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A report submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of

Masters in Business Administration (2017-19)

Today in every organization personnel planning as an activity is necessary. It is an

important part of the organization .Human resource planning is a vital ingredient for
the success of the organization in the long run . there are certain ways that are to be
followed by every organization which ensures that it has right number and kind of
people at the right place and right time, so that organization can achieve its planned
objectives .

The objectives of human resource department are human resource planning,

Recruitment and selection, training and development , career planning ,transfer and
promotion, risk management performance appraisal and so on. Each objective needs
special attention and proper planning and implementation.

For every organization it is important to have a right person on a right job

.Recruitment and selection plays a vital role in this situation. Shortage of skills and
the use of new technology are putting considerable pressure on how employers go
about recruiting and selecting staff . It is recommended to carry out a strategic
analysis of recruitment and selection procedure. Also training need identification is
necessary after selection process.

A formal definition states, “it is the process of finding and attracting capable
applicants for the employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and
ends when their applicants are selected’’.

The need of recruitment may be due to following reasons /situation:

 Vacancies due to Promotions, Transfers, Retirements, Terminations, Permanent

Disability, Death and Labour turnover.
 Diversification of business activities of an enterprise.In addition,new vacancies
are possible due to job specification

Selection is basically picking an applicant from (a pool of candidates)who has the

appropriate qualification and competency to do the job .

The difference between recruitment and selection:- recruitment is identifying and

encouraging prospective employees to apply for a job . And selection is selecting
the right candidate from the pool of Applicant.


Recruitment is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis in sufficient
numbers and with appropriate qualifications, to apply for jobs within an organization.
The process of searching prospective employees with multidimensional skills and
experience that suits organization strategies in fundamental to the growth of the
organization, this demands more comprehensive strategic perspective recruitment.
Organizations requires the services of large number of personnel’s, these personnel’s
occupies the various positions created to the process of the organizations. Each
position of the organizations has certain specific contributions to achieve the
organizational objectives. The recruitment process of the organizational has to be
strong enough to attract and select the potential candidates with right job
specifications. The recruitment process begins with human resource planning and
concludes with the selection of required number of candidates, both HR staff and
operating managers have responsibilities in the process.

“Right person for the right job is the basic principle in the recruitment and selection.
Every organization should give attention to the selection of its manpower, especially
its managers. The operative man power is equally important and essential for the
orderly working of an enterprise.”

Every business organization/unit needs manpower for carrying different business

activities smoothly and efficiently and for this recruitment and selection of suitable
candidates is essential. Human resource management in an organization will not be
possible if unsuitable persons are selected and employed in a business unit
Recruitment means to estimate the available vacancies and to make suitable
arrangements for their selection and appointment. Recruitment is understood as the
process of searching for and obtaining applicants for the jobs, from among whom the
right people can be selected.

A formal definition, “it is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for
the employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when
their applicants are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new
employees are selected”. In this the available vacancies are given wide publicity and
suitable candidates are encouraged to submit applications so as to have a pool of
eligible candidates for scientific selection.

In recruitment, information is collected from interested candidates. For these different

sources such as newspaper, advertisement, employment exchange, internal promotion,
etc. are used.

In the recruitment, a pool of eligible and interested candidates is created for selection
of most suitable candidates. Recruitment represents the first contact that a company
makes with potential employees.

According to EDWIN FLIPPO, “Recruitment is the process of searching for
prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.

Need for recruitment

Due to promotions, transfers, retirement, The need for recruitment may be due to the
following reasons / situations:

a.) Vacancies termination, permanent disability, death and labour turnover.

b.) Creation of new vacancies due to the growth, expansion and diversification of
business activities of an enterprise. In addition, new vacancies are possible due
to job specification.

Purpose and importance of Recruitment:

1. Determine the present and future requirements of the organization on
conjunction with its personnel-planning and job analysis activities.
2. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.
3. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number
of visibly uunder qualified or overqualified job applicants.
4. Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected
will leave the organization only after a short period of time.
5. Meet the organisation’s legal and social obligations regarding the composition
of its workforce.
6. Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be
appropriate candidates.
7. Increase organisational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long
8. Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all
types of job applicants.
9. Recruitment is a positive function in which publicity is given to the jobs
available in the organisation and interested candidates are encouraged to
submit applications for the purpose of selection.


Recruitment refers to the process of identifying and attractingseekers so as to build a

pool of qualified job applicants. The process comprises five interrelated stages, viz.

1. Planning
2. Strategy development
3. Searching
4. Screening
5. Evaluation and control


The first stage in the recruitment process is planning. Planning involves the
translation of likely job vacancies and information about the nature of these jobs
into set of objectives or targets that specifiy the:

1. Numbers
2. Type of applicants to be contacted

Numbers of contact: Organisation nearly always plan to attract more applicants than
they will hire. Each time a recruitment programme is contemplated, one task is to
estimate the number of applicants necessary to fill all vacancies with the qualified

Type of contact: It is basically concerned with the types of people to be informed

about job openings. The type of people depends on the tasks and responsibilities
involved and the qualifications and experience expected. These details are available
through job description and job specification.


When it is estimated that what types of recruitment and how many are required then
one has concentrate in (1).make or buy employees. (2). Technological sophistication
of recruitment selection devices . (3). Geographical distribution of labour markets
comprising job seekers . (4). Sources of recruitment. (5). Sequencing the activities in
recruitment process.
Essentially, this is the make or buys decision. Organizations, which hire skilled and
professionals shall have to pay more for Organisation must decide whether to hire less
skilled employees and invest on training and deduction programmes, or they can hire
skilled labour these employees and professional.

The second decision in strategy development relates to the methods used in
recruitment and selection. This decision is namely influenced by the available
technology. The advent of computers has made it possible for employers to scan
national and international applicants and job seekers a wider scope of options in the
initial screening stage.

Once a recruitment plan and strategy are worked out, the search process can begin.
Search involves two steps

a.) Source activation and

b.) Selling

Screening of applicants can be regarded as integral part of the recruiting process,
though many view it as the first step in the selection process. Even the definition of
recruitment we quoted in the beginning of this chapter, excludes screening from its
scope. However we have included screening in recruitment for valid reasons. The
selection process will begin after the applications have been scrutinized and
shortlisted. Hiring of professors in an university is a typical situation. Application
received in response to the advertisement is screened only eligible applicants are
called interview. A selection committee comprising the vice chancellor, registrar and
subject experts conducts interview. Here, recruitment process extends upto screening
the applications. The selection process commences only later.

The purpose of screening is to remove from the recruitment process, at an early stage,
those applicants who are visibly unqualified for the job. Effective screening can save
a great deal of time and money.

In screening, clear job specification are invaluable. It is both good practice and a legal
necessity that applicant’s qualification is judged on the basis of their knowledge,
skills, abilities and required to do the job.


