Ffmpeg Compile Guide PDF

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Youtube tutorial: https://youtu.

In this guide, we use vs2017 to build ffmpeg with x264, cuvid, nvenc, and libnpp plugins
1. Download and install Msys
2. Download and install yasm win64.exe(for general use on 64bit Windows, NOT for use with visual studio)
2-1 rename the yasm-1.2.0-win64.exe to yasm.exe
3. Compile x264 from source
Download x264 20170625 from https://download.videolan.org/pub/x264/snapshots/x264-snapshot-20170625-2245-stable.tar.bz2
3-1 Launch x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS2017
3-2 Type the following to launch Msys
C:\msys64\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64 -use-full-path
3-3 Copy the yasm.exe from step 2-1 to /usr/bin
cp /C/...../yasm.exe /usr/bin/
3-4 Type the following to install make, pig-config and diffutils in Msys
pacman -S make pkg-config diffutils
3-5 go to the x264 source directory
cd /C/..../ffmpeg-3.4.2
3-6 Type
CC=cl ./configure --enable-static --prefix=/c/x264 --disable-cli
make install
3-7 The x264 build will be stored in C:/x264
4. Download and install CUDA toolkit
5. Compile ffmpeg from source
5-1 Download and extract ffmpeg 3.4.2 from http://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-3.4.2.tar.bz2
5-2 Launch x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS2017
5-3 Type the following to launch Msys
5-4 In Msys, type the followings to copy cuda and x264 headers, libraries to /usr/local/include/ and /c/local/lib64/
mkdir /usr/local/include/
mkdir /usr/local/lib64
cp -R /c/Program\ Files/NVIDIA\ GPU\ Computing\ Toolkit/CUDA/v9.1/include/* /usr/local/include/
cp -R /c/Program\ Files/NVIDIA\ GPU\ Computing\ Toolkit/CUDA/v9.1/lib/x64/* /usr/local/lib64/
cp -R /c/x264/include/* /usr/local/include/
cp -R /c/x264/lib/* /usr/local/lib64/
5-5 Type the following to add the path of MS VC 2017 cl.exe and link.exe
export PATH="/C/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual
5-6 Type the followings to make sure cl and make correctly link to Microsoft cl.exe and link.exe
5-7 Go to ffmpeg-3.4.2 source directory
cd /C/..../ffmpeg-3.4.2
5-8 Type
./configure \
--enable-cuda \
--enable-cuvid \
--enable-nvenc \
--enable-nonfree \
--enable-libnpp \
--prefix=/c/ffmpeg \
--extra-cflags=-I/usr/local/include \
--extra-ldflags=-LIBPATH:/usr/local/lib64 \
5-9 Complie and install in prefix directory
make install
5-10 The ffmpeg build will be stored in C:/ffmpeg
6. Launch a new command prompt in window
6-1 Go to build directory
cd C://ffmepg
6-2 Type the followings to make sure the ffmpeg complied with x264, scale_npp, nvenc, cuvid
ffmpeg –filters | findstr scale_npp
ffmpeg –encoders | findstr x264
ffmpeg –encoders | findstr nvenc
ffmpeg –decoders | findstr cuvid

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