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How to use Xilinx ISE and insert ICON,

ILA, VIO cores to work on Chipscope

We use ISE 12.2 and Virtex-5 family board XUPV5-LX110T.

Step1 - Connect Power and Jtag usb to the board also computer and open our ISE
work station.

Step2 - We are going to open a new project by clicking File -> New project.
It’s going to show this window, type in the “Name ” of project and click “Next”,
since we’re using a ADPCM encoder for this example, we will type in

Make sure the family, device, package and speed is chosen correct then click on
“Next” -> “Finish” .

Step3 – Click the device on the Hierarchy tree then click add source at the left of the
button, or from the tag on the top “Source” -> “Add Source”. “ADPCMEncoder.v” is
the source code we want to add, After adding click “OK”.

Step4 – From “Source” -> “New Source” and get this window, now we’re going to
insert a core by using IP (core generator). Type in the name of the core, then click on

Step5 – Now to insert a ICON core we follow the tree “Debug & Verification” ->
“ChipScope Pro” -> “ICON”, then click “Next” and “Finish”.

Select two on the Control Ports since we’re going to insert one ILA and one VIO core,
and press “Generate”.

Step6 – Follow Step5 and the setup shown on the figure below to create an ILA and
VIO core. Click “Next” and make sure the width of each Trigger is correct for ILA then
click “Generate”, also check the width for the input and output of VIO core.
Step7 – From ICON we double click on “View HDL Instantiation Template” we can
copy the template on the right window and make connection with ADPCM. Follow
this step again for ILA and VIO. From the source code we can see the changes, file
“ADPCM_encoder” is the origin source code, and “ADPCM_encoder(core)” is the
source code after inserting the three cores.

Step8 – Create a new source by “Source” -> “New Source” -> “Implementation
Constraints File”, type in the name and click ”Next” then “Finish”.
Step9 – To generate a clock, we type in the following code in the “.ucf” file, also in
the PDF file “ml50x_schematics”, we can find all the address for the IO on the FPGA

Next we click right button on “Generate Programming File”, under “Startup

Options” we set “FPGA Start-Up Clock” to “JTAG Clock”. After setting up we can
Implement the module by clicking the green arrow at the top.
Step10 – We open iMPACT from “Tools” -> “iMPACT”.

After iMPACT window is opened, we click on “Initialize Chain”, and select

the “.bit” file for the Virtex-5 FPGA. Then we chose the FPGA device and click
“Program”, when all the steps are finished we can close iMPACT.
Step11 – We can open chipscope by double clicking “Analyze Design Using

After opening chipscope pro, we click on the icon “Open cable/Search for
JTAG chain” on the left top of the window. Then on the left window right click on
“Device4” then click on “Configure” -> “Select New File” and chose the “.bit” file and
click “OK”.

Step12 – Double click on “VIO Console”, set bus for the input and output then
rename it. Then we can provide input from the VIO core and see the chages of the
output as the figure below.
Step13 – Click on the ILA unit and set “Data Prot” to bus and rename it. If we click on
the arrow on the top of the window, we can get the waveforms according to our

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