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L. AIJemplany four of the following:

(i) Let C (R) be the vector ウ ー 。」セ@ of complex numbers over the Jidd of イ」セ@ I numbers. Under whnl
condiL1ons on the real numbcffl o.. セ N@ y, 3 in tJ1c セ」エ@
s セ@ ,,.. m.r - i5\l, ; t- u•
、ッキセ@ have

L(S) = Cm).
wl1cre L(S) dcootes the linear セ ー。 エ@ of S. Jus tif)• your claun. (10)

(ii) sャエセ エ 」ィ@ t he ronic

(x y !J sS セ@セ@ UM ·3 I{セQ@ y • 0
[-fi -3 -3 1 ra ( 10)
(iii) A plane pa,ses through a llxed point (2p, 2q, 2r) ""d 」オゥ セ@ the axes in A. B, C. Show that tho
lo<us of the ct ntr.: of the sphor< OAflC is
(10 )
(k<) l'rove that the stat ioMry values of

>uhjc<•tlo the ctmditittns, lx + my + 111 ; 0 and

.i' ' :i!_ ' , . 1

。 セ@ b'J c:J
are the rools of ilte equations
J'llu '- ,,,.J,,I L Q jHG セ@

- - - -- ' - - = tl
J BI!U 1- l,';, 1- H G セ i@ ( I (J)
(v) £ valuate


dx front first plin<ipl<s by tt.sing

Itiemann ·s tlleorJ of Lntegnuion. (10)
2. ta) Let
0 : V(RI > VtRI : /1%).,. - - ,
'I' VtR I • | セ rI@ "1
:/i<l -x/lto
be Jin.,lr tra n.<lo nnarjons 0 11 V(R). ャ ィ セ@ V<OIOr • pace or all polynom ll!IS iri ali ゥ ョゥNャ セ ャ ・ ョオゥ [ ャ| ・@ )i
with real coc.! ffidents.
Show thol:
2 orR
(i) DT - TO セ@ l. the id<!llity op<ralo,·.
( ii) (TOl セ@ 'fD1 + TO.

A= li セ@M セ
0 0 1_
by using cZエケォ Mh ョュゥ ャ ィュャ ャ ッfセュ N@ 00)
(b) Show lhal cvel) <qual'< ュ イゥセ@ <'An h< <xpres$ed un iquel y a!; A - iB where A.. fl are
1 (enuitian.
ReduCi: lh< quadr:uic fonn

11? - 4y: + ?z1 + 11- ll yz + 67.)( - 4xy- 2xt - GZt 10 c:monical fo•m m1d lind it< r:onk and
(a) If!(., ) is a cmliillllOil' liuw1io11 111' s セ@ ョャゥウセケァ@ f(x+y) : f{x['-f{y), for all rcul """'ben; .x. y,
lhcn p•·ove lhal f(x) = '-\1<. for nil roal nvmber• '- where A ;, u conslnnL

eセャjt・ s セ@
: I , 1-

in ns,·•nding powers of ' · by Taylor's ih«>rem. (20)

(h) llshlg the lriln!il'onlllllions
II" · ャM
'·- セ@
I' ra
. ·,-·d.Y.U,\

IJ '/ '.l
' r
over tltc ar.ut common to the ctrdl!s
:\.l ... ケセ@ m;: = 0 。ョ、セNZ@ • y.: '''' • 0

IJ)(I - > - .\ - z• I %" 1J'" zl' I ,U rJJ jセ@

over lhe ln1erior o(' lhe エ セ lョ ャ ィ ・、イ ョ@ッ bounded by the planes

"=0. y = 0. z =0. " + y - z = I.

4. (a) A Slf>igbl line AB offixc4 length moves so U1nl it$ e"1remilks A. 8 lie on two fixed stroigbt

lint'!< OP. OQ incl ined lo each olher nt au angle 10. Prove lhal U1e locus or the circum oenlfe
of AOA.B is a セ ゥイ ・@ Ia.

