India, if the prices are very low in conditions in India. So, the time-adjusted price
India? Also, the price differential can be in India is not as low as the observed price is.
attractive to migrants who had initially shifted Second, there is often a negative externality,
from India. In their retirement years, the which is not accounted for in the observed price.
migrants could return home but this hardly Hawkers operate on the roadside; their prices
happens. are low but their operations can slow down the
Prices in the US are, as mentioned earlier, more traffic movements and cause difficulties to very
than three times the prices in India. Let us many people every day. While goods can be
consider this number in perspective. Pension cheap for a homemaker, the same feature can be
funds in the US are, as discussed by Richard A. troublesome for the spouse and other family
Marin, still going through a near-crisis as they members who use the road for commuting and
have large unfunded liabilities. The size is still making a living. So, the “externality”-adjusted
debated. If the shortfall is a quarter of the price is not as low as the observed price is.
liabilities, then on one hand, a shortfall of 25% Third, there is often a risk in purchases. For
is viewed as a near-crisis. On the other hand, example, medical charges can be relatively low
there is an opportunity to get 200% more by in India but there is a question mark about the
shifting to India! But we do not see this competence of a medical practitioner (and even
behaviour. about the arrangements in many hospitals). So,
There are other examples as well. Financially the risk-adjusted price can be higher than the
constrained students in the US hardly ever observed price.
consider India for higher education even though Fourth, quality is low in India. This is well
the fees can be even less than one-third. The known but not adequately appreciated. For
usual explanations lie in non-economic factors. example, while the cost of higher education in
There is indeed merit in such explanations. India is low, the quality too is typically quite low.
However, there can be, as new research by this So, the quality-adjusted price of education can
author shows, a simple economic factor: while be high in India.
the observed prices are indeed low, the effective In LDCs, the distinction between effective prices
prices are not very low in India. and observed prices is very important. In
It is usual to view only the money paid for a contrast, in DCs, there is hardly any need to
good or service as the price, and rightly so—in make such a distinction, given the nature of
the context of DCs. However, in LDCs, there can those economies. So, the effective prices are
be an additional price. So, the effective prices in much closer to the observed prices in DCs.
LDCs are not as low as the observed prices are. It is interesting that the Penn Effect is consistent
The basic reason is as follows. There are some with “catch-up inflation”. The latter refers to the
well-known features of an LDC; these are idea that as a country like India develops and
usually viewed as part of the narrative that shifts from being an LDC to becoming a DC in
describes an LDC, and nothing more from the

9982019963 Gopal pura, Jaipur
future, prices will rise (over and above what is Daily Vocab – The Hindu Editorial – 5 sept – on
implied by the more familiar inflation). A little the crisis in the Korean peninsula
reflection will show that there is a close
similarity between the two ideas. Peninsula – ायद प area of land that is almost
However, the idea of “catch-up inflation” has not
surrounded by water but is joined to a larger
been widely accepted in the economics
piece of land
literature. Given this somewhat widespread
view, consistency demands that economists De- escalate – कम होना to decrease
should question the Penn Effect as well. This is Unabated – कम न होना without becoming any less
hardly observed in practice. This column differs strong
with the usual view and it questions not only
Cock a snook at sb/sth – ऐसा काम जो कसी के लए
“catch-up inflation” but also the Penn Effect.
If prices are more than three times higher in the अनादर दशाता है to do sth that clearly shows you
US than in India, the exchange rate based on don’t respect sb/sth
purchasing power parity (PPP) is less than Ratchet up – बढ़ाना to increase
Rs21.38 per dollar (21.38=64.13/3, where 64.13
is the market price of dollar in terms of rupees Appeasement – खुश करना to please
on 23 August). Now the concept of PPP is Totalitarian – एक पाट क सरकार only one party
basically sound. However, it uses observed
have complete power
prices. If observed prices are adjusted to arrive
at effective prices, this leads to the new notion of Quest - खोज search
adjusted-PPP. Regime – शासन govt/administration
It is true that the use of market exchange rates
Impoverished – गर बी to make sb poor
can underestimate the gross domestic product of
a country like India relative to that of a DC. So Parity – समानता equality
many economists advocate the use of exchange
Beleaguered - मुि कल म experience a difficulty
rate based on PPP. However, this can
overestimate the GDP in India. So, it may help to
consider adjusted-PPP to get the correct picture.
Gurbachan Singh is an independent researcher
and visiting faculty at the Indian Statistical
Institute, Delhi centre.