Evaluation and control is necessary as considerable costs are incurred in the
recruitment process. The cost generally incurred are:-
1. Salaries for recruiters.
2. Management and professional time spent on preparing job description, job
specifications, advertisements, agency liaison and so forth.
3. The cost of advertisements or other recruitment methods, that is agency fees.
4. Recruitment overheads and administrative expenses.
5. Costs of overtime and outstanding while the vacancies remain unfilled.
6. Costs of recruiting unsuitable candidates for the serlection process.

Sources of recruitment:



1) Promotion Campus recruitment

2) Transfers Press advertisement

3) Internal Management consultancy service


4) Retirement Deputation of personnel or transfer from one

enterprise to another

5) Former Walk-ins, write-ins, talk- ins


The sources of recruitment can be broadly categorized into internal and external

Internal recruitment seeks applicants for positions from within the company.
The various internal sources include:

Promotions and Transfers:

Promotion is an effective means using job posting and personnel records. Job
posting requires notifying vacant positions by posting notices, circulating
publications or announcing at staff meetings and inviting employees to apply.
Personnel records help to discover employees who are doing jobs below their
educational qualification or skill levels. Promotion has many advantages like it
is good in public relations, builds morale, encourages competent individuals
who are ambitious, improves the probability of good selection since
information on the individual’s performance is readily available, is cheaper
than going outside to recruit, those chosen internally are familiar with the
organization thus reducing the orientation time and energy and also act as
training device for developing middle level and top level managers.

Employee referrals
Employees can develop good prospects for their families and friends by
acquainting them with the advantages of a job with the company, furnishing
them with the introduction and encouraging them to apply. This is a very
effective means as many qualified people can be reached at a very low cost to
the company. The other advantages are that the employees would bring only
those referrals that they feel would be able to fit in the organization can also
fulfil social obligations and create goodwill.

Former Employees:

These includes retired employees who are willing to work on a part – time
basis, individuals who left work and are willing to come back for higher
compensations. Even retrenched employees are taken up once again. The
advantage here is that the people are already known to the organisation and
there is no need to find out their past performance and character.

Dependents of deceased employees:

Usually, banks follow this policy. If an employee dies, his/ her spouse or son
or daughter is recruited in their place. This is usually an effective way way to
fulfil social obligation and create goodwill.

When management faces a problem, which can be solved only by a manager
who has proceed on long leave, it may decided to recall that persons after the
problem is solved, his leave may be extended.

At times, management may not find suitable candidates in place of the one
who had retired, after meritorious service. Under the circumstances,
management may decide to call retired managers with new extension.

External recruitment seeks applicants for positions from source outside the
company. They have out numbered the internal methods. The various external
sources include

Professional or trade Associations :

Many associations provide placement services to its members. It consists of
compiling job seeker’s lists and providing access to members during regional
or national conventions. Also, the publications of these associations carry
classified advertisements from employers interested in recruiting their
members. These are particularly useful for attracting highly educated,
experienced or skilled personnel.

medium It is a popular method of seeking recruits, as many recruiters prefer
advertisements because of their wide reach. Want ads describe the job benefits,
identify the employer and tell those interested how to apply. Newspaper is the
most common but for highly specialized. recruits, advertisements may be
placed in professional or business journals.
Advertisements must contain proper information like the job content, working
conditions, growth aspects, etc.

Campus Recruitments:
Colleges, universities, research laboratories, sports fields and institutes are
fertile ground for recruiters, particularly the institutes. Campus recruitments is
going global with companies like HLL, Citibank, HCL-HP, ANZ GRIND
LAYS, L&T, MOTOROLA, RELIANCE looking for global markets. Some
companies recruit a given number of candidates from these instituted every
years. Campus recruitments is so much sought after that each college;
university department or institute will have a place officer to handle
recruitment functions.
However, it is often an expensive process, even if recruiting process produces
job offers and acceptances eventually.

Walk-ins, Write-ins and Talk-ins:

Employees from direct applications for skilled positions. Write-ins are those
who send The most common and least expensive approach for candidates is
direct applications, in which job seekers submit unsolicited applications letters
or resumes. Direct applications can also provide a pool of potential employees
to meet future needs. From employees, “viewpoint, walk-ins are preferable as
they are free from the hassles associated with other methods of recruitment.
While direct applications are particularly effective in filling entry level and
unskilled vacancies, some organisations compile pools of potential written
enquiries. These job seekers are asked to complete application forms for
further processing. Talk-ins involves the job aspirants meeting the recruiter (on
an appropriated date) for detailed talks. No application is required to be
submitted to the recruiter.

They are in this profession for recruiting and selecting managerial and
executive personnel. They are useful as they have nation wide contacts are
land professionalism to the hiring process. They also keep prospective
employer and employee anonymous. The cost can be deterrent factor.

Head Hunters:
They are useful in specialized and skilled candidate working in a particular
company. An agent is sent to represent the recruiting company and offer is
made to the candidate. This is a useful source when both the companies
involved are in the same field, and the employee is reluctant to take the offer
since he fears, that this company is testing his loyalty.

Radio,Television and Internet:

Radio and television are used to reach certain types of job applicants such as
skilled workers. Radio and television are used but sparingly, and that too, by
government departments only. However, there is nothing inherently desperate
about using radio and television. It depends upon what is said and how it is
delivered. Internet is becoming a popular option for recruitment today. There
are specialized sites like NAUKRI. COM


Every task is taken with an objective. Without any objective task is rendered

The main objectives for undertaking this project are :

1) To know the perception of employees regarding recruitment and selection

2) To know the recruitment process followed in midland microfinance
3) To know the selection process followed in midland microfinance company.
4) To review the HRpolicies pertaining to recruitment and selection.
5) To have a knowledge about various steps involved in recruitment process.
6) To know about various qualification and quality standards of the company at
the time of selecting a particular and suitable employee.


Overview of the INDIA’s finance industry

India has a diversified financial sector undergoing rapid expansion, both in terms of
growth of existing financial services firms and new entities entering the market. The
sector comprises commercial banks, insurance companies, non banking financial
companies ,co operatives , pension funds , mutual funds and other smaller financial
entities. The banking regulator has allowed new entities such as payments banks to be
created recently thereby adding to the types of entities operating in the sector.
However the financial sector in India is predominantly a banking sector with
commercial banks accounting for more than 64 percent of the total assets held by the
financial system.

The government of India has introduced several reforms to liberalise, regulate and
enhance this Industry. The government and RESERVE BANK OF INDIA(RBI) have
taken various measures to facilitate easy access to finance for micro, small and
medium enterprises (MSMEs). These measures includes launching credit guarantee
fund scheme for micro and small enterprises, issuing guidelines to banks regarding
collateral requirements and setting up a micro units development and refinance
agency (MUDRA).


