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45 AM--30th June19

2-A--sender is the only person
3-B-management maY bew distributed
4-A-Operation system
5-A--security value to forefront
6-B-SDLC-software Dev
7-D-Denial of service
8-C-Individual accountability
9-A-prohibition on using corp assets
10-C-test data method
11-C-orderly processing of change req
13-A-amplifyin network
14-A-Value off the information
15-A-system permissions
16-D-Conducting BIA
17-A-disturbance of invisible light beams
19-B-authentication,authorization,accesss control
20-A-Process by privileged entity
22-C-Patch panels
23-B-Emergency services
24-A-network routing data
26-B-sustai the org
27-D-block all outbouund

28-C-all units inputs


30-C-call forwarding

31-B-time and date stamps

32-D-fiber optic

33-D-- DES

34--A-physical,electronic and wireless


36-D-dual homed host

37-B-Ping of death

38-D-employexploit proc or code

39-C-strong auth policy

40-A-Authentication and control service

41-C-decreasign focal lemngth

42-D-remove from netwrok

43-C-audit logs--10-46--time

44-B-Security kernel

45-B-integrity adn detailed testing

46-B-message integrity

47-C-interrupting normal operations -risk

48-A-filtering with spam blocker

49-C-restrics user to only aq subset

50--C-difficult in isolating the problem

51-B-dest address is not hidden

52-B-save and report to management

53-D-safety society,commonwealth and infra

54-C-class C

55-C-Deny all access

56-C-files sec level less than or equal to user


58-B-insight to critical business procs

59-C-businees senior mgmt

60-A-access control

61-C-computing not available whne needed

62-A-reduce the overall risk

63-B-authorized,recorded and correctness

64-A-maquerading ,submission

65-A-man in the middle

66-D-establishing point to connnection



69-Disconnect while under attack

70-C-netwrok and transport

71-B-remnove privileges and comp account


73-A-privacy can't expected once sent

74-A-mandatory and across org


76-C-capabilitieas and privileges

77-C-people processes and technology


79-D-bit level copy


81-A-explore vulne in server apps

82-C-added func softwaqre validation

83-D-worm attacks

84-D-reverse engg

85-B-image nackup of harddrive

86-D-digital sig

87-D-module testing


89-C-make unauthporized charges

90-B-content encryprion

91-A-exposure factor

92-B-all IT staff

93-D-access controls and encryption

94-A-overwriting magnetic media

95--social engg

96-C-strong auth a nd encryption

97-A-OS clock

98-B-examine policies and controls established

99-A-stopping auth users performing illegal act

100-D-encrytion and multi factor auth--

--just one min before 11.45 which is 2 hours-- first 50 questions I took more
time than one hour--11.44 AM

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