Finrllhe locus of U1e lines which move par:ofiel1o [he z.x-plnne and meet Ihe curve•
セMケ ] 」 Q コN ] o@

y2 = 4cz. ·' = 0
(b) 1\••o ooues with a commtul vcncx pllSS lhrouglnhc curws
y; o. l - 4ax
X 0. zZ 4by
pllllle z. = 0 Ah\cセ@
G ャQ Q セ@ them in two ccmics which intef50CI in four concyclic ーッゥョエセN@ Sb<>w 1.ha1
ve""'" lies on the surface
z' セ@ - 1 ) セ@ セ iセG セ@ •'l
a b
Find the mdH of セオイカ。エ オイ セ@ und torsion nl nuy point \)f the curve
• l • , '
x" + y ] セᄋNクMケ@ = az. (W)


5. Atlampl uny four <>f Lhe following:
(i) ..c\. n rurtounl of .X r11pl'e..'ll- is ゥョ |iセs ャA、@ :tt an ャョエZイセ N sャ@ or ォセッ@ pa- annum Compounde.d セN セッ ョエゥャ ッ ウオ ャ ケ N@
If 01e differ¢rltja( ertualiou satisfying エ ィ セ@ セ「ッキ@ is g iwn be
セ@ ; tO. Oi l k.t
and if セョ@ nrmnonl of R.I. 100 is im•oslcd ai 1 s•,. por anntutt oompoundod con1inuously. lind tho

nmonnl nl the .:nd of 5 ycarli.
( 10)

( I 0)
(tii) Suppose we are given thnl AJ nnd c; ra
ar< lensl>t" relnled through
A.' B1k, ーゥセHG@ •·.

Prow tbnt 13 (k.p) is utcusor of contruvnriUill rauk J wtd couvnrium rank I.

( 1())
(iv) Let u I>" the s peed of a pnnJdc and c the speed ot light l' or wbal v:t]uo of u lc will lb.o
rdativistic mass of a particle ・ク」セ 、@

its rest mass by a gi\on J'ract ionfl

(v) A number of pnr1icles arc proJected simultaneously from the same point with equal vclocilics
ャョ ィ セ@ ウ。 ュ セ@ vert1cal phme in dt.Cferenl directions. fiudllte locus ッエ セ エ「 」@ foci oflhe_ir paths.

( 10)
6. HセI@ Solve
HBセ ケGエャ NL⦅ ーヲャMZRエ[セN@ .... y) • I ""/' l

•. ... I-1"1 .1."\)J,()
.. • ーZセ@ <1.1-
lnle.rprel ァNZqュセ ャイゥ セ。 ゥj ケ@ the f:t._".QfS in l.h.! p•:UUL」N\j ゥウセ ᄋ イゥエオ ゥ ョ 。ョエNウ@ Of the etjWtli()n

lip 1.< = ,V (l2p'- セ セ@



7 (3) iJs<" the prlndple- of vinuaJ キッイォ セ@ to lind thC' inclin:u.i.Qn of u rod to Lh-.! horV.on1a.l, when the
rod lies In equilibrium 11 itb iL< ends on IWo smooth plan <lS inclined ut 'Ul&l"-< 30• and 60" to
PQセ@ horizllltUIL the ーャョセウ@ into!I'Sectiog in n lloriz.ont:tlline.
,, ..r R
A hollow g<L<-tiglu balloon containing h<lium. キセゥァャAs@ W kilograms when its ャ セキ\s エ@ p<ltllt
to uches tltc. groLUtd it requ ire., a Ioree of w kilt!gratns to prevent it trom rising. Shcm' thnt it
can Ooal in equilibrium n1 a height

II ''Ill. (t + w, , l.
when: R ls a certuin constant.
{h) ShmY that エィセ@ ・ ャ ・」 イ イッュ。ァョ・エ ゥ セ@ wal'< <\Jllllfiun

i ' ,,_ - J

ri'tains its Jbnn under Lore.n12 tr.mslb mltHion but not under G.dilemt tr::msfomta1 ion.
Al wbar rate is the sun losing rest mass due to its rndbtion, g iwn that

( i) lィ セ@ ettrtb receives radiant l'!ncrgy fron1 the.sun :.H ャィ・Mイ。エセ@ of l .J4 x 10 11 キセ エ ウャュ・エ イセ Z N@
( ii) the sun radiates iso rropically.
HゥNI エj Qセ@ JUI;)Illl earUHn:m septtrntion = 1.49 s 1011 ml.!tres:

(iv) c1 - 8.99 x 1016 joules/kg.
8. (a) jGイッ カセ@ tbt.! identities

(i) C url ァイ。、セ@ 0,

(ii) Oi\' curl セ N@
if OA: "' mi = •r.l. i5C :Il k form ャゥ エイ・セ@
c;ot..:nuinous c1dges of" セオ「」@ ndd s denotes th.: sud'IJt'a or the- エNャGオ「セ@ ・カ。ャ オ Hャセ@