Global payments solution giant master card has launched its first technology lab in
pune, which will enable India to move towards digital economy and financial

Four metro cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai can reap benefits of US
$7.2 billion annually by increasing payments through digital mean #.

Bank bazaar , a financial market place start-up in India , raised US$30 million in a
funding round led Experian plc a credit rating agency based in UK , taking the
company’s total funding to US$ 110 million .



MIDLAND MICROFIN LTD. IS AN “NBFC-MFI” registered with the reserve bank

of India. Having head office at Jalandhar, Punjab to deal in microfinance in India.
The present net worth share capital of the MIDLAND MICROFIN is rs. 12 crores.
The tier-capital of the company as on December 31, 2014 is rs.4.47 crores. The net
worth of the company as on December 31,2014 is rs 7.87 crores.

The total assets of MIDLAND MICROFIN are at Rs 66.79 crores as on date
December 31,2014. Total assets are projected to be increased to rs. 79.60 Crores on
march 31, 2016 with the equity and debt sourcing from financial institutions and

Keeping in line with this vision of being a technology savvy MFI, the company after
studying different software in the industry, from day one MML has tied up with ,
‘craft silicon’ for web based, centralised software solution, bankers realm. Net. Is the
latest version from craft silicon. It is designed to handle large volume of accounts and
transactions .it is equipped with customizable modules, menu driven interface, rich
parameters van run on any standard browser. BR. Net supports their growing business
requirements. BR. Net is a stable solution that allows the MFIs and banks to continue
to support their growing business requirements. supports clustering on
application & database level. Built using the latest technology, bankers realm is
capable of addressing the new age architecture.

To be a world class, role model, techno savvy international micro finance institution
providing support to poverty stricken at low cost.

To encouragemicro enterprises as source of sustainable livelihood, by providing
financial services with the help of technology.


Recruitment is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis in sufficient
numbers and with appropriate qualification .to apply for jobs within an organisation .
it is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for the employment . the
process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when the applicants from
which new employees are selected.

Selection process is a decision making process. This step consists of a number of
activities . a candidate who fails to qualify for a particular step is not eligible for
appearing for the subsequent step. Employee selection is the process of putting right
men on the right job. It is a procedure of matching organisational requirements with
the skills and qualifications of the people. Effective selection can be done only where
there is effective matching .by selecting best candidate for the required job, the
organisation will get quality performance of employees. Moreover , organisation will
face less absenteeism and employee turnover problems . by selecting right candidate
for the required job, organisation will also save time and money.





 To streamline the recruitment process.

 To ensure that we always hire the right people for the right role at the right time.

 To flourish strong employer branding, so as to attract the best talents available in

the Industry.

 To carry out and promote a fair and transparent recruitment as well as selection

MML recognizes that achievement of the goals and securing the values are dependent
on the recruitment and the retention of skilled and committed workforce. The
following policies and procedures set out our approach in alignment with the
company’s goals.

All recruitment and selection activities are carried out in a fair, consistent, effective
and professional manner. An effective recruitment process contributes directly to the
continuing success of the organization.
Our organization is committed to apply equal opportunity policy at all stages of
recruitment and selection. It is our customary duty to respect the international
standards of diversity management and inclusion, therefore shortlisting, interviewing
and selection will always be carried out without regard to gender, sexual orientation,
marital status, colour, race, religion or belief etc.

The purpose of the following procedural guide is to inform the managers and
business/departmental heads, about the aims and design of the recruitment, selection
and appointment policy. It has been designed as an aid to assist managers and HR
Department to carry out the process in a fair, effective, efficient and systematic
This will ensure that the best candidate is appointed for the vacant post, with regard to
the criteria, which includes qualifications, skills, knowledge and quality of

 Vacancies are filled within agreed deadline and in the most cost-effective manner.

 Our recruitment procedure does not discriminate among candidates at any stage of
the process. As a matter of fair recruitment practice, there is no restriction on hiring
staff from other MFI’s.


In today’s knowledge driven business scenario, people are perceived as the most
valuable asset of an organization and the optimum utilization of the skill, knowledge
and attitude they possess, is highly instrumental in growth of any organization.
Therefore, while recruiting a candidate for any role, position, level, function, it is
always ensured that there is no compromise in the quality of people we hire.
Besides checking the bearing of role-specific key competencies & the behavioural
attributes required to perform a job, a basic eligibility criteria is considered, even
before a candidate is called for the Initial rounds of Interviews. 2


 Recruitment of TCO/CO/Sr. CO/ECO and Tr. Branch Jr. Executives/Branch Jr.

Executives will be held on first and third working Saturday at branches (as per
schedule of Cluster Manager). Regional/Divisional HR should facilitate the same,
share the MIS and maintain record.

 For TCO/CO/Sr. CO/ECO/ Tr. Branch Jr. Executives/Branch Jr.

Executives/DBM/BM and candidates referred by Deputy Cluster Manager (After
Preliminary Interview) and fresh candidates for the mentioned profile, interview will
be held at Regional/Divisional Office. R.O./D.O. – HR will finalise the schedule for
coming month in coordination with Regional/Divisional Manager and will sent the
same to Head Office on every 25th of the month for final approval. The interviews
will be held accordingly.

To ensure a steady in-flow of quality candidates for all the existing vacant positions,
with an aim to select the best within a stringent recruitment deadline, HR always
focuses to develop a robust database of CVs searched from the following sources:

 Walk Ins

 Employee Referral

 Social sites and media

 References from existing members of the company, via announcements in the

centre meetings.


 After finalization of requirement, Regional/Divisional HR will refer the databank

and application received from different sources, circulate interview schedule through
social media to collect more applications.

 The screened applications will be contacted for telephonic interview round,

wherein clear, relevant and information related to profile will also be provided to the
applicant, that will helps the applicants in their decision, whether to submit the
candidature or not. Along with this, first hand basic information about the candidates
will be gathered. If found suitable the candidates will be called for interview.

Academic Qualification and Eligibility: Qualification and


 Recruitment of TCO/CO/Sr. CO/ECO and Tr. Branch Jr. Executives/Branch Jr.

Executives will be held on first and third working Saturday at branches (as per
schedule of Cluster Manager). Regional/Divisional HR should facilitate the same,
share the MIS and maintain record.

 For TCO/CO/Sr. CO/ECO/ Tr. Branch Jr. Executives/Branch Jr.

Executives/DBM/BM and candidates referred by Deputy Cluster Manager (After
Preliminary Interview) and fresh candidates for the mentioned profile, interview will
be held at Regional/Divisional Office. R.O./D.O. – HR will finalise the schedule for
coming month in coordination with Regional/Divisional Manager and will sent the
same to Head Office on every 25th of the month for final approval. The interviews
will be held accordingly.