9982019963 Gopal pura, Jaipur
Phrasal Verb
Common Error Pronoun
Expressions with Take
51. We think education, health (a)/ experience
1. Don’t forget to take ______ notes of everything
and those sorts of things (b)/ are generally the
he says at the conference.
main benefits for (c)/ modern tour and travel.
A) down B) over C) on
(d)/ No error (e)
2. The shop owner decided to take US$5.00 52. After toiling very hard over a long (a)/ period
______ the price. project, my friend found (b)/ he had hardly
A) out B) off C) away made (c)/ no profit at all. (d)/ No error (e)

3. John did not accept the job, for he did not 53. My mother does not (a)/ like me sleeping (b)/
want to take ______ all those responsibilities. most of the time (c)/ in a twenty-four hour. (d)/
A) on B) out C) for No error (e)

4. How can I take all these stains ______ from 54. The idea who shook (a)/ the whole world was
my tablecloth? (b)/ published one in (c)/ of his unknown
A) apart B) away C) out journals. (d)/ No error

55. It is said (a)/ by some persons (b)/ that one

5. I know you are tired and disappointed, but
of the bank (c)/ could solve economic problem.
don’t take it ______ on me.
(d)/ No error (e)
A) off B) out C) after
56. Our soldiers (a)/ were better trained (b)/
6. Have the children taken ______ their new than that (c)/ of enemies. (d)/ No error (e)
A) up B) to C) over 57. He told his friends that (a)/ each of them
(b)/ should be able to carry out the order
7. You should take your brother ______ on his oneself. (c)/ No error (d)
offer to help you do it.
58. Sweta has such a fine (a)/ memory that she
A) up B) in C) at
can (b)/ recollect anything what (c)/ happened
many years ago. (d)/ No error (e)
8. The plane will take ______ in ten minutes.
A) out B) in C) off 59. One of my good qualities (a)/ is that I don’t
(b)/ take things like (c)/ this very seriously. (d)/
9. These big books shouldn’t be taken ______ No error (e)
from the library.
A) after B) in C) away 60. One of his greatest contributions (a)/ to
social reform (b)/ was their movement for (c)/
10. Take ______ account everything he’s done for eradication of child marriages. (d)/ No error (e)
A) into B) for C) after

11. Don’t let yourself be taken ______ by anyone.

A) into B) in C) on

9982019963 Gopal pura, Jaipur

Double Fillers - ACE
A. 1, 4, 2, 3, 5
B. 2,5,4,3,1
C 4,12,5,3

Cloze Test - 1-C 2-A 3-D 4-C 5-D 6-A 7-B 8-A
9-B 10-B
Phrasal Verbs:
1-A 2-B 3-A 4-C 5-B 6-B 7-A 8-C 9-C 10-A 11-B

Common Error

51. A. these sort of things

52. C. any profit at all : any in negative
sentences (hardly)
53. B. my sleeping (possessive case before
gerund, but use objective case after verbs hear,
find. Ex- we found him playing cricket.)
54. A. The idea that shook
55. C. one of the banks
56. C. those in place of that (comparison is in
plural – our soldiers so those)
57. C. himself
58. c. anything that (we use that after anything,
everything, something, nothing)
59. D. these (it’s used for things, things is plural
so these)
60. C. his movement (antecedent is singular)

9982019963 Gopal pura, Jaipur

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