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Reaction Paper

English 210

Submitted by: Kristianne Kyle R. Lozano

Submitted to: Mr. Jude Michael D. Casamayor

Title: Boracay’s Closure: Good or Not?

Formerly, Boracay has the major contribution in the country’s tourism and the most well-
known place to visit. The beauty of the island has been reconized by people all over the world and
it is one of the most beautiful tourist spot in the world. Historically Boracay has been visited by
tourist making the country dealt a big impact in economy rise. People from other country visited
the island due to it’s natural beauty but as the time goes by, the island became crowded not just by
it’s being visited but also in the businesses initiating profits. The reason why Boracay suddenly
became toxic due to the the business owners irresponsibility. The island got crushed due to
disinhibition of the place, through that the island is close and requires a rehabilitation.

These are the reason why the island is temporarily closed. As we suspected, the previous
already did action, demolishing business establishments that were illegaly operating without any
permissions, this illegal businesses abused the environment but seems this isn’t enough to put to
an end to major threats of Boracay. Now the President Duterte is taking action to ressolve this
problem by closing the island temporarily, that the previous administration couldn’t make action
to work. Due to it’s controversy, a tourist also stated that it needs a tough government to handle
this appointment, and that he has a enough support on rehabilitating the Boracay. Same to the most
tourist that agreed on the rehabilation for the sake Boracay’s nature and environment.

In conclusion of the statements that I’ve observed that most of the people whos in favor to
it’s closure and due to pollution that destroys the island, closing the island is the best idea to
preserve and recover island. Even though it’s a major loss in our country’s econonmy and top
spots, fixing it before it gets worse than to completely ruin the place called paradise. It’s our
country’s treasure that we should taking care of it.
Position Paper
English 210

Submitted by: Kristianne Kyle R. Lozano

Submitted to: Mr. Jude Michael D. Casamayor

Title: SONA 2018

Our current President Rodrigo Duterte is known as a strict person even before he was a mayor
in Davao, Davao City is well-disclined because of his personality to his people. Implementing
laws, strict rules to make the people obey. His laws is strictly implemented that all should follow
or else they receive consequences for disobeying. He also has a hard hatred to the dangerous drugs
that destroyed the personal ability of thinking which dealt often cases of doing unusual actions
such as taking life of others, that is now applied in the entire country.

He highlighted in his SONA that illegal drugs will be vanished soon enough and that war on
drugs will retain until that happens, he said “Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives,”
statements that’s for the “human rights” that is still against his program of “war on drugs.” In my
opinion, it’s just right and just what affected to those people that willing to destroy everything just
to take drugs. People that does’nt have mercy in their bodies, “Illegal drugs wasted away lives,
dysfucntionalized families and ruined relationship” stated by President Duterte, not just drugs can
affect people’s lives but also corruption, it could give problems specially to those who are low
standards of living. It gives poverty, taking people become destitute also taking lives away as we
can suspected in our daily living. That’s why President Duterte hated corruption and stated that
“Corruption must stop” to improve the delivery of service. He also warned Government agencies
to stop red tape and said “I hereby direct all government units and government agencies to
faithfully implement this law and simplify the process.”

We all know what happened to Marawi in the Marawi Siege and how it is worked in the
present it was so dominating and people in Marawi is having a difficult recovery to get their normal
living. Then President Duterte said that budget for Mindanao is being increased and he wants to
pursue his promises until the end of his term. He said that “War is not an option. We have been
through the catastrophe in Marawi. We have seen the horror devastation, human troll, displacement
of both Christians and Muslims alike.”

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