 After finalization of requirement, Regional/Divisional HR will refer the databank

and application received from different sources, circulate interview schedule through
social media to collect more applications.

 The screened applications will be contacted for telephonic interview round,

wherein clear, relevant and information related to profile will also be provided to the
applicant, that will helps the applicants in their decision, whether to submit the
candidature or not. Along with this, first hand basic information about the candidates
will be gathered. If found suitable the candidates will be called for interview.

Regional/Divisional – HR will prepare the duty roaster with consultation of

Regional/Divisional Manager and send the same to all the concerned persons at least
two days before the interview schedule. The format for the duty

Selection process is a decision making process. This step consists of a number

of activities. A candidate who fails to qualify for a particular step is not
eligible for appearing for the subsequent step. Employee selection is the
process of putting right men on the right job. It is a procedure of matching
organisational requirements with the skills and qualifications of people.
Effective selection can be done only where there is effective matching. By
selecting best candidate for the required job, the organisation will get quality
performance of employees. Moreover, organisation will face less absenteeism
and employee turn over problem. By selecting right candidate for the job,
organisation will also save time and money. Proper screening of candidates
takes place during selection procedure. All the potential candidates who apply
for the given job are tested.
The difference between recruitment and selection:
Recruitment is identifying and encouraging prospective employees to apply
for a job and selection is selecting the right candidate from the pool of



Interviews can be held at Branch location or Regional/ Divisional Offices. The
selection process is divided into two phases:
Phase 1: Interview
Phase 2: Reference check (To be done at the Head Office) 5 Attendance of All the
Applicants Presentation about Company profile and basic information related to
employee’s profile and remuneration Evaluation Test Attendance of All the
Applicants, scored minimum 40 % Group Discussion held for shortlisted
Candidate in the group of 10 applicants Attendance of All the Applicants scored
minimum 40 % Final Interviews (To be conducted by Final Interview Authority)
De-briefing & final decision (Interviewers discuss amongst themselves & with HR
to take a final selection decision) Offer letter (fresher) & List of documents including
dummy format Surety bond to be given to all the shortlisted candidates and they
should be called for Induction (This process is applicable during Mega
Recruitment only) MIS of candidates to be sent to Head Office for Phase 2


 Candidates will mark their attendance at registration desk.

 Regional/Divisional HR will show the presentation related to Company Profile,

Working area of the company, selection criteria, salary, job responsibility, joining
formalities and other information related to the positions offered. During Interview,
applicants are required to go through a three-step recruitment process.

 Round 1: All the applicants have to go through a written test which contains 30
multiple answer questions of Maths, General Knowledge and English. The applicants
scoring a minimum of 40% score will move to next round. The test paper will be
provided by training department one day prior to interview schedule.

 Round 2: All the applicants (freshers only) have to participate in group discussion
in the batches of 10 each. Every group will be given 10 minutes. The applicants are
judged on the basis of their communication skill, confidence, body language,
awareness and attitude. Score is given out of 5 for each trait. The applicants getting at
least 40% score will move to next round.

 Round 3: All the applicants, who have cleared second round will fill-up the
Employment Application Form. Then they will appear for the personal interview. The
same areas of questioning are covered with all candidates. Interview questions are
phrased in such that they do not favour any candidate and are designed to seek
evidence on how the interviewee meets the criteria.

 Offer Letter, List of documents will be given to shortlisted candidates

(freshers) during Mega recruitment only and should be signed by Divisional
Manager atleast. For shortlisted candidates in other interviews, offer letter will be sent
by Head Office HR.

Important Instruction:

 Presentation should be given by HR representative or any employee designated as

Cluster Manager or above. Offer Letter (for Fresher only) and List of documents
including dummy format of Surety bond should be handed over and explained to the
candidates who have been shortlisted after interview by representatives at registration
counter. Offer letter should not be given to candidatesreffered for field investigation
or visit, as they will be given the same by HR after receipt of positive feedback from
concered persons.
 Application forms should be filled properly and completely with photograph,
personal and professional references of the candidates. If any applicant is not carrying
his/her photograph along, MML representative will click & paste the same on
application form.

 Applicants are required to give at least two personal references for ref-check. The
references are used and treated with confidentiality to supplement the selection
decision. References would only be used after interview only to confirm and not to
influence a decision.

 For the interviews conducted by Cluster Managers at branch location, they should
ensure the preparation of MIS and will send the same to concerned
Regional/Divisional HR with copy to concerned HR at Head Office. The application
forms will be sent to Regional/Divisional HR on same day of interview. For the Mega
interview conducted by Divisional Manager and above, HR representative who is
coordinating and present at venue for interview will ensure the MIS.
7 Salary Negotiation & Extend the offer (experienced candidates) Salary proposal
HR closes it & extend the offer New hire join HR works out the modified offer, if
possible within the band, tries to pursue & seals the offer HR finalises the deployment
and informs the concerned Reporting authorities about the probable DOJ Offer NOT
Accepted Offer Accepted Field Investigation/Visit (To be done for some selected
candidates) Ref Check (HR does the Ref Check as per the Annex) If Positive Offer
Revoked/ Rejection If Negative Rejection If Negative If Positive Candidate will
prepare and submit the documents to Regional/Divisional HR

Head Office – HR will initiate the verification process and should complete the same
within a week from receipt of the MIS. The Offer can be revoked in case of any
negative feedback during investigation. Divisional HR will cross check and ensure the
completion of forms and information entered in interview tracker.


In case candidate is referred for Field visit or Field Investigation, the offer letter will
be sent after receiving positive feedback from the concerned person. 8 Personal Ref
Check Verify from any Three Personal Ref , Like Sarpanch, Member Panchayat,
Pardhan, MC, Family Doctor, Principal, Any Gazetted Officer, Any govt.
Employee working on Sr. Post. Parents’ Consent Professional Ref Check Verify
from person referred by the candidate Verify from 2 immediate reporting
officers of last and second last location. Verification from HR (If candidate is
working, the same should be taken after his resignation acceptance) Any employees
working in our Co., who previously worked in that Company.

Personal reference check

 Feedback about candidate and his/her family will be taken from at least two of
his/her personal references. The references can be Sarpanch, Panchayat Member, MC,
Pardhan, School/ College principal/dean/HOD, Family doctor or any other respectable
senior person who knows the family.

 Consent from parents is mandatory for all the candidates. During the process HR
updates the candidate’s parents about company’s profile, profile offered to candidate
and remuneration.

 Feedback is taken from the person referred by the candidate.

Professional Reference
 Feedback is taken from candidate’s last two immediate reporting officers. If
candidate has worked at more than one location the feedback is taken from seniors of
last two locations. HR feedback is also taken if candidate had left the company. The
process is to be followed for all the last employers of the candidate.

