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Tutors Name Date / Week

Subject Lesson
Class Room
Topic: Living Things Resources needed:
 Word search on Keywords
Sub-topic: Characteristics of living things  Difference table
 Photos of Organisms
 Match and Fill In Worksheet
All these resources are available
for your use at :
Lesson Objectives: (WALT – We Are Learning To) Home Learning/Assessment
Students will be able to… Understand definitions
 Identify and Define the seven characteristics of livings Comparison
 Compare the characteristics of different organisms.

Starter Activity :
Word search on the keywords on MRSNERG – 5 minutes
Keywords: Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Nutrition, Excretion, Reproduction, Growth
Teacher Activity :

Cooperative learning
Organize the class into groups of 4 students to discuss their observations and ideas.
AFL- Feedback
Giving positive feedback on the filled in words.
Plenary: Corrective feedback on the presentation.

Student Learning Activities:

Group work – 4 students – 7 minutes :

Task 1
Study the photos and write down the characteristics of a living thing represented by the photos.
Photos of living things

Write down everything the organisms have in common.

Differentiation: 7 minutes:
Worksheets: Fill in the 7 keywords to their definitions. Fill In Worksheet
Worksheets with the letters given for Low Ability Learners.

Extension – 5 minutes
Using the table, Compare the characteristics of two different groups of organisms.

Plenary: 10minutes
Whole Group - Present your findings to other groups.

Success Criteria (WILF – What I’m Looking For)

To give the features that are the same for all living things.

Next Lesson:
Cells – Types of Cells

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