Jll,·'- }-zj i セイ\⦅Lᄋ@ j • 2 k l n <IS

by expressing it as カッ ャ オュセ@ Integral. wheN n ill the tutll otrtll'lltd nomtnl to dS.
(b) Vrovc tltat lh" do nhlc inn<r pnJ<IuoL A"' s... of the skew symmetric ltl'L50r A"" und tho

symmetric tensor s,b vanishes idcutkally

Verify that

Is not a h.msor. but

,)A I
- •u•rJ
ilsl "'
is n tensor of oomravariaut rank ouc. and c-ovari:mt rank one. by assuming. the law of

trunsfontlalion of U1< C hristofJel symbols イ ᄋセ@

I IFS-1000


I. aョウキセイ@ auy tour pans

(u) Show that an inJinite cyolic group is isomof11hic to the additive gr<>up ofintcgors.
(b) Change the corder of inl<gration in
:to. a... •
J jセ H クLケI、N@ dy
0 ..

(c) Ex,antl the function 1\z) log (z + 2) in a powor S<!OCS tmd dctcmtin" its radius or

(d) 13y 11pplying n・キエッョ M rッーィウョュ・セQP、@ to
(l..r•= 1- -(' ,

ーイ\^カセ@ セQエ@

. 'S
l l(ll I J).\i セイ@ ,,
(e) Test the 」ッ ョ カ」 イァ」ョッセ@ of the Integral
2. Show that セ キ イケ@ finite in tegral dorunin ill a fidd.

(h ) Sho\\ thttt every llnite field is " iiald ex1•nsion <>f field of residues modulo a prime p.
(c) Test for unifonn convergence the series
• x(2'- II

, QNj| セB@
3. (a) p イッカセ@ thnt tho function

/b. y. :e ,.v- .4 y ' - rf- yl-4- セM ᄋ@

has ョ セゥ エィ ・ イ@ セQ@ mox.hnum nor a minimum ::tllh!! origin.


(b) £valuate

J•-log,• lx'+ • 1) J

by using method of イ」ウゥ 、オ セ N@

(o) l'rove th.ot エィ セ@ timet ion ttz) "' o • ;,•. where

{ t<l _ .v" I h セNAZ@ d

tlO>• 0
.- - i'
sat isfies Caucby-Riemann equatjons at セ Q・@ origin. h1rt r (0) does
4. (11) Di;line inlerpolntion, fゥ ョ、セG セ@ pol) nom ial P2 (X) wltich s;;tisli.;s
t'-11 = p •- ll= セ@
/HI = P, llJ セ@ 1
スャセ]p N エRQ]@ I
Find /{ I.S).
{b) d ゥウ」 N オウセ@ sゥュ ー ウッ ョ L oャセ セ@ M エィオ、@ n lli! ッイ ゥ ョャセァウᄋエゥoi セ@

オウセ@ i1 h> lind 1hc value of

J' ,J:t


(c) Draw u Oow chart lor finding the roots ol'tJ1o c11uatioo ax' + bx セ@ ··= 0.

S. Answer any four pariS:

(n) Solve the fo llowlnglnitinl \•oluo problem
(,y + z-)t, - )':- -=A-J
.· ;- 1 --.. t セ ッ@ the i..aittnl cu エカセNZ@ C
xc t, y: t,-••< T <w

(l>) A lNセァイ。ョゥuj
Le 2
\UL ,.
@ for" porticuliu· physical sy•t"'ll cnn be wrineo

2b.9 •l:')''f
-!!K (<rr' -
セ「Nイケ@ + rr'
. ,

wh!?r..t a., b a:nd c オ イ セ@ :u-bilr.try con:i:tnnr.s but subject to the condition that b1.. uc- ;t d セ@ Obcaln tha
equntions of motion

(o) l. <l X :uul Y he two random varioblos talting lhr.:<: vulues-1. 0. 1 baving lィセ@ following joilll
prolmbilily dislributiol!

_ _Ci 11.2_ _N⦅LオセMG オセ@ I -Y.JL

l n nl_ _ u!_ ョセG@

f(ltnl IJ2 1 l.l1



(i) fino 8(X), B()") and E(XY). Arc X nod \ independent'?

(ii) Dot·iw conditional probability distribution of X セ エ vqョ@ セッ。エ@ Y II.