Field Investigation (Optional)

 Interviwer can recommend any candidate for field Investigation as per his
observation. During this process a senior authority (CRM and above) is sent to
candidate’s place for verification. The authority will have to submit his/her report to
HR department regarding the investigation within three days from the day of
intimation regarding the investigation. It is an optional process.

Field Visit (Optional)

 Interviewer can recommend any candidate for field visit as per his observation.
During this process candidate is sent to local branch for 2-3 days. Feedback about the
applicant is sought from the Branch Manager or any of his senior authority (In
absence of Branch Manager). It is an optional process.

An applicant is considered selected after clearance of all the three procedures (Ref-
Check, Field Investigation, Field Visit) and is called for the acceptance of salary
package and appointment letter.
Note: Professional ref-check is sought from current employer (in prescribed Format).
It is sought once offer is accepted by the prospective applicant.


 HR prepares the compensation proposals based on below-mentioned critical

attributes and gets it approved in written by the concerned authorities before
extending to the candidates -

o Academic & Professional qualification of the candidates

o Experience Profile

o Existing Compensation & benefits

o Industries standard compensation

 HR extends the proposals to the candidates who get selected after final round of
Interviews and negotiates accordingly to close them.

 Once the candidate agrees to & confirms the proposal, HR sends out the
notification through candidate’s personal Email-ID along with the list of documents to
be submitted for the joining procedure. This is duly approved by the competent

The individual has to report to the HR for joining formalities. The process of joining
commences on submission of documents and receiving the letter of appointment, duly
signed by the individual, indicating the date of his/her joining. HR will make sure that
all the below-listed documents are received and checked thoroughly before issuance
of the formal Appointment Letter –

 Application forms of the candidate

 Interview Assessment sheet (Filled up with specific recommendations from

concerned Interviewers)

 Reference checks details (documented in the specified format)

 Field Visit Report (If Applicable)


 Offer Letter

 Documents as per list of documents required for joining

 Compensation Proposal (Existing package & the proposed plan, duly approved by
the concerned Authority)
 Declaration Form

 Salary Account Opening Form

 Form 11

List of Documents required to submit to the HR Department for Joining:

1. 5 Passport size photographs

2. One photocopy of 10th certificate

3. One photocopy of 10+2 certificate

4. One photocopy of Graduation certificate

5. One photocopy of Post-Graduation certificate
6. One Photocopy of Pan Card and Aadhar Card.
7. One Photocopy of ID Proof & Address proof each.
(Voter Card, Aadhar Card, Driving License, Passport etc.)
8. UID/ ID proof of Father, Mother and Spouse along with their photographs.
9. Blood Group Report.
10. Cancelled cheque of salary account opened.
11. Undated blank cheque in the name of “Midland Microfin Ltd.”.
10. Relieving, Experience Letter and last salary Slip of the previous jobs. (Not
Applicable for Freshers)
11. One Photocopy of RC, Driving License, Insurance and Pollution (mandatory for
candidates joining for the post up to Cluster Manager.
12. Indemnity-cum-Surety Bond
(The Bond should be typed on Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/-)
Guarantor’s Proofs required:

1. One Copy of Salary slip.

2. One Copy of Official ID Card.

3. One Copy of ID cum Address proof

4. One passport size photograph.
Witness’s proofs required:
1. ID cum Address proofs of both witnesses
2. One Passport size photograph.

 For the candidates joining for the post of TCO/CO/Sr. CO/ ECO/ Br. Jr.
Executive/DBM/BM/Sr. BM or any profile in accounts department, documentation
should be complete at the time of joining. For all other profiles the documents except
“Indemnity cum Surety bond” should be submitted at the time of joining and the
candidate can be given time upto one month for submission of “Indemnity cum Surety
 It is mandatory for all new employees to submit their UID and Pancard. UID of
parents is also mandatory. The details of employee and his/her family members will
be considered as per UID.

 All the documents should be self-attested by the respective persons.

 In case of any pendency of documents, they should be submitted by the new joinees
within 10 days from date of joining. Regional/Divisional-HR will take follow-up from
the candidate and send the detailed mail regarding pendency of documents to the
branch keeping his/her senior authorities in loop.

 Indemnity cum Surety Bond:

All the new joinees are required to submit “Indemnity cum Surety Bond”. The format
for the same will be provided by HR and the same should be typed on Rs. 100/- stamp
paper. The bond and the KYC of persons signing the bond should be notarised.


o Any person working as permanent Govt. Employee and getting monthly salary more
than Rs. 7,500/-.

o Any person working in a Limited or Private Limited company since last 3 years and
getting monthly salary more than Rs. 7,500/-.

Two witnesses are required to sign the bond paper. One of the two witnesses should
be MML employee. The witness from MML should be designated as BM or above.
The candidate has to visit the nearest MML branch along with his/her Guarantor and
one witness who have to sign the Indemnity-cum-Surety Bond in front of the MML
witness. It is not mandatory to for Surety 2(Father or Mother) to vist branch. All KYC
of people who have signed the bond should be self attested and notarised. MML
representative will explain the importance of “Indemnity-cum-Surety bond” to the
guarantor and witness of the candidate.
For the cases where there is no branch within 200 KM from candidate’s home
location, Regional/Divisional - HR will have a video call with the Guarantor and
witness. A signature verification form should taken from Guarantor and Witness to
ensure there identity and signature. The signature as per Bank and as per Indeminity
cum surety bond should be same. In such cases Regional/Divisional – HR will signed
as witness – 2 and will also explain the importance of “Indemnity-cum-Surety bond”
to the guarantor and witness of the candidate.
Guarantor or Witness should not be a blood relative of the candidate or any one the
 Policeman

 Politician

 Person employed in courts

 Employee of any MFI

 News Reporter/Journalist

These guidelines are only for internal purpose without having any legal consequence
what so ever, and shall not be use externaly without prior permission of Management.

 The new joinees must submit the experience and relieving letter (if applicable)
from previous companies at the time of joining. In case he was working, he can be
given one month time to submit the experience and reliving letter of his last company.

 It is the responsibility of every employee to inform his/her Divisional

Manager/Team Leader and HR immediately, of any changes in his/her residential
address and contact details.

 The employee is then called to attend the earliest orientation/induction program,

details of which will be stated at the time of appointment.

 Regional/Divisional-HR will finalise and send the personal details of newly

appointed employee as per Master Database to Head office within two days from
his/her DOJ. They also should ensure that the details are as per UID of the concern

 Regional/Divisional-HR will coordinate with Head Office for E. Code & User ID
creation. He/She will issue other articles like Mobile no., Kit, Laptop/Computer (if
applicable) etc. to newly appointed employee as per their designation.
Regional/Divisional-HR will ensure the completion of administrative formalities
including registration of Bio-matric attandence within 3 days of DOJ of newly
appointed employee

All documents related to the recruitment, selection and joining should be retained
in the personal file of each and every employee along with a detailed checklist. Name,
E. Code and DOJ of the candidate should be mentioned on his/her personal file.

