Quiz TedTalk

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1. a. What is the minimum length of a TEDx talk?}

5 minutes
b. …the maximum length?
18 minutes
2. What is the subject of a TEDx talk?
Well-formed idea
3. There are 7 types of talks, name 3 of them:
Talk demo, small idea, performance
4. What supports the conclusion of a TEDx talk?
Facts and Examples, and why are importans
5. What are the essential parts of a TEDx talk?
Give a theme a quickly as possible but clear something that impact the people
6. What are the steps involved in creating a TEDx talk?
7. Give an example of how a TEDx can be structured?
Introduction, body, conclusion
8. What are 3 things that should be avoided in a TEDx talk?
 No selling form stage
 No political agendas
 No religious proselytizing (including new age beliefs)
9. What kind of language should be used in a TEDx talk?
Present tense take care the verbs that we used.
10. What is the most important rule for slides?
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