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Sentra Usahatama Jaya

Jl. Jawa, Anyer, Cilegon
Phone: 082117325161

Simulation of Roller v
Date: 10 May 2019
Study name: Tes Ralat
Analysis type: Static

Table of Contents
Description ............................................ 1
Assumptions .......................................... 2
Model Information ................................... 2
Study Properties ..................................... 3
Units ................................................... 3
Material Properties .................................. 4
Description Loads and Fixtures................................... 5
No Data Connector Definitions ............................... 6
Contact Information ................................. 6
Mesh information .................................... 7
Sensor Details ........................................ 8
Resultant Forces ..................................... 9
Beams .................................................. 9
Study Results ....................................... 10
Conclusion .......................................... 14

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Roller v 1.0 1

PT. Sentra Usahatama Jaya
Jl. Jawa, Anyer, Cilegon WIBISONO DANESWORO


Model Information

Model name: Roller v 1.0

Current Configuration: Default
Solid Bodies
Document Name and Document Path/Date
Treated As Volumetric Properties
Reference Modified
Mass:191.263 kg
Volume:0.0245209 m^3 E:\CAD CAM\Projek\Roller
Solid Body Density:7800 kg/m^3 v 1.0.SLDPRT
Weight:1874.38 N May 09 11:50:45 2019

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Roller v 1.0 2

PT. Sentra Usahatama Jaya
Jl. Jawa, Anyer, Cilegon WIBISONO DANESWORO

Study Properties
Study name Tes Ralat
Analysis type Static
Mesh type Solid Mesh
Thermal Effect: On
Thermal option Include temperature loads
Zero strain temperature 298 Kelvin
Include fluid pressure effects from SOLIDWORKS Off
Flow Simulation
Solver type FFEPlus
Inplane Effect: Off
Soft Spring: Off
Inertial Relief: Off
Incompatible bonding options Automatic
Large displacement Off
Compute free body forces Off
Friction Off
Use Adaptive Method: Off
Result folder SOLIDWORKS document (E:\CAD CAM\Projek)

Unit system: SI (MKS)
Length/Displacement mm
Temperature Kelvin
Angular velocity Rad/sec
Pressure/Stress N/m^2

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Roller v 1.0 3

PT. Sentra Usahatama Jaya
Jl. Jawa, Anyer, Cilegon WIBISONO DANESWORO

Material Properties
Model Reference Properties Components
Name: 1.1191 (C45E) SolidBody 1(Revolve2)(Roller
Model type: Linear Elastic Isotropic v 1.0)
Default failure Max von Mises Stress
Yield strength: 5.65e+008 N/m^2
Tensile strength: 7.5e+008 N/m^2
Elastic modulus: 2.1e+011 N/m^2
Poisson's ratio: 0.28
Mass density: 7800 kg/m^3
Shear modulus: 7.9e+010 N/m^2
Thermal expansion 1.1e-005 /Kelvin
Curve Data:N/A

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Roller v 1.0 4

PT. Sentra Usahatama Jaya
Jl. Jawa, Anyer, Cilegon WIBISONO DANESWORO

Loads and Fixtures

Fixture name Fixture Image Fixture Details
Entities: 2 face(s)
Type: Fixed Hinge

Fixed Hinge-1

Resultant Forces
Components X Y Z Resultant
Reaction force(N) 3.43287e+009 -4.1802e+010 -1.26378e+008 4.19429e+010
Reaction Moment(N.m) 0 0 0 0

Load name Load Image Load Details

Reference: Top Plane
Values: 0 0 -9.81
Units: SI

Entities: 1 face(s)
Type: Apply force
Values: ---, ---, 116438 N

Entities: 1 face(s)
Reference: Axis1
Type: Apply torque
Value: 9880.05 N.m

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Roller v 1.0 5

PT. Sentra Usahatama Jaya
Jl. Jawa, Anyer, Cilegon WIBISONO DANESWORO

Connector Definitions
No Data

Contact Information
No Data

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Roller v 1.0 6

PT. Sentra Usahatama Jaya
Jl. Jawa, Anyer, Cilegon WIBISONO DANESWORO

Mesh information
Mesh type Solid Mesh
Mesher Used: Standard mesh
Automatic Transition: Off
Include Mesh Auto Loops: Off
Jacobian points 4 Points
Element Size 29.0558 mm
Tolerance 1.45279 mm
Mesh Quality High

Mesh information - Details

Total Nodes 10224
Total Elements 6317
Maximum Aspect Ratio 4.4838
% of elements with Aspect Ratio < 3 99.4
% of elements with Aspect Ratio > 10 0
% of distorted elements(Jacobian) 0
Time to complete mesh(hh;mm;ss): 00:00:02
Computer name:

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Roller v 1.0 7

PT. Sentra Usahatama Jaya
Jl. Jawa, Anyer, Cilegon WIBISONO DANESWORO

Sensor Details
No Data

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Roller v 1.0 8

PT. Sentra Usahatama Jaya
Jl. Jawa, Anyer, Cilegon WIBISONO DANESWORO

Resultant Forces
Reaction forces
Selection set Units Sum X Sum Y Sum Z Resultant
Entire Model N 3.43287e+009 -4.1802e+010 -1.26378e+008 4.19429e+010

Reaction Moments
Selection set Units Sum X Sum Y Sum Z Resultant
Entire Model N.m 0 0 0 0

No Data

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Roller v 1.0 9

PT. Sentra Usahatama Jaya
Jl. Jawa, Anyer, Cilegon WIBISONO DANESWORO

Study Results

Name Type Min Max

Stress1 VON: von Mises Stress 7.12316e+010 N/m^2 7.63905e+013 N/m^2
Node: 4411 Node: 10121

Roller v 1.0-Tes Ralat-Stress-Stress1

Name Type Min Max

Displacement1 URES: Resultant Displacement 694.406 mm 1.49726e+010 mm
Node: 6197 Node: 6081

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Roller v 1.0 10

PT. Sentra Usahatama Jaya
Jl. Jawa, Anyer, Cilegon WIBISONO DANESWORO

Roller v 1.0-Tes Ralat-Displacement-Displacement1

Name Type Min Max

Strain1 ESTRN: Equivalent Strain 0.217724 225.748
Element: 762 Element: 1889

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Roller v 1.0 11

PT. Sentra Usahatama Jaya
Jl. Jawa, Anyer, Cilegon WIBISONO DANESWORO

Roller v 1.0-Tes Ralat-Strain-Strain1

Name Type Min Max

Factor of Safety1 Max von Mises Stress 7.39621e-006 0.00793188
Node: 10121 Node: 4411

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Roller v 1.0 12

PT. Sentra Usahatama Jaya
Jl. Jawa, Anyer, Cilegon WIBISONO DANESWORO

Roller v 1.0-Tes Ralat-Factor of Safety-Factor of Safety1

Name Type
Design Insight1 Design Insight

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Roller v 1.0 13

PT. Sentra Usahatama Jaya
Jl. Jawa, Anyer, Cilegon WIBISONO DANESWORO

Roller v 1.0-Tes Ralat-Design Insight-Design Insight1


Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Roller v 1.0 14

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