Regional/Divisional-HR will finalise the proposed deployment after discussion with
Regional/Divisional Manager considering vacancy and will send the same to Head
Office for final approval on second day of Induction Batch. Final deployment of new
appointees will be sent by Regional/Divisonal HR to the concern branches including
all his/her reporting authorities and concerned persons from other departments before
proposed date of reporting. The reporting authority should complete the Joining report
and submit it to the HR Department within 2 days from his/her reporting date.
Things to remember while deployment:

 The employees recruited for the profile of field officer/branch in-charge must be
deployed at least 80 KM from his native place but not more than 300 KM in normal
condition. If there is no vacancy within the distance, he can be placed as per

 The deployment is always subject to transfer to another location as per requirement.

 The employees from same village/city shouldn’t be placed in same branch.

 The employees shouldn’t be deployed under the person, who referred him/her.

 The employees shouldn’t be deployed at the same location of person, who referred

 The employees should not be deployed under his/her supervisor or line manager
from previous company.

 More than four candidates can’t be recruited from the same village/city in the
Company. They must be deployed in different clusters.

 Blood relatives should be deployed in different divisions. The employee must be

deployed in such a way that he/she should not report to his/her Friend/Relative.
 The employees recruited from some other MFIs at the level up to Branch Manager
shall not be deployed to the same area he/she was serving in the previous company for
a period of one year.

 Any employee promoted as DBM and above shouldn’t be retained in same branch
after promotion.

Any employee, who had left MML and completed his/her full and final settlement
formalities, can re-join after a minimum gap of six months. Feedbacks of all his/her
last reporting authorities will be must for re-joining. Depending upon his/her present
profile they can be given any profile below and above their last position.
Any employee terminated due to any reason including “Termination due to absent
from duty” will not be eligible for re-joining.


All new staff members will be given Induction Training. The induction
programme will be a five days program which is designed in such a way, that the new
joinees can understand the process and policy of the Company related to each and
every department.

Induction Training will be held on every Tuesday at Head Office and all Regional
Offices respectively. Minimum 15 candidates should be there in each induction batch.

During Induction program training session will be taken by concerned HODs or

authorised trainers.

A training schedule will be send to all the trainers 2 days prior.

HR team member will coordinate to ensure necessary arrangement as per

checklist (like stay arrangement, issuance of ID Card, training feedback, evaluation
test etc.). His/her contact details should be circulated amongst the attendants. Trainer
will ensure Daily Attendance and Handouts which are to be given to the attendees.

The induction program will start with PPT comprising brief profile of MML,
Mission & Vision of the Company, working area, Organisation structure, Hierarchy,
Operational highlights like cumulative disbursement, loan outstanding, no. of
borrowers, active borrowers & no. of active employees.
14 All employees who have completed 1 month at least Feedback of Regional /
Divisional Manager Documents Status Improvement Required Family Loan Status
(From MML only) Feedback of Training Department. Recommendation Ops Head Re
- Test
All the attendants will asked to come forward and give their introduction to other
attendants before formal start of Induction

There will an introduction session of all team leaders from different departments
after last session.

Induction will conclude with evaluation test and filling of induction feedback

The induction analysis report will then be prepared and submitted by coordinator
to the HEAD –HR in which analysis of findings is done based on the questionnaires
and suggestions from inductees.

Training effectiveness evaluation will be done after compilation of feedback

forms and results is to be published.

The details of programme will be then entered in Training Hours Report of the
employees and Training Imparted by Trainer Report.

Attendance sheets and feedback forms should be kept in record for future

All the new joinees will have to give evaluation test after completion of one
month in the Company.

Employees with outstanding family loan from MML should preclose the same
before for the test.

Employees who haven’t completed their documents will not be eligible for the
15 All employees who have completed 1 Year at least Feedback of RM/DM/ HOD (In
case of HO/RO/DO staff) Improvement Required Feedback of Training Department.
Recommendation Ops Head Re - Test
All employees will be given maximum two chances to clear the evaluation test.

Trainees failing to clear “Evaluation Test”, will be given and extension of 30 days
before second and final attempt.

The test will be scheduled on third Saturday of every month for all the new
joinees completing minimum one month. Trainees will be taken on probation from
next month subject to clearance of evaluation test.

Training department will send the feedback forms to all concerned Sr. authorities
one week prior to test schedule.

All concern Sr. authorities should submit their feedback to training department
within three days of receiving the feedback form.

Maximum marks of test should be 50. Person have to score at least 50% marks to
clear the exam. Along with 50% score, feedback of Regional/Divisional Manager
should be positive.

Evaluation test will be conducted at Head Office/ Regional Office/ Divisional

Office/ Cluster Office only. Any HR representative or employees working in capacity
of cluster manager and above can invigilate the test.

Invigilator will be responsible to send the hardcopy of evaluation test to Training

department at Head Office. No scanned copy should be shared.

Training department will conduct a telephonic interaction round with all

employees, who cleared the written test.

Training department will declare the result for the month on 30th.

The Trainees, who clear the evaluation test may be appointed and given
remuneration as per his/her new designation. Employees working on all other profiles
will continue on probation and there will be no change in their remuneration.

The test should be scheduled on third Saturday of every month, for the employees,
who are to be confirmed from next month subject to clearance of “Confirmation test”.

Training department will send the feedback forms to all concerned Sr. authorities
one week prior to test schedule. All concern Sr. authorities should submit their
feedback to training department within three days from receipt of feedback form.

Maximum marks of test should be 100. Employees have to score at least 50%
marks to clear the exam. Along with 50% score, feedback of all the reporting
authority should be positive.

Evaluation test should be conducted at Head Office/ Regional Office/ Divisional

Office/ Cluster Office only. Any HR representative or employees working in capacity
of cluster manager and above can invigilate the test.

Invigilator will be responsible for sending the hardcopy of test paper to Training
department at Head Office. No scanned copy should be shared.

Training department will conduct a telephonic interaction round with all

employees, who cleared the written test.

Training department will declare the result within one week from date of test

Research is defined as human activity based on intellectual application in the

investigation of matter. The primary purpose for applied research is discovering ,
interpreting , and development of methods and system for the advancement of human
knowledge on a wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the universe.
Research can use the scientific method , but need not to do so.

Scientific research relies on the applicants of the scientific method, a harnessing of

curiosity. This research provides scientific information and theories for the
explanation of the nature and the properties of the world around us. It makes practical
application possible. Historical research is embedded in the historical method.
Scientific research can be subdivided into different classifications according to their
academic and application disciplines.

