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WORKSHEET [2019-2020]
Q 1] Tick (√) the correct answer :
1) Mother's mother is called
a) mother [ ] b) sister [ ] c) grandmother [ ]
d) none of these [ ]
2) The grandparents , parents and children live together in a
__________ family.
a) nuclear [ ] b) joint [ ] c) big [ ] d) small [ ]
3) The children of our uncles and aunts are our
a) brothers [ ] b) sisters [ ] c) cousins [ ] d) friends[ ]
4)The children born together from the same mother are called
a) sister [ ] b) twins [ ] c) cousins [ ] d) brother [ ]
Q 2] Fill in the blanks using the words given below.
1) People who live in the same house and are related to each
other are called a ____________ .
2) A nuclear family consists of _____________ and one or
two children .
3) The relatives from your father's side are your
__________________ relatives.
4) Father's father is called ___________________ .
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5) A ____________ family consists of grandfather ,

grandmother , father, mother, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters and
cousins .
Q 3] Write 'T' for True and 'F' for False statements.
1) There is only one type of family . [ ]
2) A nuclear family is a small family. [ ]
3) Families meet on special occasions like weddings and
festivals.[ ]
4) All twins are identical. [ ]
5) Children should help in the house. [ ]

Q 4] Answer in one word.

1) A small family with parents and children.
2) Two children born at the same time from the same mother.
3) Child of your aunt and uncle .

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