((() Two companies A and B are 」ッュー\Nセゥァ@ for lhc same prodtwt. Their d iJTcrcnl セ エイ。ャ」 ァゥ」ウ@ arc
gtvcn iJltbe.'foUowlng pay oil' mntrix:

L I)Jll_fl.f!O)' A A,
Using linea.rprognumniug セ ャイッエ ィ ・イキゥウ」@ delcrmh\c- ィ エ 「セ@ セエ@ slr::uegil$ for the company B_
(e) Give the <UTang<.ment or ""<rces and ウゥ ョセ @ thou II m giv" ris< 10 tho timet ion (comple.'<

W= lu;tl•<J
7 ャA ヲセ@
Draw a rough $ketch of stream line.; and prove lh•t two of Ihem subdivide into the clrole r = u
and the 。セ、 ウ@ ofy.
(u) d\エ・イュゥョセ@ tho oomplete lntegrul oftbo equation

Zセ@ ::. -(Zセ@ j' II Zセ@ ·I Zセ@ I' l Zセ N@ i


ャ ケセ@ 'l:::J]

{ll) Sol\>e the following partial 、ゥエヲ」イセョ ャ@ cqumion

セ@ • . if': Mセ_ZN M セ@ -2ik dl

4.- "' ay ,.,. cts ltf
HセI@ Fur ;I cerurin m;lgs pulley system the ォ ゥョセ エ ゥ」@ energy Tis given by
tセ GBAZ ュ Q HLイM

j f-tm,<y- j" 1tl·•· 1AMj:·to \1!'i'rj r

Write down the Ltgrang• 's オセア ョエゥッ@ of motion corr.?Sponding to y imd v1 :Uid sbo" th:ot
y" セ@ f .WD1:' )tll- v,,) + 8

Rjl -I ' j = f'J.I
A. It'- I c セ@ tU , - lfiJt_
ml I m ! ... セイ N@ n= m Miャ セ@ .a.

1, (ti)
and y0 is the value of y wbenlhe spring is unstretchot,l.
J1 ind tltc moment of inertia of a solid crroular cone of' bcighr b and wrucal uuglc 2u. about a
Line thro11gh the ,·errex paral lel to !be base
(h) The rtgi.on 0 セ@ 7. $ h between the planes セ@ - 0. 1 - h is f1ll<d with loMlmpr.:ssible viscous
Ould. 'lltc plnnc 7. セ@ 0 is held nt rest nttd the plane z = h moves Woth constant ,·docily V1. lt is
required to determine the nulurc of the llow when condition• nrc steady. a:;suming there is no
slip lx:twoeu dtc fltud and セゥ エ 「・イッオ、 キ MカN@ uoglcctmg body forces.

(c) If x セ@ 4) • 5 nml )' - kx • 4 are the regress ton line.s or" on y and or yon セ@ r<spectil'ely. then
show that 0 !> 4k :s;l

u· k = .2... find th" means of.\.Wtd v :utd the cooflicient of corrdation between dtctn.

8. (a) L•t fXtl be a sc\エ ャエ セョ」Gc@ of ゥョ、」ェnセ エ@ :md identically 、ゥセGャイ 「 オ エ 」\ャ@ イオョ、ッュカ。ゥ「ォセ@ such 'that
EXk = 0 and o _,. - o < ""· then show that w;

Bセ@ ... Ji,(x.)t" セB@ 1o. 1)

in probnhHiry.

n>) A toy company mnnulitcrures two typ<l> of doll doll type A and doll type B. E;tdl doll typ< or
B tak<s tWit'e as long ro produo< as one of type.-\ and Ole company could have thn• to nutke

u ュセクゥイョオ@ ofl!(KI dulls oflypc A per day. 11le Stlf)ply of plastic is suffic1cnl to produce 600
dolls per 、。セ@ ol' hoth エケーセウ@ ·ntatype H dollt'"l"ire• a f:'lft<'Y dr.s.• of"hidt 11tere1tr< nnly 200
3Viti labl• per dlty. If the "unpany ru:okes • pr<>ftt of Rs. 20 ond Rs. 30 per doll on type A ond
B respectively, then how many of セQ」「@ doll should b..:- ーイoHiオセッZMNA、@ per tlJty 111 ul'dt!r to nJtt..ximisc
lb< tQiaJ profi\'1
(c) A ·company h•L"i 3 warthoustJs nnd J storc:.s. Ihe ..:mtt c)f shipping P Q Qセ@ unit from キ。セィオウ・@ ito
store j is given '" セ エ・@ ャ「 u ッキゥョセ@ table:
8of 8
Tu storej
J 2 セ@

0 2 0
F'roo1 キセMイ・ ィッ オAゥc@ • 2
a I 1
Tf the 1'\0quiremenl< <Jf the thre.: $lUre$ <lrc 70, 50. 30 イ\セ j ャcゥ ゥ カ、ケ@ nnd Ihe qu:mtiti"" nvnilablc
at the warehouses are 70, 30. 50 respectively. then lind the minimum cost solution.


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