To analyze the recruitment and selection process of midland microfinance and review
HR policies pertaining to recruitment and selection.

Descriptive research


The primary as well as the secondary sources was used for collection of data.

Questionnaire and interview

Books and journals

Primary data involves the collection of data that does not already exist. This can be
through numerous forms, including questionnaire and telephone interviews amongst

Secondary research involves the summary , collection and/or synthesis of existing

research rather than primary research , where data are collected from, for example,
research subjects or experiments.

Thus the sources of data collection were as follows


Interview schedule company records

Questionnaires magazines

Observation method other records

Discussion company’s website

Primary as well as secondary data was collected.

Sample unit :
HR department of midland Microfin company

Sampling technique :
Convenient sampling

Field of study:
This project was carried out at midland Microfin ,the axis bmcchowk Jalandhar.

1: Do your company conducts any formal human resource forecasting before


No. of Percentage Of
Respondents Respondents
Yes 78 78%

No 10 10%

Can‟t say 12 12%

TOTAL 100 100%

Percentage 50%
Respondents 40%


Yes No Can’t say


Most of the employees i.e., 78% are expressed that the company conducts formal
human resource forecasting before recruitment.
If yes, what is the frequency of forecasting?

No. of Percentage
Respondents Of
Regular 8 8%

Adhoc 70 70%

Can‟t say 22 22%

TOTAL 100 100%



Of 40%

Regular Adhoc Can’t say

From the above graph, it is clear that the company conducts human resource
forecasting whenever required i.e., Adhoc.
2: Recruitment procedure of your organization is excellent.
No. Of Percentage Of
Respondents Respondents
32 32%
Agree 56 56%

Neutral 10 10%

Disagree 2 2%
0 0%
TOTAL 100 100%


60% 56%


Percentage 32%
Of 30%
2% 0%
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
agree Disagree

From the above graph, it is clear that 56% of the employees agreed and 32% of the
employees strongly agreed that the recruitment process in the organization is
3: Which method your company will prefer mostly for recruitment?

No. Of Percentage Of
Respondents Respondents
74 74%
14 14%
Third Party 8 8%

Others 4 4%

TOTAL 100 100%

80% 74%

Percentage 50%
Of 40%
Respondents 30%
20% 14%
10% 4%
Direct Indirect Third Others
Method Method Party

From the graph, it is observed that the company prefers mostly direct method for
recruitment and secondly, it prefers indirect method.
4: What are the sources for internal sourcing among the following?

No. Of Percentage Of
Respondents Respondents
permanent 8 8%
Temporary 12 12%
Retired 16 16%
Disabled 14 14%
All above 50 50%

TOTAL 100 100%

60% 50%
Percentage 40%
Of 30%
Respondents 20% 8% 12% 14%


From the above graph, it is clear that the company prefers the present permanent
employees, present temporary employees, and retrenched/retired employees,
deceased/disabled employees as internal source for recruitment.
5: How many rounds of interviews are conducted in your organization?
No. Of Percentage Of
Respondents Respondents
1-3 22 22%

3-5 14 14%

More 64 64%
than 5
TOTAL 100 100%

70% 64%
Percentage 40%
Respondents 30%
20% 14%
1-3 ROUNDS 3-5 ROUNDS More than 5

Above graph shows that the employees of CIL Securities Ltd i.e. 64% are agreed that
the company conduct more than 5 rounds for interview process.
6: You satisfied with the recruitment process conducted in your organization.

No. Of Percentage Of
Respondents Respondents
70 70%
Agree 20 20%

Can‟t say 0 0%

Disagree 6 6%
Strongly 4%
TOTAL 100 100%

80% 70%
Percentage 50%
Of 40%
Respondents 30% 20%
20% 6% 4%
10% 0%


Above graph shows that 70% of employees are satisfied with recruitment process
conducted in the organization.
7: What form of interview does your organization prefer?

No. Of Percentage Of
Respondents Respondents
84 84%
4 4%
6 6%
Others 6 6%

TOTAL 100 100%

90% 84%
Percentage 60%
Of 40%
Respondents 30%
20% 4% 6% 6%



From the above graph, 84% of the employees are expressed that the company mostly
prefers the personal interview for the interview process.
8: Are you satisfied with the interview process conducted in your organization?

No. Of Percentage Of
Respondents Respondents
Yes 86 86%

No 4 4%

Can‟t say 10 10%

TOTAL 100 100%

90% 86%

Percentage 60%
Of 50%
Respondents 40%
20% 10%
10% 4%
Yes No Can’t say

From the above graph, 86% of employees are satisfied with the interview process
conducted in the organization.
9: Is the aptitude test conducted in your organization?

No. Of Percentage Of
Respondents Respondents
Yes 78 78%

No 14 14%

Can‟t say 8 8%

TOTAL 100 100%

Percentage 50%
respondents 40%
20% 14%
Yes No Can’t say

From the above graph it is clear that 78% of employees expressed that the aptitude
test is conducted in the organization.
10: Do your organization conduct any of these tests?

No. Of Percentage Of
Respondents Respondents
12 12%
Medical test 52 52%
Reference test
12 12%
All above 24 24%

TOTAL 100 100%

Of 30% 24%
12% 12%


Above graph shows that the organization conducts mostly the medical test at the time
of recruitment process.
11: How do you rate the HR practices in your company?

No. Of Percentage Of
Respondents Respondents
Very Good 24 24%

Good 52 52%

Average 20 20%

Bad 4 4%

TOTAL 100 100%


of 30%

Very Good Good Average Bad

From the above graph it is known that 52% of employees at CIL Securities Ltd agreed
that the HR practices in the organization are good and 24% are expressed that it is
very good.
12. Does your company follow different recruitment process for different grades of

No. Of Percentage Of
Respondents Respondents
Yes 54 54%

No 14 14%

Can‟t say 6 6%

TOTAL 100 100%

60% 54%

of 30%
20% 14%
10% 6%

Yes No Can’t say

From the above graph it is concluded that 54% of employees are expressed that
company follow different recruitment process for different grades of employees.
13. Which technological support your company uses for the process of recruiting?

No. Of Percentage Of
Respondents Respondents
Telephone 36 36%
18 18%
Online support 16 16%

Others 30 30%

TOTAL 100 100%

40% 36%
35% 30%
Percentage 25% 18%
Of 20% 16%
Respondents 15%


From the above graph it is clear that the company takes the support of telephone for
recruitment process and secondly video conferencing.
14. What kind of verifications your company does for recruitment process?

No. Of Percentage Of
Respondents Respondents
42 42%
4 4%
14 14%
30 30%
10 10%
TOTAL 100 100%

45% 42%
35% 30%
Percentage 30%
Of 20% 14%
Respondents 15% 10%
10% 4%



From the above graph it is clear that at the time of recruitment process, mostly the
company verifies the educational qualifications and next prefers the reference check
at the time of recruitment.
15. Are you aware of the concept of RPO – Recruitment Process Outsourcing?

No. Of Percentage Of
Respondents Respondents
Yes 62 62%

No 38 38%

TOTAL 100 100%

50% 38%
Percentage 40%
Respondents 30%


Yes No


Most of the employees i.e., 62% in the company are aware about the
Recruitment Process Outsourcing but 38% of the employees are unaware
about the Recruitment process outsourcing.
16: Do your organization follow employee referral schemes?

No. Of Percentage Of
Respondents Respondents
Yes 66 66%

No 34 34%

TOTAL 100 100%

70% 66%



Percentage 40% 34%

Respondents 30%


Yes No


Most of the employees i.e., 66% expressed that the company follows referral
scheme34% didn‟t agreed that.

1. The company conducts human resource forecasting whenever required.

2. The recruitment process in the organization is excellent.
3. The company prefers mostly direct method for recruitment and secondly, it
prefers indirect method.
4. The company prefers the present permanent employees, present temporary
employees, and retrenched/retired employees, deceased/disabled employees as
internal source or recruitment.
5. The company conducts more than 5 rounds for interview process.
6. The employees are satisfied with recruitment process conducted in the
7. The company mostly prefers the personal interview for the interview process.
8. The employees are satisfied with the interview process conducted in the
9. The aptitude test is conducted in the organization for recruitment.
10. The organization conducts mostly the medical test at the time of recruitment
11. The HR practices in the organization are good.
12. The company follows different recruitment process for different grades of
13. The company takes the support of telephone for recruitment process.
14. The company mostly verifies the educational qualifications at the time of
15. Most of the employees in the company are aware about the Recruitment
Process Outsourcing.
16. Most of the employees agreed that the company follows referral schemes.

1. The company conducts formal human resource forecasting before recruitment

whenever is needed only. But it can also forecast regularly for better results in
2. The company prefers mostly direct method for recruitment. It can also use
indirect and third party method.
3. The employees are satisfied with the recruitment process conducted in the
organization. It is good to the organization and it has to continue with it.
4. Samrat Honda follows the traditional methods like personal interview. But it
can also adopt the new technology like telephonic interview, Video
Conferencing etc.
5. The organization can also conduct the tests like Psychometric test, Reference
test check for attracting the candidates for recruitment.

The following are some of the suggestions which enables the company to
enhance its recruitment methodology.

The company should focus its attention more on campus interviews to

attract young potential employees who have the zeal to achieve goal for
themselves and the company.

The company can take up the short-term projects with new technologies
and fixed deadlines to bring out competitiveness and cutting edge
approach by the employees. This enables the company to recruit the
brightest and the best manpower for the jobs.

Incentives and contest for employees referrals and the use of web based
resources such as job brands and job distribution services would go a long
way in enhancing the recruitment process.

The current study is related to analysis of recruitment process at Samrat

Honda. The company conducts the Human Resource forecasting whenever needed. It
follows mostly personal interview for the interview process. It plans the every act
wisely and quickly by taking the suggestions from the employees. The HR practices
followed at Samrat Honda are good. The employees are satisfied with the recruitment
process conducted in the organization.

1: Does your company conduct any formal human resource forecasting before
 Yes
 No
 Can‟t say
If yes, what is the frequency of forecasting?
 Regular
 Adhoc
 Can‟t say
2: Recruitment procedure of your organization is excellent.
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Can‟t say
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
3: Which method your company will prefer mostly for recruitment?
 Direct Method
 Indirect Method
 Third Party
 Others
4: What are the sources for internal sourcing among the following?
 Present permanent employees
 Present temporary employees
 Retrenched / Retired / employees
 Deceased / disabled / employees
 All above
5: How many rounds of interviews are conducted in your organization?
 1-3
 3-5
 More than 5
6: You are satisfied with the recruitment process conducted in your organization.
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Can‟t say
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
7: What form of interview does your organization prefer?
 Personal Interview
 Telephonic Interview
 Video Conferencing
 Others
8: Are you satisfied with the interview process conducted in your organization?
 Yes
 No
 Can‟t say
9: Is the aptitude test conducted in your organization?
 Yes
 No
 Can‟t say
10: Does your organization conduct any of these tests?
 Psychometric test
 Medical test
 Reference test check
 All above
11: How do you rate the HR practices in your company?
 Very Good
 Good
 Average
 Bad
12. Does your company follow different recruitment process for different grades
of employees?
 Yes
 No
 Can‟t say

13. Which technological support your company uses for the process of recruiting?

 Telephone
 Video conferencing
 Online support
 Others

14. What kind of verifications your company does for recruitment process?

 Educational qualifications
 Legal background check
 Professional background check
 Reference check
 Family background check

15. Are you aware of the concept of RPO – Recruitment Process Outsourcing?

 Yes
 No

16: Do you follow employee referral schemes?

 Yes No

The following trends are being seen in recruitment process:

Recruitment process outsourcing
The recruitment is one of the leading functions that organization outsourced. The
outsourcing firms help the organization by the initial screening of the candidates according
to the needs of the organization and creating a suitable pool of talent for the final selection
by the organization. Outsourcing firms develop their human resources pool by employing
people for them and make available personnel to various companies as per their needs. This
practice helps the organization in reducing time and costs in recruitment.
Poaching and head hunting
“buying talent” is the latest mantra being followed by the organizations today. Poaching
means employing a competent and experienced person already working with another reputed
company in the same or different industry. The organization might be competitor in the
industry. Head hunting means you attract the employ of your choice from competitors by the
way offering lucrative packages for beginning the work for your organization.
E- recruitment
Internet has created revolution in recruitment and selection process. E-recruitment is the use
of the technology to assist the recruitment process .today aspirants having global mindset
and information on opening are available online with placements consultants website, city
line websites and other portals. The job seekers send their application through mail using the
internet. Organizations are collecting databases whole of the year through this and exercising
this to its level best. This will help in time and money cost for the companies and for
aspirants it is easier to access it on 24/7.
Summer internship programme
This programme bridges the gap between concepts reinforced in class room and real
corporate and environment situation. Corporate having opportunity to evaluate students for
long term perspectives. Internship programme is undertaken in the discipline concerned.
Talent strategy
Talent strategy means examining the kinds of competencies that will be needed in the next
few years. And then comparing those needs with the current competencies. Based on the
types of gaps, and an organization that decides whether to promote, transfer, terminate and so


 C.B Gupta , (1996) human resource management, Sultan Chand and Sons.
 K Ashwathapa, (1997) human resource and personnel management, Tata. McGraw
 Dr. C.R Kothari (2008)research methodology
 Chris Duke , (2001) recruiting the right staff



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